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“My turn,” Ingrid said. “How do you FEEL about your travelling companion?”

Rylenka blushed, “What kind of question is THAT? She’s, um, fine I suppose.” “Fine, you SUPPOSE. I think I detect a lie. Let’s get rid of your armguards
and this restrictive corset.”

“Hey, let go of that!” the half-orc squealed as Ingrid manually unlaced her armored corselet. “Apparently, it was doing more than protecting you. We’re losing the race, so I’m going to take another turn. Does Miri here get you hot? Should we have her do a sexy little underwear dance for you?” Ingrid laughed.

“Hot? No! I just met her and was assigned to this mission with her.” “Now we’re getting somewhere,” Nimue chimed in. Ingrid slid a hand under the half-orc’s skirt. “Hmmm, warm and damp. Your panties are making a liar out of you. Let’s get you out of those boots, then that skirt.”

Nimue cracked a smile. “Now those are some appropriate undergarments for a warrior on the road. None of this lacy pampered-girl business. But I believe you were telling the truth that you belong to an Orc clan. But they aren’t who sent you on this mission, are they?”

“I’m not telling you a thing!” Rylenka spat. “Oh, darling, it’s a little too late for that. You’ve spilled enough that we have a very good sense who you are
but just for that--Ingrid, go ahead.”

Ingrid peeled off the half orc’s top. “Stop this!” Miri shouted nearby.

“Don’t worry dear,” Nimue said, “I’m going to give you each a chance to keep the rest of your dwindling dignity. This time, I’ll tell you who you are, and you tell me if I’m right. If you lie to me, there will be consequences beyond giving up your undergarments.”

Nimue smiled. “Let’s start with the orc, though. Rylenka
.you’ve revealed that your mother is the chief of the Shellmaw clan. Orc society holds half-breeds in low esteem. You’re weak compared to a full-blood orc. You arrived with a weapon that’s too large for your strength, but you somehow felt compelled to carry anyway. And you know it. That stiletto in your boot is your real defense. Your entire life, you’ve been made to feel small, weak, useless. And after you came of age, you became a serious political problem for your mother. She was losing the respect of the clan, and if she didn’t send you away, there would be challengers to her rule. Bloodshed. So your own mother rejected you. I’m still not sure why she sent you with this half-elf. Am I correct?”

“No! I’m not weak. My momma loves me! I wasn’t banished.” Nimue shook her head, and Ingrid tore the panties off the sobbing half orc.

“You’re a monster!” Miryala said. “Far from it; we just don’t get many visitors around here, and you certainly don’t help matters by hiding your purpose from us. Now
let’s see. You’re a city elf
from Oniridge
.no, no, that accent
Rynchus. You are a mercenary serving a noble house, because your house, once-great has fallen. But you were sent out here
on a mission
there were others, perhaps your employer. For some reason, you were separated and captured by orcs. And, for reasons I can’t imagine, you ended up being freed and in the company of the chief’s exiled daughter. Now, you’re searching for the keystone. The question left on my mind is, what do you need it for? What are you hoping to find in there? I am correct thus far, am I not?”

“I’m not telling you

“Well, that’s too bad
I think this wardrobe extraction will require something “extra.”

With a wave of her hand, Nimue spun Miri around so she was facing the wall. Then, wiggling a finger, the unseen force grabbed at the waistband of the lacy panties, and tugged.

Miri groaned as the lacy fabric stretched and pulled across her skin, a bit abrasive because of the material. Why couldn’t she have just worn cotton? The lace rubbed brutally into her most sensitive spaces, and in the front, that feeling, although not exactly pleasant, was getting hard to ignore.

And then, Nimue chanted something. Seemingly out of nowhere, a leather paddle appeared and started punishing the half-elf’s backside. Rylenka listened to the resounding smacks and the muffled cries and couldn’t help but feel sorry for Miri. But she also felt something else, a burning desire that made her wish that Nimue’s magic had left her hands free.

For Miri’s part, she was crying for the paddle to stop, but it kept going until her backside was bright red and her eyes welled over with tears.

“Insolent brat! I hope you’ve learned your lesson.” With another gesture, Miri spun around again, so her back was against the wall. “I hope you’re comfortable here, because this is how you’ll spend the night. Tomorrow, you can provide entertainments while I take my meals. And, I’ve arranged something quite special for you.

With that, Nimue left the room, but somehow, Miri and Rylenka continued to be held in place by her magic.



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