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This is third instalment in the Suit-ably series and follows James as he tries to navigate his first suited office role. I hope you guys enjoy this one. 

After spending ten years working in an office where jeans was overdressing, I was still taking my time getting used to wearing suits every day. Don’t get me wrong – I loved suits. Unfortunately, I loved them a little too much and being surrounded by several sexy men in tight tailored suits was a little much for me to bear.

The office was huge and had over 300 employees. I’d gone from being a big fish in a small pond to being an amoeba in the ocean.

My name was James Weller and as I looked in the bathroom mirror, I wasn’t afraid to admit that I was a good looking chap; tall, broad shoulders, clear signs of regular workouts, styled blonde hair and dark blue eyes. I turned around and gazed over my shoulder at my best feature – my plump bubble butt that was practically trying to burst out of my tight black pinstripe suit trousers.

Shaking my head to clear the arousal that often came with staring at my own backside, I finished drying my hands and headed back in to the office.

‘Have you finished that report for me, James?’

I looked up at my boss – a man of 29 with the build of a rugby player – who just didn’t look like the office type. He was only two years older than me, but the air of confidence and authority he carried made him seem older.

‘I’m just going to finish it now,’ I said.

He handed me a stack of files and smiled at me. ‘You can sort through these when you’re through.’

I nodded. ‘Happy to, Karl.’

Karl smiled at me again and I dropped one of the files, quickly bending over to retrieve it.

‘You better be careful, James. Trousers that tight don’t hold up well to bending over. Wouldn’t want you to embarrass yourself in front of your new colleagues.’

I blushed as I stood up. ‘Absolutely not.’

‘Get on with that report then,’ he said and walked away, giving me a glimpse of his big sexy arse in his grey trousers.

I walked back to my desk and threw myself down in my chair, before continuing with my report. As soon as I finished it, I busied myself sorting the files that Karl had given me.

‘It’s nearly six and it’s Friday,’ Karl said as he walked over to my desk, his tie vanished and his white shirt open at the collar. ‘I thought you’d have gone by now.’

‘I wanted to get these files finished for you before I left.’

Karl gave me that big sparkly grin I was becoming so fond of. ‘You’re going to do well here.’

‘Thanks, Karl. I really want to do well and fit in. You seem like a really close team.’

Karl nodded. ‘We are close and have all worked together for a while now. As long as you don’t give them any reason to turn against you, you’ll be one of us in no time.’

I said goodnight to Karl and then as soon as I finished the files, I headed home for a weekend of various dinners and catch ups with friends.


On Monday morning, I got out of bed feeling like I’d gained a stone in weight in just two days. I’d had a really gluttonous weekend with various sets of friends and eaten far too much. I was also running a little late and got dressed at super speed before racing into the office.

Karl said “good morning” as I walked in just as the clock hit 9am. He told me he’d left a load of paperwork on my desk that needed copying and binding ready for a meeting the following day.

I headed over to my desk, dropped my bag beside it and happily dropped down in to my seat only to hear a small popping sound. I immediately sat up and after checking no one was watching me, I looked down at my crotch to make sure I hadn’t split my trousers.

The black pinstripe material was tight against my bulge and thighs, but they were perfectly intact. I breathed a sigh of relief and started to sort the stack of paperwork on my desk.


Just after 12, the majority of my side of the office got up to go out for their normal Monday lunch. The only ones left were me and Karl, who was on a conference call in his office. The rest of them had invited me, but I’d been a bit slow during the morning and wanted to make up for my lack of productivity by working through lunch.

‘Can I borrow you a second, James?’ Karl called across the office.

I got up from my seat and walked quickly to his office, readjusting my sky blue tie as I walked.

‘Could you give me a hand with some of these files? I need to take them all over to the vaults.’

The vaults was the name for the line of filing cabinets along the far side of the office.

‘Sure,’ I said with a smile and Karl handed me one of two stacks of foot high piles on his desk.

Karl picked up the other and led the way to the vaults. As we walked, I couldn’t help but stare at his navy blue suit trousers and the way they clung so perfectly to his big butt.

Karl placed his pile on the top of one of the filing cabinets and I did the same with mine.

‘I’ll be glad when we’ve gone paperless,’ he said with a sigh.

‘Do you want me to file these?’ I asked.

‘No, I’ll clear these away,’ he said reaching for the top of the pile.

Karl grabbed the top of the stack and pulled them down, only to send one flying on to the floor a few feet from us.

‘Can you grab that for me?’ he said as he pulled open the top drawer of the cabinet.

I stepped towards the fallen folder and bent over to retrieve it, but as soon as I did, a loud rip echoed around us and I felt the seat of my trousers suddenly loosen.

‘Oh no,’ I whispered as I jumped up, the fallen folder forgotten as my hands clamped on to my bubble butt.

‘I warned you about wearing tight trousers,’ Karl said with a stern look. ‘Let’s see the damage.’

I shook my head. ‘I just need to drive home and change. Can I take a long lunch?’

Karl laughed and it wasn’t a pleasant sound. ‘You’ve been here for two weeks and you’re asking for lunch break extensions over something I specifically warned you about?’

‘I know and I’m sorry, but I can’t stay in the office with my trousers like this.’

‘Turn around,’ Karl said and the look on his face was enough to make me turn around and move my hands.

‘Oh dearie me,’ he said with a sigh. ‘Your trousers are ripped from waistband to crotch, right along the rear seam. This arse of yours is far too big for these trousers.’

Karl slapped my arse for emphasis and I felt a throb in my crotch.

‘I also don’t think that underwear is appropriate for the office.’

I felt my face go beet red as I remembered the snug fitting union jack flag silk boxers I was wearing.

‘Please may I go home and change?’ I begged.

Karl looked pensive for a moment before smiling at me. ‘You may go home early for the day, but first you need to be taught a lesson!’

‘What do you mean?’

‘I gave you a specific instruction and you ignored it. I told you to be careful wearing tight suit trousers and you chose to ignore me. You have brought this on yourself because you chose not to heed my advice.’

‘I know and I’m sorry. I’ll buy some looser trousers.’

Karl sighed. ‘I’m afraid that’s not good enough. You will need to submit to some form of punishment to pay for not listening to your line manager.’

I suddenly felt like I was being cornered into a trap. ‘But, Karl, I know I didn’t listen to your advice, but surely this is punishment enough?’

Karl shook his head. ‘If you want me to keep this little incident to myself, then you will do as you’re told.’

I was desperate to keep a good reputation with my new colleagues and this sort of embarrassment would be too humiliating to be teased about.

‘What is my punishment?’

‘You will follow me to my office and I will spank you.’

‘Spank me?’ I asked with a nervous laugh.

‘Either that or I tell everyone that your fat arse split your trousers and I saw your silky drawers?’

‘Okay, okay, but it won’t hurt will it?’

Karl looked me up and down the same way I’d looked at his arse. This wasn’t punishment. This was lust.

‘It won’t hurt a bit.’

I gulped and followed him to his office, clutching my hands to my trousers to try and hide my exposed boxer shorts.

Karl closed his “always open” door and closed the small space between us.

‘Bend over my desk, please.’

I nodded weakly and leaned over his desk.

‘Lean further forward and spread your legs a little more,’ he instructed and I did as I was told.

It felt strange leaning over a desk with my arse up in the air. Part of me was intrigued to know what it would feel like to be spanked, but the other part of me was terrified.

Adrenaline raced through my body as I waited for him to touch me and when I did, it wasn’t what I expected at all.

Karl placed his hand on my bubble butt and gently rubbed first my left cheek and then my right. He tugged the trouser material together over the rip and then he slammed his hand down on to my right cheek.

The movement made me buck up from the table, but Karl silently pushed one hand down on my lower back as he slid my blue shirt up.

Karl was merciless as his hand beat down over and over and over.


I could barely breathe as I beat every inch of my throbbing cheeks.

‘These are ruined anyway and they’re in my way,’ he said.

I only had a moment to consider his words before he gripped the two flaps of material hanging open on my trousers. With a grunt, he tore them open further until he hit the side seams and then he tugged down and tore away the back of my trousers.

‘What are you doing?’ I yelped as I tried to pull away from the desk.

‘Stay still,’ he ordered and his hand resumed its position on my lower back.

Karl used his other hand to gently rub my warm backside through the silk of my boxer shorts. The combination of his hand and the movement of the soft silk made my cock spring to life. Without even realising it, I started moaning with pleasure.

‘You aren’t supposed to be enjoying this,’ he growled and then immediately resumed the spanking.

My entire butt felt like it was on fire as his hand slammed on to my cheeks.

‘Please stop,’ I said when I could take no more.

Karl’s hand stilled and I breathed a sigh of relief. He resumed gently rubbing my arse through the silk and my erection – which hadn’t gone away – throbbed against the front of my boxers.

‘Stand up,’ he instructed and I did so, rubbing my cheeks as I turned around.

‘Well, well, well,’ he said when I saw my hard cock straining against a damp patch on my trousers that only existed at the front.

‘Oh no,’ I practically sobbed, covering it quickly with my hands.

Karl stepped forward and undid the button and fly on my trousers. They quickly fell to the floor and as they passed my crotch, my cock sprung free from the button-less fly on my silk boxers.

A sticky damp patch covered the front of my union jack boxer shorts and my face reddened with embarrassment.

‘It looks like your punishment wasn’t really punishment.’

It was then that I noticed the tent in Karl’s trousers and feeling brave, I stepped closer to him and grabbed the bulge in my hand.

‘You enjoyed it too,’ I said with a shy grin.

Karl pushed me away from him. ‘Never touch me like that again.’

‘I’m sorry, but you did enjoy it and you did this because you wanted to, not to punish me. No one punishes someone for not following their advice.’

Karl rubbed his eyes for a moment. ‘You may have a point, but I didn’t give you permission to touch me.’

He picked up the tattered remains of my suit trousers and tossed them into his bin.

‘You can go home now,’ he said.

‘But, I can’t go like this. What if someone sees me in my boxers?’

‘I’d be more concerned about your cock,’ he said, pointing to my crotch where my throbbing penis was still hanging out of the fly.

With somewhat of a struggle, I wrestled it back into my silk boxers, my hand getting wet from the damp patch.

‘Maybe we should take care of that before you leave?’ Karl said with a smile.

I looked confused even when he closed the distance between us and wrapped his hand around my silk clad cock.

I groaned in pleasure as his hand moved back and forth, his thumb occasionally rubbing the head as he yanked my cock back out of my boxers.

‘Oh I’m going to cum,’ I cried. ‘Oh my god!’

Karl increased the speed and the pressure and my hips bucked in rhythm with his hand.

‘Karl, I’m going to cum. Slow down please.’

Karl ignored me and kept going and then I shot my load over and over, my cock twitching with an overload of pleasure.

Karl walked away from me and wiped his hand on a small towel from one of his drawers.

‘I’ll go now,’ I said, my voice breathless.

‘Before you do, you can clear this up.’

I looked at Karl and he pointed at his immaculately polished black dress shoes that were covered in drops of my cum.

‘Do you have a tissue?’ I asked.

‘Use your tongue.’

I opened my mouth to argue, but the look on his face made me rethink. I dropped to my knees and bent forward, the silk irritating my sore buttocks.

I had never licked a shoe in my life, but there was something almost erotic about it as I ran my tongue over the leather.

‘You may now go home,’ he said when I was done.

I stood up and saw the bulge in his trousers, but I decided to keep my hands to myself. Without another word, I left Karl’s office and ran for my desk. I grabbed my keys, wallet and phone and ran to the lifts.

I jumped inside as soon as one arrived and relaxed slightly when I heard voices walking past just as the doors closed.

As soon as I arrived in the basement, I opened the heavy security door and poked my head out to make sure that no one was around. I took a tentative step on to the tarmac and the door closed right against my bubble butt, reminding me of the spanking Karl had given me.

I couldn’t hear either voices or an engine, so I stepped away to run to my car, but I was stuck. I looked behind me to see that my silk boxers were caught in the security door where it had closed and it was then that I realised that I’d left my security card on my desk.

Suddenly, there was the rumble of an engine and in a panic, I ran forward, shredding my silk boxers and leaving them hanging in the door. I got to my car just as another drove past and I was relieved that my naked lower body was shielded.

When I got home that night, I received an email from Karl.

I found a pair of shredded union jack silk boxers this afternoon. I also found your security pass left on your desk. That is a security breach. We will discuss this tomorrow.

I don’t know why, but I had a feeling that I was in for another punishment and after the orgasm I’d had in Karl’s office, I couldn’t help but look forward to my next day at work.


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