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“Then the night foretold is at hand.”

“Don’t get ahead of yourself, Archdeaconess. Spies also inform us that the council has met. They travelled to Rynchus. Their meeting, of course, was in their council hall, hidden in the spaces between the planes. Of course, that can’t bar access to the faithful of Occultia.”

“So, you want me to infiltrate the council hall?”

“Keep up, darling. Our spies have already reported on their meeting. They are sending a small force, led by the relatively young Lady Sivallien and her retainers. But the Grand Exarch of Illuminora also seems to be involved.”

“It gets better and better,” Cafrune smiled.

“She won’t be joining them on their mission, but she has provided them with additional personnel from among her retainers. They have been sent on a quest. They need a stable arcane, or in this case, divine power supply to power the Wardshells in case they should, um, somehow happen to be sundered.”

“What kind of artifact could provide that level of power?”

“The Crown of Beleth the Pious.”

Cafrune grimaced, “That was lost millennia ago. But still, these are dire tidings.”

The queen nodded in agreement, “Do you know what they could accomplish with such a powerful artifact, of our nemesis, Illuminora?”

The Cleric gritted her teeth, “Keeping the Wardshells up indefinitely would be the least of our problems. They must not be allowed to reach this artifact.”

“Agreed. I have chosen you to stop them. Lady Nemmi has already been scrying for its location. You’ll take her with you, and a small team of your choosing. Most of my best troops are available to you, and, of course, your own personnel and resources at the Cathedral. Make sure those you choose are the strongest, most proficient that you can find for the tasks you anticipate. AND that they are loyal. Not a word of this can leak out to the public, or the army, or the Cathedral, or…anyone.”

Cafrune’s serious expression morphed into a wry smile. “The priestesses of Occultia know many secrets that are never told.”

“Gather your team and leave immediately. Nemmi may know where to go already, but she will continue to try to divine the whereabouts of the crown. Take a large enough force, but one small enough to travel quickly, and not be witnessed by many. I will communicate what our spies learn through shadowravens. May Occultia go with you.”

Cafrune grinned wickedly. “She always does, Your Highness. May she continue to bless you with her counsel and power.”

Ursulax grinned back, “She always does.”



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