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Nahida was surprised to see Bulma at the reception desk talking to Nazuna. In addition to Nazuna, Kelly was also there. 'Damn, my plan to go to the world of Naruto has been ruined.'

It had been a while since the two talked because Bulma and he didn't have each other's cell phone numbers. It wouldn't work anyway.

About Bulma, Nahida even thought she had given up on him.

But there she was.

Nahida put his backpack, which was filled with things to take with him, on the table and then approached. When Bulma saw him, her eyes lit up, and she smiled.

"Nahida! I finally had time to come here to see you. I'm sorry, I've been busy the last few days. I was talking to Nazuna, and she told me about your father... How is he?"

"Haha..." Nazuna smiled bitterly. She realized that he didn't like her telling Bulma about it.

"I talked to my mom today. She told me that my dad was feeling better. I can visit him in the hospital the day after tomorrow."

"Oh, that's great." Bulma put her hand on her chest and sighed with relief. "I'm glad everything worked out. Are you leaving?" Bulma looked at the backpack Nahida had placed on the table and asked.

"Yes, I was leaving and would return in a few days."

"Days?! Just when I had time to come here to see you..." Bulma said. She was sad, so Nahida put his hand on her head. Bulma's eyes widened in surprise.

He was treating her like a child, but she didn't care. She was glad that Nahida was touching her head.

"Yes, I have something important to do. But since you're here, I can stay here for today."


"Yes, you took the trouble to come all this way, didn't you?"

"... I don't want to get in the way of your plans," Bulma said, discouraged, but Nahida calmed her down and said it was all right. He told her he would stay in the hotel until the day came to visit his father.

"If it's all right with you... I'm glad." Bulma's face turned red, and she looked a little uneasy. Nahida then looked at Nazuna, standing behind Bulma, and noticed she was pouting.

Nahida smiled at her and winked. Nazuna looked away, and Kelly, who was right next to her, tilted her head, confused by the way Nazuna was acting. 

"Have you eaten yet?" 

"No, not yet. But lunchtime has passed, hasn't it?"

"Yes, lunch was two hours ago. But if you want to eat, I can ask Lucky and the cooks to prepare something for you. I'm a bit hungry; I can accompany you."

"That would be great!"

Nahida and Bulma walked together to one of the tables, and Nahida asked Nazuna to talk to Lucky about the food. Nahida told her to serve the same thing they had served during lunch a few hours ago.

While waiting for their food, Nahida told Bulma about her new business and asked Bulma if it would work to open a market near where she lives.

Bulma was honest and said she didn't know. But she also said it might work since there weren't many markets or restaurants where she lived.

Nahida was happy to hear this and kept this information in mind.


After finishing their meal, Nahida and Bulma had a drink together and continued to enjoy themselves for a few hours. The evening was drawing in.

"I need to get ready for work." Nahida said to Bulma. 

"Oh, right, I won't bother you anymore. I'm going to my room to get some rest. I feel tired." Bulma took a piece of paper out of her pocket and handed it to Nahida before walking away.

Nahida opened the paper and read it.

[ You can visit my room if you want. ]

"..." Nahida couldn't react. He thought about it and then put the paper in his pocket. "Nazuna, have the customers started coming for dinner yet?"

"No one's come back yet. But it's still a couple of hours away, right?"

"Oh, that's right." It was still five o'clock in the afternoon. Nahida had lost track of time while talking to Bulma. 

"Did you have fun with her?"

"With Bulma? She's a nice girl."

"I see..." Nazuna pouted and looked away.

"What? Are you jealous?"

"I'm not!" Nazuna shouted.

"From my analysis, she's certainly jealous," Kelly said suddenly. Nazuna looked at her, irritated by her words. Then she fell silent and didn't say another word.

"Right, I'm going to take a shower. Get ready for dinner."

"Right." Kelly and Nazuna replied.

Nahida went to his room to take a shower. In the meantime, Rias arrived at the hotel. Rias, Kelly, and Nazuna set up all the tables, and some guests began to return even though it wasn't yet time for dinner.

As the hotel got busier and busier, Nahida had just finished his shower and was talking to his mother.

"I'm glad he's okay. I can visit him tomorrow."

Very excited by the news, Nahida left his room to help everyone serve the customers.

The food was ready only 20 minutes later, so it was hard to serve all the customers in time. However, the dinner was a success. All the customers were satisfied and went to their rooms to sleep.

Some of them also decided to go out again.

"Are you leaving already, Rias?"

"Yes, I have something important to do. I'll be back tomorrow."

"If you need time off, don't hesitate to tell me."

"Okay, thanks."

Rias left the hotel, and Nahida remembered the paper Bulma had given him.

"Should I go?"

"Go where?"

"Wa! You've scared me! I was wondering if I should go to a friend's party, but I don't think I will."

"You should go out and have some fun."

"Nah, never mind. I'm a bit tired."

Nahida went back to his room so he could rest.


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