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Nahida showered and sat on his bed. The paper Bulma had given him was on the bed. Nahida reread the paper and wondered if he should go to Bulma's room.

"She invited me. I should go." Nahida couldn't deny it. He was excited about the possibility of doing something with Bulma. Even if he didn't have sex with her, just kissing her would be good.

'Should I go? Nazuna has probably gone home. There shouldn't be anyone in the hotel besides me, the cooks, Kelly, and the guests in their rooms.'

The guests who had left after dinner hadn't returned yet. It would take a while before they return. Nahida usually took care of these cases, but Kelly would take care of them.

Nahida has the night to spend with Bulma.

"Right!" Nahida got up, put on his best perfume, and left his room. The lights were on, but no one was there. It was too quiet. Nahida then went to reception.

As he expected, Joulan and Nazuna had gone home. Only Kelly was there.

"Good evening. What happened? I thought you were asleep." Kelly was surprised to see Nahida. 

"I have something to do now. When all the customers come back, lock the door, okay?"

"Okay, I'll do that."

Nahida then walked toward the stairs. However, Kelly called out to him.

"Hey, why are you going upstairs? Isn't your room here on the first floor?"

"Don't ask too many questions."

"Right, right~~" Kelly scoffed and then smiled. She remembered the girl with the blue hair. She had noticed that Bulma liked Nahida a lot. She realized that something was going on between the two of them.

Even someone who doesn't know much about relationships like her could tell.

The only thing Kelly couldn't understand was Nazuna's jealousy. She didn't know Nazuna and Nahida were close. She didn't understand Nazuna's feelings.

Nazuna didn't show her feelings as clearly as Bulma did.

'Right, that's her room, isn't it?' Nahida arrived at Bulma's bedroom door. Bulma had written her room number on the paper.


Nahida's heart was racing. He sighed to calm himself down and knocked a few times on the door. When he did, he heard a low voice coming from inside, a weak and tired voice. 

"Who is it?" Even if she had invited Nahida, it could be someone else. Bulma was careful.

'She sounds very sleepy.' Nahida thought and smiled.

"It's me, Bulma," Nahida said, answering Bulma.

"Ah!" Then she changed. Bulma had sounded tired before, but suddenly, the sleepiness disappeared. The door opened quickly. "It's you! I'm sorry I took so long. I thought it was someone else."

Bulma was talking loudly, so Nahida asked her to calm down.

"I'm sorry... Come on in."

"Excuse me." Nahida entered the room feeling very nervous, and Bulma closed the door.

After entering, Nahida looked at Bulma's clothes. She was wearing a dress made of a light, almost transparent fabric. Nahida could see Bulma's lingerie. She was wearing dark blue lingerie.

It was very sexy underwear. Bulma was really waiting for him. Nahida swallowed his saliva and looked away when he noticed Bulma was staring at him.

"I didn't think you were coming. Now that you're here, I don't know what to do." Bulma looked away, as did Nahida. Her face was burning. Bulma could have fainted from shame.

Nahida was also embarrassed. Not as much as Bulma was.

He remained calm and walked towards Bulma.

Nahida placed his hand on Bulma's cheek, and she paled.

"Since you invited me, I couldn't ignore it. How can I ignore an invitation from such a beautiful woman?" Listening to Nahida, Bulma almost fainted in his arms.

"Y-Y-You're exaggerating! I'm not pretty." Bulma's heart was racing. It felt like she was going to have a heart attack at any moment.

"Are you nervous?" Nahida asked.

"I'm not nervous at all... but... it's the first time I'm doing this."

"Hm? Is that true?" Nahida was surprised. Bulma isn't a very young woman. She must have had a boyfriend before.

'Wasn't she dating Yamcha? I'm at a point in history where that hasn't happened. Interesting.'

"Yes, that's true. It's the first time. I've never been alone with a man in a bedroom."

"There's no need to be so nervous." Nahida brought his face close to Bulma's, and she paled. However, she closed her eyes and waited for Nahida to kiss her. Of course, Nahida wasn't going to let her down.

He stole Bulma's lips, and the kiss only lasted a few seconds. Nahida didn't use his tongue so as not to frighten her.

But those few seconds were enough to leave Bulma breathless. As soon as their lips parted, Bulma took a deep breath.

'Damn, she's so cute.' Bulma's eyes were watering, and she was drooling from this simple kiss. Nahida's cock started to get hard just from that. He was very excited.

But he held back. He didn't rush things.

However, what came out of Bulma's mouth next surprised him.

"You're hard." She said as she looked into Nahida's eyes with a smile.

Nahida noticed that Bulma was pressing her body against his, and his cock was poking her.


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