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Moments later, they emerged from a similar tunnel of light on an outcropping of rock hanging over a deep chasm.   An elaborate structure with colonnaded balconies surrounded the outcropping. They were led by Justicars in shining armor to a large rotunda, the council chambers proper. Minna looked a little green from the teleport, but hadn’t panicked, vomited, or disgraced their delegation in any way. “First possible crisis averted,” thought Miri.

“Ah, Lady Sivallien, welcome. We were expecting you,” said Cyrees, one of the few humans on the council, and the youngest. She had served only a century and a half. Miri took in her surroundings, impressed not just at the architecture, but the fact that she was actually seeing the council in-person. The membership of the council had been relatively stable since the Great Catastrophe of Auzugand, 1100 years ago. Up until that point, the council had been half male. But the male survivors of that event had been removed, due to their reckless handling of power that had precipitated it. All except for one. There he was, Deskelon, with his white hair and his ruby staff, rarely deigning to make eye contact with his inferiors. When he did, Miri felt his eyes piercing through her, as if his gaze penetrated her defenses and announced her as a “half breed” for all to revile. She looked at the other members of the council. Those who had been members longest were elves. After all, who else lives for thousands of years? There was Phinara, Lady of the Western Wood, and Maelyrra, the General from the Northern Desert. Nyana had been a matriarch of the cave-elves before joining the council, and, of course Caelana the Blest—the greatest practitioner of divine magic in the realms, maybe in the world.

While long lifelines were expected in elves, the humans on the council were the subject of a great deal of speculation. Did the council bestow on them the gift of long life? Or were their unnaturally long spans derived from other means? The eldest was Lady Baydeona, serving for 763 years so far. It was rumored that she was no longer, human, and perhaps her longevity was due to what might euphemistically be called a condition of the blood. Uzpha the mystic was a different story altogether. The rumors surrounding her involved the use of time magic. If that was the case, she might be among the most powerful council members to serve over the last four centuries. Then there was Muxijiko of the Islands, an area that had only joined the realms two centuries ago. She had already been the ruler of her island for half a millennium when she negotiated their entry into the Council Realms, and took her place on the council. A powerful sorceress, she had preserved her youth through a ritual involving her own death. Her magics kept her animated and intact. But her youthful appearance had caused many to make the mistake of underestimating her. Her appearance was even more unsettling than the stories Miryala had heard. Whatever magic had preserved her had given her youthful beauty a porcelain-doll like quality. Her form seemed not so much human as an unholy mockery of the species.



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