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(You'll notice no images in this section, because I'm trying to speed toward some "action," now that the characters have been introduced and the stakes have been explained.)

Back in the realms, the combined party, bringing a wagonload of provisions, was just passing beyond the outskirts of the city. In the city itself, no one batted an eyelash at a heavily armed party of elves, humans, and a dwarf. Nobles moved around the city with their mercenaries often, since travelling without such a retinue often proved detrimental to one’s reputation. It was less common to see such a well-equipped entourage on the outskirts, and in the hinterlands, it was a rare spectacle.

Miryala stretched and let out a small groan. She was used to walking great distances within the city, but the terrain of the countryside tired her in a way she didn’t expect. She looked at Minna, who seemed to be taking it in stride. Madyson was still walking, but was quiet, and wearing a miserable expression. Looking over at her new companions, the ranger seemed in her element, the assassin’s face betrayed no opinion on the matter, but the Cleric, Choru, looked a little winded. After hours of travelling together, the two parties, loyal to very different mistresses, had barely acknowledged each other. Lady Sivallien, at the head of the pack, continued on with energy. Her expression could only be described as “alert.”

The half-elf reached into her pack and grabbed a bit of uneaten bread crust she had stored there earlier. She broke it in half, and held one part of it out to the Cleric. “First time out of the city?” The cleric looked at her suspiciously, but didn’t refuse the offer of food. “No, I’ve travelled a lot. But usually by horseback, or by portal.”

The half-elf looked down as she spoke, “I’m Miryala, by the way.” “I know,” the Cleric replied, “I mean, I heard about you at the meeting. The council seems to think you have leadership potential.” Miri blushed as the Cleric continued, “I’m Choru.”

“I know,” Miri said, “the Grand Exarch says you’re quite the Cleric.” Choru rolled her eyes, “Why don’t you reserve judgment until you’ve seen me in action?” Velathra, who had been walking in front of them, turned her head and looked over her shoulder, “Do you two always chatter this much? You talk more than bored commoners on a pilgrimage. This mission is serious, and we need to stay focused.” She turned back to face the way she was walking.

Choru and Miri looked at each other, amused behind her back. But Velathra suddenly stopped walking, nearly causing Choru to bump right into her. She turned around and faced them. “This is deadly serious. The realms are counting on us.”

Minna inserted herself between Velathra and Miryala. “I don’t care what how you Grand Exarch’s folk treat one another, but I won’t have you threatening our Miri.” Velathra smiled at the dwarf. “I don’t threaten targets, I eliminate them. The fact that she’s still alive means I’m not targeting her.”

Lady Sivallien turned around. “You will stop it, all of you. Velathra, you’re under my command for this mission, and you will treat every member of this party with due respect. Minna, you will not escalate this into a problem that threatens the mission. And Miryala, it would behoove you to stay focused on the mission, as Velathra said.” The party was quiet again.

Lady Sivallien took out a map, and spread it on the ground in front of them. “Now, we’re about to pass into the Adenarough Wardshell. We won’t have to leave the protections of the shells this time; it’s seamless with Rhynchus. But we’ll be a long way from the city. We’ll set up camp by this river. Therliss, perhaps you can scout ahead, and perhaps forage some meat so we can keep our salted rations.” Therliss simply nodded, and then ran off without another word.


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