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Should I call these newsletters? Maybe? That's kinda what they are. Well, let's move on from this internal dialogue and continue.

It's been a while since the topic of HQ (the new filming location) has come up, and I have good news! Though I missed my target slightly, in just a few days the space will be ready to move the set to! I have just completed painting, the electrical work is done, and on Monday the carpet is being installed. Then, it's done! *

I will make one final video-update on the progress there, as I also want to incorporate some of the story into a long-overdue Patreon welcome page video. But, once that's done, it will be set-disassembly time! And that will be fun, I can tell. I plan to bring you along for that, and at some point I'll make a video for the public as a celebration of the channel and what you've done for it!

In other news, I admittedly overworked myself for the PeopleMover video. Once I got back from Florida, I spent three days straight on the edit. And I mean 3 entire waking days. I was really excited to get it done, but ho boy do I regret working at that pace. It turns out you can really fatigue yourself on a number of levels if you work in front of a computer for 48 of 72 hours. Who knew? Oh, and then there was the follow-up video, which also took another full day to create, and I went straight from there to HQ to spend the remainder of the week painting. And I hate painting.

I'm considering making a video about paint. No, seriously. It is astounding how much paint has progressed in just 10 or 15 years. I have memories of my youth of a smelly, terrible time putting 3 or 4 coats of paint on everything, and now even fairly basic paint is often a one-coat affair, covers things remarkably well, and is so low VOC that it barely has a smell. I have no idea what sort of interest a video on the progress of paint technology would be, but I am intrigued.

So yeah, I'm a little worse for wear. That's OK though. It means I can build up some time for writing, and let me tell you I need to do that. I've been in contact with someone for a long time on the Teletext subject, and I am so embarrassingly behind that I'll keep it a secret and not tell anyone at all. Nope. No one will know. Not a soul.

Anywho, hope all is well with you! We're getting a taste of spring here in Chicago (well, at least the days are longer and the sunlight "feels" spring-like) and I'm happy to be getting out of the Winter Blues.

I'll be updating you soon!


* there is still a tiny bit of electrical work that needs to be done in the ceiling for the purpose of rigging lights, but that will take just a couple of hours since it's already got power to the switch box



sure, it smells better, but how has the FLAVOR of paint developed in the last 15 years

Jim Leonard

If you need actual help moving, reach out -- we're geographically close. As for the video editing, were you working off of a script with shot lists, or winging it? (I'm not judging, just trying to gauge how I can avoid getting burned out as well)


I'm all for a paint themed video.


I hear you on getting fatigued and strained working at a computer for really, really long periods of time. I've been stupidly long hours working on culling, processing and editing thousand of photos after an event; as well as, working 36 hours straight doing application/database migrations, watching the it hit the fan and trying to get everything back up before business opens Monday morning. The only more fatiguing work is working through a weekend on datacenter moves and dealing with the problems that always come up no matter how well prepared you are. Yay!

Gavin Rea-Davies

On the subject of teletext, the funny thing is that in the UK people often used to book holidays based on the brief description found therein. And when teletext died at around the time the internet was taking off, the holiday service (or at least the name!) was moved online and lives on.... I'm actually typing this from a hotel room in Tenerife, on a holiday booked via Teletext!

Stephen Bell

Glad to hear it's coming together. Teletext - as I'm in the UK, that will be interesting fur me, as I expect there are all a sorts of different systems I know nothing about.

Mark Hesse

That sounds like it would be about as interesting as watching paint dry--I mean the one about Teletext--the one about actual paint would be fascinating! Kidding aside, both topics would be cool to see.


YES to the paint video!

Ewen McNeill

I'd love a video on paint technology improvements. Particularly since I too assumed it was approximately the same as it has been for the last 25-50 years. Ewen PS: Great news that HQ is almost ready for The Big Move (tm). And apparently without even the "new paint smell" :-)

Wrenly Bewick

Improvements in paint sounds like an amazing topic that which people hardly ever talk about!


I really want to learn more about paint


A video about paint sounds great. It must be detailed though. And include a section about different kids of paint drying. I'll be watching every micro second.


I'd be up to watch a video about paint, I'm sure you could even manage to work in "watching paint dry" somehow and make it entertaining enough that people would stick around.


Thanks so much for the update Alec. I know you've been working extremely long and arduous days but the "pay-off" will be worth it for you and for all your supporters (like me). That idea re. the "painting" video sounds intriguing and I, for one, would love to learn of the advances made in that area. I'm not a real FAN of painting either but I must say I'm one of those "sticklers" for neatness and STRAIGHT lines !! Keep up the good work. Hi from Lodi, NJ where winter's STILL rearing it's ugly head! Come On Spring.....get here already!! VGC


Having just painted my freshly remodeled basement, I'm most definitely interested in a video about paint. In fact, while we were painting, I actually remarked to my wife how, when we were kids, paint smelled a *lot* compared to how it smells today. I remember my Mom having my sister's room painted back in the early '80s (she wanted the walls to be changed from their generic beige to a bright pink, and somehow convinced my mother to do this) the smell of the paint was so bad that I couldn't be in my bedroom across the hall -- I actually had to go outside, it was so nauseating. But painting our basement last week was no problem at all -- you could hardly smell anything. TL;DR -- yes, a video on paint would be great!


+1 for a paint video


id watch a technology of paint vid


Paint technology is interesting. I was obsessed with it when I had to paint my toddlers room. Did a ton of reading and ended up with 2 gallons of Benjamin Moore Aura in Morning Sun yellow. Supposedly Benjamin Moore Aura is close to painting with near 100% pigmant.


A Teletext vid sounds amazing - will it include a mention of, or be followed by a video on Minitel?