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(Crew characters appear in the order mentioned)

Carlotta cleared her throat. She really wanted to use as much of her own crew as possible on this mission, she could already tell by the way Milisandia seemed to accept Gabbi’s assessment of her that she would need every ally on board that she could get. “My weather-witch, Laurala, is quite tal-“

“Taken. Haramara, the Elven Zephyr served with me my entire career,” Milisandia interrupted.

“My helmswoman--” “Nope,” Gabby said, “My girl Ellery will take the wheel.”

“Surely my quartermaster—“ “We both agreed my Amira can manage admirably,” Gabby interjected.

“What about marines?” Milisandia smiled, “I’ve always been partial to sea-elves. During their long lifespans, they learn the trade as no one else can. The Paladin Lusha has spent the last couple centuries on land, but she used to be a captain herself. And she vouches for young Tanula, a girl from a fishing village. She’s been on more than a few raid’s, I’ve heard, and fought off a couple on her own turf. I’ve yet to see her use that sword of hers, but if she impressed Lusha, that’s good enough for me.”

Carlotta sighed, defeated. “My second mate, Mara?” “We can use a few more deckhands,” Milisandia responded. “How about Rosa, Adelia,and Corda?” Gabi said excitedly, obviously trying to fill the manifest with her own crew. “Vida, Eva, and Jaqara are overqualified, but can do the job.” Carlotta said.

“That settles the crew,” Milisandia said, “Auxiliary Mates, go collect only the approved hands from your ship, and meet Haramara aboard for berth assignments. If we’re not done loading supplies, your crew can help wrap that up. We sail when ready, we won’t wait for time or tide.”



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