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Tyler - Create Your Own Adventure 2024 - Part Five

  • Does Scott make Tyler cum? 5
  • Does Scott destroy the rest of Tyler's clothes? 9
  • Does Scott hide Tyler's clothes again? 2
  • 2024-04-24
  • —2024-05-03
  • 16 votes
{'title': 'Tyler - Create Your Own Adventure 2024 - Part Five', 'choices': [{'text': 'Does Scott make Tyler cum?', 'votes': 5}, {'text': "Does Scott destroy the rest of Tyler's clothes?", 'votes': 9}, {'text': "Does Scott hide Tyler's clothes again?", 'votes': 2}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 5, 3, 22, 59, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 4, 24, 17, 12, 26, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 16}


You guys voted for Tyler to accept Scott's offer, but how does Scott seal the deal? Read on to find out and make sure you vote for what you want to see happen next!

Tyler was barely able to form a coherent sentence, let alone consider the offer that Scott had made. Yes, he was enjoying exploring this new daring public exposure kink, but he had a boyfriend who he loved, and he didn’t want to do anything to jeopardise that.

But was it really cheating if he wasn’t touching Scott? Was it cheating if he just let Scott take control?

“Can I please have my clothes back?” Tyler asked, knowing the answer before Scott shook his head.

“I get this is a lot to process, so let me make this easier for you.”

Scott walked past him, picked up Tyler’s clothes from the terminal and disappeared out of the stacks.

Tyler hissed in a hushed whisper for Scott to come back, but he was completely ignored.

Was Scott taking his clothes to reception? Was he just teasing him? Would he come back?

After what felt like an eternity of Tyler squirming in his tighty whities, Scott finally reappeared with a massive grin on his face.

“Where the fuck are my clothes?” Tyler yelled as loudly as he dared.

Scott laughed. “You’ll find an item of clothing in each of the stacks on this side of the floor. They’re easy to spot. All you have to do is retrieve them. If you enjoy the retrieval, you can take me up on my offer. If you don’t, you can put your clothes back on and leave.”

Tyler’s mouth hung open in shock.

Sure, he’d wanted an adrenalin rush, but this was too extreme. There could be any number of people lurking in the stacks further down the hall. What if someone saw him? He was in his nearly transparent briefs with his rock-hard dick on display.

“What if I don’t want to do either? What if I just want you to get my clothes so I can leave?”

Scott laughed. ‘Your leaking dick says that that isn’t an option. I suggest you get to it.”

With another laugh, Scott sat back down at the terminal and crossed his arms.

Tyler couldn’t believe this was happening but equally, he couldn’t deny how horny this whole scenario was. A hot guy stealing his clothes and making him run around a public space in his undies to retrieve them was a dream come true.

“Fine,” Tyler said with a resigned sigh. “I’ll go and get them.”

“Oh, one thing before you go,” Scott said, standing back up and walking over. “There’s just a little adjustment I need to make.”

Tyler frowned in confusion. What adjustment could he make?

Before Tyler got an answer, Scott reached out and grabbed the sides of Tyler’s briefs before sharply yanking them forwards. Tyler yelped as the briefs shredded off of him with a loud rip, his hard cock springing free and dripping precum on to his thigh.

“What the fuck are you doing?”

Scott chuckled. “Mmm now that’s a much better view. I saw I’d ripped your briefs when I gave you the wedgie. It seemed bad form on my part to not take advantage of that. You can go get your clothes now.”

Tyler looked down at his exposed dick, the head shiny with glistening precum. He was naked in the middle of the library and had nothing to wear nearby. His dick throbbed at the thought, the rush of adrenalin making him feel hot.

“I’d get a move on if I were you. The stacks were empty when I left your clothes there. They might not be now.”

Not wanting to waste any more time, Tyler put his hands over his cock and balls, barely covering his cock, and ran out into the hallway. He didn’t have time to be careful. He just needed to get his clothes back.

Tyler dived into the first stack and immediately saw one of his sneakers on the floor. He grabbed it before turning around and running as fast as he could without making a sound to the next stack. He peeked around the corner and was relieved to see it was empty, and that his sneaker was close by. Dropping to the floor, Tyler grabbed his other sneaker and moved to the next stack.

“Thank god,” Tyler sighed in relief seeing his jeans on the floor in the middle of the stack.

Running over, Tyler put his sneakers under one arm and picked his jeans up.

“Just my shirt to go.”

Tyler jogged over to the next stack and did a quick look to make sure it was clear. Mercifully, it was also empty, and he found his shirt draped over a desk. He grabbed it and ran as fast as he could back to Scott.

When he got back to the stack where all of this had started, Scott burst out laughing.

“What’s so funny?” Tyler said with a sour expression.

“Why are you still naked? I thought you’d get dressed as you collected your stuff.”

Feeling completely stupid, Tyler couldn’t work out why he hadn’t put his clothes back on. He’d chosen to stay naked, his cock still hard and throbbing.

“I don’t know why I didn’t.”

Scott shook his head and stood up. “Well, you’re clearly enjoying being naked so let’s make things a little more interesting.”



Tyler’s clothes need to be destroyed or taken outside of the library