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Coach Gavin is back and this time, his seniors decide to slip some Viagra into his protein shake before swim practice. What could possibly go wrong? I hope you guys enjoy this new Coach story. 

Let me know in the comments if you want to see Coach Gavin again! 

It had been three weeks since Gavin Hughes had ended up naked in the school halls and cumming in front of a class of seniors. The memory of the event still made his dick twitch, but he was constantly in a state of anxiety waiting for someone to mention it.

However, none of the seniors did!

There were no rumours, no discussions, no teasing or laughing, nothing!

Gavin couldn’t believe that they’d all just keep something like that to themselves, but they had and by the third week, he was starting to feel a little more relaxed.

Granted, Kyle Howe was a little more friendly than he’d been before, but Gavin didn’t object too strongly to that. Kyle was a good-looking guy and Gavin would never be able to thank him enough for giving him his gym kit on that fateful day so that he could get home.

After nearly four weeks, Gavin was getting ready for a Thursday afternoon of swim practice with his seniors. Whilst they changed in the locker room, Gavin got changed in his office.

As much as Gavin rarely had to swim, he had to have a swimsuit on just in case any of the boys got into any difficulty in the water.

Gavin yanked open his bag and his brow furrowed in confusion. He could have sworn he packed his usual swim shorts, but he was so tired that morning, he’d packed his team speedo instead. It was a little snug for wearing in front of students, if he was honest, but he was with the seniors and he never had to get into the water for one of their practices.

With a shrug, Gavin kicked off his sneakers and pulled down his track pants to reveal his thick, furry thighs and a pair of skimpy white briefs that rode up on his ample bubble butt. He yanked those down too and pulled on his speedo.

It was definitely on the snug side, the top of his trimmed pubes only just concealed, and his thick butt stretched the material to its limit at the rear.

Gavin pulled on his track pants over the speedo and had to readjust his cock and balls in the tight lycra swimwear.

After putting his sneakers back on, Gavin headed out to the pool where he could already hear some of the seniors splashing about.

“Hey Coach, I got your protein shake ready for you.”

Gavin smiled as he accepted the travel mug. “Thanks, Benji.”

Benji was the most well-behaved kid in the school in Gavin’s view. He was always offering to help and even though he’d been one of the guys in the hallway when Gavin had blown his load, he’d been just the same with him, possibly even nicer than before, which made Gavin happy.

“Okay guys, up and out of the pool,’ Gavin yelled before taking a sip of his protein shake.

There were only twelve guys in the seniors practice, and they just happened to be the same twelve from the hallway.

“What are we doing today, Coach?” Benji asked with a grin.

“Today we’re working on the butterfly stroke. I know we’ve focused on this a lot, but I want to make sure that everyone is comfortable with the form.”

As they chattered amongst themselves and groaned, Gavin downed the rest of his protein shake.

Gavin gave them their instructions and the guys all jumped into the pool and started doing lengths. After about ten minutes of correcting some of the team on their form, Gavin started to feel a bit flushed, but he tried to ignore it.

But as the minutes passed, Gavin couldn’t ignore a sudden tightening in his speedo. He glanced down with a blush. Was he . . . getting hard?

“Coach, I don’t get what you mean,” Jameson, one of the most popular seniors, said as he came to the side of the pool.

“Yeah, could you show us please?” Benji asked with his usual grin.

Gavin’s blush deepened. He’d usually be more than happy to get in the pool and show them what he meant, but his cock was getting harder by the second and there would be no way to hide that in his team speedo.

Before Gavin could brush away the suggestion, the rest of the team chimed in, and Gavin had a sudden idea. If he was in the pool, he’d at least be hidden from view. If his cock got to full length at the side of the pool, it would likely burst out of his speedo and tent out his track pants. He just had to find a way to get in the pool without any of the team noticing.

“Sure. Why don’t you guys swim to the other end of the pool and then I can swim towards you so you can see the form you need.”

The team exchanged looks with one another before they started swimming away. As soon as their backs were turned, Gavin toed off his sneakers, pulled off his t-shirt and pushed down his track pants.

The bulge in his speedo was obscene!

As Gavin looked down, he could see his thick cock pushing against the waistband of his speedo. Not wanting any of the team to notice, he kicked away his track pants and dived into the pool, but as soon as he hit the water, the waistband of his speedo was yanked down from the force and his now rock-hard cock sprung free.

Gavin came to the surface, conscious of the team now waiting for him. He tried to push his cock back into his speedo, but there just wasn’t enough material and he had to suppress a moan when he grabbed a hold of his throbbing dick.

“Come on, Coach!” Jameson yelled and the other guys cheered.

With a hard yank, Gavin pulled the speedo forward and rammed his cock inside. He wasn’t sure it would stay there, but at least he was covered.

Gavin swam a length of the pool, demonstrating the correct form for the butterfly stroke, but by the time he reached the seniors, his cock was barely covered by the front of his speedo.

“Are you okay, Coach? You look a little flushed?” one of the guys asked as the rest of the team exchanged grins.

Gavin frowned. “Yeah . . . I . . . anyway, that’s the form I want to see. You guys keep going with lengths and I’ll stop with pointers.”

Jameson moved to the front of the group. “Coach, can you show me where my arms are supposed to be at the start of a stroke? I think that’s what’s throwing me.”

Gavin nodded, ignoring the way his dick kept twitching in the tight speedo. “Yep, let’s walk it through.”

Walking it through was one of Gavin’s teams’ favourite parts of practice. Gavin would hold them up in the water by their stomach, whilst they slowly moved through a stroke so that he could correct posture and movement.

Once Jameson was in position and Gavin was holding his stomach, Jameson moved through the stroke, but as his hands came back down into the water, one of them grazed Gavin’s tented speedo, which made him jump and let go of Jameson, who plunged into the water.

“Woah, Coach!” Jameson said with a splutter as he came to the surface.

“Sorry there, Jameson.”

Jameson’s wicked grin was immediately noticed by the rest of the team who all asked for Coach Gavin to do the same with them.

Benji was at the front of the queue and once Gavin had him in position, Benji moved through the stroke and when he put his hand back into the water, he very forcefully brushed the front of Gavin’s speedo.

Gavin knew something was going on, but he was confused as to what it was. The seniors were always more playful than they should have been, but today was different.

The next guy was Luke, and although he didn’t brush the front of Gavin’s speedo, he did rub his hand across Gavin’s bubble butt as he swam away.

By the time Gavin had assisted half of the team, his cheeks were flushed, and he couldn’t understand why his dick was so hard. It was throbbing so much that he was convinced that he could cum at any second. This wasn’t being helped by his seniors who kept “accidentally” touching him in some way when he was helping them.

After another ten minutes of having his butt groped or sneaky hands sliding over his tented bulge, Gavin could feel all of his muscles tensed, ready for him to explode. He took several deep breaths to try and calm down, but he wasn’t sure how well that would work.

“Okay, guys,” Gavin panted, his breathing somewhat ragged. “Let’s end practice there today. Hit the showers!”

‘But we’ve still got another thirty minutes to go, Coach,’ Benji said with a shrug.

“Yeah, Coach. We can carry on . . . unless you want to end practice early?”

Gavin looked at Jameson and the look on his face of smug satisfaction was enough to confirm to Gavin that his predicament was not natural. He could challenge the seniors and ask them what was going on, but he wasn’t sure if a confrontation in his state was a wise move.

“We’re ending early cause I said so,” Gavin said with as much authority as he could muster. “Now, get in the showers.”

The seniors looked somewhat disappointed as they swam to the side of the pool and started to pull themselves out.

Gavin swam to the side of the pool and decided to wait in the water until the team had headed into the locker room. He could see his cock was ready to burst out of his speedo and he had no intention of giving everyone another show.

“Aren’t you getting out, Coach?” Benji asked.

“I’ll . . . follow you guys . . . in a minute.”

A few of the guys chuckled and Jameson leaned toward Gavin with his hand extended. “Come on, Coach. I’ll help you out of there.”

Gavin shook his head, his cock still throbbing incessantly.

“Come on, Coach,” Luke said, coming to Jameson’s side and offering his hand too.

With no way to get rid of the team, Gavin looked around him for an excuse to stay in the pool; something, anything that would mean he didn’t have to show his tented speedo to the group of seniors.

But there was nothing.

Gavin placed his hands on the edge of the pool and pulled himself free from the water. He hoped that if he rose from a crouch and moved his hands over his speedo that no one would notice his predicament, but as soon as he broke free from the water, his speedo slipped down a little and his cock sprung free and slapped against his stomach with such force that Gavin moaned out loud.

The seniors all laughed and cheered at the sight of their hunky Coach with a raging hard on.

“Looks like you don’t have much self-control, Coach,” Jameson said with a chuckle.

Gavin tried to wrestle his cock back into the speedo, but the wet lycra was being less than co-operative and all the playing with his dick was bringing him closer and closer to the point of no return.

“I reckon Coach is ready to blow,” Benji said with a hungry look in his eyes.

“Okay, guys, you’ve had a good laugh. Now go and hit the showers please.”

Gavin had given up trying to put his dick away and had settled for just holding his hands in front of it, his thighs pressed together.

“I reckon Coach looks like he might blow again,” Luke said as he stepped forward. “Remember last time when he came handsfree.”

The memory made Gavin’s dick pulse and his balls tighten against his body.

No, no, no – this can’t happen again!

“Yeah,” Benji chimed in. “Do you remember how much he shot? It was impressive.”

“Guys . . . stop! Just please . . . hit the showers.”

“What’s going on here?”

Gavin looked towards the door to see Kyle Howe walking towards them with a suppressed grin.

“Oh dear, Coach. It looks like I’m going to have to threaten these boys into silence again.”

Seeing the handsome Kyle walk across the room towards him was what tipped Gavin over the edge. He couldn’t handle the humiliation in front of the students, let alone in front of Kyle.

Gavin panted for breath as the muscles in his body tensed and his cock shot a line of cum that splattered against the tile floor.

The seniors all cheered as Gavin’s cock spasmed, shooting rope after rope of hot sticky cum all over the floor and his muscular thighs!

“Oh fuck,’ Gavin gasped as he gripped his cock and involuntarily milked the last few drops on to the floor.

“Woah, Coach, that was . . . woah!”

Benji was staring at his Coach with a mix of awe and lust.

“Okay, okay, hit the showers,” Kyle said loudly. “And remember our deal. This stays within this group.”

The seniors obediently headed to the locker room, laughing, and talking animatedly, leaving Gavin to tuck his now deflating cock back into his speedo.

“I don’t know what happened,” Gavin said weakly.

Kyle slapped his ass. “It was Viagra.”


Kyle laughed. “Me and the boys had a deal. I’d give them the Viagra; they’d get a show, and we’d all keep it to ourselves.”

“You did this?” Gavin yelled, more in shock than anger.

“Yep. Looks like you didn’t hate it that much. Come on Coach. Better get you cleaned up.”

Before Gavin could object, Kyle steered him towards the door, just like before, with one hand on his meaty bubble butt.


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