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Sinfully Incestuous Salvation

Highschool DxD

By Azure, for Ultrasound


Chapter Two: Lord Takes Peerage; Conquest of the Queen, Knight, and Pawn.

(Sirzechs x  Yubelluna, Shuriya, and Karlamine Main Focus. Sirzechs x all of Riser's Peerage)


Somewhere within the vastness of the Underworld there lies a grand coliseum located on the seventh floor of Hell. The interior was designed much like an ancient Roman maze, the setting made it perfect for Ratings Game battles and challenges issued between High-Ruling Satan factions being pitted against one another. As such, two particular factions were now about to go head-to-head in an officially sanctioned match. One of them was prepared in-advance in regards to taking care of the other, albeit in a rather unusual yet completely domineering way. It was only part of one cleverly thought-up plan to acquire a much larger prize from victory in this contest. Not only would the current Maou Sirzechs Gremory demolish the pride of Riser Phenex in this competition, but he would also take from him a slew of special ladies directly from his Peerage as well. Although the main goal of 'Winning' this battle was simply to acquire his younger sister; Ravel Phenex, nothing would stop this philandering Satan from indulging in the bodies of all the gorgeous women he's built his Peerage out of. Sirzechs would make sure whoever he chooses to be his love slave would be completely addicted to his cock, never to return to Riser Phenex's side. And with Ravel Phenex, he'd aim for a much more humbling treatment before truly taking care of the prideful blonde little girl who happened to be secretly his daughter from an ongoing affair he is having with her mother. It was a good day for conquest.

The time for the scheduled challenge came to pass and every participant of Riser's peerage had assembled in front of the large coliseum to await the arrival of Sirzechs. Ironically enough, Riser himself wasn't present as he was currently away tending to other matters that required his attention, so he left responsibility in Ravel's hands and expected to hear of Victory as soon as they returned. Aside from the key three members; Yubellena, Karlamine, and Shuriya, there was also Ravel herself participating in the match alongside all the other Peerage ladies. There they stood behind Ravel in wait, many believing the blonde girl to be incapable of leading them properly against a foe like Sirzechs Gremory.

Ravel's appearance was that of a petite and rather youthful-looking blonde girl with drilled twintails for hair. She had brilliant blue eyes matching the intensity and hue of her mother's and was just as lovely with the exception of her being a tad more bratty and impulsive. She wore a school uniform type of outfit, complete with cloak dripping off of her shoulders and a cocky smile on her face. Despite being a Devil of one of the most prestigious clans in the upper echelons of the ruling Satan factions, Ravel was rather still naive and innocent to a fault.

"Hmph, to think that the current Maou, Sirzechs, would challenge my brother out of nowhere like this. So suddenly too. I wonder what he wants with us, maybe he's trying to probably flaunt his power over our Clan and remind the Phenex family that we serve under him or something like that. Well, I'll show him, it'll be the Phenex Clan that comes out victorious in this match!" Ravel declared dramatically, making Yubellena and the others sigh wearily while a few of them simply chuckled in amusement at her child-like antics. They fully expected to lose since it was the Lord Satan himself and whatever powerful Peerage members he would bring with him for the contest.

Just then, a portal appeared out of nowhere in front of them from a few feet away. Out stepped the man himself, wearing his usual High Ruler robes with his wife Grayfia Lucifuge at his side like always. On his right, there walked a large bi-pedal Dragon Warrior they all knew to be his muscle; Lord Bahamut. Together, they make a most fearsome and extremely dangerous trio that would no doubt overpower all fifteen members of Riser's Peerage without fail. Sirzechs smiled courteously at Ravel's group, bowing his head to her in mutual respect. Although he was calm and composed on the outside, inside, he was really feeling excited to claim an entire peerage of beautiful girls today in this match. That included Ravel herself, later on, Sirzechs would ravish his illegitimate daughter right in front of Riser Phenex and make the girl call him Daddy. Grayfia could tell that her husband was getting frisky at the thought of today's match, probably imagining the various ways he'd take those women, both young and adult, in this Ratings Game.

'Hmm, I know full well who I'll start with. When it comes to claiming an enemy's assets mid-conflict, one must always start with the lowest ranking member of the elites. In this case, that would be Shuriya.' He thought as took a moment to observe all fifteen members of Riser's all-female Peerage. He smirked slyly with confidence when seeing Ravel puff up her chest and try to put on a brave front. 'All of them are conveniently in one place for me to take care of once the battle begins. It is interesting to see that this is the location they had in mind when accepting our challenge.'

He looked up at the coliseum, noticing it was one from famed Human history. It was known for housing many blood sports within its walls as well as creating mythical legends such as the Minotaur and the Labyrinth.

'I see, to circumvent the strength of my allies against theirs, they decided to give themselves a numbers advantage by using the Labyrinth of the Damned as the location for this Ratings Game. It is rather fitting and quite perfect for my infiltration too. I must thank them properly once it is all over.'

The portal closed behind them, leading to Sirzechs speaking first, carrying his so-called regal image and addressing his secretly illegitimate daughter Ravel from across the field.

"Greetings, Ravel Phenex. You are Riser Phenex's younger sister, correct? *Ravel nods* I am pleased to make your acquaintance and am eager to get this show on the road. Nothing better than a 'Friendly' contest between houses, no?" Sirzechs greeted in a friendly manner, hearing Ravel huff indignantly as she looked him straight in the eye.

"Likewise, and well-met, Lord Sirzechs. As per your request; we officially accept the challenge to this Ratings Game and all the conditions for defeat if we lose. As such, we were given the right to choose the location for the contest. We picked the Damnatio coliseum to serve as our mystical battleground. Hope you don't mind dealing with the obstacles this Magical Labyrinth makes, we can't take any chances against you three, seeing as you're more powerful than most here in the Underworld. You are the Great  Maou after all." Ravel explained.

"That is perfectly fine with us, this contest is really more of a formality anyway. What say we begin then?" He smiled, removing his robed cloak from his shoulders and appearing in only a thin layer of majestic clothing including his ornate pants, top, and boots.

Grayfia and Bahamut both walked up and stood beside him in a row while Ravel simply snapped her fingers, making the colosseum magically transport them inside via gateway magic. There, the peerage of Riser Phenex vs Sirzechs and his faction went underway!

'We'll play to our strengths and take them each out one by one. I know the likelihood of winning is next to zero, even with us being greater in numbers, we may lose, but at least we'll be able to take one of you down. I won't sully the name of the Phenex Clan going down without a fight." Ravel thought to herself, keeping a hand pointed at Sirzechs, who was making her increasingly nervous with that confident smile on his face.

All parties teleported straight away into the building in a flash of mystical light, beginning the Rating Game.

'Well, let's see where our first target will be. After I'm done subjugating your three Elites, I'll see to humiliating you, dear daughter. Consider it a demonstration of things to come once I reveal the truth to you after this game.~' Sirzechs thought to himself, focusing his eyes on a certain exotic-looking tanned member of Riser's all-female peerage; Shuriya.


Take the Pawn- Shuriya


Shuriya, one of Riser's low-level Pawns, was a tan-skinned girl with amber eyes and an exotic look featuring a lithe highly sexual figure on par with that of a belly dancer. She was teenage in appearance, possessed long pale blue hair hanging down behind her head from a laurel, the rest of long hair draped down around her neck and shoulders in an exotic fashion. She normally had a brighter, more mischievous demeanor going on at times like this, but right now she was feeling rather anxious when waiting for her opponent to arrive.

All over her body, she had worn a metallic bikini complete with a transparent veil around her arms and tassels hanging from out of her waist accentuating her exotic appearance. Sirzechs would most certainly have fun with her seeing as how she was his designated 'Warm-up' for the match.

Right now she was looking around the area of the maze arena she was in, waiting with increasing anxiety over her first opponent to arrive. Being alone and randomly placed inside of this point in the artificial Dimensional labyrinth, Shuriya had no back-up of any kind in the form of her other peerage members. She didn't even have any advantages to speak of nor any means of an offense outside of her own magical power.

She was alone, just as planned.

"Uhh....! Why am I getting so nervous all of a sudden? I've never been like this before when inside a Rating Game match, I keep getting chills that I'm probably gonna be facing Sirzechs first." She said to herself, suddenly feeling space warp around her entire body, causing her to become locked in a pocket dimension that was cut off from time and space itself. She was effectively removed from the game until further notice.

"W-what?! N-no! Let me out of here!" She cried out, now feeling very panicked and concentrating magic into her hands to try and break free from her dimensional cage. She suddenly heard a soft chuckle coming out from the area behind her, making her turn her head fearfully to see who it might be.

"There's no use trying to escape, my dear. This is a Top-Class bounded field made specifically to keep the target inside as intentional prey. You are removed from the Dimension of time and space itself, albeit only temporarily, but you are also prevented from receiving any outside interference. Only I can undo it."

She looked back and saw that the voice belonged to Sirzechs himself. He was standing there, inside of the pocket dimension with her, a few feet away from where she was standing. Despite his calm demeanor, Shuriya found him looking as intimidating as ever. She'll admit that in any other circumstances she'd be charmed by his handsome face and charming young looks.

'Uuaawwwhh! Why am I fighting him first!? This has to be an insane first match-up!' She thought in panic and brought up her right hand, ready to send a bolt of magical energy at him. But, in the blink of an eye, Sirzechs appeared right in front of her with a hand around her wrist. He was gripping it firmly then lowering it with a suave smile on his face, effectively taking the wind out of Shuriya's sails from the get-go. 'S-s-so fast! I didn't even see him coming! I never stood a chance. Forgive me, Lord Riser.'

Lowering her arm down completely, he then slid one of his own around the girl's waist, pulling her up close to where her bra-clad breasts made contact with his chest. This surprised Shuriya completely, for she had never been so close and intimate with someone other than Riser Phenex at all. She was feeling rather anxious and hot under the collar, wondering why he was doing this until he brought his right hand up to her face. Sirzechs gently stroked her cheek before suddenly pulling the girl onto his lips for a fierce surprise kiss!

"Mmmmh!?" She squeaked out in surprise with eyes becoming as wide as saucers. Shuriya was beyond shocked and wondered what was the reason for this until she felt a gentle wave of soothing energy begin to flow throughout her entire body. A strong sense of sexual excitement began to arise from within her loins, the longer he kept his lips sealed around hers, the stronger the sensation got.

'H-He's kissing me? Lord Sirzechs is really kissing me!' Shuriya thought to herself with her last remaining thought of reason suddenly fading away. She was feeling very weak from the wave of elation corroding her entire body and making her womanhood quell with increasing sexual desire.

It was making her into a docile puppy that felt no need to fight back. Instead, she let her eyes close swiftly and allowed herself to submit to his embrace without concern for Riser or her Peerage in general. She started kissing him back, tasting him as she drove her tongue directly into his mouth, only for it to be swallowed by his throat leading to an intense make-out session between the two. Sirzechs deepened the kiss, even more, wiggling his tongue around Shuriya's while he started cleaning out her entire palette for a full minute before pulling himself off.

"Mmmhhh...! Ahhh....! Oh Lord Sirzechs.....!~" She breathed out once he let go of her lips, leaving her with a scarlet blush all over her face. Sirzechs smiled suavely as he brought up his right hand to her chest. With a gentle tug of his fingers, the small chain that kept the metal cups of her brassiere together snapped off. Suddenly her perky B-cup sized breasts shook free with a gasp of excitement escaping Shuriya's lips

"Hhmm, not bad, a delectable beauty like you will serve me nicely along with all your other peerage members." He spoke out, sending chills down her spine as he pulled back momentarily in order to magically undress before Shuriya's eyes. Suddenly she got a faceful of Sirzechs' naked body in its entirety, he fully displayed his masculine features with a thick footlong monster of a cock standing at full mast and yearning for her attention.

She wanted to scream right here with happiness when she saw it and heard him speak out his next command.

"Remove the rest of your clothing, I'm going to break you in now, Shuriya."

"Y-yes, Lord Sirzechs!" She eagerly replied and hastily undid the rest of her outfit, appearing naked as the day she was born with the exception of her accessories such as earrings, necklace, and ornate headdress.

"Good, now get on all fours and keep those legs spread apart, I'm going to do you raw until you're unconscious, then move on to your sisters in Riser's peerage next." He commanded again and Shuriya, no longer caring about anything except the feeling for this man's dick inside of her, obeyed without hesitation.

She quickly got onto all fours and wriggled her taut ample butt in front of him, waiting to be taken. Her tanned juicy-looking pussy looked positively tight to the fit, making Sirzechs smile gleefully as he got on top of her. He placed himself directly above her rear, gripping the sides of her soft waist and pushing the head of his meat down into the juicy cusp of the woman's sex.


"Aaaaahhhhh!~ Ohhh yesss...! Lord Sirzechs! Yess!~" Shuriya cried out with little hearts in her eyes, feeling the thickness of his length burrow into the slick sensitive depths of her pussy now. She could feel him burrowing directly into her cervix, making the entrance of her womb kiss the head of his dick as he started bottoming out of her in a series of hard pelvic thrusts.

Soon, loud pelvic slams of Sirzechs' hips collided with Shurya's body, making her buttocks jiggle voraciously as he drove himself to the hilt with each and every shove of his penis. He constantly felt the inside of her tight slimy pussy coiling around him like so, gripping his length as though it were the most pleasant experience of her life. He held his hands firmly around her waist, keeping the girl pinned down from underneath him, her face nudged against the surface of the ground as she was clawing her fingers on the surface wearing an ahegao kind of expression on her face. Shuriya could feel the thickness of his amazing cock pummeling the inside of her pussy like nothing else before, making her howl salaciously in grandiose pleasure while Sirzechs breeds her right on the spot. She honestly hoped she would get pregnant with his baby should he decide to seed her right here and now.

"Mmh...mh..mh..mh...mmhm...mmfnnghh! Ahh....!~ Ooh you're a tight one alright. Mmhm, I'm really going to enjoy having this warm-up with you, Shuriya. From now on, after this game, you'll belong to me and only me, no one else gets command of your body except I!" He bellowed, continuing to bottom out of Shuriya's pussy for the foreseeable future, making the girl howl and beg for him to fuck her faster.

Over and over again, Sirzechs' waist collided with the girl's ass, making her insides squeeze tightly around his rod as he continued fucking her for several minutes until she came. Squeezing her cervix down around his length, Shuriya howled loudly in euphoria. Her tongue had spilled out of her mouth while she was clutching desperately on Sirzechs' amazing cock, eventually making him succumb to the pleasure of orgasm as he gave her one last thrust before shuddering in orgasmic bliss. With one hard slam of his hips, Sirzechs pushed himself into her very womb and unleashed a thick splash of highly potent sperm directly into Shuriya's sex.


He was filling her out entirely to where her uterus made contact with his seed, guaranteeing her pregnancy in the process. The girl couldn't be happier that it happened.

"Ooooaaaaagghhhh!~" She cried out and slammed her buttocks into his waist, again and again, in submission while feeling the thick spurts of semen flowing into her nonstop for nearly seven minutes tops.

Eventually, Sirzechs had finished pumping Shuriya's body full with his seed and likely siring new life inside of her already. The woman was left a smiling mess of a person filled to the brim with his cum. He had slowly pulled out of her gaping snatch, leaving her pussy to ooze out a thick splotch of seed as he magically made his clothing reappear around his body like so. Swiftly dispelling the pocket Dimension Spell, they returned to reality where Shuriya was still lying face-down, ass-up with that ahegao smile on her lovely face.

He grinned in victory and magically conjured a blanket to pull over her naked frame before moving onto the next target on his list. The Knight; Karlamine.

'And now onto you, my beautiful little blonde swordswoman of a Knight.' He mused, feeling friskier still, anxious to plant the seed of his child directly inside of Karlamine next.


King takes Knight- Karlamine


'I can't help but feel that it'll either be Lord Sirzechs or Lord Bahamut I'll be facing. The sheer raw power I feel makes it as though they're nearby. If only I could see beyond these accursed walls, then maybe I could get the jump on them. I am not afraid however, I will fight even a Lord Satan head-on as an opponent, so let whoever it is come!" An armor-wearing brunette woman declared heroically to herself after swinging her large sword around in the air in preparation.

She stabbed the blade into the ground, expecting her challenger to come at any moment since she was feeling they were close. Part of her did hope that more of her teammates would notice and come to her aid, but in this case, it may as well be pointless if she were up against Sirzechs or the Dragonic warrior Bahamut. Not that she was expecting to win, but depending on how well they perform against overwhelming odds such as these, Karlamine wasn't taking any chances. She was going to pull out all the stops and not be kicked out of Riser's peerage if she lost poorly..

It did delight the partially armor-clad young woman to know that she'd be facing off against either one of the big three, the only thing that'd make it better would be that if one of them wielded a sword for her to test her mettle against in a bout of swordsmanship.

Karlamine, the Knight Evil piece of Riser's Peerage, was a lovely young woman with messy light brown hair and piercing green eyes. Her bodily proportions were well-balanced in a voluptuous way with a decent hip-to-waist ratio. Her breasts were rather sizable and measured at a robust D-cup measurement, they were unfairly obscured by her plate armor that she always wore into battle. The rest of her body was covered up by a white tunic with various pieces of body armor worn over her chest, waist, and legs respectively. Thankfully her voluptuous thighs stuck out quite freely from underneath the surprisingly short tunic bottom. She wore a set of armored pauldrons over her shoulders and arms with iron boots over her legs. She even wore a makeshift headband worn around her forehead to complete her mildly exotic look of a wandering sword-wielding warrior.

Standing there in the middle of her zone, she was cautiously waiting for whoever it is that was nearby to come out from the shadows and face her.

Once Sirzechs stepped out into the open field, he was feeling anxious with lustful glee after seeing her alone without anyone else around. After having traversed a secret path leading directly to Karlamine's location, the man arrived in almost no time at all after 'Subduing' Shuriya. She saw him and looked positively shocked, paling somewhat as he faced her with a casual smile on his face.

"It would seem I am your opponent, Miss Karlamine.~" He greeted, watching her panic slightly as she held her blade readily in both hands, taking a battle stance position in front of him.

"Well, what an honor. I get to fight the great Lord Lucifer himself as my very first opponent. Don't think for a second that I'll hold back on you, I know full well you might beat me with very little effort, but at least, I can make sure to give it my all with my swordsmanship honed from many battled-hardened experiences." She declared before magically conjuring up a plethora of several long blades floating around in the air majestically in a circle like a defense mechanism.

All of them were magically-made swords of varying shapes and sizes, each of them was brimming with power as they circulated around her all at once. Karlamine saw that Sirzechs wasn't the least bit fazed by her technique, instead, he conjured up one of his own blades by summoning a small portal to the right side of his waist. She watched as he plunged his right hand in and grabbed onto something with a large hilt. He slowly pulled it out while keeping a calm set of eyes focused on her body.

"I've heard about your exceptional skill with swords. You have a particular affinity for Holy blades like Excaliburs themselves from what I'm told. I must admit I am a bit curious to see how skilled you are with them, so let's compare your skill with my own in a contest of sword vs sword. Behold, my personal weapon of choice for this fight." Sirzechs swiftly pulled out the rest of it, making Karlaine's eyes widen in absolute shock as she saw him reveal a legendary Holy blade she thought to be lost in the annals of history. There was an entire mythos behind it, entire lore that mentioned its power being on par with Excalibur itself.

"N-no! It can't be...! That sword, it's....!" She cried out in both shocking surprise and fanaticism upon seeing it.

Sirzechs wielded a large two-handed blade unique in design and brimming with awesome Demonic power. It scorched the very air around him like a torch and Karlamine knew right away what could be. It was the only Holy Sword of Legend that had turned Demonic according to the mythos surrounding it. She nearly dropped her own blade in surprise, yet kept her eyes focused on the brimming metal of a blade that once belonged to Lancelot himself.

"That sword is Arondight! The legendary sister blade to Excalibur itself! It is the one that Lord Lancelot wielded before the downfall of Camelot. How did you get a hold of it?!" She asked incredulously with shock, as well as fanatical glee for seeing the Legendary blade in person.

"I have my ways. Nothing gets past the Ruler of Hell, Miss Karlamine, especially one who has lived since time immemorial like many others within the New Satan faction. Are you still interested in having our duel now? You could surrender and I wouldn't harm a single pretty hair on your lovely head." He offered coyly, making the woman blush at his flattering remark.

Being as foolishly battle-hardy as she was, Karlamine shook her head immediately and readied her blades by getting into a stance position. She was sure she'd lose, but at least it would be done in an honorable way. Or so she likes to think. Sirzechs held the all-powerful Demonic Sword in both hands, taking a stance himself and preparing to meet her head-on, knowing full well the outcome. With a charge of adrenaline, she rushed at him with all of her levitating swords bearing down on the Lord Maou in hopes of making even a single scratch on his skin.

Little did she know that she had played right into his trap.


The battleground was left scorched with Sirzechs claiming victory, he was standing over a defeated Karlamine laying on the ground nearly unconscious with her armor and clothing rent into pieces. Sirzechs started looking her over, admiring her voluptuous frame, and put away his sword back into the void dimension he had pulled it from. It had been over in a flash and he had intentionally used a scorching technique with his blade to burn away most of her clothing in a single strike. Nearly all remains of her tunic were turned into ashes, leaving her only in the near-decimated remains of iron pauldrons and chest plate.

"*Huff..huff..huff....!* You have bested me then, Lord Sirzechs. I knew I never stood a chance, to begin with, but still....to lose to a Holy Blade was an honor unto itself." Karlamine breathed out, not knowing that nearly all of her bathing suit area had been exposed to Sirzechs' eyes.

To her growing confusion, she saw him smile evilly at her, he then bent down on one knee and placed a hand directly above her chest plate. In an ultra-violet flash of energy, he disintegrated the rest of her armor with magic! Her chest plate was gone, exposing her luscious and full-looking D-cup sized titties in all their naked glowy. Her Gauntlets and Boots were gone as well, leaving only the shredded remains of her white tunic barely covering up her pubic area. Sirzechs left that part alone because he wanted to tear off her fabric with his own fingers.

"Mmnghh!? S-Sirzechs?!" Karlamine shrieked out with cheeks as crimson as a tomato, she was left in only a thin strip of fabric barely covering up her sex. Her entire body now laid before his eyes almost completely exposed. If that wasn't enough, she saw Sirzechs stand up for a brief moment and pull down his pants. He revealed his very long, very thick, twelve-inch erection in all of its throbbing glory. "W-what is the meaning of this?!"

"Simple; I defeated you in a challenge during a Ratings Game and so I shall now take my prize. I will be ravishing your body just as I have done already with your comrade Shuriya moments before coming here." He revealed, making the brunette blush intensely with a shocked face. She attempted to scream out for help until she felt a strangely hypnotic sensation of soothing energy flowing out from Sirzechs into her body.

'Mmhmmm! W-what has come over me....?' Karlamine wondered as she started feeling sensational waves of slow-building ecstasy flooding through her body for simply being in the mere presence of Sirzechs.

She watched as he got down on his knees and placed himself directly above her body, spreading apart her long luscious legs and watching her breasts jiggle a little as she moved. Karlamine was laid on her back spread-eagle, in full-blown submissiveness for him for Sirzechs while her legs were spread wide before him. He grinned devilishly as he hooked a finger from underneath the fabric of her panties, ripping it into shreds exposing her juicy-looking peach before his eyes. Karlamine had a light brown tuft of flaxen caramel-colored pubic hair directly above her mound, making Sirzechs hunger as he spread her out even further apart by placing his legs underneath each of her thighs.

"S-Sirzechs....p-please....!" Karlamine whimpered, seeing the predatory smile on his face just before he guided the thick bulbous head of his cock directly into her folds from above. He was doing it slowly, making sure Karlamine felt the torturous pleasure of having her labia spread out, making sure she was left wanting it as he pushed into her in a sudden shove of his hips!


"Ggggghh! Aaaaahhhhhhh!~" She cried out, tossing her head backward and pushing her chest into the air! Her breasts jiggled salaciously as she squirmed within his grasp, feeling her pussy spreading out pleasurably while she felt her insides churning around the Maou's massive cock like so. Karlamine let out an incomprehensible sputter of noises coming from her lips, her toes wriggled and her legs remained high into the air as she was being taken in full-blown submission by Sirzechs. She was feeling his amazingly massive dick pushing its way through to her cervix, then pushing even farther until it was in her womb!

"Mmhhh! Ooh, you are quite tight down there, Miss Karlamine. Has Riser not been touching you lately? Or at all? Or does he simply prefer to set his sights on my sister Rias after being bored of all fifteen of you girls?" He guessed, hearing the swordswoman whimper pathetically in response, making her shake her head left and right trying to deny feeling this mind-numbing sensation of ecstasy.

"Hhgnhhhh.....aaahhh....! Lord S-Sirzechs...!" She whimpered again, feeling the corroding aspects of his 'Magic' as well as his natural Charm influencing the long-starved woman into falling deeper in love with him right there.

Karlamine's pussy was wrapped around him tightly until she felt Sirzecehs pull grab onto her waist and then slam himself onto her in full force, making his way inside of her womb completely and hitting one of her G-spots already! Karlamine squirmed about all over the ground, clutching her head and running her hands down along the sides of her face in blissful agony. Her chest started rising up and down, making her breasts jiggle while she was reeling in pure unadulterated pleasure. Letting a blissful squeal and making her eyes lose focus while her mouth remained open, Karlamine was officially being broken-in by the current Maou and loving every millisecond his cock was inside of her loins. Sirzechs could tell that the woman has completely broken already, making him smile at her while seeing a blissful grin of her own down below. There wasn't a doubt in his mind that she was going to beg him to fuck her into the ground like an animal.

"Well? How do you feel, Karlamine? Would you like me to proceed? I can't promise my sperm will not reach your eggs and seed you with my baby. I am very, very potent and will be willing to take care of you after you've become blessed with my child. I'm positive Shuriya is already. What do you say?" He asked and saw her vehemently nod her head with desperate desire, tossing her hands around his shoulders with a smile of frenzied need written on her once-proud face.

"Yes! Please breed me, Lord Sirzechs! I-I want to have it! I want to give birth to your babies! Ravish me however you like, as much as you like!" She cried out desperately, making him nod casually back to her as he began bottoming out of her snatch with high-impact thrusts of his hips! "Yesss! Ooohh....yessss! M-My lord...! Aaahhh!~"

A collection of loud rapturous fucking sounds followed with Sirzechs violently slamming his waist into Karlamine's sex from above, he had bent himself over her body and decided to take her in a mating-press position. He had initially pinned her down in a bent missionary arrangement, but Sirzechs felt it would better to fuck the once-proud Swordswoman into oblivion using this form instead. He could feel every silk visage of her pussy squelching tightly around his length, the further he plunged in the harder his body bottomed out of her hole with animal-like lust. Karlamine's legs soon raised high into the air and swayed back and forth while doing so, waving uncontrollably as he began jack-hammering into her from above like an animal!

"Nngghh! Nnghh..nngh..gnh..gnh..gnh..ngnhh!~ Oooh yes! You are even tighter than Shuriya when I took her mere moments ago. I'll take my time with Yubellena next once I go after her, but first...." He leaned down closer to her face, holding each of Karlamine's soft cheeks into his hands. Sirzechs took pride in watching her green eyes sparkle with a profound mind-broken lust for her new master. "....I'll have to breed you thoroughly first and make it the most memorable experience of your life. You won't be thinking of Swords anymore once I'm through with you."

"Hnnh mhmm! Y-yes, S-Sirzechs...!" She cried out breathlessly and felt his lips suddenly dominate her own in a fierce tongue-swallowing kiss! "Mmhmmmmhm!"

Karlamine's tongue started swiveling upwards into his throat, tasting the insides of his mouth while he did the same with hers. Their saliva intermingled with each other, their tongues rolled around inside of each other's cheeks. He continued fucking her voraciously by pinning her body down from above and driving all twelve inches into the moist flesh of her womb in a raucous, volatile manner. Sirzechs' balls tapped relentlessly into Karlamine's ass, making her feel her cheeks becoming tenderized while her pussy was being stretched out by his cock. They were slamming together in primal sexual bliss for minutes on end until she eventually came.

"Ggghhhh! Aaaaaaahhh.....!~" Karlamine cried out ecstasy, squeezing the Lord's cock from within her folds in orgasm. Her legs straightened into the air and her sex spritzed juices all over his crotch before he resumed bottoming out of her again. This time he drove himself into her body even harder, making balls slap voraciously into her ass while he kept on hitting the Swordwoman's G-spot!

"Aaahh..aahh...ahh..ahh..ahh..aahh..aaahhhh!~" She cried out in a series of bliss-addled moans, feeling every groove of his overly long overly cock burrow to the hilt through her cunt. He was clawing out her insides in only the most pleasurable of ways, making Karlamine experience pleasure like never before. It wasn't at all like anything she ever experienced from Riser. Her body was jostling so violently underneath him yet that she wanted to wrap her legs around his back and embrace Sirzechs thoroughly with all four limbs around his body. She fully submitted herself to him with the hope he was impregnating her.

Karlamine eventually came again, squeezing her pussy tightly around his length in yet another spasm-inducing orgasm. He held off on coming, for right now, as they continued going at it like animals for an untold time. It had been twenty-five minutes tops by official counting measure, and Sirzechs could feel his balls throbbing the harder he bottomed out of the Knight's body. He was preparing to stuff her full of sperm in just a few seconds. As he pumped himself into her waist, grinding his pubic bone between her legs and enjoying the silken feeling of her cervix wringing his penis desperately, she came yet again! Throwing her head back, Karlamine screamed loudly into the air, causing her breasts to jiggle salaciously as she came for the final time! The intense squeezing of her cervix caused Sirzechs to succumb to his orgasm as well.

"Hnhh! Here it comes! Bare my brood, woman! You'll think of nothing else for as long as you live! Aagghh!" He growled loudly and spewed a thick, copious amount of sperm straight into the roof of the brunette's womb.


He was filling it to capacity in long rope-like spurts, filling every part of her womb with his seed to the point it started flowing through to her uterus. Amidst their shared orgasm of blissful ecstasy, Karlamine was left smiling deliriously with mind-broken happiness and felt his sperm flowing through her body on their way to an egg to fertilize.

"Mmhmm.....! There, all done." He breathed out, finishing cumming inside of her and reluctantly pulled himself out with a splotch of cum oozing out in a splash. Karlamine's quivering hole dripped thick amounts of semen constantly, making her face look like she was dying of breath. She laid there, panting heavily with an utterly tired yet satisfied smile on her face. 'Another one, only a handful more to go until I eventually get to my daughter. Speaking of which....'

Sirzechs pulled up his pants and looked ahead to his far-right to see that Ravel Phenex herself was coming near, no doubt looking for him to fight head-on.

'Hmmm, it is too soon to breed her, especially since I want it to be done right in front of Riser Phenex' face after taking care of the rest of his harem in front of him. Still, this would be a good time to try out a certain kink I do believe she has thanks to her mother, being the way she is. Time to have a little talk with 'Daddy', Ravel.' He thought as he made his way discreetly from the spot he left a naked and nearly comatose Karlamine laying down on the floor reeking of cum.


"Ooooh, where is that man? I know I saw him over here just a moment ago before a spell of some kind blocked my senses from viewing far away. It's as if someone with better magic overturned each and every trap and counter-spell I set into place inside the Labyrinth." Ravel Phenex muttered to herself as she warily journeyed through the area where she saw Sirzechs with a Staff in hand. She honestly looked to pick a fight with anyone at all to prove her leadership to the others, the little Phenex knew they didn't think much of her leading this battle, but she wanted to prove them wrong and show just how good she really is.

Little did she know that she walked right into a cleverly-disguised magical trap, manifesting the form of a glowing Glyph Pentagram lying beneath her feet. As soon as she stepped onto it, the symbology started lighting up in a brilliant display of magical energy, surprising the girl and making her panic before unleashing the full effects of the ensnarement spell.

"G-Ghhh! S-stupid mistake! I walked right into an enemy trap without realizing it! Gahh!" She cried out, trying to dispel the magical ensnarement until it was too late to use her arms.

Ravel wound up suspended into the air with all four limbs suddenly bound by several magically-made cords tying up her ankles and thighs together. Her ass remained sticking out since her legs were bent underneath with her arms being held in the air in a spread-out fashion. If that wasn't enough, she also saw several other magically-made ropes coming out of miniature portal glyphs and wrap tightly around her torso, causing her breasts to push out noticeably into her outfit.

Ravel groaned with embarrassment clear on her face, she had never felt this vulnerable in all her life yet....she was still feeling a bit excited all the same. Her face was as red as a tomato and her body remained held up in a compromising position, no doubt it would discredit her greatly if any members of her Peerage came by and saw her like this. She looked back over her shoulder and saw that her skirt had been flipped over her rear, showing her panty-clad ass to the world with naked thighs gnashing tightly together.

'I-I gotta get out of this quick before someone sees me! I c-can't let the whole Peerage see me like this and treat me like a joke from now on!' She figured and tried channeling some of her inner Devil-Borne magic into a spell to try and break the bindings off, but then she heard a faint sound of applause from a few feet away. 'Ggyaaagghh! Someone's here!'

Ravel turned her head in the direction of the clapping, seeing Sirzechs himself step out from the darkness of the Labyrinth with a gentle smile on his face.

"Congratulations,Ravel. You fell into my trap that my darling wife set up for you." He began, chuckling darkly as he walked over to her, seeing the look of frustrated indignance on her reddened face. It made her appear even cuter and it caused Sirzechs no end of sexual arousal as he casually circled around her prostrated body. He honestly wanted to fuck her right now, making this little blonde child of his squeal 'Daddy' while he rails her into submission. Alas, he would have to wait for that, the moment wasn't quite right to do so just yet.

"G-gh! Don't you look down on me! I'm a member of the Proud Phenex Clan, and I will get out of these bindings and have my revenge upon you. My brother will hear of this and when he does he'll--!"

Suddenly her chin was held into his hand, making her halt and peevishly stare into the gentle green eyes of his face. He smiled slyly before letting go, knowing Ravel loved it with a stronger figure of authority and power overwhelmed her like the brat she really is. She couldn't explain it, but she felt a sheer dominating force of will coming from Sirzechs when he did that. One that made her comply silently and immediately while feeling her loins moisten even more as a result. Part of her liked being put in her place.

"That's what I thought, a spoiled brat like you ought to learn how to respect her elders. Perhaps you were not disciplined enough while growing up under the Phenex clan. Here....let me give you a sample of what that feels like." Sirzechs said as he stood behind Ravel's ass with a smile on his face. He gently ran his hand all over her partially-exposed midriff and trailed his fingers down her thighs, causing her to shudder quietly.

"Mmmhhh!" She mewled in response as if she felt some kind of magical touch coming from the hands of Sirzechs. It positively made her body quiver on reflex.

The man admired her perfect ladylike physique for someone as young as her, glad that she inherited much of her beauty from her mother as well as that golden blonde hair he was very fond of. Sirzechs also noticed that despite her child-like youth, she had still matured early with plenty of feminine curviness showing all over her lithe, petite body like so. He loved breaking in a new woman into his harem, one that'll be eventually superseded by Millicas in the future. At least that's what he hoped would happen.

Raising his right hand up high over her butt, he brought it down hard upon her ass in a sudden smack across her ample buttcheeks!


"Kygaahh! W-w-what are you doing to me?!" She squealed out, her adorable face became even redder than a Gremory's hair. Ravel turned her head to the side to see him now groping the shape of her ass with a smile on his face. The feeling his fingers gave her made her insides quiver even more as a result.

"Disciplining you. I did say you needed proper discipline, ideally from a 'Daddy' figure like myself. You are far too precocious, Ravel Phenex, so I'm going to teach you a little lesson before taking on Yubelluna next.~" He explained with a sly smile on his face. He brought his hand up again, and slapped it across her cheeks, making Ravel squeal loudly as she felt an exhilarating kind of pain the longer goes!

"Aaahh! Uugghh! Mmnnghh! I....am not...enjoying this!~" She whimpered again, trying to stifle herself from screaming out too much. She struggled to bite her tongue while he continued slapping her cute little supple ass sideways, again and again, in a steady flow of spankings.

*Smack! Smack!! Smack...smack...smack!*.

Ravel was constantly moaning loudly in pain and barely disguised pleasure, as he continued this for several long minutes. She started letting out more aroused gasps of air once she felt her pussy moisten considerably from inside of her panties. The little Devil made a small patch of wetness appear from within their fabric, causing a smile to appear on her father's eyes.

'That's right, my daughter, savor this moment. There'll be much more to come after today's Ratings Game match. I hope you'll understand later that this means you're every bit the masochistic pleasure slut your mother is. I wonder if the child I'll sire within you very soon will grow up to be the very same.' Sirzechs thought with a mischievous smile on his face, he brought both of his hands over to Ravel's cheeks and began squeezing them together between his strong magically-arousing fingers.

This caused the girl to howl in euphoria all over again.

"Aaaaaahhhhhhhh.....! I...I give already! Just please stop....t-torturing me like this!" She begged, huffing loudly as she felt the urge to pleasure herself increase tenfold after feeling the man fondle her ass. 'His f-fingers feel so nice....! Mmhmm!'

'Heh, I can tell she's fighting it, but at least that'll bring out her more depraved nature once Lady Phenex brings her to me later on. As much as I wanna enjoy this, I'd better make haste and claim the rest of Riser's peerage out from under him, but first....'

Sirzechs then removed his hands from her ass, giving Ravel a momentary relief until she suddenly felt a single finger pushing into her sex through her panties next. This caused her to stiffen up considerably, making a blushing face as she felt stimulation of the most sensitive kind.

"Nnnhhh!" She whimpered loudly and pursed her lips until she heard Sizrechs' voice speak up.

"I'll let go as soon as you say 'Please, Daddy. I want to hear that squeaky voice of yours say it loud and clear.~" He said, leaning in close to her ears.

'H-he wants me to w-what!? I...I am not going to call him....!' She tried to refute his request, but felt a stronger push of his finger against her highly sensitive sex, making her body quiver salaciously as she was nearing a total meltdown. "Kyaaaaaaahhh!~ P-P-please.....!"

"Yes?" Sirzechs let on, making sure she could feel every part of his finger touching her teenage sex through her panties. The drenched fabric made her feel even more pleasure from the sensation. "Go on....."

"P-please, Daddy! Aaaagggghhhh!~" Ravel let out and Sirzechs, just as he promised, took his finger away from her crotch at once. The moment she was deprived of his digit prodding her womanhood, Ravel found herself letting out one other thing to say upon feeling it leave her body. "P-please.....play with me more, Daddy! Aaaahh!~"

She cried out in orgasm shortly after, unaware of what she had said since she was in a blissful frenzy of want caused by her highly sensitive sex. The blonde teenage girl shuddered explicitly while remaining hovering in the air, bound by magical ropes. Seeing her body shake and tremble, with her panties becoming soaked, made for a pleasant memory for Sirzechs.

'Well then, my work here is done. I'd better get going and take care of the other ladies in Riser's Peerage before they wait too long. I'll start with Yubelluna first though.~" Sirzechs said to a barely-conscious Ravel Phenex.

turning on his heel and walking away, he left her bound in the trap, knowing Grayfia will dispel it later once the match was over. Using his Dimensional magic and locating where Riser's Queen remained waiting, he spotted her somewhere near the exact center of the maze.

"Here I come, you big-breasted Queen. I'll take special care of breeding you thoroughly and making you forget all about Phenex." He said quietly to himself before vanishing in a whirl of mystical energy to teleport away to her location.


King Conquers Queen- Yubelluna


Isolating the Queen of the Peerage herself from the rest was an easy task for Sirzechs with Grayfia's help. Despite the machinations the labyrinth around them had, his wife's magical power far surpassed anything the girls could throw his way. They were still far below the three of them in terms of might, in fact, Sirzechs wagered that even his sister's Peerage could've beaten them if properly given the right circumstances and knowledge of more exploitation methods. This brought his mind back to Issei Hyoudou and a technique he used to really throw some of Riser's members off-balance mid-game.

Sirzechs located Yubelluna standing within the exact center of the maze, she was keeping careful watch from atop a rocky ledge within a garden-like landscape. It was obviously riddled with many traps, both magical and physically harmful to Devil-kind. The violet-haired beauty was obviously waiting for him to come to her, she was likely aware that he had 'Defeated' both Karlamine and Shuriya by making his way here. She had her Archstaff in hand and kept her eyes peeled open for anything that might come out. Unfortunately for her, Sirzechs had his wife Grayfia cast a veil of shadowy fog around the entire area, cutting off the woman's field of vision.

Hissing with frustration, he hopped off of her ledge and gently landed onto the ground via magic, staying ready and alert for someone to come at her next.

"Tsk, They're here! Or rather, only one of them anyway. Given its magical power surrounding me right now, I can safely surmise that it is only Lady Grayfia's doing." Yubellula analyzed as she kept her staff readily in each hand, anxiously looking around with her one visible eye open until Sirzechs suddenly appeared from behind with a devilish smirk on his face.

'Behind me!' Yubelluna swung her Archstaff in his direction, ready to blast him head-on with a powerful magical attack, but in a movement too fast for her to see, he had held her staff in-place with one hand as if it were nothing. No magic was coming out and Yubelluna was beginning to panic already.

"Hmm, you picked up on me quicker than the others, I'll give you that, of course, they wouldn't have detected me anyway had I not presented myself before them." He casually stated before yanking the staff out of her hands and casting a Spell to surround Yubelluna in a Time/Space zone, effectively removing her from the game itself as he did with Shuriya upon taking her.

"W-what are you planning on doing to me, Lord Maou? If I am defeated then so be it...*Raises hands up in surrender*...there's no need for further theatrics. My heart wasn't set on winning this Rating Game anyway, given that it is the three of you." She explained, sighing reluctantly and failing to notice that his left hand glowed with a sphere of magical energy.

"Hm?" She wondered what it could be until she saw him thrust his magically-charged right hand into her chest, making every fiber of her clothing suddenly start expanding and ripping themselves apart.

"Dress Break." Sirzechs stated, making the ball implode into Yubelluna's clothing!


In a flash, everything from her robes and womanly accessories to even her lingerie had been shredded into pieces! She was left completely naked, allowing the man to marvel at her voluptuous hourglass body with F-cup sized tits jiggling salaciously once they were free!

"K-Kyaaaaggghh!! What is the meaning of this, Lord Sirzechs?!" Yubelluna cried incredulously in shock of his actions, she hastily covered herself up with her arms when seeing him playfully wink at her without care.

"Like I told Karlamine; I am taking my prize after I have defeated you. The rest of the Peerage will go the same way, but I made sure to make things special for the three strongest members of the group first." He explained and saw Yubeulluna turn on her heel in an attempt to escape using Magic, but Sirzechs was one step ahead of her.

Strange-looking glyphs of Satanic magic started appearing all over her body, from her wrists to her waist to her long legs. Yubelluna looked at herself in mortified shock, unable to move at all and remain paralyzed on the spot.

'H-he planted a Paralysis Seal on me the moment he touched my wrist! B-but why do this?! All he would have to do to defeat us is simply claim victory after disarming!' She wondered until she felt Sirzechs come in from behind, grabbing onto her waist gently with both hands and making her feel the soothing effects of his 'Charm' seeping into her body.

'T-this feeling....! What is it....and why am I...suddenly feeling so enthralled by Lord Sirzechs?' Yubelluna wondered to herself as she was feeling less intense and more relaxed, bucking her voluptuous thighs together in unison while feeling his fingers digging gently into her hips.

Slowly turning her head to her side, she saw that Sirzechs had a casual and non-threatening smile on his face while he felt her up. His hands, both smooth yet strong, ran themselves along her curvaceous hips and made their way up to her bulbous F-cup sized breasts at the same time. He squeezed his fingers around each mound, causing Yubelluna to mewl quietly in fast-rising pleasure as he continued groping her fondly.

"Nngghh!~ S-Sirzechs....! Nnghh!~" She let out, whimpering blissfully while trying to retain thoughts about her Lord Riser, but the current Maou wasn't having any of that.

"I wonder if he collects you all because it is the same as collecting rare toys for him." He began, causing Yubelluna to flash him a confused-look on her face with her one visible eye staring at him from the side. "You see, I've come to learn something important after 'Engaging' Shuriya and Karlamine earlier today. It's that your unworthy master, Riser Phenex, hasn't paid any physical attention to you at all in such a long time. Seems like he's only used all fifteen of you as ornaments to celebrate his pride and ego, does he not?"

These words sunk deep into Yubelluna's heart. Normally she'd be resistant to any trash talk regarding her lord and lover Riser Phenex, but ever since he had been pining for Rias Gremory, he's paid far less attention to any of them. If anything, it seemed like all they were used for nowadays was to win Rating Game battles in his honor. The truth upset her greatly, but she never addressed this concern until now. Yubelluna said nothing and simply looked away from the charming face of Sirzechs as he continued fondling her massive boobs in soft, gentle, circles.

She started to breathe loudly, causing her chest to rise and swell, making her breasts wriggle from inside of the man's hands while her buttocks rubbed up against his crotch.

"Hnhh! Aaahh....! L-Lord Sirzechs....!" She let out, making a gradually pleasured face with mouth hanging open and her eyes drifting shut, feeling no need to resist him any longer. 'Nnhgn! Aaaahhh...! The way he's feeling me up right now...is insane! Uuaaagh! I can hardly remember the last time I've felt like this at Lord Riser's touch.'

Yubelluna began rubbing her large supple butt up against the man's crotch even more now, she was feeling his erection pushing out from within his trousers, making it obvious just how much bigger he was than Riser at first glance. This feeling combined with her long-running dry spell has made the full-bodied Queen quake with lustful arousal already.

"N-no....! I c-can't...betray Lord Riser....!" She muttered to herself until she felt Sirzechs cup her chin from the side, turning her face to look directly into his and feel the full effect of his natural Satan-Class charm.

"Even if he's betrayed you by hounding my dear sister and marrying her?" He pointed out, making Yubelluna's eyes widen as he brushed a lock of hair out from the side of her face, letting him see both of her violet-colored eyes stare back at him in shock. "He wanted somebody younger-looking, did he not? Perhaps somebody younger from Royalty like my well-endowed school student sister Rias? Maybe it was because she was a Princess from high-ranking Satan Nobility, making her worth more to him than the 'Collection' of girls he had already acquired."

Each and everything he pointed out drove the point further home inside of Yubelluna's mind that Riser stopped caring about each of them a long time ago. Sirzechs then cupped her chin and pulled her closer to his face, allowing his eyes to lock onto hers and make Yubelluna ache for 'It' even more.

"How about I make you feel like a Princess for a change, Miss Yubelluna?~" He asked in a silky dark voice, making her body shudder with want as her willpower crumbled away immediately after hearing him say that.

"Y-yes! Pleeease!" She grabbed onto his hands, making him squeeze each of her large tits more strongly with his fingers digging pleasurably into her mounds. "Make love to me! Make me feel wanted! I...I...need it, Lord Sirzechs!"

With that, the Current Maou smiled devilishly as he brought his lips over to hers, swallowing Yubelluna into his mouth and letting his tongue worm it's way into her throat with ease.


He swallowed her violet-coated lips into his face, tasting the woman and feeling her whimper in pleasure as they started making out in a gentle impassioned way. Yubelluna felt soothing pleasure coming from his expert lip-lock, feeling him pull and pry her lips apart masterfully while his tongue dominated her own in a languid embrace wrought with passion.

"Hmmm! Mmhmm....!~ *Lord Sirzechs!*" She moaned blissfully into his throat, closing her eyes and reaching up to run a hand behind his neck while they continued swallowing each other's spit. Her tongue slithered into the man's mouth, only to be dominated by his own while still feeling his hands fondle both of her tits in tandem.

Sirzechs was squeezing them at his leisure, fluffing her doughy mounds while occasionally pulling on her nipples. All of this caused Yubelluna no end of pleasure as he started tasting her entire oral cavity in a heated fashion.

"Mmhmm. *Schlupp..schlp..schllpp....slpp!*" He hungrily sucked out her air, making the woman feel exhilarated for he was kissing her in a way Riser never did. Their tongues mingled with each other salaciously for about several more minutes until Sirzechs eventually pulled himself back from her lust-addled face with a smile.

'King Conquers Queen. I'd better put up a Limbo Wall Barrier around us to make it even more exciting.' He thought to himself as he channeled another magical spell around himself, creating an unseen cage of invisible walls appearing around the two of them like an instant closet-sized room unseen by the naked eye.

Yubelluna felt the flat surface of glass pressing into her palms the moment she tried to stand up by herself once Sirzechs let her go. He pulled back from embracing her body and snapped his fingers, making all of his clothing disappear in a whisk of magical energy. His long, turgid, foot-length cock came springing out from underneath, catching Yubelluna by surprise and making her salivate by just how big it was when seeing it. It was honestly massive, even bigger than whatever her master Riser Phenex had on him.

"Nnghh! L-Lord Sirzechs.....am I to....?" She led on and saw him nodding slowly before reaching over to grab her hips and turn her around so that she could face him directly.

"Yes, you are going to get bred thoroughly by me, Yubelluna. Consider it an honor that you'll be having my child, just like the rest of your all-female Peerage soon will. Now then, lift up your right leg and spread yourself before me. I'm going to pin you to the wall and make love to you here and now.~" He instructed, making the buxom Queen obey immediately as she did exactly that.

"Y-yes, My lord!~" She replied, giddy with excitement to be feeling a dick inside of her once again. Leaning against the invisible glass wall behind her, Yubelluna lifted up her right leg as told, spreading herself wide apart with a hand reaching down to spread open her pussy lips before his eyes with a smile.

Her sex looked both tight and juicy, it was moistened to the bone since she was heavily aroused at this very moment. She had a light tuft of flaxen violet-colored pubic hair directly above it, making her appear more mature yet at the same more fertile in Sirzechs' eyes. The man grabbed the head of his large, stuffed-looking member and lined himself up against the exposed opening of her sex.

Placing a hand underneath her extended thigh, he pushed into Yubelluna's sodden folds with a shove of his waist, making the woman feel her insides spreading out widely as she welcomed the immense-sized cock into her sex like so!


"Ggggghnnkk! Ggyaaaagghh!~ Ooooohhh, Lord Sirzechs!~" She cried out, thrashing about gently between him and the invisible wall behind her as she felt his thickness burrow into her sex all the way to where he reached her cervix.

Without waiting to be told, Yubelluna launched her other leg into the air, hoping he'll catch it. When he did she flung her hands around his shoulders and impaled her pussy on his dick even further, allowing him to push right through her cervix and into her womb with a gentle shove.

"Mmhggh! Ohhh yeah.....nghh! You are tighter than I expected you to be, Yubelluna. You must've really not had for quite some time as I thought." He breathed out, seeing an exhilarated expression on her once composed face, enjoying that he was making the woman lose her mind with sexual pleasure right now.

Yubelluna's womanhood wrung his member tight as he sunk into her body, letting his waist push firmly into her groin and feeling her legs cross behind his ass as she embraced him wholesale with a smile. Before long, he started thrusting into her sex, making his large stuffed balls tap against her nether region while he drilled his cock all the way into the walls of her womb. Yubelluna clung onto his tall, masculine body with a smile, making her breasts jostle and jiggle up against his pecs as he had started fucking her while standing up.

"Uuagnnh! Aaahh...! Sirzechs...please ravage me to your liking! I need it! Uuaaaahh! Aahh..aahh..ah..ah..ahh...ah..ah...ah..ah..ahh!~" She cried out, huffing loudly with eyes closed as she rose and fell onto his cock while bouncing upright on his hips.

The man in red grunted pleasurably as he felt her slick tightness slide around his length, allowing him to bottom out of her womb in fast and fluid motions while feeling her walls coil tightly around him. It was just like fucking Shuriya all over again, but she wasn't nearly as tight as Rias when he bred her the last time she came to his house. Seeing the beautiful violet-haired woman bounce energetically onto his dick was making him yearn for his son Milicas to do the same to Grayfia as soon as he got a taste.

This taboo and sinful thought process put some extra pump into his hips,, making him begin thundering into Yubelluna's body even faster with a smile. Suddenly there were loud noises of bodies slapping together, sexes were squishing into each other with Yubeluna howling like a banshee as she rode him, her head tossing back. her tits jiggle salaciously in front of him, causing Sirzechs to grab onto her plump heart-shaped ass from below into his hands and latch his hungry mouth onto one of Yubelluna's bouncing breasts!


This made the woman cry out in ecstasy and slight pain, she bawled a hand into her mouth to prevent further screaming out. The feeling of his strong lips suckling upon her tit made her feel ecstasy beyond imagining. Her body quivered in response and her pussy started wringing the lord Maou's dick even harder while she continued grinding herself on his crotch.

"Hhggnhhhhh! Aaaagggghhhh! S-Sirzechs!~" She cried out, whimpering in pleasure and leaving her tongue rolling out of her mouth as he had kept sucking on her tit like so.

Bucking his waist harder into Yubelluna's body was making him feel even closer to orgasm as he kept this multi-task treatment up. From swallowing her nipple into his mouth to squeezing her plump and supple ass into his hands, to hollowing out her womanhood with the intent to breed her thoroughly like an animal, Sirzechs was doing it all while enjoying it.

"Mmhmm! Mmhmm...hmm....hmm..mhmm..mhmm...hmm!~" He grunted pleasurably, fucking Yubelluna into the glass surface of the wall raucously for the next fifteen minutes. Her legs started feeling numb with pleasure as she had experienced at least several orgasms in-between it all.

Sirzechs had yet to come himself, but he was getting awfully closer now, he kept the woman slamming herself onto his length and fucking her against the wall like an animal until he felt the feeling of his shaft swelling with pressure. her legs clamped tightly around his ass with ankles locked into each other, her body was swinging itself wildly onto his waist as they fucked like animals until he slammed into her one last for an intense mutually-orgasmic grand finish!

"I'm cumming! Here! Take...it...all and give me a child, you beautiful woman! Aaagggnhhh!~" He howled and slammed his waist into her body one last time before cumming, his cock drove all the way into the depths of her womb as he let out thick ropes of highly virile sperm inside of her sex!

Yubelluna let out an ear-piercing scream of ecstasy as she clutched Sirzechs' body tightly between her legs! She threw her head backward and let her large tits smother his face, quaking as she came with the force of an implosion!

"Aaaagggghhhh! Yesss! Yesss...I Love you, Lord Sirzechs!~" She cried out in happiness and felt the thick blasts of sperm splashing into her womb like so, filling it up to capacity in almost no time at all.


Yubelluna could sense it; the feeling of the Lord Maou's little swimmers racing towards one of her eggs in a hurry. She marveled at the feeling of motherhood about to begin within her body, she long since wanted Riser to breed her and give her a baby, but he neglected his Queen in favor of pursuing Rias all this time. Now, she had no regrets about surrendering her body to Lord Sirzechs, knowing that he'll do right by her and ravish her body much more often than Riser ever could. Her legs clenched tightly around his waist with body jerking constantly through the next minute and a half of climax.

She felt every thick rope of sperm pouring into her body until he eventually finished unloading inside of her. Yubelluna soon collapsed from within his arms, wearing a blissful post-sex smile on her face as sperm continued to drip out from her gaping pussy still impaled on his mighty rod. She loved the feeling of his hands remaining on her ass, cupping each cheek and squeezing it.

Yubelluna loved it all and now pledged herself to Sirzechs.

"Aaah....that feels much better. There really isn't anything like impregnating a beautiful, busty woman like yourself, Yubelluna.~" He sighed blissfully and noticed she was passing out into a blissful sleep from post-coitus.

"Mmm-hmm.~" She responded and he dispelled the cage around them in order to gently lay her down by the garden bed full of lovely violet flowers with a smile. Once he let her down, he stood up, remaining naked as can be with eyes in the direction of the remaining members of the Peerage, ready to deflower and breed them at his leisure.

"Now then, time to do some 'Bonding' with the other girls. Then, after today's match is a total loss on their side, Ravel will come over to my humble place and really get to know 'Daddy' the proper way at our 'Wedding'." He said to himself and disappeared in a wisp of magical energy once again.


When he had arrived, the surprised looks on all their faces were, sure enough, proof that they had not been receiving the attention they richly deserved. Sirzechs had appeared naked with his member hanging erect, causing each and every pair of female eyes to spark with confusion as well as lust. He smirked as the Veil of Dark Fog surrounding them all together at once, leaving him to cast the same Time/Space Cage space around them in order to box them all in so they won't escape. It wasn't going to be a rape, it was actually just an 'Awakening' to their true desires in seeking a worthier man.

He had started with Siris first, the raven-haired beauty wielding a large sword with big juicy D-cup sized breasts was no match for him. Just like with Karlamine, Sirzechs bested her with ease using only magic, incinerating the clothes from off of her body before taking her in a raw-dog fucking right in front of the other members. The woman howled and shouted with defiance until seconds later she started squealing in euphoria. She made a delirious ahegao face just before surrendering her will to him and receiving a thick injection of sperm directly into her depths! Once she was fully seeded and bred, he moved on to Isabela next.

The Road Warrior had her mask on the entire time he fucked her against a wall, seeing her facade of toughness crumble away almost instantly the moment she was impaled on the Maou's dick. He greatly enjoyed hearing her whimper in pleasure, seeing her plump DDcups jiggle around nakedly in front of everyone else before receiving a thick load of sperm directly inside of her uterus! The woman was left crumbling into a heap of post-sex pleasure, wearing a delirious smile on her face shortly afterward. Sirzechs moved on to Xuelan next.

The Chinese, big-breasted fighter fell quicker than he thought when he outdid her in a martial arts reversal, landing her onto her back where he got on top of her in mating press style. He ripped off her cheongsam clothing, revealing her luscious pair of E-cup sized breasts that rivaled Yubelluna. Making her feel the full effect of his charm was child's play for Sirzechs, this allowed him to plow his cock into her sodden folds without the worry of her trying to fight him off. In a matter of milliseconds, she embraced him entirely with arms around his neck while he thrust himself into her body like a ravenous animal during mating season. Sirzechs enjoyed hearing her whimper just like Isabela did moments ago, something about supposedly fierce women crumbling at his touch, made his balls tingle with excitement.

After a thick dump of sperm directly into her pussy, he filled the Chinese beauty up to the brim before pulling out of her and looking in the direction of Marion next. This woman was a fan of his wife it seemed, she even wore a tasteful maid outfit similar to whatever Grayfia wore. To Sirzechs' surprise, she didn't put up a fight after seeing all her friends getting creampied and offered herself willingly to her. He bent her over and tore off her remaining clothing, letting her modest set of C-cups spill out as he fucked her in a bent-over doggy style position. The woman was tighter than he thought and soon had him cumming with the first orgasm she experienced at his hands, leaving her insides chock full of sperm moments later.

It was Mihae's turn next, she was a traditional-looking Japanese beauty that also shed her robes for Sirzechs and got naked at his request. Her ivory-skinned body was lithe and wonderfully curvaceous despite being petite. He laid on his back and allowed her to ride him cowgirl style, fucking herself on his cock and rode him to completion soon after he grabbed ahold of her ass! The woman squealed loudly into the sky and felt a thick explosion of sperm pouring into her depths, making her a future mother of his brood before slumping over to the side with a smile.

Mira was next, she was just as much a Japanese beauty as Mihae was, she removed her clothing and spread herself before Sirzechs, allowing herself to get taken in a missionary position gleefully with a lustful smile on her face. She crossed her legs behind his back, embracing him fully as he hollowed out her pussy with gusto before the two sets of twins remaining nearby He made the country-style beauty shout loudly in euphoria before making him cum deep inside of her right after she came. of her tight, juicy-looking pussy, ready to be plowed by his magnificently large length. She noticed just how much bigger he was than she was used to.

Aside from the two sets of twins, one being a pair of adolescent-looking catgirls and the other being a pair of very young-looking girls who may or may not have been Lolis prior to reincarnation, Sirzechs took care of Bulent next. The seemingly Swedish babe with E-cup sized titties bounced around on his waist in reverse cowgirl style. She humped and rolled her pelvis along his waist excitedly, making her tits jiggle and her hair sway around her shoulders until he came inside of her moments later. The woman fell into a blissful post-sex coma soon after, leaving him to summon the two catgirl twins to him next.

He started them off by first having each cat-eared fighter suck him off together at the same time. Their sharp yet slick tongues worked wonders all over his dick as they eventually fought over who got to taste what. Eventually, they simply ran their tongues together along each side of his length while he stood over them. Once Sirzechs was warmed up enough, he ordered them to get naked and get on top of each other in a sandwich-style arrangement. Their perky and modest sets of C cup breasts squished together nipple-to-nipple before he got behind Ni and started fucking her ravenously atop of her sister Li. The cat-like Devil mewled continuously like a dying feline when feeling Sirzechs hollow out her pussy like a best before switching to Li next. Together he fucked them both in tandem, causing each girl to hold onto each other as their bodies gave in to the pleasure he provided them.

Eventually, they came hard and brought Sirzechs with them, he quickly let out a thick number of cumshots directly inside of Ni before doing the same to Li until he ran out. Each cat girl fighter was stuffed to the brim with his cum, both of them miraculously becoming pregnant at the same time and holding onto each other with blushing yet satisfied smiles on their faces.

Last by not least, it was the pair of 'Loli' Twins, who apparently watched everything with arousal sizzling their loins from their start of it all. Sirzechs knew that resembling youth meant little in the relativity of Devil lifespans, for all he knew, they could very well be Rias' age despite having petite bodies. Gesturing for them to remove their gym wear clothing such as shorts and T-shorts, both Ile and Nel stripped down to nothing and each bent over on all fours eager to be ravaged by their new master. Sirzechs wasted on time in guiding his member into the cusp of Nel's folds first while fingering Ile's with his right hand. The two kittens mewled and howled loudly as she fucked one into the ground with strong pelvic slams of his hips, making her screech constantly until she came! Feeling those overly tight folds gush nonstop around his cock prompted Sirzechs to bottom out of her until completion, he eventually filled her full of sperm and pulled out just in time to mount Ile in a seated upright position. He had the petite twin bouncing up and down on his lap, feeling his cock churning her small insides to where a small bulge appeared from within her stomach. It took no longer than thirty minutes to bring himself off for the final time that day, he had Ile come at least several times while riding his dick, eventually getting a thick creampie as a reward for her enthusiasm.

Sirzechs wondered how they'll look once they're brewing his offspring inside of their petite loli-sized bodies.

With every member of Riser's Peerage permanently broken-in to loving him fully and carrying his seed, he stood up from the Magical Cage and declared victory while standing naked amidst the plethora of nude bodies resting all around his feet. The only person left untouched sexually was Ravel herself, who hung her head in defeat while she remained suspended in the trap that Sirzechs snagged her with before spanking her ass raw.

'Oooohh, I really blew it. Nee-san is going to be so angry with me once he hears how I lost.' She thought to herself, mulling over her defeat in absolute shame until she heard a seductive voice speak out from nearby, catching her attention.

"Ravel Phenex, since you have officially lost this Rating Game match, you are hereby to report to the manor of the Great Maou Sirzechs right away the following day.~" Grayfia Lucifuge spoke as she stepped out from the veil of darkness within the labyrinth, making Ravel nod in humiliation as she accepted her fate.

"S-sure, I'll do just that.....*Sobs*" She whimpered comically to herself, not noticing that Grayfia smiled slyly knowing what fate awaited the illegitimate daughter of her insatiable husband Sirzechs.

"Do not worry, all will become clear soon enough once you arrive. I'd like to think you might find more in common with us than you realize, Ravel. Especially with Lord Sirzechs.~" Grayfia added before dispelling her trap, letting Ravel fall onto the ground gently with a confused look on her face.

'Huh, I wonder what she means by that.' She wondered, thinking about Sirzechs once again and wanting to feel that hand of his slapping her ass after drifting off into a daydream.

To be Continued....in Grand Final Chapter

End of Chapter

This has been for Ultrasound. thanks for reading.


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