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Devil’s Delight

Black Clover

By Azure/ For D.M.

Chapter Four- Watery Princess and Tomboy Amazon (Noelle Silva, Sol Marron)


Asta woke up that morning after his first lay inside of the Black Bulls' House, feeling very refreshed and satisfied. He woke up next to a naked Vanessa, drinking in the scent of her perfume mixed in with alcohol as well as her womanly scent overall, finding the fragrance of a post-sex witch very addicting. He even saw his cum continue leaking out of her gaping pussy as well as her butthole from underneath the blankets. His face had been resting between her large breasts, making use of them as pillows until he had heard the noises of Magic being used right outside of the building itself.

"Hmm? What was that sound?" He asked himself, rubbing his eyes as he got out of bed, naked from the neck down. He didn't want to wake Vanessa up, so he left quietly and ignored how alluringly beautiful the drunken lush of a woman appeared even while drooling in her sleep like a child. 'I have to get out of here before her big naked breasts, and her plump ass, make me want to stay in bed and fuck her all day long.'

'Heh, I wouldn't really blame you if you did, with a body like hers I'm betting she'll be ripe for breeding when the time comes to do so. You were like *Snickers* a Black Bull with her the other night, Asta. I guess it's a good thing I installed that birth protection spell when I did, can't have you knocking up every girl you see just yet. At least not this soon in your tenure anyway.' The Devil revealed to Asta from inside of his thoughts. After he pulled on his pants, he made his way over to the bedroom windowsill to see his fellow new recruit; Noelle Silva, standing outside in the training field practicing magic.

It seemed like her skills weren't as polished as Asta was led to believe despite her arrogant and uptight demeanor. She was aiming a magical blast of intense water at a target-painted tree, often missing it and letting it redirect its trajectory into hitting every other tree around it. This surprised Asta very much as he continued watching her perform from high above.

"Wow, she's.....terrible at aiming her magic. What could be wrong with her? I thought that after meeting her yesterday, her I'm-better-than-you attitude would make her seem like a big deal.' Asta wondered.

He looked at Noelle from above, seeing her looking unbearably frustrated with herself at the moment. Asta thought back to how he first met her the other day, recalling how beautiful she was in spite of her haughty demeanor and stuffy attitude.


The other day...

Hyped after officially meeting all of his Guildmates, Asta turned his head in the direction of his fellow newcomer; Noelle Silva, instantly feeling smitten by her exotic appearance like her lilac-colored eyes and beautiful silver hair. Aside from the usual Black Bulls cloak everybody wore over their shoulders, Noelle had a puffy yet revealing outfit that brought out all her lithe teenage curves in all their glory. Her girly yet elegant and refined appearance highlighted her feminine charm. Asta may have already had Yume, Sister Lily, Dominante, and Mariella, on lockdown for his upcoming harem plan, but he would very much like to spend time with Noelle personally once things took off.

"Hmph, what are you looking at, insect?" She spat calmly in a snappy yet cute voice when she noticed he was staring at her.

'Huh, I wonder what her problem is.' Asta wondered and cleared his throat before offering her a hand. "Hi there, I'm Asta, I'm new to the Black Bulls just like you.~" He greeted with a toothy smile, hoping his natural charm would win her over rather than Devil magic at the start, but instead, she scoffed and flossed one of her hands through her hair with indifference.

"Who gave you permission to talk to me? I am Noelle Silva of the Royal Silva Family, you little insect with scant magical power." She refuted, making Asta's eyes furrow in slight confusion on why she was being so prickly to him when they just met.

'She is still very cute though, but also-'

"H-hey! Who're you calling an insect?! Also, if I were an insect, I'd be the toughest horned beetle you'd ever see, Miss High-n-Mighty!" Asta refuted, making the girl aim a magically-glowing had in his direction, ready to blast him with a spell.

"I'll show you the difference in our power, maybe then you'll understand how far apart you and I are." Noelle threatened calmly and sent a blast of intense water magic directly at Asta.....only for it to swerve miraculously to the left and splash right into the punk-rock Mage known as Magne instead.


"I meant to do that......as a demonstration. He was standing in the way." Noelle calmly excused herself, making Asta's face slump unbelievably at this girl's obvious lack of control over her magical power.

'Is this girl serious?! I mean, don't get me wrong; I'd still bang her though.' He wondered as she walked past him with that stuck-up look still on her face in spite of her cheeks glowing red with embarrassment. Asta's eyes veered in the direction of her legs, roaming all the way up to her ass, he watched it shake left and right as she walked away with refined indignance. He had no idea what crawled up the girl's butt or why she thought she was better than him by decree of being royal blood, but he swore he'll claim that thorny princess soon and make her call him 'Daddy' while doing it raw.

"That girl....." He moaned, making it noticeable that he had an erection forming from underneath his pants, thankfully only Vanessa could see it since she was focused on observing Asta's anatomy already.


Back to the present time...

Things took a turn for the worse with Noelle's magical control or lack thereof that morning, she had materialized a large house-sized dome of torrential water flowing violently around herself, leading to a crisis in which he had to intervene. Just when he brought out his Anti-Magic Claymore, Asta was grabbed by Captain Yami and hurled at it with unparalleled strength, making him able to cancel out the spell and safely catch Noelle into his arms before landing roughly on his feet!

"Off! That was....!" Asta began while catching his breath, an equally-drenched Noelle had a look of absolute shame and embarrassment on her face when she expected everybody to mock her for her lack of skills. ".. amazing!"

"Hm? What....?" She asked, feeling utterly dumbfounded and went blank for a moment. She looked spaced out as she peered into Asta's kind green eyes with slight confusion. He stood up while keeping her held in his surprisingly strong arms, smiling at her as though she did nothing wrong.

"I wish I could do magic like that, you've got a real gift, Noelle." He beamed, making his eyes turn into stars and causing her to blush vehemently as a result. Just like that, her icy demeanor started melting away, albeit in a slow and embarrassed manner. "If you train to the point you'll really have control over it, you're going to be amazing in no time! I don't have any magical power, so I'm actually kind of jealous."

"A-Asta...." She let on and heard cheers from all around her as her Guildmates both praised her raw power and offered to help out with her training in any way possible. Once she was allowed onto her feet, she brushed aside a lock of silver hair and bashfully averted her gaze from his face when speaking to him again."...um..yeah, let's do that sometime then. Let's train together, Asta.~"

'And with that, Harem plus one. Hehehe.~' The Devil inside of Asta snickered and played 'Rewind' on the scene of Noelle's Tsundere demeanor melting away inside of the boy's head. Somehow he managed to materialize popcorn while doing it.



After taking on a mission in Castle Town, one where a group of Robed men had been terrorizing a village of common people while looking for something called a Magic Stone, Asta alongside Noelle and Magne teamed up to fight them off and save the day. Together, with a show of strength and Magical skill, they fought the robed men right down to their leader until he managed to suicide himself using Magic in order to prevent any leaks of information on their mysterious organization. The villagers had all been impressed and incredibly thankful to Asta and his group, praising the three of them as heroes with Asta even earning Magne's respect in the process. Noelle fell further in love with the boy while acknowledging her feelings for him during battle. His recklessness, his courage, and his unwavering heart in their fight against the robed men lit that fire inside of her that made her heart throb every time he looked in her direction. She would immediately turn her head away with a blush on her face. This granted the Devil inside of Asta a nice new foothold in which to fuel her growing feelings of love and adoration into full-blown sexual desire later on. It was the first mission for the rookies and they had managed to acquire the very first Gold Star on the Black Bulls' end of the scoreboard points of Guilds.

At the end of the mission, a little blackbird with a 'Derpy' yet adorable face hung around Asta from then on after bringing them the Magic Stone the men were looking for. Deciding to keep the winged-fellow, he gave it the name 'Nero' and kept the little bird roosting at the top of his head while making their way home.

Very soon it would be time for Noelle and Asta's next mission together as noobies, the former was hoping to have some much-needed private time with him to possibly get her feelings out in the air. Ever since acknowledging her crush on the boy, Noelle had been feeling positively frisky and in need of dire relief, ideally at Asta's hands. The sensation in her chest grew even stronger as the next day came by, but to keep up appearances and not let her soft demeanor show, she still acted very tsundere towards him whenever they talked. She even went to extremes such as calling him 'Shrimpsta' or 'Dorksta' from time to time when getting flustered.


On their next mission, the two of them had set off with Luck Volta on a mission to explore a newly-discovered dungeon, largely for the sake of treasure despite them being ordered to investigate by the Sorcerer King himself. They were to clear it of any traps and monsters lingering inside while Noelle planned to use any private moment she could to let her affection for Asta finally come out. They followed the battle-hungry maniac that is Luck Volta until he started setting off magical traps all over the place before bouncing away into another corridor deeper into the dungeon floors. He left Asta and Noelle all alone when a large tentacle-spewing plant monster came out of one of the traps to attack them.


"Kyaaaagghhhh! Asta! It's got me by the legs!" Noelle screamed out, she was both greatly flustered and incredibly frustrated at the same time. The large Venus-Flytrap monster suspended her in the air with vines coiling around her legs, waist, and arms in a rather provocative way.

She was helplessly bound by the limbs and squirming in its grasp several feet in the air. Asta was momentarily distracted by another trap being set off right in front of him, but as soon as he got rid of it, he looked in Noelle's direction and grinned stupidly with a blush on his face. He saw those slick-looking tentacles constrict the area of her chest, making her tits to push out into the girl's top noticeably. Asta also got a good look at Noelle's buttocks from underneath, seeing that her frilly shorts ride up high to the point she revealed her frilly pink panties to him. Her feminine body was ideally curved to perfection at the ripe age of sixteen, Noelle may not have had big breasts like Yume or Vanessa, but she was certainly blossoming nicely and her distressed appearance was making Asta crave 'It' right now.

'I say go for it, but first, you're going to wanna save her from being tentacle-raped by that thing. Don't want the girl to give her first-time to a plant now, do we?.' The Devil said, making Asta spring into action.

"I'm coming, Noelle!" Asta rushed at the monster, cleaving its vines into ribbons with fierce swings of his claymore before bringing it down upon the beast itself with a heavy overhead strike, it split in half almost instantly!

"Kyaaaghh...! C-catch me before I hit the ground, Dorksta!" Noelle cried out as she prepared her wand, a magical tool to help her control and aim her magic, in case she had to use a spell to cushion her fall.

Fortunately, Asta leaped into the air and, with his surprisingly strong arms, caught her successfully. He carried her bridal style again as he landed gently onto the ground, keeping Noelle held closely as the corruptive energies of the Devil's magic worked its way into her body, making her grow incredibly aroused and brazen enough to chase that feeling he gave her. Holding her up close to his chest and looking into her lilac-colored eyes with a warm smile, Asta felt an intimate warmth between the two of them at this very moment. Noelle's heart was fluttering wildly as they let an air of silence hang between them, that is until one of them finally broke the ice.

"T-thanks, Asta. I was afraid of what that thing was going to do to me, you know." She admitted bashfully and clutched the fabric of his shirt when she felt the boy's fingers gently cup her chin and hold it in place so they could stare into each other's eyes.

"Hey, I wouldn't let anything like that happen to you, Noelle. You can always count on me to jump in and lend a hand whenever you need it." He said, making her eyes water as the blush on her cheeks glowed bright. Noelle was feeling positively overloaded right now and wanted nothing else than to let her feelings come out in full force now that they were alone.

"A-Asta....I....I have feelings for you, okay! I have been crazy about you since the moment we met! T-there! I finally said it!" She blurted out with a deep shade of red on her face. To Noelle's own surprise, she saw that Asta was looking just as flustered as she was, he rubbed the back of his neck gently before responding with the words she longed to hear.

"W-wow, Noelle. I'm actually really glad to hear that because I ...." He trailed off and started running one of his hands along the smooth surface of her right thigh, making her heart flutter even more and causing her chest to heave noticeably with excitement.  "....I have feelings for you too. I'm crazy about you too, Noelle.~"

Quietly, Asta let her sit up on her kneecaps, sensually stroking sides up to her neck, bringing her face closer to his as the hormone-charging effects of his Devil's Mana made Noelle take one the most brazen actions she's ever taken to date. Braving it all, she held his face into her hands and pushed herself onto his lips for a deep kiss! Noelle embraced him fully with her mouth hungrily sucking open Asta's lips and was being kissed back in kind as they engaged in a rather heated embrace. She was finally letting all her feelings for him pour out into the liplock, tasting him and feeling him expertly curl his tongue around her own as they got more frenzied in the solace of the catacombs.

"Mmhmmm! Hmmm!~ Asta...!~" Noelle moaned happily, keeping her eyes half-lidded as she wrapped her arms around the back of his neck.

She was pushing herself closer onto his chest, allowing him to feel up her breasts through her clothing. They continued to make out hungrily with each other while Noelle simply felt more relieved and at peace with the Universe than she had her entire life. Asta's scent, his flavor, all of it made her crave him even more by the second as she was willing to go all the way. here and now.

"Hmhmhmhm! *Schlpp..sllpp..shupppp!* Hhmm..!~ Noelle!~" Asta breathed out, letting his tongue wriggle inside of her slender throat, making her whimper as they remained in each other's arms with one of his hands fondling her chest and another cupping her taut and perfect ass.

Noelle was a little clumsy in the flow of her hungry kisses, it was obvious this was her first-time experience, but she did not lack passion at all. She eventually clutched Asta's shirt into her hands tightly and proceeded to shove her tongue down his throat, feeling him squeeze her buttocks from behind as they felt the urges reach a boiling point right here.

She moaned into his mouth again, tasting his saliva and surrendering her willpower to the Devil's Magic as his charms won her over. Noelle was naturally in-love with Asta, even before the magic took its place in her heart. She became magically aware of there being other women involved in his love life, officially becoming part of his ever-growing harem without caring she wasn't the only woman he ravished. As long as she got to have him to herself like right now, she didn't mind in the slightest. She was her Devil Knight's woman from now on and would gladly give it all to him while they were alone in this dungeon. Eventually, they pulled off of each other in order to get some air, leaving Asta grinning confidently as he eyed Noelle's blushing face in all of its cute bashful glory.

"Haahh...wow, Noelle..you're certainly very excited. That's what I love about you though, you act kind of proud and stuffy sometimes, but deep down you're really just a sweet-hearted girl underneath that frosty exterior. Not only that, but you're beautiful too, I've been itching to do this with you since the moment we first met." Asta revealed, making Noelle blush darkly as tossed a hand through her hair again in her usual Tsundere demeanor.

"Stupid Asta....saying all those things to me, making me want to have my first time here in this filthy, trap-filled dungeon." Noelle bitterly fumed in an adorable way. She smiled seductively at him and undid her cloak from her shoulders. After letting it fall down onto the ground, she pulled apart the white parts of her top and tugged down the violet-colored part of her robe with it, revealing her naked C-cup sized tits in all their naked glory.

Asta gasped with excitement as he got a load of her breasts, seeing her cute pink nipples out in the open like this was making his lustful nature take hold of his actions. He started by reaching for one of Noelle's breasts, squeezing that ample mound into his right hand and making her whimper pleasurably as he started fondling it like so.

"Hnnngh! Aaahh....A-Asta...!~" Noelle let out with a blissful look on her face as she leaned back a bit, sitting on her rear as he spread open her legs and guided his other hand between them.

"Heh, you must be pretty sensitive up there, huh? You look so cute when blushing like that.~" He uttered darkly, watching her face contort into one of pure euphoric expression as he continued squeezing her left breast with gusto. Asta could feel the squishiness of her mound stimulate Noelle's body from within, he wondered how sensitive she'll be between her legs.

Keeping her thighs parted, he slipped his left hand up Noelle's robed mini-skirt, making her quiver with excitement as she felt Asta's fingers creep their way onto her sex through her panties. She leaned back a bit and rested herself on her palms as he began feeling her up from two sensitive places at once. She was starting to breathe hotly, feeling him tug down her lilac-lace panties down her thighs the very next second before pushing up her skirt!

"Mmhm! Asta....!~" Noelle whimpered when her bottom became utterly exposed, showing the boy the sight of her slightly fuzzy sex in all its naked glory. Her panties rested around her knees and she was feeling his hand massage her mound a bit before inserting a finger into her sex!


Noelle's eyes instantly went wide and she threw her head back, moaning loudly with fingers clutching the ground as she felt Asta now fingering her cunt with increasing gusto. His strong, firm, fingers pushed into her sensitive wetness, making her clutch her thighs around his wrist and allowing Noelle's body to become even hotter with lustful energy.

"Ooohhh....ooohhh.....! Asta...!~" She cried out, hanging her head back and allowing her breasts to push even closer to his face. There, Asta got a naughty idea and latched his lips onto her right tit, swallowing the nipple into his mouth with a gentle suck.


"Hnggghhh!~ Aaaaghh.....!~" She shuddered loudly and squealed like a feline, Noelle was positively overloaded with sensitive pleasure coming from this simple and innocent foreplay she was having at Asta's mercy.

Her cunt kept being fingered by his left hand while his right squeezed her titty into his mouth, where he sucked on it gingerly, causing her to shudder explicitly with climax already! With a shout and a shrill of euphoria, Noelle writhed about between his hands and felt her pussy soak her thighs in an orgasmic rush!

"Aaaggghhh! Asta....! Asta....! Oohhh.....!~" She was a screamer alright, her pussy gushed and clamped down tightly all over his fingers while he was still squeezing her breast, secretly enjoying the intense reaction she had to her first experience with sex.

'Oh, she's going to be fun to be around from now on.' He thought, hearing the Devil speak up from inside of his thoughts with a more serious tone than playful.

'Hmm, you know, you should be aware that you're not alone in this place. I can sense three pretty impressive magical sources coming near, I think they're probably that second crew of Magical Knight rookies that your boss mentioned were coming to help you. Better make her a woman quickly, Asta, don't want anybody else ruining the moment, right?'

'Good point, alright then. No time for foreplay, time to dive on in for the main course.' Asta reasoned as he watched Noelle catch her breath for a brief moment.

He pulled down her panties off of her thighs until they were off her legs completely, leaving her sex entirely uncovered as he got up and knelt between her knees with his pants being tugged down. Noelle finished catching her breath, looking in Asta's direction and seeing his mighty penis spring out, ready to push into her tight virgin pussy. The girl fell in awe of Asta's large dick, feeling her mouth salivate a little as she had wanted to taste it right now.

"Is...is it okay if I...suck on it for you?" She asked in an almost whimpering voice, looking hopefully into Asta's eyes and feeling a little crestfallen when he shook his head.

"I don't think we have enough time right now, I can sense several other Wizards coming this way, I think they're the team from another Guild sent to help us. We're having the main 'Meal' here and now, Noelle. Right before they show up." He said, receiving a nod from her as she remained leaning back on her palms, watching Asta guide his monstrous cock over to her folds.

Feeling the bulbous nub of the tip grinding gently along her labia, Noelle let out a quiet whimper and felt him shove himself forward, piercing her sex right there in a seated position!


"Ggghnnk! Mmmmhngghh! *Asta!*" She covered her mouth with one hand, feeling her pussy spread out in ways she never thought possible as she took him in.

Noelle was in a haze of both pain and pleasure, feeling her virgin pussy spread out to welcome Asta's dick into her core. Her toes curled up noticeably in response, her back arched forward, making her breasts jiggle as he eventually arrived at her cherry, ready to pierce it.

"I'm going to do it now, Noelle. Are you ready to finally become a woman? To become....my woman?" He asked and received an immediate nod from her as he pushed his pelvis all the way into her body, making her legs double over his arms and sway into the air!

A slick squelching sound of coitus followed and Noelle nearly screamed out in pain once she felt her hymen rupture to Asta's dick. Fortunately, he had her mouth covered up with his own, holding his arms around her waist to keep her from falling. Her upper body dipped back with her legs sticking out high into the air as she felt Asta's mega-sized dick began churning her insides in a steady tempo.

"Mmgnnhh!~ Noelle...!~" He moaned inside of her mouth as they swabbed spit, rolling their tongues into each other as he began fucking her like so.

Asta held onto Noelle's hips with a smile, thankful for his impressive upper-body strength for keeping her mounted on his hips while he fucked her. Each sway of his waist rolling into her frame sent a shiver of pleasurable ecstasy down her spine, Noelle even hung her head back, getting her tits to wriggle in front of his face the moment he pushed into her womb.

For Asta, it felt like pure virginal bliss, her squishy folds curling around his length made him frenziedly buck into her even faster.

"Mmgnhh! Uuh...uh..uh..uh..uh..uh..uh ahh!~ Noelle...! It feels so good inside of you right now, you know.~" He moaned closely to her face, running a tongue across the lower end of her neck as she held onto his shoulders for dear life.

Her lithe teenage form bounced and writhed constantly on Asta's pelvis, feeling his sausage burrow intensely into her sex with ever-increasing gusto.

"Hhggnhhh! Astaaaa...! Aaaahh..ahh..ahh..ahh.aah..aahh..aahhh!~" She cried out blissfully with a smile soon forming on her face. Noelle cradled Asta's head into one of her hands while keeping the other holding onto his shoulder as he fucked her.

Her legs immediately locked ankles behind his back, keeping him rutting into her body like an animal in heat. She was feeling his firm rock-hard waist slamming against her sex even faster now, making the girl dip back as she felt Asta rising to his feet with hands now holding onto her buttocks. It was a standing position at this point, but that didn't mean Asta would be slowing down at all. If anything, he frenziedly drove into her freshly-deflowered sex, groaning like an animal for minutes more.

Noelle had been letting out moan after moan of ecstasy the entire time, unaware that a certain cousin, belonging to the Golden Dawn Knights, had stumbled upon them from afar.

"O-oh my....! Is that N-Noelle-san...? My cousin is actually having sex before me...? And with a...a stud of a small man no less...." This came from the quivering voice fo a b ig-breasted brunette anxiously focusing on Asta fucking her cousin with the intensity of an animal. This was Mimosa Vermillion.

She was a fifteen-year-old noblewoman just like Noelle, except with a slight plumper hourglass body. She had kind yellow eyes and an often pleasant demeanor on her face when greeting people, outwardly she's kindly, but inwardly she is potentially cutthroat and bolder than she lets on. Wearing fancy attire such as a frilly, cleavage-revealing sweater with long sleeves and a corset strapping her waist tightly from below. Mimosa was secretly happy for Noelle finally having some true love in her life after years of scorn from her awful siblings like Nozel, Nebra, and the rest of House Silva.

Yet still, she was feeling increasingly anxious over what she was seeing right now, Noelle was howling like an animal in heat, moaning and clutching her legs tightly behind the boy's back as their lovemaking looked like it reached a crescendo.

"Asta....Astaaa....Astaaaaaa....!! I'm cumming! Oh God, I'm cumming! I love you, Asta!" She cried out, suddenly writhing in orgasmic spasm with her legs and body twitching wildly in bliss.

Mimosa whimpered quietly to herself, unaware that a certain unseen Devil within Asta's subconsciousness spotted and snickered mischievously.

'Now that girl has some nice udders for someone so young, I can see her and Noelle getting quite famously in the future when they tag-team Asta together at the same time. Oh ho ho ho, ideas, ideas aplenty.' He thought until he heard Asta groan loudly in pleasure.

"Gghhnnkk! M-me too, Noelle! H-here it comes!~" Asta growled as he slammed himself all the way into Noelle's tight teenage sex, making a thick bulbous bulge appear from within her stomach in Mimosa's eyes!

The girl gasped loudly in shock and blushed as red as a tomato when she saw him cum deep inside of her cousin, pumping out what sounded like an entire gallon-sized load of sperm inside! Asta's balls bloated dangerously and continued unloading into Noelle's body, she clutched her legs tightly behind his back and leaned back up in order to embrace him with lips locking happily with his own. Asta returned the kiss as they stood there, basking in each other's warmth even while he was still cumming inside of her.


"Uuuggghhh! It feels so good....you can bunk in my room from now on, Noelle. You and Vanessa both." He growled blissfully, shocking Mimosa that he had more than one lover. The brunette looked at her cousin incredulously when she saw her smile happily in post-coital bliss.

"That sounds fine to me, Dorksta. Hehehehe.~" She giggled as they finally came down from their orgasmic high, leaving a thick puddle of sperm resting beneath them. "I love you, Asta.~"

"I love you too, Princess Tsun-Tsun.~" He snickered as he kissed her back, receiving a playful smack upside of his head as Mimosa quietly left the scenery with a deep shade of red on her face.

"Hm? Is it just me or was somebody else here with us just now?" Asta wondered and heard only his Devil partner snicker micheivously with a smile.

'I-I-I won't mention anything I saw back to Yume-san and Klaus! I won't! Uuughhh! We still have to help them out and complete this mission too. I hope it won't be too awkward being near them!' Mimosa thought to herself as she ran back to her teammates, ready to continue the mission while feeling a newly-lit attraction for the young man who had plowed her cousin's soil just now.


After the mission in the Catacombs, which was a harrowing one at best, Asta and Yume barely survived the fight with a Diamond-Kingdom enemy named Mars. He was unlike any other type of Wizard they had ever seen,  nearly pushing both of them to their limits until Yume managed to snag a victory in the form of an Ancient Spell Book, gifting her the Elemental known as 'Sylphy' to help defeat him and drive the Diamond Kingdom forces back. During the entire time, Asta managed to befriend both of Yume's teammates such as Klaus and Noelle's buxom cousin Mimosa, of whom he had planned to charm next. The girl was unusually anxious around him though, he considered it odd since they never met until now, as far as he was aware of.

Mimosa was a great help in the battle by healing Asta's wounds and assisting all of them constantly during the intense fight. Together they completed the Dungeon raid mission with Luck bouncing back from his fight-hungry insanity and finally becoming a true friend to Asta in the process.

Upon returning to the Capital and bringing the Ancient book over to the Sorcerer King himself; Julius Novachronus himself, Asta and the others were invited to the Valor Ceremony Banquet shortly afterward. The tall and ever-stoic Yume kept her relationship with Asta a secret and continued to act as a friend or acquaintance rather than his love. She does monitor Asta from afar, anticipating when would be the right time between missions and responsibilities to 'Meet' with him again.

Once the Hero arrived at the King's Castle, he saw all the Magic Knight Captains together in one place, minus Yami for now. He was in awe of them as he felt their intense magical power thanks to the Devil's help in gauging their abilities. Needless to say, he was in awe, but more so than that, the appearance of two particularly attractive females within the group of Captains caught his eye. Asta could barely control himself these days, ever since joining with the Black Bulls and having a room of his own, he wanted to sleep with Vanessa and Noelle every night of his life. With each new claim, he felt the desire to seek out new ones grow even stronger as he goes.

Unfortunately, he had to be at the Valor Ceremony right away after returning from the mission and healing up at a local clinic before coming here. Together with Yume's team, Asta and Noelle enjoyed the banquet in peace, leaving him to eyeball the beautiful Captain of the Blue Roses Knights while eating delicious food.

Aside from hearing all the usual whispers and mutters of how he was a 'Slum Rat' or 'Commoner Trash' from the nobles of the court, Asta busied himself by examining the woman's body and wondering what she was wearing underneath all that cumbersome armor with a sallet. Next to her was a tall, brown-skinned, amazon beauty wearing very little over her tall athletic frame. She had blue eyes and short medium-length dark hair in a wily ruffled style. Asta admired her mildly exotic appearance and examined her luscious thighs, feeling very ready to part them open with the intent of taking her later today. He was planning on doing that if he had a moment of privacy to himself, but ultimately Asta was in no rush at the moment.

That is, until he heard her run her mouth and made a comment at his expense, changing his mind.

"Ugh, look at all these men here, Captain. You hardly see any women from either of the squads attending. Well, other than Captain Dorothy, but you shouldn't be in a place like this, mingling with all of these upstart males. Especially that shrimpy little boy over there, you can just tell he's not Magic Knight material by looking at him." The girl said, pointing in Asta's direction with a finger, and making him look her way with a confused look on his face.

"Mmhm?! Say what now? What's your problem with me?" Asta asked with a mildly annoyed look on his face as he swallowed his food and stared hard at the girl. He put up with enough of this back home in Hage village, he wasn't about to put up with much more even here in the Castle.

"Calm down, Sol Marron. Stop picking fights with other people on my behalf. Excuse me while I go take care of something those silly men over there are starting." The woman said, being the more mature of the two, who simply glanced in Asta's direction before making her over to the group further up ahead. Asta thought he saw two Captains about to break out into a fight between themselves. She basically left Asta and the girl all alone, which is exactly what he needed.

"C-Captain? Ugh...now look at what you did, Shrimp." Sol Marron spat harshly in Asta's direction, making him stare her down with firm resolve.

"I didn't do anything, Tallzilla. You're the one making a ruckus and going on about 'Men' this and 'Men' that. What's your problem anyway? Daddy didn't love you? Or have too many bad dates?" Asta accused, ruffling Marron's feathers completely as she looked positively peeved with a blush on her face.

"A-A-As if I'd let a dirty man touch me, you welp! My heart and loyalty only belong to Captain Charlotte of the Blue Roses. I'd never waste time with the likes of you in my life." She said, crossing her arms in a huff and staring harshly at him while the Devil inside of Asta snickered dangerously again.

'I can see you really want to break in this stuck-up bitch, Asta. It wasn't on the list today, but why not make it a thing right now? Her loud man-hating bs is honestly getting on my nerves too, and I'm just a Devil.' The Devil said and Asta came back with a rather cutting remark.

"Okay, what if your captain isn't into other women like you apparently are, and you're just being an obsessive pain-in-the-ass gushing over her constantly?" He asked, making Marron's forehead pop a vein in anger. This gave Asta a smile as she stomped right up to him while everybody else was busy with something else.

"Y-y-you.... little...!" Marron steamed vehemently, making Asta's smirk widened as he prepared to channel a very strong dose of Demonic Mana into this woman and make her his literal bitch. Marron could subtly feel something strange coming out of the boy's body, causing her legs to quiver slightly and her womanhood to begin moistening with arousal.

"Suck it up, Sister. I'm going to be Sorcerer King one day, so you better start showing this 'Shrimp' some proper respect." Asta challenged, making Marron laugh derisively at him before putting her hands onto her hips in dismissal of his claim.

"Hmph, you become Sorcerer King? That'll be the day, I bet you can't even touch a Magic Knight like myself let alone become the next King of Magic." She bit back, and before she realized it, Asta suddenly came up close to her, putting a finger on her nose and making her blush in response.

"Touch. There, I did it.~" He snickered, making Marron want to throw all caution to the wind and hurl the boy out of the nearest window when suddenly she felt that eerie arousal-inducing effect strengthen immeasurably.


"Hmm? Uuuggghhh! Ooooooh....! W-what is going on with my body? Why does it feel like something's s-setting me off...sexually?" She groaned, clutching her sides, and bucking her thighs together as she felt the extra-stimulating effect of his Demonic Mana take hold.

The Proud Amazoness sank to her knees before Asta's eyes, seeing him smile proudly at her in victory while standing over her head. He leaned over and put his face up close to hers, causing Marron's loins to throb even more as a result.

"Let's go outside to the Garden just outside the window over there on the balcony.~" Asta commanded in a gentle yet sinister voice, making Sol nod anxiously as she was compelled to follow him out despite her grudge with him earlier.

'W-what's..come over me...! Mmnnnghh....! Why can't I stop feeling like this? I'm even obeying him without putting up a fight!' She grabbed her head in frustration, following Asta without anybody else noticing they were gone.


Once they were outside, Asta guided Sol Marron to a clearing amidst the walls of lush greenery, telling her to get down onto the floor. Marron saw the large impression of his manhood pressing into the insides of his fabric to the point it became very noticeable to her eyes. She gulped nervously and felt stirring hotness from inside her loins, making her crave it despite hating men in their entirety. Although she wasn't a full-blown misandrist, Sol had reasons to resent the other gender and had followed Captain Charlotte's rhetoric of devaluing them through and through.

This, however, was something that was making her reconsider those thoughts on a subconscious level. Asta saw that she was eyeballing his crotch, unironically looking hungry for his meat in spite of her earlier attitude.*

"Heh, looks like your body is saying something, Miss Maron. Hehehe, I can see you looking at my waist right now, you know." Asta called out, making Marron begin trembling in fear of admission of her creeping arousal. Little did she know that was partially thanks to Asta's Devil Magic, making her feel his dominating presence, the boy exuded it all over her body just by being near.

"I-I...I have no idea what you're talking about! There's no way I'm getting excited by yo-uuaaaahh!" She was cut off in mid-sentence when suddenly feeling the magical feeling of one Asta's fingers trace up the side of her right leg. Marron had flung her head back and pushed out her chest, making her ample D-cup tits wriggle in front of his face through that skimpy white top.

Asta was normally into the more demure and wholesome variety of girls such as Sister Lily, Mariella, and Noelle, but there was just something about breaking down an obnoxious man-hating amazoness that just did it for him. He had to thank his Devil partner for bringing the woman's innate pervertedness out into the open with the magical effects of his Demon Mana.

He traced a set of fingers along her voluptuous long legs, causing her to shiver when he arrived at the area of her crotch through her boy shorts. He cupped her mound through the fabric and made Marron clutch the grass beneath her fingers, feeling an intense surge of pleasure run through her body.

"Uuuggghhh!" She tried thinking about what her captain Charlotte would think if she saw her like this; getting stimulated by a young man.

'Pft, getting turned into a sow in heat by a male? What a pitiful understudy you turned out to be, Marron. Perhaps I had been wrong about you. You're not worthy of staying in the Blue Roses.' Marron's mental image of Charlotte inside her head said this to the girl, making her blue eyes become tearful while Asta crawled up her body and placed himself between her legs with an eager-looking smile.

'N-no...! Please...it's not what it looks like, Captain! I-I swear! I'm not into men....! I'm not, right?' She asked herself, but the feeling of intensity from the sensitive pleasure building up inside of Marron's body until she noticed Asta staring at her chest.

She looked down herself at him and saw the boy pull the cups of her white top down, making her caramel-colored tits spill out! Marron let out a squeal of surprise and would normally slug the boy in the face, but for some reason a part of her wanted him to do more to her body. She looked anxiously into his eyes, seeing that there was a bit of darkness within them as he grabbed onto her tits with each hand. His fingers dug into the soft mounds of her flesh, making her breathe hotly in scolding arousal and sexual delight internally as he began fondling them at his whim.

"Mnnhh...! Aaahh.....! Aaahhh....uuaaahhh! Please.....stop...! Nnghh!" She whimpered pleasurably, feeling her chest heave faster because of how much the sensation made her insides quell with desire. Marron was finding herself stumble into internal conflict regarding her misandrist views on men. she had never felt this good in all her life before and it was corrupting her from within.

"What's wrong? Don't like a man touching you this way? I can guarantee you that your Captain doesn't like to munch carpet either, you know. I can tell, I think she's into guys just like you are, Marron. The difference is that she does a better job of keeping herself acting like an adult, unlike you." He revealed,  shocking the brown-skinned amazoness and making her blush heatedly with indignance.

Asta had not officially met the Captain of the Blue Roses, but the Devil informed him that she was just as much of a spaghetti-spilling mess as Noelle used to be. This meant that she was just a lovesick woman in need of a good man to really bring her out of that thorny side she showed everybody. Asta likes to call this ability 'Sixth Sense'.

"W-what?! How could you know that?! You don't know captain like I do, you little welp!" Marron cried out in protest, feeling Asta's fingers squeeze each of her tits more tightly, making her toss her head back at the sensation.

Marron's crotch moistened up already to the point she made a mess out of her white high-riding booty shorts. He could see a dampened spot of moisture appear from within the fabric, making him smile while he watched her try fighting the sensation. Sol Marron felt nothing except absolute pleasure coming from the Devil boy's magic hands right now. She hated that he was the sole cause of it and not someone else.

"I know because I can see through a lot of people's bullshit, Marron. She puts on a facade and acts like Men are beneath her when really all she wants is to be saved without looking weak in the process. Believe me, I have a way of sensing this kind of thing, you know. Like right now, you want me to feed on your pussy, don't you?" Asta accused, making Marron tearfully nod her head for she was desperately aching for pleasure between her legs.

She had not the strength or willpower to protest any longer, she needed relief right here and now, but she still wouldn't admit this to Asta in words. Not one bit if her pride had anything to say about it.

"Hnhh.....!" She whimpered again, making the boy snicker as he let go of her breasts, moving down her tall womanly body to where he could pull on her shorts next.

"I'll take that as a 'yes' then." Asta said as he removed her boy shorts, forcing Marron to lift her feet into the air. She revealed her slightly fuzzy brown peach to Asta's eyes, her glistening velvet folds were ripe with moisture and aching for bliss after the foreplay with her sensitive tits.

Asta spread her legs wide open and revealed the moist wetness that was her sex to his eyes. He pried open apart her folds and kept one of his hands pressing against her inner thighs, keeping them apart. He was glad Marron wasn't fighting him anymore, he could tell she was reluctantly letting him have this lest she goes insane with sexual desire. He knew that secretly, she was just a very thirsty tall girl in need of a man who'll be able to pleasure her like no other and purge that childish man-hating attitude of hers.

"Mmhm....P-please...hurry!" Marron begged with a whimper and looked anxiously at Asta, mentally begging for him to begin already, but she was feeling left hanging since he hasn't taken any action yet. "P-Please....make me feel good."

He grinned at her in victory and tossed a playful wink at Marron before going down on her moist fuzzy muff. He began by sucking the cusp of her pussy onto his lips, kissing her pussy as he started eating her out.


"Mmhhmm.~" Asta moaned tastefully from inside of Marron's sex, he was hearing the large woman moan loudly with one of her hands resting on his head in euphoria. She started tossing around, writhing in ecstasy as she could feel his tongue burrowing into her core and tasting her in such a fluid pleasurable way. It was causing her so much pleasure that she ground her pelvis feverishly along the surface of his face.

Asta continued worming his tongue into her sex, swirling it around inside of her folds and enjoying the cries of her whimpering voice as she was at his mercy. His experiences with the other women led to him mastering this skill, making Marron want to clutch one of her long legs around the back of his head. Asta was moving it around inside of her pussy at such a leisurely pace, precisely hitting all her weak erogenous areas thanks to his senses being enhanced by his Devil partner. Hearing Marron wail loudly from above was like music to his ears, while she grabbed onto his head with both hands and one leg, Asta pushed himself even further into her snatch as a result. He devoured every ounce of her pussy's nectar, causing Marron untold amounts of sensitive bliss that had been slowly breaking apart her mindset regarding men.

"Uuaaagghh....aaahh....! Mmmnhh!~ Yess...! That feels...that feels really good! I-I can't stand it....!~" She cried out, allowing her chest to heave which caused her tits to wriggle salaciously while she continued grinding her pelvis onto his face for the next few minutes.

The gentle slurping noises coming out of Asta's mouth while within Marron's cunt, reached an apex at long last. The girl was brought to a mind-numbing and explosive orgasm right there, making her cum all over his face as her tongue spilled out of her mouth in a stupefied facial reaction!

"Uuuggghhh!!!" She squealed loudly into her hand, leaning back onto the grassy garden ground as she gushed all over the Devil Boy's face like so. Gushes of pussy juice spritzed Asta's lips and tongue, making him devour everything while she was busy gushing like a fountain.

Pulling out from her waist, he sat back and enjoyed the look of euphoria on Sol Marron's face. Asta stood up and pulled down his pants next, letting his cock spring readily as he was prepared to fuck Marron into the ground of the garden. The girl was panting tiredly after recovering from such a mind-blowing orgasm that she had just noticed him sauntering over to her with a magnanimously-large cock unsheathed and fully erect.

'H-holy! He's......huuuuuuge! Nnghh! I don't think I can take something that big into my body.!' She thought this, yet had a look of thirst appear on her face. Marron had never seen such a big willy before or rather had never seen one at all. She always assumed they came no bigger than six or seven inches, which had only fueled her distaste for men in the first place.

Asta was now about to prove her wrong and by simply showing it out in the open, he was making Marron's legs tremble at the sight of such a large cock.

"*Gulp*...you have such a big....thing hanging between your legs. Hehehe." She chuckled nervously and couldn't help but stare at it when she saw him making a swirling gesture with his hands.

"Yeah, and you're about to feel it destroy you from the inside out, but first.....on your hands and knees. I wanna plow that plump, brown, heart-shaped ass you have going on. I've been watching it all day ever since you came here wearing tight-fitting booty shorts." Asta commanded, making Marron blush vehemently as she reluctantly obeyed his wish without realizing why.

Anxiously, she turned around and placed herself on her palms and kneecaps, presenting her plump round ass to Asta.

'H-he's going to fuck me in the ass!? H-he can't...right?!' She thought and felt the chilling sensation of his firm hands caressing the creamy surface of her butthcheeks from behind. Marron bit down on her bottom lip when she felt him squeeze each cheek, massaging them intimately and prodding his fingertips into the more sensitive areas of her body like so.

"Ggyyaaaaahhh! Nnhgh.....h-how....are you doing that?" She asked, shaking from head to toe and feeling Asta spread open her buttcheeks so that her dark velvet-colored hole presented itself before him.

Asta didn't answer her, instead, he simply grabbed the hilt of his length and guided himself to the slot of Marron's tight-looking ass.

"I just met you and even from the start, I thought 'Wow, she must have a stick up her butt like her boss', let's see if we can fit something else in there instead.~" He snickered mischievously as he placed the bulbous head of his cock directly on the dry opening of her anus. "Just so you're aware, I'm going to claim her too at some point, I'll probably fuck you both side-by-side with each other engaging in actual lesbian sex while I'm busy plowing you. Sounds good, right?"

Marron's eyes bolted open in surprise after what she had heard, but before she could turn her head over her shoulder and say something back, Asta had pushed into her ass with a shove!


"Hnggghhh! Aaaggghnnhhh!~ Ooooh....my... God! Hnhh!~" She let out a sharp whimper, her eyes went wide and her mouth fell open as she felt that thick mass plunge directly into her buttocks like it were a thick log-sized bratwurst sausage.

Marron clutched her fingers into the soil of the ground, shaking intensely as she felt her anus being spread apart by the thick, bulgy intrusion of Asta's meat. The boy felt her rectal cavity close up around his length reflexively, making her feel even tighter while he shoved a few more inches into her ass!

"Hhgnhhh!~" Marron moaned again and felt he was half-way inside, making her face red and her body become sweaty as she felt more pleasure than pain erodes her sense of rationality. The Devil's Magic was partially at work here, but it was Asta making her really feel like an attractive woman for the first time in her life.

Marron had often been teased because of her height back in childhood. When she had been saved by Captain Charlotte, she grew to admire her and hate men in general for attacking her. She was always seen as too brash and forward by others, often ignoring them and sticking to her beliefs that they were trash. However, now that mindset has changed with the sensation of Asta cleaving into her anus after mounting her bull-style.

She felt his dick cleave into every sensitive pore of her asshole, making her eyes screwed up and her tongue remains spilling out. Asta saw this expression and relished in the breaking of an unpleasant hypocritical girl, beginning to pound his waist forward into her ass in a series of hard-paced thrusts.

"Nghh! Holy cow.....you've got such a nice, plump ass, Sol Marron. I'm going to enjoy fucking you both ways starting right now. My name is Asta by the way, but you'll come to refer to me as 'Master' or 'Darling' from now on." He declared, making Marron sputter incoherently as she began fucking her into the grass, pounding his light-skinned waist into her dark-skinned ass while making her cheeks jiggle.

"Mnnghh! Aaaahhh....! Uuh...uh...uh..uh..uh..uhh...aaahh! Yesss! Master...! Hnnhh!~" She cried out, clearly broken already as she felt the hard thundering of his dick pushing into the depths of ass.

For Asta, doing anal was less-preferred compared to letting out inside of a girl's pussy, but it still felt marvelous all the same. After plowing Vanessa's delectable ass just before pumping her womanhood full of tadpoles, he had grown to love the feeling even more after Marron. Gripping the tall woman's hips and slamming away into her ass in a raucous, steadfast manner, Asta continued hollowing the girl's buttocks like so in a diligent back-and-forth pace.

Grunting and feeling her ass squeeze down around him, nearly suffocating his cock, he kept on rutting against Sol Marron at a gradually harder pace. She was even pushed to the point her cheeks smothered into the grass with her face maintaining that goofy smile on it. The sounds of flesh smacking flesh continued for a while with Asta eventually arriving at his climax, but not before feeling Marron cum at least three times in between his thrusts.

"Uuuggghhh! Mmmhmm!~" She moaned loudly into the grass, shaking and squeezing her anus tightly around Asta's length.

He burrowed into her butt one last time before shuddering with orgasm himself, leaving his member to pump thick wads of sperm into her bowels.


"Mmhmm! Ooaaahh....that feels good.~" Asta moaned, grunting as he continued filling Marron's ass with sperm, making her officially part of his harem as the Devil Mana seeped into her body permanently like the others.

Marron twitched and writhed beneath as she held clumps of grass and dirt, feeling pleasure beyond imagining as he finished cumming after just a few more minutes. Once he was done, he pulled out of her ass, leaving it a gaping sperm-filled messes before turning her onto her back with legs spread wide. Asta licked his lips and was ready to fuck her pussy next, hoping he had just enough time before anybody came looking for them.

"Good thing I'm still hard, having Devil Magic and durability really comes in handy at times like this." He said before grabbing each of Marron's ankles and lifting them overhead to where her large ample brown buttocks lifted up off the ground with them!

She squeaked out in surprise and held the sides of her face, feeling flustered beyond belief at being held like this. She was surprised by Asta's strength, considering his size, but found it refreshingly exciting to her loins. Marron was falling more and more in love with the Black Bulls brat the longer this romp continued. Being this close and intimate with him, especially after having her asshole reamed so wonderfully moments ago, made her heart sing in a way she never thought possible. Asta hopped up onto her body after pinning her legs up high into the air, pressing himself onto her thighs in what is considered a Mating Press position. She didn't know what to think of how she was being taken in such a way, only felt an aching excitement while his cock hovered directly above her moist velvet-colored snatch.

He was ready to breed the bitch raw and show her what she's been missing out on.

'H-he's really going to fuck me...with that. I-it already destroyed my butt just now....a-and...what if he cums inside of me? It's not a safe day for me today at all!' She thought, moistening even more at the thought of having a thick dosage of sperm pumped directly into her waiting uterus.

Asta held back her legs with a smile, looking at Marron with a smirk as she nodded her approval to him after being fully 'Claimed' by the Devil Magic. He grinned devilishly while drawing back his hips and slamming them down hard onto her body with a very firm thrust!


"Gggghhhh! Aaaggghhh!" Marron let out while gritting her teeth.

A sharp sense of pain ran through her womanhood as she was feeling Asta's cock disappear into her sex, slowly, painfully while spreading her insides apart. It had tunneled its way into hymen, briefly stopping at her cherry, then feeling a hint of excitement at the thought of deflowering her just as he had done with Yume, Noelle, and Mariella.

"Heh, I kind of figured you'd be the type to pleasure yourself using toys or some other magical means while thinking of your captain." He joked, making the tall brown amazon seethe greatly despite moaning even more. "Turns out you really were just missing out, never having tried it yourself even once until now. Well, good thing I'm here, I'll give you a great time and maybe help fix your perception of men based on what I can do, but you'll still only be mine."

He said this with his eyes glowing red, frightening Marron a bit before he thrust farther to the point he ruptured the girl's hymen without remorse! Marron squealed out in pain and later ecstasy, the former was being dulled thanks to the Demonic Mana easing the pain. She cried out in profound pleasure soon afterward, feeling Asta's cock tunnel its way into her cervix as he steadily pushed its way inside. Her legs trembled helplessly in the air as she began breathing harshly in fast-rising ecstasy.

"Mmm! You're really tight, I love the feeling your pussy gives off when it's around my dick. Hhnh....!" Asta cried out, enjoying the silken squishiness of Marron's folds sucking him further into where he had pushed his way into her womb.

Asta's thighs were pressing firmly down onto the back of her kneecaps, keeping her lower body upturned at his mercy. Marron mewled rather loudly until he brought his hands up to her face, caressing her cheeks lovingly before pulling the tomboy onto his lips for a searing hot kiss!

"Mmhmm!~" She mewled happily as she closed her eyes in resignation, enjoying the bliss Asta was giving her, and easily forgoing her initial perceptions of negativity on men. All the while, Asta was beginning to bounce onto her frame, fucking her eagerly with his cock sawing out of her twat like so.

Loud claps of flesh smashing upon flesh soon came out and filled the air of the garden they were in. Marron's sex collided repeatedly into Asta's waist as he kept his sturdy body humping her from above. Slowly but surely, his pace of thrusting himself into Marron's sex became intensified, making a loud collection of loud flesh-slapping noises as they fucked like rabbits. Marron wound up moaning even louder from inside of his face, tasting his lips and engaging him in a languid tongue-on-tongue embrace ripe with passion.

"Hnhh..hnhh..nhn...nhn..nhn nh! Ooohhh...Asta...! Ooh it feels so good! Please....ravage me even faster!~" She cried out with little glowing hearts reflecting in her green eyes. Asta grinned while he was sucking hungrily on Sol Marron's tongue some more, he frenziedly slammed his waist into her navel like a mad man soon after.

Clap after clap of their sexes echoed into the air with Asta feeling the tightness of her squishy deflowered sex squirming around his length as if she wanted to never let him go. Marron, while moaning blissfully in a highly aroused state of euphoria, wanted to close her legs behind the boy's back. She would do so if his muscle strength in his legs weren't stronger than hers. It both astounded and impressed her even more knowing he had that much amazing power inside of that short body.

"Uuaaghh...aaahh..aahh..aahh..ah..aah..aahhh! Asta....! I'm...I'm cumming!~" She cried out, reeling her head back from his mouth and hanging onto his shoulders for support while he rutted into her more frenziedly, making the slapping sounds of sex become more consistent.

Smack after smack of cock splitting open womanly sex continued for about several more minutes when he felt the contraction of Marron's walls around his meat! The woman came hard and wailed loudly into her right hand after shivering violently in one intense orgasm! She screamed loudly in pleasure, feeling her insides choke and gush all over Asta's meat until he came!

"Ggghhh! Here it comes! I've got a big load waiting for you, you tall beautiful lady!" He announced, feeling his balls beginning to tremble.

Asta had pulled his waist back from Marron's sex, leaving just the tip inside before he pushed it all right back into her pussy, filling her up to the brim when he erupted. He growled and bit down onto the right side of her neck, making her cling onto his muscular backside while they came together in a harmonious orgasm-riddled climax.



Thick ropes of sperm splashed into Marron's pussy like a force of nature, splashing into her womb until it was filling up, making her secretly worry about pregnancy in the near future. Still, she felt she had reached 'Heaven' in terms of sexual bliss and she was experiencing it fully with Asta. Her toes curled up from inside of her boots while her legs remained dangling in the air helplessly. Marron remained with a stupefied look of intoxication on her face, her tongue had spilled out of her mouth and her eyes partially rolled up as this shared orgasm went on for a few more minutes tops.

"Hnnghhh....! Aaaahhhh....mmmm! Asta...n-no, I mean.....Master.~" She cooed once they were finished cumming together in sexual post-coital bliss.

Marron continued squirming and writhing underneath Asta's body, she was feeling content and blissfully satisfied, having now pledged her allegiance to the short, young man in eternal servitude as his bitch. Both her asshole and her pussy were gaping, full of his seed, which will leave her feeling very sore later on. Asta had pumped into Marron's pussy a few more times before pulling himself out, revealing to her that he was still partially solid, and reveled in her shock upon seeing his dick hang like an elephant's trunk.

"Now then, go ahead and clean me up, Marron. We've got to get back to the banquet in case something happens and we miss it." He commanded in a gentle yet domineering manner that made her shiver with delight.

"Yes, Master.~" Sol Marron gushed giddily like a lovestruck girl, rising onto her kneecaps and lowering her face onto Asta's cock, sucking him gleefully with a sparkling smile on her face.

The girl's light green eyes peered up at him, fully broken of her former mindset, and re-forged into a dick-hungry girl loyal only to Asta and no longer Captain Charlotte Roselei. Her lips gingerly sucked off his cream-covered cock in a happy and diligent manner. Asta reached down and gently caressed the top of her head, running his fingers through her ruffled dark hair as she eagerly swallows his length into her mouth.

'Ah, finally. I like her much better like this, went a fair bit savage on her, no? Not that I'm complaining, mind you. She was in need of a good humbling after all that trash talk she gave you earlier. Remember, Asta, no one can deny you of your dream to be Sorcerer Emperor. Make everybody eat their words, even Magic Knights like these.' The Inner Devil said darkly, making Asta smirk with confidence as he held Marron's head in his lap, enjoying the slickness of her throat pleasuring his cock.

'That reminds me, just what kind of Woman is her Captain anyway? I only barely sensed she was putting up a front and being secretly squeamish like Noelle, but what else is there to her?' He wondered as he watched the Captains from afar within the Banquet hall, feeling Marron clean his dick up of all his sperm and her juices like a good newly-claimed Lover.

End of Chapter

To be continued...

This has been for D.M. Thanks for reading..


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