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Our second commission was for Egg, and he had the genius idea of a guy who has to walk to prom and has issues along the way, which is one of my favourite scenarios to write. Let me know what you guys think!

Vinnie Greco looked himself up and down in the mirror and couldn’t keep the smile from his handsome face. It was the night of his senior prom, and he had no problem admitting how damn good he looked in a tux. He was wearing a classic tux with a black jacket and suit pants, a white shirt, a black satin cummerbund, patent leather dress shoes with sheer socks and garters, and his favourite white bikini briefs.

Vinnie’s black hair was styled to perfection, his smile was white and perfect, and his butt looked incredible in the tight-fitting tux pants.

“I am so gonna score tonight,” he smugly said to his reflection.

Vinnie was attending the prom with the most popular girl at school, Kayla Miller. She was the school babe and Vinnie had been trying to get in her pants for months. Typically, he could have whatever girl he wanted, but Kayla seemed to have an issue with the way that Vinnie treated the nerds. Ever since middle school, Vinnie had taken it upon himself to make sure the nerds knew their place in the hierarchy. His bullying had never impacted his success with the girls, but for some reason Kayla was nice to them, which he just didn’t understand.

But after months of pursuit, Kayla had finally agreed to go to senior prom with him. He’d spent a fortune on his snug tux and the limo that would pick them both up, not to mention the hotel room he’d booked at the fancy hotel where they were holding the prom.

What Vinnie didn’t know was that Kayla had only agreed to go with him to help one of the nerds that he bullied the most get some payback. The limo had been cancelled and a plan was in place to make Vinnie a laughing stock.

“Hey babe,” Vinnie said as he answered his phone.

“Hey V,” Kayla said in her most simpering voice. “Slight change of plans. I just got a call to say the limo is no longer available and has been cancelled. But don’t worry because I’m gonna walk. I think it would be better for the environment. You’re only thirty mins from the hotel so maybe you could walk too. It would be so hot knowing you were saving the planet too.”

Vinnie swallowed down his comment about how stupid she was, and forced himself to say, “Sure babe. I’ll head out now. See you soon.”

Vinnie couldn’t think of anything worse than walking to prom, but if doing something that dumb would get Kayla all wet and horny for him then he’d do it. Besides, it was only thirty minutes across the fields and through a wood, and it was finally dry after a few days of rain. It’d be a breeze.

Pushing his phone into his jacket pocket, Vinnie gave himself a wink in the mirror and headed to prom.

Although it was a dry day, Vinnie hadn’t counted on how muddy it would be after a few days of rain, and as he trekked across the first field, he was annoyed by the spatters of mud that were starting to show on his patent leather dress shoes.

“These cost a bomb,” he muttered to himself as he reached the edge of the field.

Vinnie had assumed there’d be a gate or something, but there was only a fence. Deciding that he didn’t want to have to back track and then go the long route along the roads, Vinnie placed a foot on the bottom slat of the fence and then threw his right leg over the top.

The fence was a little wider than he anticipated, and Vinnie froze when he heard a popping sound.

“Was that my pants?”

Vinnie ran a finger along the back of his tux pants but was relieved to find them intact.

With a grunt, he lifted his other leg over and dropped down the fence into the next field, but as he did so, the bottom of his tux jacket caught on some splinters.

Vinnie went to carry on walking but was immediately tugged backwards.

“What the fuck?”

He turned back to see his jacket was caught, and cursed as he yanked it free, annoyed that there was now a small rip in the pristine black material.

Becoming more and more irritated with each step, Vinnie crossed the second field and came to a barbed wire fence with overhanging trees. Again, there was no gate that he could see, and he was growing concerned at the time.

“Oh great,” he sighed as he approached the barbed wire fence. “I better be careful.”

Finding safe spots to place his hands on the top of the fence, Vinnie climbed up the rungs of barbed wire before slowly lifting his right leg over, and then his left. Sweat glistened on his forehead as he dropped down from the fence on to the other side.

Unfortunately, the overhanging trees snagged on Vinnie’s jacket and as he dropped to the ground, there was a loud rip as his jacket was pulled up and over his head.

“What the fuck?” Vinnie yelled as he stepped forward, his crotch against the barbed wire fence as he tried to free himself from his tux jacket.

After much struggling, Vinnie pulled his arms free from the jacket before tearing it away from the trees. The jacket was ripped on one of the shoulders, and a huge tear up the centre seam at the back.

“I can’t wear this now,” he hissed, tossing it into the field he’d just come from. “I’ll just undo my bow tie and my top button and try and make it look like I was planning on this.”

Vinnie undid his top button and untied his satin bowtie, trying to emulate James Bond.

But there was nothing suave about his next move as Vinnie went to turn away and came to an immediate stop when he felt a tug on the front of his tux pants. They’d snagged on the barbed wire fence in multiple places.

“Oh fuck! Please! Not my pants.”

Patience had never been Vinnie’s forte and after only a few seconds of trying to untangle himself, he gave up and just started walking backwards, trying to pull his pants away from the barbed wire.

“Come on,” he yelled, losing all patience.

With one final step, the barbed wire ripped free from his tux pants, but in its place were a number of small rips, showing either tanned thigh or his skimpy white bikini briefs.

“No, no, no,” he whispered desperately as he tried to work out how to repair the damage.

Maybe I can just get one of the other guys to swap pants with me, he thought. There was no way he wanted to miss out on a night with Kayla, and he was already running late.

It was at that moment that Vinnie realised what was in his tux jacket.

“Oh fuck, my phone!”

Realising that he’d have no choice other than to climb back over the barbed wire fence, Vinnie screamed a string of obscenities as he stepped back on to the fence and climbed back over, unaware of his bowtie getting snagged in one of the branches and coming free from his shirt collar.

Vinnie dropped down on the other side, slammed his feet into the ground and bent over to grab his jacket. As he bent over, there was another popping sound, but another inspection with his hands revealed nothing amiss.

Ramming his phone into his pocket, Vinnie went to turn around but one of his patent leather dress shoes was now stuck in the mud.

“Oh, come on,” Vinnie yelled.

He tried desperately to wriggle his foot to get it free, but the shoe was suctioned tight into the mud. Putting as much force into it as he could, Vinnie grabbed his leg and tried yanking it free. With a lot of grunting, his shoe suddenly came free, but the movement caught Vinnie unawares and he fell sideways, colliding with the barbed wire fence.

As Vinnie hit the fence, his shirt snagged in various spots and his shoe flicked off of his foot and over the side of the fence where he was supposed to be.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck!”

Vinnie stood up, his sheer sock getting immediately soaking wet, and his shirt ripping quietly as he pulled it free. Not wanting to risk wasting any more time, Vinnie took a deep breath and climbed back over the fence, but this time, as he tried to climb down, the bottom of his shirt caught on the top of the fence and as he dropped to the ground, the shirt ripped and popped, a few of the buttons flying off.

“This can’t be happening. Not my fucking shirt.”

In frustration and embarrassment, Vinnie just yanked the shirt free but only succeeded in ripping it from his body.

“What the hell am I supposed to do now?”

Vinnie was stood in just his tux pants, his cummerbund, one sock and one shoe. He pushed his wet foot into the shoe that was a few feet away and tried to convince himself that he could make this work. He’d convince one of his buddies to give him their tux and then he’d have a wild night with Kayla.

Despite being half naked, Vinnie’s toned upper body glistened with sweat as he made his way through the woods.

Mercifully, he reached the edge of the woods without further incident, aside from losing his cummerbund at some point, but by this time, he was nearly half an hour late for prom. However, he just had to climb one wooden fence and then he was on the edge of the hotel grounds.

Nervous of losing anymore of his outfit, Vinnie cautiously approached the fence before starting to climb over. He took his time, not wanting to risk damaging his tux pants further.

But as careful as he was with the fence, he didn’t notice the thick mud on the other side of it. Vinnie dropped to the ground with a squelch and cursed when he saw both of his dress shoes covered by the sticky mud.

He managed to pull his left foot free, but his right was stuck again. After much pulling, Vinnie’s socked foot came free from the shoe.

“For fuck’s sake,” he yelled, bending over to grab his shoe with his hand.

But that was one bend too many for his snug tux pants, and as he grabbed his shoe, his tux pants split open with a loud rip, from the crotch, up through the rear seam, and even through the waistband.


As Vinnie stood up, his pants dropped to his knees exposing his bulging white briefs that barely contained his bubble butt. Vinnie bent over to grab his pants, his bikini briefs disappearing deeper into his crack.

“I can’t believe this,” he moaned as he realised that his pants were utterly ruined.

As he tried to step back from the mud, he stumbled and ended up stepping out of his left dress shoe and then his pants as he tried to retain his balance and not fall in the mud.

This meant that Vinnie was stood in just his skimpy white briefs and his sheer socks and garters.

“What the hell do I do now?”

Vinnie was trying to think of a way out of his potentially mortifying predicament when he suddenly heard voices. Turning around, he saw a crowd of people from the prom, including Kayla and that nerd Joey that she always hung around with, walking towards him, pointing, and laughing.

“Oh my god you guys! Look at Vinnie!”

“What happened macho man?”

“Nice panties!”

Vinnie put his hands over his bulge, desperately trying to hide his bikini briefs. His cheeks were on fire as people laughed and pointed at him. He couldn’t believe he was in front of half of his class in just his underwear. How had this even happened to him?

“I only expected him to be a bit muddy, but I guess this means I don’t need to make him strip later,” Kayla laughed.

It dawned on Vinnie that there had been a plan to expose him all along. It just so happened that he’d managed to humiliate himself before Kayla had had a proper chance.

He wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or not!





This story did something to me 😏 I can’t go into anymore detail