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Here's the first of this month's October themed stories. To kick us off, we have the story of Matty, who grudgingly attends a costume party in a superhero spandex onesie that doesn't fit like it did when he wore it at college . . . Let me know what you guys think in the comments or via message :)

Matty Whitton wasn’t sure he could be bothered to get out of bed all weekend, let alone go to the Halloween party with some of his old college buddies. Ever since he’d left college and started working, Matty had spent those two years enjoying just three things: sleep, gaming, and food! He knew he needed to make more of an effort with his buddies, but work drained him, and he was much happier just slobbing around his house on the weekend.

However, he’d promised the guys that he would go to this Halloween party, and it wasn’t like it would take much effort. The party was at a house a few blocks from his, and he had a superhero costume from his senior year in college that he’d wear.

Grudgingly, Matty rolled himself off of the sofa and headed upstairs to shower and change. He knew he was running a little late, but that wouldn’t be an issue at a house party.

After his shower, Matty dried off before checking himself out in the mirror. He guessed he should probably think about heading back to the gym. In fact, he couldn’t really remember the last time he’d gone. He was still handsome, even if his face was a little fuller than it had been. He had a trimmed brown beard and short brown hair. His shoulders and arms still held a little muscle, but they were definitely thicker than they once had been, as was his beefy chest and his stomach. He had thick, furry thighs and a meaty bubble butt that was dusted with hair.

Matty rifled in his closet until he found the dusty box of college stuff that he’d never even bothered to unpack before. He pulled it out and rifled through it until he found the Spiderman costume. It was a onesie made of thick spandex that zipped up the back with a separate head piece.

“Let’s hope this still fits,” Matty chuckled as he gave the material a stretch.

Matty pulled on a pair of boxer briefs and sat down on the bed to put his feet into the suit before slowly rolling it up and over his legs. The suit was certainly tighter than he remembered, but it fit over his thighs and his ass, but it was definitely a struggle to get his arms in stretch it over his stomach and shoulders.

There was one very big problem though.

Where the material was stretched so much, you could easily see his boxer briefs. So much so that they looked silly and completely ruined the suit.

Unfortunately, Matty didn’t have anything skimpier. He only wore boxer briefs, unless . . .

With a sigh, Matty wrestled the costume off before yanking his boxer briefs down and kicking them off. He pulled the suit back on, struggling again to get it over his shoulders.

“Fuck this is tight,” he grunted as he twisted around trying to yank on the chord attached to the zipper up the back.

Once the zipper was done up, Matty tucked the chord into the back of the costume before checking himself in the mirror.

The costume was definitely too tight, highlighting his stomach and his butt so they looked extra round. But his pecs and bulge looked pretty impressive.

“I guess this’ll do,” he said with a shrug before grabbing the mask and his phone and heading downstairs.

It was a cool evening as Matty walked the couple of blocks over to the Halloween party. He was very conscious of being commando in the thin costume as he walked, not to mention the feeling of it riding up his crack with every step.

“Hey buddy, long time no see,” Adam, one of Matty’s college buddies, said as he opened the door to the house.

“Hey man,” Matty said with a shy wave, the mask still in his hand.

“Is that the same costume from senior year?”

Matty blushed a little. “Uh yeah. I guess it is.”

Adam raised his eyebrows. “It’s a little snug now, huh?”

Adam laughed as Matty blushed further, before being ushered into the party.

The open plan living and dining space was filled with people drinking and talking, the music booming around them. Pumpkins and skeletons adorned the space, along with orange and black streamers.

“Look who I found,” Adam yelled over the music to a couple of guys who were dressed as Gomez Addams and Uncle Fester.

“Hey guys,” Adam said with a little wave, feeling a bit guilty that he hadn’t seen Dan or Ash for so long.

“Woah dude! Spidey gained some weight,” Ash said with a chuckle.

Matty suddenly felt so self-conscious. He knew the costume was snug but didn’t expect his college buddies to be so honest about the fact.

“Let’s get some drinks,” Dan said, heading for the kitchen.

After a couple of hours, Matty had all but forgotten about how tight his costume was. He’d had more beers than he could count, he’d managed to catch up and have a laugh with his college buddies, and he was actually having a great time.

As the evening progressed, the living room had turned into something of a dancefloor, and Ash quickly ushered the four of them onto it.

“We never dance,” Adam yelled over the music.

“We do now,” Ash said with a shrug before taking a swig of his beer.

Matty was having the time of his life, dancing like an idiot and gyrating along to the music with his friends.

Unfortunately, Matty was having such a good time that he hadn’t noticed that his costume could no longer take the strain, and the zipper at the base of his back had split open and was slowly unravelling with each thrust of his hips.

Adam was the first to notice and quickly elbowed Dan in the ribs to point out that Matty’s back was on show.

However, as the music sped up and Matty bounced along, the costume started to unravel down the rear seam exposing the top of his furry crack.

“Dude, he’s not wearing any undies,” Dan hissed in Adam’s ear.

“This is gonna be hysterical,” Adam whispered back.

As Matty chugged his beer and kept dancing, the rip along the rear seam continued to spread until he dropped into a slut drop and the costume gave up completely, ripping straight through the crotch seam and up through the front.

Matty’s ample cut cock and balls sprang free from their spandex prison and slapped against his thigh, whilst his furry cheeks spread and exposed his pink hole at the rear.

People in their vicinity immediately noticed the show, breaking out into laughter and stopping dancing to watch Matty as he jumped up and clapped his hands over his cock, letting his beer bottle smash on the floor at his feet.

“Oh my god,” Matty whimpered, shocked that he was practically naked in the middle of a party.

Wanting to escape their eyes and the laughter, Matty stepped forward to run away, but his costumed foot slipped in the puddle of beer at his feet and he stumbled forwards, landing on his stomach, his bare ass exposed to the room around him.

“Let’s give him a hand,” Adam yelled with a mischievous grin, before bending down and grabbing the side of Matty’s costume. He grabbed a handful of the material and pulled, pleased to see it rip away from Matty’s body like tissue paper.

Dan joined in on the other side and within seconds, Matty was lying on the floor surrounded by laughing party guests and Halloween decorations, completely and utterly butt naked.

To make matters worse, Matty’s cock was starting to harden beneath him as it rubbed against the wet floor.

Not wanting to embarrass himself further, Matty scrambled to his feet and pushed his way through the party, trying to ignore the laughter, the cheers, and the slaps on his butt.

Once he made it outside, his cock was leaking precum and he was panting for breath.

“Fuck,” he whispered, unsure what to do.

“Great show, Matty,” Adam said with a chuckle as he appeared behind him, giving Matty another slap on his ample ass.

“Oh no,” Matty cried as he felt his balls tighten, followed immediately by the first of many ropes of cum that shot from his cock and painted the pavement.

Adam howled with laughter as Matty stroked out the last of his orgasm.

“Now that’s how you end a party,” Adam wheezed.

Blushing so hard that he wondered if he’d ever stop, Matty made a run for it, and had to streak all the way back to his house, vowing to never wear a superhero costume again!


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