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The two spent the next hour or so pinned against the wall. But whether through eventual mercy on their captor’s part or the end of her concentration or spell duration, they were eventually freed. Miryala dropped to her knees, sobbing. Rylee came over and helped her up, then the two of them tried the door. Even Rylee’s strength couldn’t cause it to budge. It was magically sealed. Resigned to their fate, they picked at the leftovers from their captors’ table, then pulled off the tablecloth and put it down in front of the fire, where they curled up to sleep.

Given their situation, sleep did not come easily, and the two women talked into the night. Miryala was made a little uneasy by their nudity during this conversation, but they were both in the same boat, and had nothing to cover with but the edges of the tablecloth. Rylee, though evidently still concerned about their fate, seemed oddly enthusiastic to her. Eventually, their tiredness won over, and the two slept next to each other, on the warm tablecloth next to the hearth.

Miri wasn’t certain how many hours it had been when she felt something cold and rigid tapping on her shoulder. As she slowly opened her eyes, she heard Ingrid, “Take it easy, half-elf. It’s time to get up. Stand up slowly. Orc, you stay down.” Miri took in that Ingrid had been tapping her with the flat of her sword, and slowly and carefully climbed to her feet. Feeling vulnerable she instinctively covered herself. “Nothing we haven’t seen already elf, get over against the wall.”

As Rylee got to her knees, Miri could see her scanning the halfling for a weakness. Miri bit her lip, concerned that her companion could try an ill-advised escape. After all, Ingrid was armed and armored, and the powerful mage Nimue was standing on the other side of the room. An escape attempt now would have no chance.



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