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Here's the next instalment in the Clay and Karl saga. This was also commissioned by the awesome Don'tLoseYourPants and it ended up being a lot longer than planned, predominantly because I just loved writing it!


It had been a month since the golfing weekend that had pretty much ruined me.

I’d like to say it was the humiliation of having my stepson, Karl and his two friends getting me naked on the 15th hole, but it was so much more than that.

By the time we got back to the golf cart, my cock was rock solid and leaking precum down my thigh. I managed to hide this from Karl, Jared and Lewis as they laughed at my expense and tossed me some of my own clothes. I’d dressed behind a bush away from them and rushed off to the bathroom where I’d cum in a matter of seconds.

Since then, things had gone from bad to worse!

I had never been so horny in my entire life. The memory of the pants ripping open as I’d bent over, the humiliation of falling into the sand with my pants around my ankles and the walk of shame back to the golf cart were more than enough to have my dick throbbing.

Karl’s mum and I didn’t really have sex much and with her away so much, I was used to jerking off alone, but that was a few times a week. Since the golfing incident, it was a few times a day and the more I jerked off, the faster I seemed to cum. Not to mention the fact that I felt like a teenager again as the slightest thought of that day or the slightest slow touch to my body got me hard wherever I was.

One afternoon at the office, I’d brushed my hand over my thigh in my dress pants and I’d been practically ready to explode in my pants.

What didn’t help was that Karl, Jared and Lewis had taken to constantly bringing up the event and every time, I had to cross my legs or quickly escape the room blushing.

What was happening to me?

I had done my best to try not to see them as much, but we had a weekend at the beach coming up and I was dreading being around the 3 of them for a long period of time. Aside from anything else, I wasn’t sure I could go a whole weekend without jerking off. My cock was a little too accustomed to getting what it wanted multiple times a day.

I would just have to deal with it – I was a 41-year-old man, not a horny teenager. I would be fine.

I hoped!


I hung up the phone to Jared and decided I should probably start packing for our trip to the beach. I was looking forward to another weekend away with Jared and Lewis and it was even better that Clay was coming along too.

Granted, he’d been acting weird since our golfing weekend. I knew he’d be embarrassed, but every time we talked about what happened, he’d either blush and change the subject or dart out of the room. I’d wanted to embarrass him, but I was surprised at how bad he was taking it.

After all, he’d done so much to me over the years that it was only fair that I’d had my revenge.

The thought of a weekend at the beach reminded me of one particular prank when I was at college.

It was my Senior Year and during Spring Break, Clay had offered to take me down to the beach. My old board shorts were falling apart, and he refused to buy me anything but a speedo. I had point blank refused and after arguing back and forth, he had agreed to get me some new board shorts.

When we arrived at the beach, Clay had tossed me a pair of plain black board shorts that came to mid-thigh. They were a little shorter than I liked, but they were way better than a speedo.

I’d changed into them and headed straight into the water with Clay in his knee length board shorts, enjoying the attention he always got when his furry muscled body was on show.

We’d swam around and tossed a frisbee back and forth in the water for a while and I was having a great time. It was when we left the water to grab a soda that I noticed a small hole in my board shorts. It was towards the bottom of the leg band, so I wasn’t too worried, but I was bit surprised given that they were brand new.

Clay and I had gone back into the water and it was when I was floating on my back that I noticed a small patch of black material bobbing next to me. I stood up and the water was at chest height. Clay was sunbathing as he read his book. As I returned Clay’s wave, I saw another piece of black material floating a few feet away.

Feeling a bit confused, I brushed my hands over my board shorts just to be sure the material wasn’t mine and that was when my heart had started pounding in my chest. I’d run my hand over my butt, and not only did I feel my own firm cheek, but my hand snagged on the side of my board shorts and the material just dissolved in my hands. The more I tried to feel for the material, the more it just vanished.

I couldn’t understand what the hell was happening. The shorts were just disappearing into the water. There was no way this could happen to me! Unless . . .

I looked over at Clay who had now put his book down and was watching me intently.

It was at that moment that I felt the warm ocean water around my cock and balls and the last square of material floated to the surface. All I had left was the drawstring that was still tied around my waist.

‘Clay!’ I’d yelled to the shoreline.

He couldn’t disguise his laughter as he’d come splashing into the water.

‘What’s up bud?’ he’d asked with a smug grin. ‘You look a bit worried.’

I’d punched him on the arm and told him I was naked thanks to his board shorts. He’d laughed hysterically, slapped my bare butt under the water and quickly swam back to the shore before I could wrestle his board shorts off of him.

In the end, I’d had to wait until the beach had cleared a bit, before rushing back to my towel with my hands covering my junk.

Just thinking about that day made me want to embarrass Clay all over again. It would serve him right to end up naked in the ocean like I had.


Despite my resolve that I was a 41-year-old man, and I would just have to deal with my out-of-control cock, the week leading up to the beach weekend did not go to plan.

On the Wednesday morning, Karl’s mum headed off for a trip to China for a week and I headed to the office. I was wearing my favourite navy suit and I was wearing some of the bikini briefs that I’d bought after the golfing weekend. As much as I’d mocked Karl for wearing them, I couldn’t deny how sexy they made me feel and I was wearing them nearly daily.

As I’d sat in meetings throughout the day, I’d been completely distracted by the thoughts of what I could do when I got home to an empty house. I was planning an entire evening of jerking off, but there was a part of me that wanted to recreate some of the embarrassment I’d felt at the golfing weekend.

After jerking off in the bathroom mid-afternoon, I’d managed to keep focused on work until just after 7pm. I’d headed out of my building, and I was walking across the large parking lot to my car when an idea entered my head. Before I could second guess myself, I undid the button on my navy suit pants. The pants were a snug fit, and nothing happened, so I counted fifteen steps and pulled down the zipper on my fly a little each time. After 3 zipper yanks, my bulge was on show in my black bikini briefs, and I could feel a breeze on my crotch. On the 4th yank, my suit pants dropped to my knees and then quickly to my ankles, in the middle of the parking lot. My cock had been getting harder and harder as I walked and adjusted my suit pants so by the time my pants hit my ankles, my cock was pushing out of the top of the waistband of my briefs.

The motion of quickly bending over to pull up my suit pants, my briefs sliding into my crack a little and the possibility that someone might see me in such a humiliating state was all I needed and without even touching my dick, I shot rope after rope of cum all over my shirt and my suit pants.

I’d quickly done up my suit pants and dived into my car, nervously checking around that no one had seen me. Even after cumming, I was still hard as a rock, and I spent the rest of the evening thinking about dropping my suit pants in the parking lot whilst I jerked off.

It was Friday lunchtime, and I was packing for the beach weekend. Karl was picking me up in 15 minutes and I’d jerked off twice already in the hope that that would pacify my dick.

I packed a couple of pairs of board shorts, some t-shirts, and my usual boxer briefs. I certainly didn’t want Karl, Jared or Lewis seeing that I’d switched to wearing bikini briefs.

Before I knew it, I was dressed in some cargo shorts, a white tee and flip flops and I was climbing into the front seat of Karl’s car.

The drive to the beach was uneventful.

We stopped off for an early dinner that ended up being a few beers and three courses. By the time we got back to the car, I undid the button on my cargo shorts as they were digging into my waist. We eventually arrived at the beach house around 9pm. It was dark out and there was only one light above the clearing where we parked with a sloped path up to the beach house.

I climbed out of the car and grabbed my bag and Karl’s bag from the trunk whilst Jared and Lewis grabbed their respective bags and headed towards the front door.

As I followed Jared and Lewis with a bag in each hand, Karl locked up the car and I realised that the button on my shorts was still undone, and they were sagging on my hips. As soon as that information registered in my brain, my cock started to harden. As I walked up the slope, I could feel the waistband of my shorts resting on the top of my bubble butt.

Just as I was trying to force my brain into thinking of something or anything else, Karl pounced. How he knew about my predicament, I didn’t know, but his hands grabbed my shorts on either side and yanked them to my ankles.

Jared and Lewis were far enough ahead that they didn’t notice, but I immediately dropped the bags, bent over, and pulled up my shorts as Karl laughed mercilessly. I didn’t care that he’d pantsed me so much as prayed that he didn’t notice my throbbing hard on.

‘You are still such a child, Karl,’ I said as nonchalantly as I could manage, whilst begging my dick to calm down.

‘Says you, Clay – you’ve been doing things like that to me since I was kid.’

I laughed off his comment and spent the rest of the short walk to the beach house trying to ignore the precum oozing into my boxer briefs.

As soon as we were through the door, I went straight to the bathroom and came all over the sink with just a few strokes, biting my lip to stop myself from moaning out loud.


We spent Saturday on the beach. We played volleyball, swam, and sunbathed before a fun night of beers, poker, and barbecue back at the beach house.

I told Jared and Lewis that I’d pantsed Clay, but no one else had seen it so it didn’t have the same impact as our prank on him at the golf course.

Clay had been a little subdued and part of me felt a bit guilty for that. At the beach, he’d stopped playing volleyball quite quickly and had spent most of the time lying on his front and reading.

Part of me wanted to tell him to stop being a brat about it, whilst the other part of me felt like I should apologise.

But damn it – he’d done so much to me over the years! It was only fair that it was his turn!

We’d planned to spend the Sunday morning down on the beach before heading home in the afternoon. I’d been planning to get a little more revenge on Clay and I’d discussed the idea with Lewis, but I was having second thoughts after Clay’s behaviour on Saturday.

I knocked on Lewis’ door and pushed it open. ‘I think we should cancel the prank idea.’

Lewis’ mouth dropped. ‘Ummm dude . . . that is going to be a little difficult!’

‘What do you mean?’ I asked, sitting on the edge of his bed as he pulled a tank top on.

‘I poured beer over one pair of his board shorts last night and binned the other pair. He’ll have no choice but to wear my speedos.’

‘Oh fuck,’ I said with a grin. ‘I guess another prank is on the cards then.’

Lewis and I had suffered at Clay’s hands in our speedos in the past and Lewis had immediately jumped on board with getting some additional revenge.

A couple of years ago, we’d all gone away with my mum, Jared’s parents, and Lewis’ mum. We’d rented a house with a pool, and it was at a time when Lewis and I had been hitting the gym, so we’d switched our usual board shorts for speedos.

Clay had constantly been snapping the elastic of my speedo and Lewis’ speedo, teasing us for wearing something so baggy when it was obvious how snug they are. He made a joke of it the whole weekend and by the Sunday afternoon, we were all around the pool and I snapped.

Clay had slapped my ass and made another dumb comment and I’d had enough.

‘I’m too old for you to constantly mess with me, Clay. Please can you just stop!’

Clay looked a bit hurt when I snapped at him, and he jumped up from his lounger and walked over to me. ‘I’m sorry, Karl. You’re right. I’m out of order.’

‘Thank you,’ I said, slightly surprised.

Clay held his arms open for a hug and I rolled my eyes and hugged him tight feeling the smooth tanned skin of his back.

As I was just relaxing into his hug, his hands moved, he grabbed the top of my speedo at the back and wedgied them between my cheeks, practically lifting me off the ground with his strong arms.

Before I could react, everyone started laughing and Clay slapped my bare butt with a loud thwack.

‘You’re not too old for spanking, kiddo!’

‘Screw you, Clay,’ I hissed under my breath so my mum wouldn’t hear as I yanked the material of my speedo free from my crack.

Both Lewis and I had suffered numerous comments about our tiny speedos for weeks after and I would never forget the feeling of that wedgie and the hard spank on my butt.

Thinking about it, maybe I didn’t care if Clay was a sore loser. He deserved to be teased in a tiny pair of speedos for the day. He’d just have to take it.


When I woke up on Sunday morning, my cock was leaking against my stomach, and I couldn’t believe that I’d managed to get through all of Saturday without jerking off once.

I hadn’t experienced such a test of self-control for years.

On the upside, I just had to get through the beach this morning and then we’d be driving home. Once I got home, I planned on spending the rest of my time jerking off like a horny teenager and cumming as many times as I could. I was even considering taking a trip to the supermarket so that I could maybe drop my pants again.

I needed to get a grip.

Forcing myself out of bed and into the shower, I washed myself down and ignored my throbbing cock. The cold water helped me calm down a little and I wrapped a towel around my waist as I headed back into the room.

I rifled through my bag, but my spare board shorts were gone.

I headed out to the lounge area and asked Jared if he’d seen them, but he hadn’t. I went out back to grab my board shorts from the day before so that I could wear those again, but when I got to the deck, my shorts were on the grass and covered in what smelt like beer and mud.


‘What’s up Clay?’ Karl asked with a raised eyebrow as he came outside.

‘My shorts are ruined, and I can’t find my spares. Have you seen them?’

Karl shook his head. ‘I think Lewis has a spare pair if you want to borrow them. I can’t imagine they’d wash out too well.’

I couldn’t disagree with him and keeping a death grip on my towel, I bent over and picked up my filthy board shorts before tossing them in the trash and heading to Lewis’ room.

‘Have you got some spare board shorts, Lewis? Mine are wrecked.’

Lewis rifled in his bag and tossed me some turquoise material. ‘Only those, Clay.’

Lewis had thrown me a pair of turquoise speedos and to say that they were small was an understatement.

‘Dude, haven’t you got any board shorts? I asked, terrified at the thought of having to wrestle myself into the tiny speedos and spending the morning worrying about getting hard and falling out of the top of them! Fuck!

‘Only the board shorts I wore yesterday that I’m going to wear. Sorry Clay. They’re better than nothing and let’s face it, you might be the oldest, but you’ve got the best bod. What’s the problem?’

I nodded in agreement. I did have a banging body, but I also had a cock that got hard for no reason. Not to mention the potential embarrassment of wearing something too small again in front of the three guys.

But what choice did I have! I’d just deal with it.

I thanked Lewis and headed back to my room. Without thinking about it further, I tossed my towel on the floor and after a quick admiring look at my muscled, furry body in the mirror, I stepped into the speedos and pulled them up. At mid-thigh, I had to yank them even harder. They got to my waist, but my bubble butt barely fit in them. My crack was just covered and the bottom third of my cheeks hung out, not to mention how obscene my bulge looked at the front, my trimmed pubes on show above the waistband.

Just the sight of my sexy body in the embarrassingly small speedos was enough to make my cock start to harden and I had to force my eyes away from the sight in the mirror, yank on my cargo shorts and leave the room.


As we walked down to the beach, Clay seemed like his old self as we chatted away about baseball and golf. He was wearing the speedo under his cargo shorts and Lewis had said, with a disappointed voice, that Clay hadn’t seemed that bothered about wearing them at all.

The problem was that Clay did have an amazing body and he was proud to show it off. The turquoise speedos were old and would be way too tight on him, but that wouldn’t be sufficient. I’d just have to wedgie him like he’d done to me at the pool.

That would do it and then I’d feel better! Unless I got the opportunity for something worse!


The walk to the beach was uneventful and I was slightly glad about the tight speedo as it seemed to stop me getting fully hard. Feeling the speedo digging into my meaty butt cheeks felt weirdly erotic and without the skin-tight material digging into my bulge, I was certain I’d be hard as a rock.

We laid out our towels on a free patch of the beach and I was surprised at how much busier it was from the day before. A large group of about 10 college guys were just to our right and there were a few couples to our left.

I already had my shirt off and I kicked off my flip flops, before unbuttoning my cargo shorts and letting them drop to my ankles.

‘Nice crack, Clay,’ Karl said with a laugh.

My cock pulsed in the speedo as I tugged them up higher on my butt, forcing more of the lower part of my cheeks to hang out, not to mention the fact that the speedo dipped slightly more at the front to flash my pubes.

‘It’s not bad, I’ll admit,’ I said with what I hoped was a complete unbothered grin.

As I moved around, I could feel the turquoise speedo creeping further between my butt cheeks and the material pulling tighter at the front. My bubble butt bounced with every step, and I could see all 3 of the guys watching me as I laid out my towel and folded up my cargo shorts and put them in my bag.

As I bent over further to grab my book, the speedo felt like a thong, and I had to physically grab the material from my crack and yank it free before adjusting everything so that I was as covered as possible. Not that it helped much as my cheeks were hanging out even further at the bottom and my nearly hard cock was pushing them out so far in front that I could see my cock when I looked down.

Not wanting to risk getting anymore excited, I laid face down on my towel and grabbed my book.

‘Clay, did you put lotion on?’ Lewis asked as Karl and Jared ran off to the water.

‘Oh crap, not on my back,’ I said. ‘Have you got some I can use?’

‘Stay there. I can put it on for you whilst you’re lying down. Even you can’t reach your back.’

Lewis squirted some sun cream on to his hands before starting to apply it to my shoulders and back. Initially, it just felt relaxing, but as his hands began to move down to my lower back, my cock started to throb in the tight confines of the speedo.

As Lewis’ hands got lower, his strong fingertips brushed across the top of my exposed bubble butt, and I practically moaned as I felt my cock leak some precum into the speedo. Not jerking off for one day was just manageable, but I hadn’t expected having to deal with this level of touching. Stroking my own thigh made me want to shoot my load, let alone having someone else touch my ass.

‘What are you doing, Lewis?’ I asked, trying to keep my voice from shaking.

‘Your big butt is hanging out of the speedo. I assumed you didn’t want it to burn.’

‘Good shout,’ I said with a sharp intake of breath as one of his fingers brushed my crack.

As Lewis began to rub sun cream into the lower half of my exposed cheeks, my cock was throbbing uncontrollably and stretching the speedo even tighter. As he continued to work in the cream, his hands suddenly moved so that he had one hand on each cheek before he gave them both a squeeze.

‘What the fuck, Lewis?’ I said over my shoulder.

‘Chill out, Clay,’ Lewis said with a shrug. ‘Just giving those meaty cheeks a squeeze.’

The sensation of having my cheeks squeezed was far more erotic than I’d ever imagined, and I could feel the speedo material wedgied further between my cheeks.

Lewis ran his fingers through the creases under each cheek before moving on to my muscular thighs and I was sure my cock was about to burst out of the tiny speedo.

Just as Lewis let go of my thighs, I heard a strange popping sound and Lewis burst out laughing.

‘What was that?’ I asked, pushing myself up on to my elbows, whilst keeping my lower body pressed against the towel.

‘Looks like your huge butt is destroying this speedo.’

‘What’s going on?’ said Karl as he appeared next to me and started towelling off.

All 3 of them started to laugh as Lewis pointed out the small hole in the middle of the speedo.

I put a hand behind me and quickly found the quarter size hole that sat between my cheeks. Feeling the hole and having my finger slip just inside the material to touch my crack sent my cock into overdrive.

Panic was starting to set in. I wasn’t sure my stiff cock would hold out until we left the beach, nor would I be able to stand up without the three guys seeing my state of arousal.



When Jared and I came out of the ocean and got back to our towels, I couldn’t believe my luck when Lewis pointed out the hole in Clay’s speedo. It was only small, but you could just make out his crack through the small tear in the material.

We all laughed at Clay’s expense as he felt for the hole in the speedo. He was sweating and slightly red in the face and I wasn’t sure if that was the heat or the embarrassment causing it.

‘Can one of you guys just give me your towel so I can cover up?’ Clay asked.

‘Actually, I found a spare pair of board shorts if you want those?’ Lewis said with a grin in my direction.

Clay turned his head in Lewis’ direction and despite his best effort, he looked almost panicked.

‘Umm . . . sure. I’ll throw them on in a bit.’

Immediately, I knew something was up. Normally, Clay would have no issue jumping up and yanking on those shorts. Something was going on.


The thought of standing up in my current predicament was out of the question and having all 3 guys looking at me and telling me to stand up was only making the embarrassment and the arousal even worse. I could feel the precum on the inside of the speedo, my cock head sensitively sliding against the lubricated material every time it throbbed.

‘Come on Clay,’ Karl said with a frown. ‘Just put the board shorts on.’

‘I’m too comfortable to move,’ I said through gritted teeth as my cock throbbed again. ‘No one can see the hole in these. It’s all good.’

I picked my book back up to signal that the discussion was over, but I couldn’t have been more wrong.

Karl’s shadow fell over me before I could even drop my book and before I knew it, I felt his fingers in the hole of the speedo and with a loud rip, he tore the back of them wide open, exposing my meaty bubble butt.

The loud rip hadn’t gone unnoticed by those around us, and everyone was now watching us and laughing at my expense.

‘What the fuck, Karl?’ I hissed at him as Jared and Lewis roared with laughter.

‘Now you need to stand up and put the board shorts on,’ he said with a shrug. ‘Or do I need to rip them off completely?’

‘Oh fuck,’ I cursed under my breath, the thought of having my speedo ripped off completely making my cock leak with even more precum.

‘Don’t you dare,’ I said with as much authority as I could muster.

‘Too late,’ Lewis said with a laugh and grabbed the waistband of the speedo and pulled.

The torn material bunched up between my cheeks, wedgied deep in my crack. As he pulled on the speedo, the pouch got momentarily tighter before Karl slapped my butt and I bucked my hips, allowing my cock to finally burst free and the speedo to be ripped from my body leaving me butt naked with a raging hard on lying on a towel.

‘Guys, you’ve had your fun,’ I panted, begging my cock to calm down. ‘Just throw me the board shorts.’

‘Stand him up,’ one of the college guys yelled as they all laughed.

By this time, the group of college guys and one of the nearby couples had moved closer to watch my humiliation.

‘Guys, I’m not playing. Just throw me the damn shorts.’

‘I’ve got a better idea,’ Karl said with a chuckle.

Before I knew it, Karl and Jared were at my side and without any idea of what they were about to do, they grabbed the side of my towel and yanked on it hard, forcing me to roll on to my back.

‘Oh my god,’ Karl yelled.

The laughter around me was deafening and the sudden cool air on my hot, hard cock was enough to push me over the edge. Before I could even cover myself with my hands, my cock started to shoot; thick ropes of cum hitting my face, chest, and stomach as I tried to stem the flow with my hands.

My body convulsed as the 3 guys and the onlookers laughed even louder.

It was hands down the best orgasm I had ever had and even after the shots of cum had stopped, my cock continued to throb as I got to my senses, jumped to my feet, and wrapped the towel around my waist.

I grabbed my bag and ran (as fast as a person can on sand) back towards the beach house. I had never been more mortified in my life, and I was even more confused by how much I seemed to love it.


Once I’d recovered from the stitch I’d gotten from laughing so much, I left Jared and Lewis on the beach and went after Clay.

I couldn’t believe how turned on he’d been. I’d never cum hands free in my life, let alone in front of a crowd.

I caught up with him just as he was climbing the slope towards the beach house.

‘What the hell was that?’ I asked as I stopped beside him.

‘I don’t want to talk about it,’ Clay said, his free hand over his cock. ‘I can’t believe you did that to me.’

‘And I can’t believe you got off on it. What the fuck, Clay?’

‘I don’t want you or the boys to ever talk about this again. I’m serious, Karl.’

I nodded before yanking his towel off, his cock still hard and shiny with cum. ‘I may not talk, but that doesn’t mean I won’t take advantage of this. Maybe I need some more revenge.’

Clay covered his cock with his hand and tried to look angry, but he couldn’t hide the look of lust at the thought of more pranks on him.

This could be fun!


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