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I'm excited to share the fifth and final instalment of College Ben. I can't wait to hear what you guys think of this one, but just so no one worries . . . Ben will be back in a new series early next year! If you've got any ideas of what you'd like to happen to clumsy Ben, let me know in the comments or via message :)

Unfortunately for Ben, him and Grant never did manage to get somewhere private.

After they’d left the tailors, they’d walked outside and bumped into Alex and one of his buddies, who’d insisted on dragging them to lunch.

Ben had spent most of lunch sat there with his cock throbbing in his too tight briefs, and it hadn’t been helped by Grant giving him flirty suggestive glances and touches at every opportunity.

By the time they’d escaped lunch, Ben had had to leave for a lecture, and he was starting to think his cock would burst, given his insane level of arousal.

Grant had given him a quick, sneaky kiss goodbye as soon as Alex and his buddy had disappeared around the corner, but that had done nothing to calm Ben down.

Ben hadn’t taken in a word that his professor had said during the lecture. All of his attention was on his cock, and Grant, and Grant’s kisses, and Grant’s hands on his ass, and Grant’s fist wrapped around his cock.

By the time Ben had got back to his dorm room, his briefs were soaked, and it had taken him only a matter of seconds to jerk off and shoot his load all over himself. He was surprised he’d even needed to jerk off.

Feeling sated, Ben had hit the showers, but in his post orgasm haze, his thoughts switched to a different element of Grant. Did he really like Ben? How could he? Ben was good looking sure, but he was clumsy, and chunky, and furry. Ben had never imagined that that would attract some hot twunk like Grant. But maybe that’s because the whole thing was just another prank? Yes, it would be an elaborate one, but it wouldn’t be the first time Grant had tricked him.

Deciding to try and maintain his sanity, Ben decided to try and stay away from Grant until the gala. He needed to keep his head clear and ensure that he wasn’t getting tricked into some exposing scenario again. As much as that idea did make Ben’s dick twitch, he didn’t want to risk being naked and hard in front of random strangers again.


Grant had suggested that they get ready together at his dorm for the gala, but Ben didn’t want to risk being distracted by Grant, and his magical hands and mouth. So, Ben had made up an excuse and asked if he could meet Grant at the venue. Ben could change in one of the restrooms and then he’d be able to inspect the outfit to ensure it wasn’t dodgy.

“Hey stranger,” Grant said with a big grin as Ben walked into the glass and marble atrium of some swanky hotel on the outskirts of the city.

Ben blushed slightly at the sight of Grant looking incredibly sexy in a tight-fitting tux. “Hey, have you got my tux?”

“I guess we’re not kissing hello then. That’s cool,” Grant said with a slight frown. “Here’s the tux. You’ve got shoes, and there’s undies in the zip pocket at the front of the bag. Do you want me to help you get changed?”

“No,” Ben practically yelled as he took the bag from Grant. “I mean . . . I’m good thanks. I’ll just go and . . .”

Ignoring the confused look on Grant’s face, Ben dashed into the restroom and locked the door behind him.

Ben placed the bag down on the counter as he toed off his sneakers and unbuttoned his jeans. He was still wearing the jeans that Grant had brought him after the seven minutes of heaven incident. Despite them not being his, Ben had somewhat claimed them as his own.

After stripping down until he was butt naked, Ben couldn’t stop himself from inspecting his body in the mirror. His furry pecs looked slightly bigger than normal, and his furry stomach was its usual thick self. His bubble butt was dusted with hair and his muscular thighs looked bulkier than they had been over summer break.

Could it be possible that Grant really found him attractive? As much as he wasn’t stereotypically hot, he did have a pretty masculine frame with his broad shoulders and the muscle tone in his arms and legs. His butt was chunkier than most guys and he did have a gut, but that wasn’t unattractive to Ben as he appraised his appearance.

Realising that his self-praise was giving him a semi, Ben shook his head and grabbed the garment bag. He unzipped the front pouch and as Grant had said, he found a pair of sheer OTC socks and a pair of silky red briefs.

Ben held the briefs out in front of him. They looked like they’d be his size, but he was surprised at how flimsy the material was. Maybe this is what Kyle had meant when he’d talked about undies that wouldn’t show a line.

Not wanting to waste time, Ben stepped into the red briefs and pulled up the slinky material. They just covered his ample bubble butt, but the waistband dipped at the front. The thin material felt like he wasn’t even wearing anything, and he blushed seeing the way that the tiny briefs accentuated his meaty bulge and his meatier butt.

Ben pulled on the OTC socks before opening up the garment bag and pulling on the shirt. It was a little smaller than the one in the store, but he could get the buttons done up without too much trouble and he was relieved that the bowtie was easier to tie than he remembered.

With a sigh of trepidation, Ben grabbed the tux pants and stepped into them. He was haunted by the memory of pulling on the pants in the tailors, but this pair came on fairly easily. They were snug on his butt and form fitting on his thighs, but he managed to button and zip them without too much issue.

Feeling a little paranoid, Ben took the time to inspect all of the seams on the shirt and the pants. He couldn’t find any loose stitches, or Velcro, or trick seams, which made him wonder whether he was being unfair to Grant.

“Are you nearly done?” Grant called through the door.

“Just a sec,” Ben called as he grabbed the shiny patent dress shoes and pushed his feet into them. They were a little looser than normal with the sheer socks, but he bent over to lace them and was relieved not to hear any rips or pops from his pants.

After putting on the black satin cummerbund and his tux jacket, Ben checked himself out in the mirror. There was a little sweat on his forehead, but he had to admit . . . he looked pretty damn good. The jacket accentuated his broad shoulders and the tux pants fit him snugly enough to make him look thick and muscular, rather than a chubby guy wearing clothes that were too tight.

Throwing his own clothes into the garment bag, Ben opened the door.

“Fuck!’ Grant gasped at the sight of Ben in his tux. “You look . . . I mean you’re . . . wow.”

Ben blushed. “That’s good right?”

Grant closed the distance between them and give Ben a firm, soft kiss. “Perfect actually. You look incredible.”

“Thanks. You look pretty perfect yourself.”

Grant seemed to light up with the compliment, and he grabbed the bag from Ben and led him over to the reception desk.

“Can I leave this behind here until later please?”

“Sure thing,” the receptionist said with a smile. “You guys have a fun night.”

A number of formally dressed people in evening suits and dresses were wandering through the atrium towards a set of double doors.

“Are you ready?” Grant asked.

Ben took a deep breath, praying that this whole evening wasn’t too good to be true. “Yeah.”


Despite being a little too warm, Ben was enjoying himself as he and Grant stood sipping sparkling wine out of champagne flutes. Grant was funny, and they were in a middle of a discussion about their favourite anime when they were interrupted.

“What the hell are you doing here, Camp Leader Ben?”

Ben turned around to find Matt and a stunning redhead, who Matt quickly introduced as his girlfriend, Georgia.

“Ben’s with me,” Grant said. “I invited him.”

Matt frowned for a moment, before he had a look of realisation and then grinned. “Oh, so tonight’s a Camp Leader prank night huh? I wish you’d told me.”

“Wait! What?” Ben exclaimed, a feeling of dread settling into his stomach. “That’s not . . .”

‘Yeah, it’s been a while,” Grant said with a forced laugh.

Ben didn’t wait around to hear anymore and headed out through the glass doors to the gardens. There were several people milling around drinking and chatting as they enjoyed the cooler evening air.

“Ben, wait!”

Grant grabbed his elbow and spun Ben around. “Matt’s a dick. I just haven’t told him about us being . . . well . . . this. And I didn’t know what to say on the spot, so I just let him believe we were pranking you, but I promise you we aren’t.”

Unsure of how much he even trusted Grant, Ben just stayed quiet, but Grant grabbed his free hand and squeezed it.

“Please believe me. I have no intentions towards you tonight other than to have fun, and maybe get you out of the that tux somewhere private later. Please can we go back to having a nice evening?”

Ben still wasn’t sure, but Grant certainly looked sincere, so he shyly nodded.

With a sigh of relief, Grant led him back inside and they made their way through to the dining room.


Dinner was decadent and delicious, and after a couple more glasses of wine, Ben was feeling so much more comfortable. At least, comfortable in Grant’s company. The shirt and pants were feeling a little less comfortable after all the food and wine, not to mention the satin cummerbund that was digging into this waist.

“That meal was incredible,” Grant said with a satisfied grin as he finished his dessert.

“Sure was,” Ben said, patting his stomach. “When do you get your award?”

Grant shrugged. “Should be soon, I think. Dinner, awards, and then dancing.”

Ben couldn’t stop staring at Grant’s lips. He wasn’t sure if it was the wine, or how much fun he was having with Grant, but Ben was desperate to kiss him. He knew that that wouldn’t be appropriate in the middle of the dining room, but he couldn’t wait to get Grant alone later.

Deciding to show Grant how he felt, Ben leaned forward in his seat to put his hand on Grant’s thigh. But as he shifted forward, there was a pop and one of his shirt buttons shot across the table, narrowly missing the hand of a woman sat opposite them.

Ben blushed as he looked down at the sliver of furry skin that was now on show.

Grant’s eyes lit up at the sight and he leaned forward to touch the exposed fur. “Fuck,” he whispered in an almost reverence.

Ben pushed his hand away and tried to pull his shirt closer together. “I can’t believe this. Is it really obvious?”

“You’re really sexy when you blush,” Grant said with a chuckle. “No one will notice, honestly.”

Before Ben could panic about his missing button any further, a man took to the stage to announce the scholarship awards.

“Please don’t pop or rip anything else,” Grant whispered, his lips on Ben’s earlobe. “I can’t go up there with a hard on.”

Ben gulped, his own dick starting to harden at the idea of Grant getting off on his exposure.

Trying to desperately think of anything else, Ben focused on the speaker as he talked about the importance of the scholarship. Matt was called up first, followed by a blond girl, a cute Indian guy called Rav, and then finally Grant.

Grant practically ran up to the stage like an excited puppy and Ben couldn’t stop himself grinning as Grant accepted his award and returned to his seat, beaming with happiness.

“Thank you for coming with me tonight,” Grant said, giving Ben’s bicep a squeeze.

Ben smiled. “Thanks for bringing me. So, now what do we do?”

Grant looked at Ben with heat in his eyes. “I’d really love to get you somewhere quiet and rip that tux off you before I fuck your brains out. But . . . I’m a gentleman and I don’t want to waste an opportunity to have a dance.”

“What about Matt?” Ben asked, noticing that Matt and Georgia were practically eating each other’s faces at their table on the other side of the room.

“Fuck Matt, I’m with you.”

It was impossible not to smile like an idiot as Grant grabbed Ben’s hand and led him out of the dining hall and back into the ballroom.

It was as they were stepping on to the dancefloor that Ben’s right shoe slipped off of his foot. He stumbled, and letting go of Grant’s hand, he turned around and bent down to grab it. But as he did so, there was a hushed ripping sound that only Ben could hear as his tux pants ripped open down the outer seam on his right thigh, exposing the furry muscle underneath.

“Fuck,” Ben gasped, and after shoving his foot into this shoe, he pushed past Grant and headed for the double doors that led outside.

Ben’s cock started to harden in the tight confines of the skimpy briefs as he walked quickly through the gardens until he came to a quiet spot that was secluded behind some tall hedges.

He looked down at the rip in his pants and was unsurprised to see that it went from just below the waistband to just above his knee. His cock was now fully hard and throbbing in his briefs. Why did this always turn him on so much?

“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” he hissed under his breath.

He’d been having such an amazing evening with Grant, and now he’d wrecked it with his clumsy inability to keep his clothes in one piece.

“Here you are. What happened?” Grant said, a little breathless, with a hurt look on his face.

Unable to put it into words, Ben turned to the side, and flashed Grant his thigh.

Grant stared for a few seconds, before taking a deep breath. “Fuck it.”

With a look of utter desperation, Grant grabbed Ben’s shoulders before pushing his tongue into Ben’s mouth. Grant’s hands roamed over Ben’s shoulders, his biceps, his back, and his butt, before finally sliding inside the rip to grope Ben’s bare thigh.

“I don’t know how you do this to yourself so often, but I fucking love it,” Grant moaned into Ben’s mouth.

“You’re not mad?” Ben asked, breaking the kiss.

“Hell no. If I had my way, you’d never leave the house without ripping or losing your clothing. Now shut up and kiss me.”

Ben had no issue obeying and for the first time, he let himself touch Grant. He let his hands feel Grant’s pecs, his stomach, his waist and then his peachy butt. Ben couldn’t begin to understand why his clumsy antics were such a turn on for Grant, but Grant was definitely a turn on for him.

By this point, Ben’s cock was begging for release, and the skimpy briefs were starting to feel like a cage. He tried to adjust his bulge, but it didn’t help, and he shifted uncomfortably.

“Let me help with that,” Grant murmured as he kissed Ben’s neck.

Grant’s fingers quickly removed the cummerbund before unbuttoning and unzipping Ben’s tux pants. With a quick tug, Ben’s pants were around his ankles and the straining slinky material of the red briefs was on show, Ben’s thick meaty cock barely contained within them.

“Fuck, you’re sexy,” Grant groaned. “I’ve been waiting for way too long to do this.”

Grant gave Ben one final kiss before squatting down to start sucking his cock. However, as Grant squatted down quickly, there was a loud rip and he immediately jumped back up and blushed.

“Oh my god,” Grant whispered. “My pants.”

Ben’s dick pulsed. Had Grant just ripped his pants?

Grant’s hands flew to his butt to inspect the damage, but Ben was too hard and horny not to be the first to view this and he spun Grant around.

Grant’s tux pants had split straight down the rear seam, from waistband to crotch.

“Are you . . . going commando?” Ben said, his voice breathless from arousal.

Grant slowly nodded.

“Oh, fuck yes.”

Unable to control himself, Ben turned Grant back around and started kissing him hard and fast, his hands flying to Grant’s bare cheeks, massaging them forcefully before using one finger to tease his hole.

“I can’t believe I ripped my pants,” Grant said between kisses. “My ass is exposed.”

Ben growled. “Fuck yes, it is.”

“Wait! Fuck! Stop!” Grant moaned. “Oh . . . fuck!”

Ben pulled back as Grant panted and squirmed. Confused for a moment, Ben looked Grant up and down before he noticed the twitching in the front of Grant’s pants. This was quickly followed by a sticky white stain that spread across them.

“Are you?”

“Oh fuck,” Grant hissed between clenched teeth before giving in and stroking out the rest of his orgasm.

Ben was stunned. He knew this had happened to him multiple times, but seeing it happen to Grant was one of the sexiest things he’d ever seen.

“I just . . . I can’t believe I . . .”

“You came in your pants,” Ben growled, before kissing Grant again, their tongues sliding together as they each panted for breath.

Ben groped Grant’s sticky wet bulge as Grant’s hand yanked Ben’s cock free from his briefs. Grant stroked Ben’s meaty shaft, his thumb sliding over the head with each stroke.

Ben knew he was moaning loudly, but he was past caring. It was hot enough losing a button and ripping his own pants, but seeing Grant rip his pants and then cum inside them was too much.

“Fuck yeah,” Ben growled into Grant’s mouth as he shot his load all over the front of Grant’s tux pants. Rope after rope of cum painted the already stained tux pants and by the time Ben had finished, both of them were breathing hard, and Ben’s legs were shaky.

“Damn, we’re a bit of a mess,” Grant said with a chuckle.

“A mess isn’t quite what I’d call it!”

Ben and Grant spun around to find Matt stood there with his hands crossed.

“We can explain,” Ben and Grant said in unison.


Maru Kuma

I loved this one a lot and think its an amazing send off for the College Ben series!