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Hey guys, how it is going? Thanks again for all the support, this wouldn't be here without you. Another chapter done and it will be posted on FF on the weekend. Enjoy.

Fate/Bonds Beyond Humanity


47- Summer, Sun, Surprises


Kuoh was considered the most prestigious educational institution of Japan; not only its facilities were the most advanced, the general grade of most students was high enough that it could claim it had the best scores of the whole country. It wasn’t just the influence of the moonlit world either.

While that helped get the school going and allowed for rapid development, that alone didn’t guarantee prosperity. Efficiency was key and contracts of many kinds were drafted to make sure the school and university could run almost autonomously by its staff and students.

Japanese schools tended to give their students certain responsibilities with their clubs but Kuoh moved a step beyond to offer more freedom and incentivize good grades to keep those kinds of privileges.

Because of that it wasn’t uncommon for members of a certain club to do an activity that had nothing to do with it but would look good both in their report cards while fostering good relationships between their peers which also boosted Kuoh’s reputation.

On that day the ORC received the task of cleaning the facilities of another club, the most unusual one all things considered as clubs were mostly independent between each other. Add to the fact that the task was to clean an olympic size pool and most of the clubs would look at the job with horror.

It wasn’t just the pool but its building as well, the kind of work that could take the whole day at minimum. Not a problem for people with magic. “Incoming!!” Issei slid with a mop, moving at full speed while cleaning the floor.

Koneko sidestepped the Pawn as she moved some floaters of the middle school division with Asia’s help. The blonde nun didn’t even need to bother to move as Issei avoided her completely and only stopped to clean where she had stopped before going ahead. On the other side of the pool Setsuna was doing the same thing much faster.

Flying around was Akeno who was using water magic to clean all the windows and dry them with some towels. She started from the top, unleashing a jet of water which covered most windows before going by them one by one. If one of them was still dirty or needing some water she would stop, throw more water, before getting back on the rhythm all the while humming a song.

“Luvia, pass me the spray.” Rias was right behind Akeno, polishing the windows.

Still not used to flying, Luvia almost fell before managing to stabilize herself. “Here, Buchou.”

“Thanks.” The smile that Rias offered had Luvia’s chest beating a little faster and she flushed and lost her concentration. The blonde began to fall and Rias was too slow to grab her. “Luvia!!”

“I got her.” Shirou received the newly reincarnated devil in his arms which only made Luvia blush more. “Are you alright?”

Not one to lose a chance, Luvia embraced his neck with a smile of her own. “My Shero.” She even dared to get a little closer and tightened her grip when he tried to let her down.

Predictably for them, Rin pounced. “Can’t fly yet, bimbo?”

Forgetting about any chances of deepening her relationship with Shirou, Luvia jumped from his arms, ready for a fight. “At least I can fly, Poorhead.”

Foreheads were about to collide until Liz moved to do her job. “Behave.” The teacher gave her best glare as she held both girls from the necks of their uniform. Against her super strength the rivals couldn’t escape. “Behave.”

Shirou shook his head as Liz made sure both girls separated, Rin going back to sort some stuff in the captain of the swim club while Luvia slowly floated up to Rias. The redhead helped the blonde to balance herself again before they got back to work, Akeno joking that the rivals were like sisters.

If Rin and Luvia knew they could take Akeno then there would be a fight but they were smart enough to not try.

Looking back at his own job, Xenovia had just finished gathering their tools back into a box. “I think we are done, Master.” She closed the fuse box as Shirou gave her a deadpan look. He was still not used to being a Master of any sort. “I still don’t get why we need to do all this.”

“So the school can save money and say that the students are learning something.” Kiba replied with a smile as he finished cleaning the pool. Not hard since it was indoors. “But there are benefits.”

“Is that why Buchou bought me a swimsuit?” Xenovia didn’t mind going for a swim and looked at the pool with some excitement.

”Pretty much. Buchou and Kaichou always make sure that we get this job when they are in the mood.” It was a tradition that the ORC had since its inception and Kiba found himself enjoying it more this time. “We can pretty much do anything until the end of the day.”

“Not ‘anything’.” Shirou felt they needed a reminder as Xenovia’s eyes grew wide. “No fights or spars. This place would fall apart if we tried.”

“But we can have races, right?” She looked even more excited before turning to Kiba. “Are your arms as fast as your legs?”

“You don’t use Ki and I don’t use my wings and we can have a fair competition.” At Kiba’s words Shirou smiled. The Knight was far more relaxed ever since his talk with Bernard much to their relief.

A poke on his arm had the redhead magus turning to Medusa who didn’t need to work but asked to do so anyway. “All the lockers have been dusted.” The goddess announced proudly and Shirou patted her head.

Xenovia looked around with a frown. “Can’t we bring Gasper here? It would be just us.”

“Unfortunately we can’t.” Rias landed while helping Luvia with Akeno right behind. “Gasper can’t leave the club until my brother says otherwise. While some of us can resist his power he still can’t really control it.”

“At least he isn’t hiding in his box all the time anymore.” Akeno was looking directly at Xenovia and everyone else followed her gaze.

The blue haired girl crossed her arms confidently. “He needs courage. Courage. Not to hide from the world.”

“No reason for you to have burned his box.” Rias’ criticism didn’t affect the former Exorcist and she turned to give Shirou a look. ‘Say something.’

“Maybe she shouldn’t have destroyed the box but it is better than a repeat of what happened with Kiba.” Medusa came to his rescue since she knew her protetor was of the same opinion. “Not like you didn’t get him another box anyway.”

“Ah, but Buchou couldn’t resist Gasper’s tears at Xenovia’s terrible actions.” Akeno probed and the King turned her look to Xenovia.

The girl remained in her confident posture. “Better a little pain now than later when it is too late.” Medusa really liked her protector’s new Servant and stepped closer to the girl in a show of support. “The more used he is to stay without the box then the better he will be when Lucifer releases the seal.”

“But there is no need to rush him. You saw how fearful Gasper can be.”

“Not wishing to offend you, Buchou, but I think you cuddle him too much.”

It was a weakness that Rias knew she had. “Still no reason to rush. It is not the time yet.”

“Then when is the time?” It wasn’t a challenge but a legitimate question. Xenovia waited a second before nodding. “Then the time is now.”

“I concur.” Medusa said in support and Rias shook her head in disagreement.

Akeno was about to comment something to fan the flames some more but Shirou intervened. "Shouldn't we focus on cleaning so we can enjoy the pool?”

“We are actually done.” Kiba announced as he approached with everyone else. “Just need to fix some chairs and we are good to go.”

“Chairs?” Issei asked Rias who chuckled.

“For sunbathing, silly.” The Pawn looked to the rooftop above their heads with clear confusion. With a wave of her hand and a magic circle from Rias, Issei watched as the roof seemed to turn into some kind of glass. “Thanks to certain spells we have a cheap outdoor pool. If you can use magic, that is.” She turned to Akeno who nodded.

“Locked the doors and put a small barrier just to be safe. Thanks to Shirou-kun it was quite easy.”

“My swords are getting better but Akeno took care of setting it up.”

Issei ignored most of the conversation and was on the roof disappearing. “Cool.”

“A nice trick but the Church did it first.” Xenovia commented with a smirk that didn’t surprise Rias. “Theirs is kinda better too.” Even if she wasn’t part of the Church anymore she still respected its miracles to an extent.

Mostly when she could attribute them to God alone and not the people who lied to her.

Shirou was ready to cut the conversation again when he saw that Rias looked ready for a spar. “Oh~ How exactly were they better, Xenovia?” But Akeno spoke first while giving him a grin and his Servant quickly replied before he could get a word in.

“Their rooftop turns intangible so the angels can descend directly from Heaven for the Pope’s swearing in ceremony. The real one.” Xenovia wished she had the chance to watch one of those when she was part of the Church. It was supposed to be a spectacle or so Griselda had told her.

Before the verbal spar could continue, Asia approached with genuine wonder. “You have been to the Vatican, Xenovia-san?”

“Ah, yes. I spent a summer there while Cardinal Strada had to go for a meeting. Since I was beginning to learn how to use Durandal he didn’t want to interrupt my training so we were there for a month.” Xenovia was invited to the meeting as well to introduce herself to the top brass of the Church.

However there was only one angel there, a two winged normal angel who, while gentle, was now evident to her that he was all Heaven could spare.

At that comment Asia joined her hands with a nostalgic smile. “I remember Cardinal Strada well, he was a very kind man.”

“You knew Cardinal Strada?” Xenovia’s surprise was at the relation as Asia, while a potential Saint, was still from a relatively small Church.

“Yes, he was always so kind when he visited. The children loved to play with him.” Shirou and Rias traded looks, him for knowing the man’s battle prowess from Durandal and her from his reputation alone.

Yet the redhead magus recovered first since he understood some of the man’s personality and was grateful that the discussion shifted gears. “You two can talk a little more at the pool. Asia was saying she didn’t know how to swim, right?” A nod from the former nun gave him a chance. “Then Xenovia, would you mind teaching her?”

“Not at all, Master.” It was a job Xenovia would take with gusto as she held Asia’s hand. “Let's change.”


“Ah~ I kinda wanted to teach her.” Rias pouted as Issei looked flustered as he remembered all the girls would be going around in bath suits or bikinis.

“Pervert.” Koneko commented with a glance as the Pawn felt his shoulders drop.

Medusa, for her part, was curious about something. “I thought devils hate the sun.”

“Fufufu. Not at all. It just makes us a little lethargic.” Every devil still present nodded at the same time which Shirou and Medusa found amusing. Still, Akeno stretched a little and gave Shirou a sassy look. “It is like the days are night once you become a devil. If anything, sunbathing is the perfect time to take a nap after some sunscreen.”

That ticked Setsuna the wrong way. “Do you need that or your skin regenerates faster than the sun affects you?” Akeno’s grin turned to the hanyou. “Because if not then you would be like a vampire.”

“What are you talking about? Sunscreen is super important.”

Rias nodded with eagerness. “It is super important, fundamental even.”

Unfortunately for the King and Queen, while most of their peerage could see their plan, Issei wasn’t one of them. “So I should be using sunscreen everyday or I am going to melt?”

Quickly Rias’ demeanor shifted and Akeno let out a sigh as she lost her main ally. “No, Ise. Don’t worry. Our mana protects us for the most part and even getting a tan can be quite difficult.”

Both leaders of the Gremory Peerage turned to a smug Setsuna who smiled and turned to depart to the lockers to change. She was sure of her victory on that skirmish. “Same thing with yokais really. Hanyous as well.” Only for Akeno to throw a last shot. “Only certain types need to hide in the shadows after all.”

Shirou chuckled at the small competition. ‘I may be dense but not that dense.’ “You can all get sunscreen later.” It was an offer, an offer that perked up Rias while surprising the raven haired beauties. “But first I need to get the grill.”

“Grill?” Setsuna almost jumped at the implication.

While there was no spell to assemble a grill it soon was set up and while the others weren to change into their swimsuits, Shirou took his time to make sure the grill was adjusted and stable.

“Okay, almost done.” Shirou finished the last touches before cleaning his forehead.

“Need some help?” Rias arrived with a wine red two piece bikini that hid practically nothing.

“Nope. Just finished.” He looked at her with a grin. “Give me a few minutes and I will have everything set.”

“Without even getting out of your uniform?” Rias shook her head with a grin. “This little break is for you too, you know.”

“Rias is right, my protector.” Medusa and Akeno approached, the goddess dressed in a discrete one piece white swimsuit that had a purple mini skirt while Akeno had a black that managed to be more daring than Rias’. “I am losing count how many times we have stressed that ‘rest is important’.”

“Quite.” Akeno got closer to Shirou to hold his arm, her breasts rubbing it. “If you keep working like that we are going to be worried.”

Rias joined them on the other side, also making sure her breasts were on his arm. “So why don’t you go change and then go for a swim.”

“Because cooking relaxes me.” He made no attempt to disengage. “Besides, it will take just a minute.”

“Nope, you are going to change right now.” Rias began to drag him as Akeno let go with a smile and a wave.

“What about the food? If I don’t cook you are going to have a riot in your hands.” Shirou’s expectations were shot down when Liz grabbed him by the back of his neck.

“Cook after changing.”

“Akeno and can prepare the meat for you. She knows Reinforcement as well, remember.” Rias commented with a giggle at the maid carrying Shirou while Rin approached.

She also was using a two piece bikini but it was yellow and far more concervative than either of the devils. “Just let us handle this, Emiya. Go change so you don’t have a stroke.”

Surrendering to his Fate was easy once Shirou found himself surrounded. “My bag is in the van.” Liz dropped it on his arms. “You girls thought of everything, hum?”

“You can let him go now, Liz.” Medusa said with a wave and the maid obeyed. “Make sure to return soon. While I trust their skill in the kitchen, yours are undoubtedly superior.”

Nods of affirmation did nothing to change the fact they would drag him to the locker room and change his clothes themselves if he fought back. “I know when I am beaten. Just make sure to ask the others what they want as side dishes.”

Liz let him go as Rin began to wave him away. “Yeah, yeah.”

Before departing Shirou Traced a short sword and offered it to Rias. “Here is the ‘coal’.”

“Really? Do we need to keep feeding mana then?” Rias took a few swings with the weapon to test its weight which was extremely light.

“Just touch the grill and transfer mana to it.” Liz pushed Shirou's shirt again and he began to walk. “It has a wide threshold but can still break easily. Keep an eye on it until the fire is mild and after that just check it every three minutes.”

With his departure the ladies turned to the grill and Rias moved up to open it. “Look at that, he modified it.” There was a space for a sword to fit, the one she was holding.

“He never showed you this before?” Akeno took a step closer to inspect the grill, magecraft filling the gaps. “Apparently he modified it years ago with his father.”

“We didn’t really need it. Our kitchen is that good.”

“But it could be better.” Medusa pointed out, reminding Rias she promised to expand it.

The redhead devil smiled and nodded while inserting the sword into place. ‘Now I do this.’ A small fire began. “Looks like we don’t have to worry about smoke either.”

On the shallow area of the pool, shallow enough that an adult could easily stand with less than half of their body on water, Xenovia held Asia’s waist as the former nun tried to swim like a puppy.

“No, no. You need to spread your legs a little.” Xenovia had a blue and green two piece bikini.

The former nun for her part was using a green one piece and some floaters on her arms. “Like this?”

“Almost but you need to raise them up and down out of the water for the basics.” Xenovia lifted Asia and placed her on the stairs on the side. “Like this.” She began to swing around the area slowly. “See the stroke of my arms? That is how you move, circular shoulder movements.”

Then someone dived to their side and Issei emerged with a smile. “How is the lesson going?” He had red trunks with a small dragon above his knee.

“I am showing her how to move.”

“But it isn’t like that.” The Pawn began to swim as well but with different arm movements. “That is how you swim.”

Kiba with a black trunks swimmed closer to his friends. “What about this one?” He did a backstroke to go around Asia with a grin. “This way you don’t need to hold your breath that much.”

“But it is slow.” Setsuna spoke with her noble disposition, her swimsuit was one piece with nothing on her shoulders. “If you want to swim fast you can do this too.” Her arms and legs stayed below water but she moved faster than Issei or Kiba.

“There are so many ways to swim.” Asia commented with confused eyes, feeling overwhelmed.

Xenovia nodded in agreement. “But that won’t matter if you don’t get the hang of the basics.”

Setsuna agreed with the bluehead and turned to Kiba. “Want to have a race?”

“You know it.” They both went to the side to get Koneko who had her foot on the pool in a two piece bikini with a dotted skirt. “Hey, Koneko-chan, we are going to have a race. Want to do the countdown?”

A small smile later; “Sure.” She got up to join them on the edge to give the signal only to see that Luvia was already laying on a chair with a reflector and sunglasses. The blonde was dressed in a deep blue bikini with few lines to affect her tan, however that wasn’t going to work. “We don’t get tans, you know?”

“Of course I know Koneko-chan, but this is not about a tan, it is about the experience and relaxing.” She raised her glasses and looked at the small devil. “With the invisible ceiling sending us the just right amount of sunlight, this is the perfect position to have a nap later.” She looked to the side where the food was being prepared and licked her lips. “After some sunscreen of course.”

Koneko shook her head and moved to where Kiba and Setsuna were waiting. “Perverts, I am surrounded by perverts.”

Because the white haired devil could see exactly who the new devil was looking at. Shirou was now wearing a white tank top with black shorts with Liz by his side wearing a white shirt that revealed her two piece white bikini with a transparent towel wrapped around her waist.

She also had sunglasses paired with a hat big enough that the shadow of it reached her shoulders.

“How are we going?” The returning redhead asked as Akeno studied him for a moment with a smile.

Rias for her part opened one of the coolers to pick some meat. “All ready but that isn’t important. Shirou, you forgot the utensils.” Cue for a Traced spatula and some skewers. “Sometimes you abuse your magic too much.”

“Buchou, that is literally the most normal thing he used his magecraft for.” Rin commented as she finished setting the table and stretched. “Now, if you all don’t mind, I am going for a swim.” She quickly retreated with Liz keeping an eye on her.

“If everything else is already prepared you all can go as well.” Shirou commented as he began to prepare some hamburgers and steak.

“Oh, I don’t know.” Akeno came to his side to lay her head on his shoulder. While Shirou stole a look he was focusing on the grill for the most part. “From what I got you need someone to set the table or take care of other stuff~”

“Like not letting you interrupt him.” Medusa commented as she was in a chair with a book in her hands. “Shouldn't you stop your Queen, Rias?”

“Ah, let Akeno have her fun.” She commented while summoning some containers from magic circles.

While she was bothered that her teasing wasn’t affecting Rias, Akeno was happy just to get Shirou’s reactions. “Yes, Medusa. I am not that distracting, am I, Shirou?” Then she felt something on her waist and looked down to see a purple snake.

Delicately the snake pulled Akeno from Shirou to not disturb him and the Queen turned to the goddess who gave her a flat stare. “I shall not allow you to disturb the cooking.”

“Fufufufu, who is the protector now?”

Instead of dealing with the impish Queen, Medusa turned to Rias. “Controle your Queen, Gremory.”

“Let her have her fun, Medusa.” Rias was setting up some pottes with rice, vegetables besides a package of bread.

The goddess’ hair returned to normal but her stare remained flat. “Her fun is going to delay the food.”

It was Akeno who ended things when she noticed Liz and Koneko looking back at them. “Fine, fine. I will get working then.” She moved aside to get some more meat. “Shirou-kun, if you could give me a knife and a plate.” Traced they were. “Thank you.” She began to cut the pieces of meat before throwing them in the grill under Medusa’s watchful eye.

Some water ended up jumping like a jet a few minutes later as Setsuna and Kiba showed their competitive spirits. Both accelerated to the point Asia almost hit a wall with how hard the wave threw her.

“Can’t you guys slow down?!!” Issei shouted but neither racers could hear with the sound of their strokes. “For fuuuuuu-” He looked at Asia being helped by Xenovia. “I mean.”

“For fuck sake they are fast.” Xenovia commented in his stead.

Throwing the bluehead a small glare, Issei quickly jumped close to Asia. “Do you want to get out?”

“No, I want to learn to swim.”

While Issei gave the former nun a look of concern, Xenovia offered her a smile. “That is the spirit. These waves aren’t that strong compared to some on the beach.”

A ton of water fell in their heads and they could hear Luvia shouting from her chair. “What kind of beach has waves like that?”

“Those in a storm.” The Red Dragon Emperor wondered if he wanted to hear the story behind that. “You need to learn to tank the waves with steady footing, Asia.”

“But I can barely stand.” Even in the shallow part of the pool her feet struggle to touch the bottom.

“That is why I’m here.” Xenovia grasped the blonde’s waist again when another wave hit them, this time nobody was pushed. “Don’t worry. You’re going to be swimming by yourself in no time.”

Issei watched closely as Xenovia kept Asia steady. His eyes went for the bluehead’s chest more often than not but for the most part he watched them practice as the swimmers made another pass behind him.

Once again Xenovia kept Asia safe and Issei felt anxious. “Hey, maybe we should get closer to the edge.”

“No, that wouldn’t leave Asia with enough space to practice.” Many would consider a miracle that Xenovia wasn’t going for a more sink or swim approach already. “Besides, they are not getting any closer.”

“Can we at least leave the middle of the pool?”

“Then we would get in the way of either Kiba or Setsuna.” Another wave covered them and Asia coughed as her mouth hadn’t closed in time. Issei went closer to help but Xenovia was already massaging the former nun’s back. “Don’t hold it in.”

Seeing Xenovia take care of Asia made Issei feel left out. Even if he was concerned for the Bishop it was clear that the girl was fine and determined to go on with the lesson.

“Food is done!!” The announcement rang around the pool as the girls set a table with a good variety of side dishes while Shirou finished the first batch of the meat. “Who wanted-” Koneko and Liz were already in front of the grill with two plates and four buns on each plate. “Should have guessed. So, half of the burgers now or

“”Double burgers!”” The white haired pair demanded.

“Don’t you girls want some cheese or salad with it?” The pair shook their heads in sync, much to his amusement. “Very well.” With a flick of the spatula Shirou threw the burgers in the ladies direction. They skilfully catched them all in their buns. “Anything else?”

“Ask again later.” The duo left to get some tissues as the other devils made a line to get their food with three exceptions.

Medusa, who remained on her seat reading, Setsuna and Kiba who were still in the pool racing. They had decided from the very beginning that they would do one thousand laps and the first to finish would be the winner. While they heard the call for food they were still neck to neck and neither was willing to quit.

But everyone else dropped by to get their food with the cooks separating something for themselves. But before eating they still needed to get the others. “I get the pool and you Medusa?” Rias asked with a grin.

“Sure.” Shirou finished the goddess dish and walked towards her. “Milady.” He said half jokingly.

“You could have called.” A snake showed up to hold the book for her as Medusa received the trail. “But thank you for the food.”

“No problem but I noticed you avoided the pool until now.” Shirou sounded concerned, which wasn’t Medusa’s intention.

“Just wanted to finish reading before going in. I admit that I am curious to see the difference between the water of a pool and of the ocean.”

Shirou chuckled a little. “Then you can join us on the table but I should warn that it can be problematic to go swimming after eating.”

“I am a goddess. The rules of man can’t hold me.” He just smiled and they moved to the table Akeno had summoned.

Everyone was enjoying the steak, sausages and other kinds of food with a combination of rice, beans or vegetables depending on their preferences. “Delicious!” Xenovia announced outloud. “This is without a doubt the best perk of the job.”

“Better than any perk from the Church?” Luvia asked with a grin.

“Oh yeah, definitely.” The blue head was eating her meat with noodles made on the spot by Akeno. It was udon. “Holy shit! If Shirou was a devil I would join his peerage for the food alone.”

“Glad to know but don’t go offering your soul for nothing.” The looks everyone gave Shirou made him pause. “Guys
 it is just food.”

“It is your food.” Rias pointed out the obvious. “The only food on the Shirou Standard.”

“““The Shirou Standard.””” Medusa, Koneko and Liz said in a chorus.

Rin finished munching her food. “Sometimes they are so cute it scares me.” And then took another bite.

“Should I remind everyone Rias and Akeno helped?”

“But the meat, my protector, the meat you made is what elevates these dishes.” At that point Shirou was sure Medusa just wanted to tease him, especially when Liz nodded fervently while finishing her third burger.

Deciding that this was an argument he wasn’t going to win, Shirou opted to drink some juice as things normalized and everyone enjoyed their food. Sure it would take some time before they went back to swimming but someone brought a deck of cards and the chat was pleasant.

In the middle of the meal Kiba and Setsuna finally stepped out of the pool and the Knight had a huge smile on his face. Quickly Rias got up and grabbed towels for both. “So, who won?”

“I did.” Kiba announced with some pride as Setsuna sat down at the table.

“I made a mistake. The smell of food managed to distract me and I was left behind on the last few laps.” Some didn’t look surprised as Setsuna lamented her defeat for a second before looking at Kiba with determination. “I want a rematch.”

“Actually I think I am going to pass on that. One race was exhausting enough.” Kiba could feel his legs hurt after the laps they did. “Maybe after a break?” Setsuna looked disappointed but nodded.

“Fufufu. Perhaps you can race again if you do fewer laps.” Akeno's suggestion had the hanyou’s attention and Kiba hesitated.

Not willing to see her Knight suffer, Rias sat down and offered a suggestion of her own. “Why don’t we all just eat and you can decide later.” She filled Setsuna’s plate with food which she was grateful for. “If not today than another day is still an option.” She winked at Kiba who nodded in appreciation as the hanyou grew distracted.

There was none who couldn’t see how cheerful Kiba had been over the past few weeks as the Knight behaved almost the same way as before but with a more honest smile that had earned him even more admirers in Kuoh.

The young man’s dour attitude had disappeared after his last apologies and promises to make up with all members of the ORC for his behavior even when they told him it was unnecessary.

Indeed Kiba hadn’t changed much in general after finally being free from the shadows of his past but the changes he had were enough for all who knew him to notice. For the first time it was possible to say that Yuuto Kiba was happy much to his friends’ joy as the new Kiba also came with a more positive attitude.

An attitude that Rin took great pleasure toying with. “I heard someone has a date next weekend~” Most of the table looked at the magus strangely as the Knight flushed.

It was Issei who noticed first. “No way! Did the pretty boy finally find a girl he liked? Are we sure God is dead?” Glares went in the Pawn’s direction. “Too soon?”

“Not really.” Xenovia said. “Even though I'm new I heard Kiba’s reputation of rejecting love confessions. What happened?”

“Oh, that I need to hear.” Rias had stars in her eyes as she sat down besides her Knight. “Is she a student? Are they in your class? Are they a member of Sona’s peerage?” She took a deep breath of realization. “It is Tsubaki, isn’t she? I was sure she had a crush on you and that if she just gathered the courage you two would get together.”

“No~ She is someone from our year.” Rin added while taking a sip of her tea. Not even Luvia dared to comment as all eyes were on Kiba.

Rias had a knowing grin. “So is someone in your year. Is she in your class or are you going to let Rin give us all the details about your new beau?”

“It is nothing extravagant or special. I just
 wanted to try something new.” After realizing the luck he had and faced his darkness, Kiba found himself without a clear goal. Until a girl came to him and confessed her love. “I offered her a date, just to see if we click. If it goes well then maybe we are going to have another.”

To him it was as simple as that; Kiba now understood the life he had was a gift from the family he lost and that he would be doing a disservice to not live it to its fullest. However the Knight doesn’t know what that meant for him just yet and decided to try something new.

“So instead of rejecting a date you decided to take it to see how it goes.” Rias nodded in understanding. Pleased with the response she didn’t hesitate to hug the Knight. “That is great, Kiba. I am happy for you.”

“It is just a date.”

“But you are putting yourself out there and that is great.” The pureblood devil sounded more excited than the boy in question. “Do you need some help to pick an outfit? Some advice? If you don’t want to talk to me then Shiro can help you with it.”

Said magus stopped eating to say his piece. “If I can suggest anything then it would be to not go for what you think of what a date consists of and instead try to find something you two can enjoy. The important thing is to have fun together, the rest comes after.”

“I barely know her.” Kiba’s response made Akeno gasp in fake horror.

“Do you at least know her name?” The joke earned her a weak glare. “My, my. No need to be upset. That is what the first date is for.”

“You could ask her where she wants to go.” Setsuna suggested after remembering her own experience. “Shirou’s advice is right; don’t suppose anything. Maybe she wants to see a movie or maybe not.”

“And try to not be disappointed if the two of you don’t ‘click’.” Luvia commented with sympathy. “Since you barely know each other, don't try to force yourself into anything. What will be, will be.”

“A wise advice from a bimbo, now I heard everything.” Rin changed targets and Luvia looked ready to throw spells.

Only for Liz to hit the table with a fork. “Behave.” Her tone left no room for discussion and she quickly swiped some of their meat.


“Behave.” She spoke while munching and with the same authority. The girls weren’t buying it but nobody raised in their defense.

“I still found the rituals of courting weird in this time.” Medusa commented with a frown. “Romances and television classify them as a singular thing that you can only share with one person, something unheard in my day.” Her eyes landed on Shirou and the redhead winced.

That got Issei curious. “And how was ‘in your day’?”

“If people were responsable you could love as many as you wanted. That and sometimes you may have needed the parents permission when someone was noble of birth or similar. Must be a human thing.”

“Yeah, a human thing.” Shirou knew by Medusa’s glance the goddess was avoiding commenting on his relationship status. Then again that could be because she had a different opinion of him compared to anyone else. “But relationships changed because humans changed. The needs of a time, the customs, habits, place, a lot of things can influence how relationships are seen by everyone else.”

“Down to personal preference.” Rias added with a grin. “Which is to say that you can take some risks and fall in love, no rush.”

“I won’t-”

“Now, now, Rias, let the boy spread his wings first.” Shirou couldn’t help but say in a serious tone. “It is his first date, give him a break.”

“I know, I know. They just, sniff sniff, grow so fast.” Rias shrugged off a fake tear.

Then Koneko tapped Kiba’s shoulder and waited for the Knight to look at her. “Can I be the flower girl?”

“‘Flower girl’?” He immediately regretted having asked.

“To your wedding.”

“I call maid of honor.” Akeno announced quickly.

“You can’t ‘call’ maid of honor, the bride decides that.” Asia actually wasn't in on the joke, she genuinely wanted to clarify the mistake.

“Best man.” Issei joined in with a huge grin on his face.

Despite all the support they gave him before, even Kiba had a limit to his patience. “Can we stop talking about my love life? It is just something I want to try.” He replied honestly, almost shouting loud in embarrassment. He took a deep breath before smiling. “I know I never gave a chance to it before-”

“Most of the guys think you are gay.” Issei supplied the information and Akeno took note of that for later.

“-But I am ready to try and
 I don’t know. See if it is good?” He shrugged, still embarrassed. “Asuna-san was just the first girl to ask when I decided that.”

“Asuna-san from class 5?” Shirou rubbed his chin. Rias gave him a look that had him sighing. “She is, well, normal. Too normal, even. At least no mana that I can detect.”

“No contracts with devils either.” Rin, as Rias’ secretary, was aware of those. Upon seeing the Gremory King nod, she continued. “From what I heard she is a pleasant girl.”

“Not good at sports.” Liz added to be helpful.

At that everyone looked at Kiba again who shrugged. “She was just the latest to
 confess I suppose. It wasn’t a bad confession either, she just asked if we could go out at least once.” Some of the girls winced. “What?”

“Maybe she thinks you are pitting her?” Luvia suggested carefully. “I mean, we know this was mostly luck but she seems like the kind of girl that never had a relationship before.”

“Just treat her right.” Rias spoke once she saw Kiba frown. The Knight turned to his King with confusion and she smiled. “If you have fun then it will be a date, if it goes badly then it is still a date. Just make sure that at the end of it you tell her if you want another or not.” She placed a hand on his shoulder. “And if you like her then we can
 induct her into our world. I will do my best to protect her if necessary.”

“We will.” Shirou did the same actions as his lover to show support to their friend.

While relieved, Kiba felt a lot of embarrassment. “Guys, it is just a date.”

“Your first date.” Akeno reminded everyone and Kiba groaned.

At that point Rias pitted him again and clapped her hands. “Okay, I think we had our fun already.” Now it was Issei’s turn to groan in disappointment. “We will have more opportunities depending on how the date goes through.


“Issei, the next time we spar I am going to stab you, repeatedly.”

“Meh, still worth it.”

Akeno found the Pawn’s nonchalance almost as amusing as the Knight’s anxiety but barely not just as much. Still the Queen knew the fun at Kiba’s expense was over and so she summoned a ball from a magic circle. “Anyone want to play a little?”

“Count me in.” Xenovia called first and soon others were joining the improvised games while others relaxed in the sun or at the corners of the pool.

Medusa took advantage of the empty pool and dove in it, showing everyone how fast of a swimmer she was by going three laps faster than Kiba or Setsuna did ten. The goddess then jumped out of the water and got a little more food.

“Going back later?” Shirou asked as he was laying on a chair and Medusa occupied the one by his side.

“No, I didn't like the water.” Then the goddess sat down and opened another book. “I prefer the ocean.”

“We will mark a day and go, the summer just began and we have time before our trip to the Underworld.”

The purple haired girl nodded. “Rias told me they don’t have beaches or oceans there. That most of the water is from the underground or forests.”

The woman in question approached. “It is a world completely different from this one.” She said with a hand on her hip. “Most of it was covered in a desert made of ashes and vulcans or forests far more dangerous than most explorers could ever imagine.” All Medusa did was rise an eyebrow at the bleak picture. “Sure things changed and now all Pillars have territories with cities springing around the most rich families, all connected through the ‘Goetia Road’.”

“Hmm, sounds like a
 pleasant place to spend the summer.”

“It sucked a lot before we improved it.” Rias admitted cheerfully. “Even then it isn’t that great compared to this world. Sure we learned how to make the Underworld a better place but there is a reason why we still have business and contacts in this realm.”

Medusa quickly understood. “Because if everything was perfect there you would never need to leave.”

“To be fair the same can be said about this world too.” Shirou commented with his eyes closed. “Many forget but the cities they take for granted took years to become what they are now and some of them are worse than jungles.”

At her lover’s words Rias shook her head. “It isn’t just cities. This world is much more tame even if it is a hub to all beings for a reason or another.” Some of the territories, like the Phenex’s she saw early in her betrothal, were extremely unpleasant to Rias. “But we can have this conversation in the Underworld if you want to talk with someone who knows a little more. Now, you have something to do, Shiro.”

“I do?” When he opened his eyes and saw a bottle of sunscreen.” Ah, I see.”

Now Shirou found himself in a dilemma on many levels, he knew exactly what Rias wanted him to do but if he did it then there would be no turning back. Even with most of their friends playing to the side he could feel the eyes in their direction and how they waited for a response, one that if positive gave the other girls the green signal to approach as well.

Rias, as a devil, didn’t need sunscreen and he could point that out.

Not that Shirou was going to ever say no. He stood up as Rias summoned a towel for her to lie down, the string of her bikini quickly going loose. “Any special requests?”

“Go slow.”

Meanwhile the massage began, some of their group was distracted keeping the volleyball away from the ground. “Issei-san.” Asia sent it the Pawn’s way.

The brown haired pushed it up with his wrists. “Got it.” And send it to Setsuna who managed to turn in time to push it up with the palm of her hand.

Another person that was distracted was Luvia but Rin wasn’t and she wanted to hit the blonde’s face.

Animosity woke up Luvia’s instincts developed from training and her time in the Clocktower making her turn and block just in time. “Getting eager, Tohsaka?”

Rin jumped and sent it right back. “For a new devil you are kinda slow, Edelfelt.”

“I will show you ‘slow’!” She hit the ball with an uppercut but missed and all watched as it bounced from the roof and before Kiba delicately sent it in Koneko's direction.

She directed it in the same manner towards Issei but a little too high. The Pawn rushed and managed to intercept the ball but not for a pass but a fist that sent it in the wrong direction into the pool. “Issei is out.” Setsuna called out. “Someone go fetch the ball.”

“Uff, I got it. I’m out anyway.” Issei quickly dived to the pool and dragged himself through the water at a slow pace. He was grumbling a little for his lack of skill when he reached the ball and threw to his friends who thanked him. ‘Maybe I should go for a swim while I’m here?’ Most of the time he spent trying to help Asia so that was his chance.

But it wasn’t just his chance as someone else was already swimming around the pool and soon she emerged from the water like a siren who would tempt sailors to their deaths.

For the life of him Issei knew he was staring at Xenovia when she emerged but he couldn’t just help and find her stunning in that moment. The way the water fell from her hair on her exposed cleavage before she pushed it back transfixiation him in a way that most girls in his life never could come close to.

There wasn’t anything otherworldly like Rias or transcendent like Akeno but it was still a beauty that made Issei hot even with most of his body submerged. When Xenovia shook her head and pulled her hair back he got a great breasts. Her bikini suited her perfectly and the devil found himself tempted.

“Ah, Issei, taking a swim as well?” Even her voice was almost like a siren’s, too tempting for her own good. “Or is Asia ready to continue her lesson?”

“Ah-ah-ah-ah-ah.” He stuttered a couple more times but Xenovia didn’t notice. It gave Issei enough time to recover by asking the first thing that wouldn’t be considered perverted that popped into his mind. “Shouldyoubeswimmingaftereating?”


“I mean!” Clearing his throat, Issei put more effort into controlling himself. “Should you be swimming after eating?”

Xenovia smiled a little and his heartbeat grew faster. “I have a high pain tolerance.” She chuckled a little from some sort of personal joke. “Should you?”

“I don’t know. Just came here to catch a ball.” He pointed to their friends still playing. “Want to join us?”

Xenovia laughed a little and lowered herself until she was floating. “Nah, I was taking a swim before Asia wanted to practice more. If she still wants to practice, if not more time in the pool for me.” She began to paddle a little while humming, completely relaxed.

” Issei’s eyes never left her attractive form. He didn’t want the conversation to end. “Why aren’t you sunbathing with the others?” When his eyes landed in that direction, the Red Dragon Emperor realized he was jealous of Shirou’s position.

After the massage the redhead magus gave to Rias it took a second for another girl to lay down on another towel; this time it was the maid and teacher, Liz. Issei knew she was a beautiful woman but usually she was on a jersey and he never had the chance to see that much skin from the albino woman.

And with Shirou behind her massaging her shoulders Issei got a good view before the woman lied down. They traded words for a second but he didn’t know what was said, only that Liz untied her bikini and another massage began. Issei really wanted to be in Shirou’s place right now.

“Sitting around in the sun is boring. I got plenty of burns when I was on a mission in the woods and a stray devil burned my cape.” Xenovia dove underwater again, going deeper than before until her hand touched the floor. When she emerged she laughed. “Why stay still for so long when we have a pool?”

It was another luxury that the life in the Church never afforded her, that the job never allowed her to try until she was free from it. Xenovia was just glad that she hadn’t taken Caliburn as she got to enjoy the more simple things in life.

Then she saw what Issei saw and as Akeno convinced Shirou to pass sunscreen on her as well, the blue haired girl felt her cheeks reden. “But maybe it wouldn’t be so bad.” She began to swim to the edge of the pool

Looking between Xenovia and the direction she was looking at, Shirou as he calmly took care of Akeno, Issei knew he was jealous for certain. ‘Another one?!’


“I mean, come on!! Not only did he get Buchou living in his house but Xenovia is also falling for the guy!!! That is just unfair!!!” Issei complained to his friend on the older man’s couch.

His newest client laughed out loud before making a sharp turn. “You really should relax your grip. They don’t make these game controls anymore and it was already a pain in the ass to find these.”

“Right, sorry ossan.” Issei managed to relax even if his form remained. “But it is just so Ahgh. Then I go ask Shirou if he is building a harem, you know, just to know and do you want to know what the guy says?!!” His car on the screen left the road but he didn’t care. “He said that he wasn’t trying to. Can you believe that?! If you aren’t trying, why do you have so many girls living at your house?!!”

“Hahahaha! A fair point.” For his part the older man’s car successfully arrived at the finish line. Only that the game didn’t end as Issei needed to cross it. “While it is fun to beat you so easily, I would like a little challenge, Issei.”

“Right, sorry.” Issei looked legitimately embarrassed and tried to focus on the game.

“It is fine. My request was for some company and someone to play games with and hey, look at that, you are trying.” The older man chuckled as Issei finished the race. “To think such a relaxing day left you in the dumps like that. Maybe you should have taken a break for today.”

“No, everyone else is working and it would be weird if I didn’t too. Make me feel


“Yeah, pretty much.” The devil admitted as the older man got up and turned off the game console before picking up a new one. There were at least another nine in the bookcase where it rested.

After the day at the pool everybody still had their jobs to do and with everyone relaxed there was no objection to it. In Issei’s case his work was returning to his new client to give the man some company as he ‘settled in the city’ as he called it.

It has been a few weeks since this new contract began and Issei had been working with him, mostly talking about one thing or another, every two nights. Most of the time all the man wanted was someone to talk to or drink with even if Issei never had alcohol. Since the devil fitted the bill and both found each other’s company pleasant it was a good situation for both.

“You are really jealous of that guy, aren’t you?” It also helped that Issei’s new friend was smart and caught on things quickly. “Did you have a crush on your president or something?”

 Maybe? She was the idol of the school, I don’t think there wasn’t a guy who didn’t want to date her or something.” Definitely something. “But she is dating Shirou and he apparently can still have things with other girls. Buchou even seems to like it.”

The older man laughed. “Oh yeah, that is a harem alright.” He took a sip of his sake. “But you should focus on other stuff.” The man selected a game and turned on another console before moving back to his spot on the couch.

“Like what?” Issei accepted the new control and noticed it was a fighting game this time. “Oh, Street Warrior VI! I didn’t know that was even out. How did you get that?”

“I know a guy who knows a guy.” Both quickly chose their fighter and a match began. “But why are you complaining he is making a harem? Or is it because he is making a harem faster than you?”

Because of course Issei’s dream was to be a Harem King. “The problem is that he isn’t even trying.” If it was the jealousy speaking, Issei didn’t know.  â€œShirou just
 makes it look easy.”

“Well, that depends more on the person and the people who are ready to engage in a relationship or not. A harem or not.”

The older man sounded so wise that Issei couldn’t help but give him an incredulous look. “Have you ever
 had a harem?”

“Yes, I sure did.” He laughed again at the look of respect and reverence on Issei’s face. “Hahahahaha, Issei, look around. This isn’t my main house, yet, but I already have enough stuff here that most people wouldn’t put in a summer vacation.”

“More than most museums.” The Pawn’s words only made the man laugh harder.

Between the paints, jewelry, statues like the one of a lady posing with a vase, a super expensive set up with a lot of gaming systems, a home theater they were using to play in such a set of gaming systems with the most comfortable and spacious couch money could buy.

And that was just one room as Issei helped place stuff in the others, there were treasures in this place that were worth more than what he was paid to help and he was paid in treasures in the first place.

Just to make company for the man who was now kicking his butt in a fighting game. “You sure never played video games before? You’re too good.” He managed to parry and fight back with a combo as the man laughed some more.

Before the girl the older man picked, did a flip and connected a kick that eventually resulted in a KO for the first round. “I swear I didn’t. Too much work and my kind of fun was of the more adult variety. I never had any idea that games had evolved to this point.”

“Hmm, can’t blame you. My father looks to be a little older and he had no idea that games were more than text boxes.” The older man laughed harder but Issei was focusing on getting his point back.

Still that wasn’t enough as the adult managed to win the second round. “Rematch?” At a nod from the Red Dragon Emperor the man selected the same character as Issei took his time. “Anyway, I think I look successful enough to at least believe that I have some experience.”

After taking his pick, a returning fighter he was sure he knew how to use, Issei talked again. “Sure but a harem?”

“Hey, I am older than I look. Which is the first thing you need to work on; the image of how you present yourself.” The fight began again. “Sure you are a good guy but most people wouldn’t be interested in that if you aren’t at least pleasant to look at.”

“So I have to be good looking. Tell me something I don’t know.”

“Not good looking but looking good, there is a difference.” The adult chuckled as Issei managed to score the first round. “Going around with your shirt tucked in for example could help.”

“You’re wearing a yukata and playing games with a kid.” Issei grunted as he lost the second round.

“But it is just the two of us here and I am at a point in my life that my reputation will speak for itself in certain circles.” He paused the game. “This is your cue to look around and ask yourself; ‘if he has all this stuff then he must be loaded’. Which, of course, implies success, something that attracts people more than even apparence.”

Issei did just that, giving the man the point before the match resumed. “So I need to be successful. Again, I already knew that.”

“It isn’t just a factor. As far as I can tell you already have the most important part.” The adult won the third round and Issei groaned. “You are a good kid, even if you suck at video games. Hahahaha.” He got up again and turned off the console. “Want to play another one?”

“Most people change the game, not the system, you know that right?” Not that Issei was going to object. He never had played most of that stuff anyway and that was his chance. “Why did you buy all of these, we barely played one.” And the line of stuff showed that they had more than enough to play on a single console for the whole night.

Once again the older man chuckled but this time there was some nostalgia. “I always go all in on everything, a habit I had since birth. That is why I am such an avid collector.” The man smiled as he picked a co-op game. “So when you spoke so highly of games I was admittedly curious.” The game began, the adult choosing a spearman while Issei chose a brawler. “I mean, look at this stuff. Hundreds of thousands of polygons working to create images by using data that was worked for hours and hours by a team to also be variable enough to allow player input. Humanity never ceases to amuse me.”

The game went on for a few minutes before Issei spoke again. “Hey, ossan, not that I want to be rude or anything but
 how long are you going to stay in Japan?”

“Already trying to get rid of me?”

“No! Of course not! You’re a cool guy and frankly my best client
 Not only because of the payments but because you give me jobs that I actually can do.” Every other client Issei had was nice but they always asked the most bizarre stuff or wanted something he couldn’t grant by himself.

Not that any of them complained as his company was good enough for the most part but Issei still felt guilty when he failed to fulfill a contract.

Fortunately for him, company was all the older man always asked for. “Hah! Don’t worry, I was just pulling your leg. Like I said, you are a good kid and I doubt you would want to get rid of me without reason.” The devil nodded in thanks. “Hmm, about how long I plan to stay in Japan I would say that it is ‘indefinite’.”

“Oooh, so you’re moving your office here or something?”

“If things go well enough then I plan to open a new lab, bring some more people and use Fuyuki as a hub because devils can’t get to the Vatican and we don’t really have a definitive foothold in the Human world.”

“Understood.” They kept playing for a while. “Wait, use Fuyuki as a hub? The Vatican?? Human world???” Issei ceased all function in his hands and looked back to the adult on the couch.

“Woah woah woah. Pay attention. The dragon is about to kill you. Then again, perhaps you don’t mind, do you, Red Dragon Emperor?” Both of them died in the game and the man let his control down as Issei kept a tight grip on his controller.

[Careful partner, I am not feeling any energy from him but he knows who we are and is completely relaxed. That takes confidence.] Ddraig’s warning was heard but Issei didn’t know how to react.

On one hand the man before him still had the same friendly smile as always and was scratching his chin with amusement before looking at his watch. There was no aggressiveness or evil intent, the man was just easy going even when he dropped Issei’s title without a care.

“Hmm, he is a little late.” Finally the adult spoke again before letting out a sigh. “And I have timed everything so perfectly too.”

“Who is late?” Issei felt he wasn’t going to like the answer.

“The person who will be vouching for me so when I send you back to Rias Gremory and Emiya Shirou, you can tell them that I cordially invite them to come to my home tomorrow evening for business and gifts.” He chuckled again even as Issei started to panic. “Hey, relax, this isn’t a trap or anything. That is why I will have someone you know vouch for me.” The sound of keys and a door opening had the man placing his arm behind the couch. “And he just arrived.”

“Why did you call me, Azazel?”

“You are late, Vali. You were supposed to be here a minute or so ago. Poor Issei here was almost passing out with how hard he was breathing.”

‘I was?’ Only then did Issei notice how nervous he was or how his hands were shaking.

Vali looked at the brown haired boy before rolling his eyes. “Is that why you called me? To see my supposed Rival shaking like a leaf? I had enough of that last time I was in Fuyuki.”

“Actually you are here to clarify my intentions as I invite Gremory and Emiya here to introduce myself personally.” He then pointed to the Pawn. “Since Issei knew you and both of you are Heavenly Dragon Emperors I thought this could be fun.”

Divine Dividing sprung from Vali’s back. [This is another of your games, Azazel?]

Boosted Gear appeared on Issei’s arm. [Most likely. He has been inviting my partner here for the last few weeks and never once told us his real name, White One.]

[And you didn’t notice who he was? You are slipping, Red One]

 He hid his energy too well. From his reputation alone that isn’t a surprise.]

“That doesn’t matter. You called me here to vouch for you?” Vali crossed his arms and glared at the adult who looked as calm as ever. “What a waste of time. You could have gone there and introduced yourself.”

“But this way is more fun.” His reply just had Vali’s glare grow more intense. “Relax. You spend the whole week with your friends and I ask for one favor, not even that much really.”

Vali’s glare then moved to Issei and the Pawn jumping to his feet and taking a step back, making the silver haired youth scoff. “I don’t like seeing my apparent Rival act like a coward.” He uncrossed his arm and his gaze grew more intense. “Did you at least start to train, Hyoudou Issei?”

“Every day.” This time Issei took a step back, refusing to let his fear show anymore.

Such a reply had the new arrival smile. “Did you get your Balance Breaker?” How Issei hissed was enough for Vali to look disappointed again. “Then train more. At this point if we fight I will kill you in one shot.”

"Whoop. You know I can’t let you do that, Vali. That would be a really bad way to start any conversation with Rias Gremory.” The older man stood up and folded his arms until his yukata with a mischievous expression. “Besides, the kid is young-”

“He is my age.”

"Comparatively. You were born in the moonlit world, he wasn’t.”

Vali just threw the older man a glare before sitting down on a comfortable chair to the side. “Humph, I don’t pick on weaklings. That is why I want him to train.”

“Still in that phase, huh? At least you aren’t doing poses anymore.” The way behind him a hole the size of a fist blew up in his wall. Vali had a magic circle on his hand and looked ready to shoot a stronger blast. “Hey, just pointing it out. You outgrew a lot of stuff as well, chill.”

Finally Issei’s mind caught up to recent events. “I’m sorry if this is going to sound rude or anything since you are my client and all but WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON!!!!!!!”

Both males looked at Issei, one with amusement and other with satisfaction. “At least you have some spine.” Vali commented before looking more relaxed.

“Really, you still haven't pieced anything together?” That just made the man more amused.

[Give my partner a minute. He is kinda slow.]

“Not helping Ddraig!” Issei dismissed his sacred gear as it was clear Vali didn’t want a fight. He turned back to his client. “What the fuck is going on here? How do you know Vali?”

The older man's face was full of glee. “Didn’t you hear my name when Vali entered?”

Issei didn’t, he was too focused on Vali’s presence. “Wasn’t your name Ace?”

“Yeah, it is recorded in Britain as a citizen, the same way as ‘Adam’ in the United States, ‘Ardel’ in Mali, ‘Arthos’ in Germany, ‘Adamar’ in Argentina and so on and so forth. Different ages, different names,” he rubbed his chin with a pose, “the same handsome mug.”

Almost choking at the reveal it was Ddraig who kept Issei steady. [Don’t you dare to pass out, partner. He may be a fallen angel but has no hostility of any kind.]

“Are you talking with Ddraig right now?” He turned to Vali with a grin. “You both are really Rivals. Even have the same habits.” The silver haired youth ignored him and the adult turned back to the high schooler. “Both of you are just so rude, leave me talking to myself while talking to your dragons. Wish that I could have this kind of relationship. Then again sharing my soul with a dragon sounds too problematic, hahahaha!”

“Who are you?” Issei finally managed to ask as Ddraig let escape a sigh in his mind.

The adult man blinked in surprise before laughing again. “Really? Even if you didn’t hear the name, didn't you catch all the tips I gave you during our time together?”

“You can be pretty vague at times.” Vali pointed out with folded arms and a frustrated look. “Also he may not believe you are who we say you are since, you know, why would the leader of the Grigori be on Fuyuki just after everything that happened recently?”

“A fair point if not a funny one.” Not that it made things less amusing for him. "Hyoudou Issei, allow me to introduce myself once again with my true name this time.” He unleashed his wings and the Pawn’s mind almost shut down.

Calling them black was an understatement as Issei couldn't do it in good conscience. Kokabiel’s wings had been black, the same black as the night’s sky and yet the man’s twelve wings were in a tone of black beyond black. Those wings were not like the night sky but instead like all light was being absorbed in the shape of wings.

He still wasn’t feeling any power from the man he grew acquainted with over the last few weeks but just those wings were enough to intimidate him, to let Issei know the person in front of him was a monster far more dangerous than Kokabiel in every level.

“My real name is Azazel, you must have heard of me.” He did but still didn’t want to think about it. “So Issei, if you can do me a favor, extend an invite to Rias Gremory and Emiya Shirou to come to my house at their earliest convenience. Of course they can bring as many people as they want and as much stuff as they need.” Meanwhile Azazel talked, Issei didn’t know how to react. “About your payment for today, would one of Van Gogh’s originals be enough? Or would you like gold instead.”

All said with a cheerful smile, as always.


Rias took a deep breath as she massaged her temples and counted from 1 to 100. When that failed to calm her down as she remembered everything that happened the previous night she started to count prime numbers in an effort to distract her mind. It wasn’t working as a great deal of irritation kept nagging her.

” Shirou’s voice helped but it still wasn’t enough as she cursed her brother and the fallen angel who was responsible for this mess.

“Here is your tea, Buchou.” Even Akeno’s teasing was absent as she laid the cup on her table which Rias consumed post haste.

Once she was done there was another intake of air so stress didn’t eat her alive. “Right, let's square down all the facts.” Her eyes snapped open looking at a shaking Issei who was hiding behind the couch. He didn’t understand that most of her anger wasn’t with him. “The client that has been extremely generous with Ise over the past few weeks was no other than the Governor General of Grigori, the Scapegoat, First True Fallen, Azazel himself.” Her hands prompted her chin as everyone remained silent. “Not only was he approved for the service, with my brother’s permission nonetheless, but he also invited us to visit him for, and I quote, ‘satiate his curiosity’. Did I miss anything?”

After Issei had left Azazel’s residence it took a few minutes for the shock to wear off, a process which would have taken longer if Ddraig wasn’t there to coach him. Thanks to the dragon it took only until he arrived at his house to get into contact with Rias immediately, interrupting what should have been a romantic night.

Not that the Heiress of Gremory blamed him as once Issei explained who exactly his client was this whole time she went ballistic and immediately got into contact with her brother while Shirou and Koneko contacted the outpost in Fuyuki.

“Turns out that everyone but me and Sona apparently knew that Azazel was around, that he was invited here under Lucifer's orders and asked, as a favor, to be approved to receive the services of the devils of the area. Our services to be more exact!” Rias’ anger was directed at her brother and the man himself whose intentions she couldn’t divine.

Her shouts of anger and the mana leaking from her room was enough of an indicator that had Sirzechs not been her brother he would most likely be in a great deal of pain in the future.

Still Rias needed to control herself and Shirou was there to help her. “Since he is here with permission then stands to reason he has no malicious intent. Your brother wouldn’t allow him entry otherwise.” He was the literal devil’s advocate in that sense but could tell by his lover’s mannerisms that logic wasn’t helping much. “Either way, he is here now and we need to decide if we are taking his invitation or not.”

“Obviously not.” Akeno was the first to speak, a frown on her face and caution in her words. “We just finished dealing with one dangerous fallen angel and we don’t need to deal with another.” She looked at her best friend with a fearful look. “It is an invitation, right? So just say no. Better, ignore it.”

“Unfortunately it never is that simple.” Luvia, the other Noble of the Peerage, pointed out with a frown of her own. “This is the leader of a very important Faction, a Faction that has a long and bloody history with ours. Dismissing him in the wrong fashion may be a terrible mistake.” Her focus turned entirely to her King who looked pensive. “Besides, Buchou already knows that if he has Lord Lucifer’s permission then his reasons to stay here are diplomatic ones which makes ignoring him worse.”

Akeno gave Luvia a look of frustration but soon returned to a neutral face. “That doesn’t make the endeavor any less risky. As far as we know this may be a trap for Shirou-kun and not Buchou.”

Luvia frowned but nodded. “That is a very real possibility.”

“Except he has Vali here.” This time it was Shirou who looked pensive. “The ‘vouch’ wasn’t for Ise, it was for me since he must have realized that I trust Vali to an extent.”

“You do?” Issei couldn’t help but sound surprised.

“To an extent.” Shirou reiterated while messing his own hair. “Vali wants a fight and isn’t the kind of guy who would let his boss get in the way of it.”

“Otherwise he would have killed you as it would have been prudent.” Medusa finished her protector’s train of thought. “But that isn’t our main problem.” She turned to Rias. “What is your brother planning?”

That brought out the next topic Rias wanted to touch on. “From what he said Azazel is here both to apologize for Kokabiel’s mess and
 to take steps so the incident can’t be repeated again.” That earned some nods and positive looks but many were still on edge. Rias didn’t blame them. “From what I gathered Azazel isn’t making any real demands or asking for anything ridiculous either.” She scoffed. “Of course there is something my brother is not telling me but he insisted that I had nothing to worry about.”

“I don’t like this.” Leysritt commented, her shoulders stiff. “He wants to see Shirou.”

And they all knew why. “My Reality Marble was never going to be a secret for him. Vali warned us about that.” He shrugged. “Doesn’t mean he is after some trouble either, it may be curiosity.”

Rias turned to her lover with a frown. “You are putting too much stock on the White Dragon Emperor’s personality. We only met him once.”

“In a situation he had us dead by rights. Even Issei being alive is proof I was right in my evaluation.” Asia held the Pawn’s hand as he looked nervous which made Shirou feel bad about his words. “He is not the kind of person who picks on the weak, he wants a challenge and until we can give him one we can trust Vali to not let us die if we don’t screw up. At least where the Grigori is concerned, I think.”

Sighing a little, Rias let herself relax on her chair. “Still too optimistic and there is too much we don’t know about.”

“Then we should go there in force.” Xenovia stepped forward with Durandal on her back in its new sheath, a blue and gold one that could survive its power. It was something Shirou had been working on for a year but only made real recently. “Since he said we can take anyone, we take everyone. We can even call Rin and Setsuna for that.”

The two mentioned girls weren’t present for the meeting since both technically represented the interests of their own families first. While Rias could force Rin to participate she actually made sure to keep the girl away for her own sake and as a Yashahime from Kyoto, Setsuna belonged to a completely different Faction. bBt Shirou already promised to tell her everything afterwards.

Either way Xenovia’s offer was both an appealing and dangerous one. “That would be a clear sign of aggression.” Luvia took a deep breath as the blue haired woman glared at her. “If he is doing things in good faith-”

“We don’t know if it is in good faith and Master’s life will be in peril if we make the wrong decision.” Xenovia had Leysritt full support on that argument alone. “Azazel also said he didn’t mind, right? So it makes no difference if we all go.”

Luvia glared back at the other woman. “It is still a huge risk to provoke him. This is Azazel we are talking about, the default winner of the Great War.” She turned to Rias. “And he also has our King’s brother's approval.”

“But not Rias’ approval.” Xenovia reminded everyone as they all turned to the pureblood.

Rias looked calm on the surface but a storm was still brewing in her mind. “Both of you have fair points and I already decided to accept the invitation.” She said before Akeno could protest. Instead the Queen nodded resolutely, trusting her best friend. “But since that is the case then we should decide who goes.”

Everyone began to think about that while some whispered to each other but one whisper was louder than the others. “Buchou
” Gasper approached the table shyly. “What about Medusa? Wasn’t she fighting as well?”

Shirou’s eyes grew wider as he facepalmed. “I can’t believe we forgot about that.”

“The White Dragon Emperor may not have noticed her.” Xenovia observed. “By the point he arrived she was exhausted and her barrier was out.”

The redhead magus wanted to believe that but he knew she was wrong. “But Kokabiel could have and we don’t know if he talked.” Shirou turned to Medusa who nodded in understanding. “He saw her, talked to her, she was fundamental in keeping everybody alive. Odds are that Kokabiel talked to try and start a war that way.”

“That just makes this invitation more dangerous.” Akeno sounded fearful but also ready to fight. “We don’t know their intentions at all.”

Kiba couldn’t help but agree with the Queen. “He may be claiming to want peace but still be ready to attack at the first opportunity.”

“A goddess in devil territory may or may not be dangerous, depending on the point of view.” Rias admitted with a frown. She raised her hand with two fingers up. “However two factors work in Azazel’s favor that may show that his intentions are more peaceful than not.”

” Akeno evidently didn’t like where the Heiress was going.

Despite that Rias continued, even smiling a little. “The first one is that even if Kokabiel figured out Medusa’s name, her presence most likely would only endanger us if this was the Greek Pantheon we were talking about.” The goddess nodded in agreement. “The second is that this is Azazel we are dealing with and he is far less likely to want a war than anyone else.”

“Because he is a good person?” Not what was said in the Bible but Asia was questioned a lot in it those days.

Yet Rias shook her head with a mixture of mirth and seriousness. "’Eccentric’ is the word that most would use. What you all have to understand is that while Kokabiel is considered a warrior for the children of the Underworld, Azazel has no such reputation.”

“Then he is known as peaceful?” Medusa could understand since he was the man who stopped the Great War.

“No, as in, he has little to no reputation at all among the masses.” Rias’ reply surprised everyone in the room. “He is known as an effective leader, a great strategist, the man who dragged mankind into conflicts and yet besides the titles Humanity gave him, most can only speak well of the man, including my brother.” She let out a sigh of frustration. “When he moves, most don’t notice because they only know the effect of his actions after they are done. Even his policy of gathering sacred gear users is considered tame despite being the only reason many suspect he is still gearing for war.”

“Except his actions counter that hipoteses.” Shirou concluded and Rias nodded but upon seeing some confusion from the others he elaborated.. “He stopped the Great War when he had already won. That means he either got what he wanted, God’s death, or he never wanted to win in the first place.” He scratched his head in frustration. “Actions like these show he doesn’t want power or any sort.”

“Not only that but he actually shared some of his research on sacred gears even if he didn’t need to.” Luvia remembered many in the Clocktower who sang praises to Azazel even if it was an organization allied with devils. “It wouldn’t surprise me if he subscribed to the doctrine of ‘If you want Peace, prepare for War’.”

“Doesn’t matter, are we going or not.” Koneko asked impatiently and Rias sighed again.

“We need to know if we can or should push someone like Azazel. If he can be trusted or not.”

At that Shirou raised a hand. “I think we can trust that Vali wouldn't let anything interrupt his future fights.” He earned a look of irritation but brushed it off. “You know we can only judge Azazel once we meet him, his actions are too far from our scope. Vali on the other hand is more or less a known quantity.”

Akeno then understood something she didn’t like. “That is why he had Vali vouch for him, wasn’t it? He knew we would suspect him but probably betted you wouldn’t. Tch, that means he already figured out even your personality, Shirou-kun. You are clearly the target.”

It may sound a little paranoid but considering her story nobody was willing to call Akeno on it. Her concern was legitimate anyway as she didn’t want him getting hurt. “It also gives us no excuse to not go, especially if he is really here to apologize and make peace.” Shirou saw how the girl didn’t like his words but they were the truth. “He doesn’t want a war, I say we give him the benefit of the doubt.”

“Then everyone goes.” Akeno quickly added, Xenoia and Liz standing up in agreement.

However Rias shook her head. “That could be counted as provocation. He may think we are the ones planning to start something.”

“We also don’t know if Kokabiel mentioned Medusa or not.” Shirou reminded everyone. “If he didn’t then everyone going could reveal her or leave her unguarded which can be really bad if he did.”

Asia covered her mouth in horror. “You think he will try to kidnap Medusa?”

“A possibility, however improbable.” The goddess admitted after some thought. “I am not powerful enough as of yet to face someone on Kokabiel’s level.”

“He is stronger.” Issei affirmed and everyone turned to him. “I’m sure of it, that Azazel guy is more dangerous than Kokabiel. So much more dangerous

“That settles it. Medusa needs to go back home and stay inside the boundary fields.” Shirou's tone left no room for discussion. Even as they all noticed how Liz and Xenovia were ready to fight on it. “Consider it an order if you have to.” He quickly stated, silencing them both. “I promised to protect Medusa but I will be busy dealing with Azazel. To make sure he can’t go behind our back I trust you two with her safety.” His eyes turned to Koneko. “So watch over her for a bit and call if there are any troubles.”

Koneko didn’t need to be told twice as she stepped besides Medusa who let out a giggle at the girl’s desire to watch her just because of the trust Shirou implied.

“Yes, Master.” Xenovia's reply was swift and her eyes firm.

Liz for her part stayed silent before closing her eyes and nodding in resignation. Even if she didn’t like leaving Shirou to deal with Azazel without her, she knew how important it was to protect Medusa.

Those feelings were also shared by others. “I can go as well.” Kiba started to take a step forward only for Shirou to give him a look. He smiled and finished taking the step. “I don’t see a problem since we can guess that he isn’t here to cause trouble.”

It was a point Shirou couldn't disagree with but Rias could. “Oh no, you are still catching up with your clients and cleaning your mess. I am not leaving you to take a break.” She smiled. “Besides, if Azazel does try anything, Shiro has me as back up and I will vaporize that bastard.”

False bravado if ever there was any and everyone knew it, including Rias. If Azazel tried anything to harm her lover the pureblood devil was ready to fight and die if necessary however in vain.

“But, it won’t come to that.” Rias declared with certainty. She looked at Akeno who still held many doubts in her eyes. “I don’t trust Azazel, I trust my brother and he assured me he means no harm.” It was the only reason they were having this conversation in the first place.

Akeno relented and Shirou nodded in agreement. “Then it is decided, I will be going with Rias and Ise. Everybody else should stays close to their cell phones, just in case.”

“Wait, me?” The Pawn felt extremely nervous about that piece of information.

“Of course, silly.” Rias giggled at Issei’s baffled expression. “You have been going that way almost everyday for a few weeks now. We do need a guide even if we know the names of the streets.”

Swallowing some of his fear, Issei nodded. He didn’t want to go back but refused to let his friends by themselves.

“Well then
 the meeting is closed.” Rias announced but no one moved. She chuckled. “Does anyone want to go back to school? It is still early.” Gasper ran out of the room. “I thought so.”


“Calm down, Ise. We aren’t here for a fight.” His King’s words didn’t help as he walked beside her.

“I can’t help it, Buchou. That guy
 he is powerful. Really powerful.” Boosted Gear revealed itself as its inhabitant grunted in irritation.

[Can you stop being a scared cat? He is not that strong.]

“Sorry that not all of us can be an all powerful dragon.”

[You could if you tried harder.]

Shirou let out a sigh as Rias watched the interaction with amusement. “There are still people on the street. If you are going to have this conversation, have it in your mind.” He saw his lover giving her a chastising look. “You know I am right.”

The dusk made her smile more radiant. “It is a good thing that Ise is learning to stand up for himself.” She held his hand as they walked and got closer. “Besides, it must be awkward being a third wheel.”

“Maybe we should be focusing on what Azazel wants.” Shirou pointed out as Issei made various expressions, clearly still talking with Ddraig. “I know he probably won’t do anything but-”

“He probably wants something.” Rias agreed wholeheartedly. “‘What’ we don’t know, not even my brother did.”

“We’re here.” Issei announced as they arrived at the entrance of a huge house. Not big enough to be a mason or having anything else but size.

If anything it was like someone had picked a warehouse and had modified it with windows and a chimney after changing the roof to tiles..

Rias folded her arms and studied the entrance, feeling nothing but a small boundary field. She raised an eyebrow at the lack of security. “I expected a little more from the leader of Grigori.”

“That is good, it shows he can be humble.” Shirou tried to be optimistic.

“Hah! As if.” Both redheads turned to Issei who was still laughing a little but much more timidly. “There are so many treasures in this place that I was afraid I would go into debt if I broke something.”

And considering some of the payments from Issei’s services both redheads believed him. Rias especially since it took her three days to sell one of the paintings he got because it was too expensive to devils and they usually had more money than sense.

“Only shows we can’t judge a book by their cover.” Shirou rang the doorbell and they waited.

Issei began to feel relieved a little too fast. “Maybe he isn’t home.”


Came the good humored voice that the Pawn was used to and he took a deep breath. Rias placed a hand on her Piece shoulder and offered him a reassuring smile. The thought that he wasn’t alone helped but if Issei was honest with himself the person he didn’t want to see wasn’t Azazel but Vali.

So he almost jumped off his skin when it was the White Dragon Emperor who opened the door. “Huh, you are here early.”

[If you embarrass us I will make it my mission to make sure you can’t lie with a woman until you are one hundred.] Ddraig warning had Issei swallowing heavily but he stopped shaking.

Yet Vali’s eyes weren’t on Issei but on Shirou. “You are stronger.” He said with a satisfied smile.

“A couple of weeks helped with that.”

Vali nodded in understanding. “I doubt you already mastered your Reality Marble but it is good to see you are taking our future fight seriously.”

Shirou gave the silver haired man a cocky grin. “I don’t break promises.”

“Good to know.” He began to walk inside. “Come on in. We were just eating but Azazel won’t mind.”

The trio walked in with Shirou and Rias’ eyes growing wide. “You are right, Ise. I think I may fall into debt around this place.” His lover chuckled as Issei nodded.

"Isn't? I have never been so scared in my life.”

Rias struggled to contain her laughter. “While this kind of decor is a bit extravagant for this kind of house, it wouldn’t be that bad.”

“You are rich.” Shirou reminded her but she shrugged and hugged his arm.

“And I will pay if you break anything. Not that any of you will.” She looked around with a smile as they followed Vali. “Still, a pretty house Azazel has here.”

“Good, I aimed to impress.” In another room they found a huge table with Azazel sitting at the head. “Welcome you all. And Issei, for a moment there I thought that you would be too afraid to come back here. Then again I shouldn’t underestimate the courage of the Red Dragon Emperor.”

Issei was surprised that the man wasn’t dressed in his typical yukata but in a pressed suit that seemed to be second hand. It was the same tone of black as his hair but there was no tie and the buttons close to his neck were open. The man used a napkin to clean his mouth before standing up.

“But where are my manners? For those who don’t know me, my name is Azazel.” He offered his hand for a shake but Rias looked at it unimpressed. “Uff, are you really going to leave me hanging, my lady?” Rolling her eyes the devil shook it.

“Rias Gremory.” The fallen angel disengaged from her and offered Shirou another handshake.

Unlike his lover the magus just shook it. “Emiya Shirou. Nice to meet you.”

“Not yet but it will be, I hope.” Azazel sat back down and waved to the chairs on the table as Vali sat at the opposite side from the fallen angel. “Would you mind sitting down a bit while we finish? I always found that the best mood for a meeting is a full stomach. Sorry that we don’t have enough to share.”

Shirou raised an eyebrow, studying the packages around the table and the bottle of wine besides the taller man. “Take out with wine?”

“It is good.” Vali was the one who said it as he munched his noodles with vigor.

Azazel laughed a little. “It was Vali’s day to choose the food so we got it from his favorite restaurant.” The man took a sip of his wine before lifting the glass in Rias’ direction. “I can pour you some, if you want.”

“No, I do not wish to drink before this kind of meeting.” Rias replied politely, taking care to try and not offend the fallen angel.

He did something unexpected to the pureblood and magus, he pouted. “Ah, come on. Meetings like this are better with some drinks.” Yet he lowered his cup and returned to eating. “Then again I understand you still suspect me. Don’t worry, that is normal.” Looking at the newly arrived trio he chuckled. “But I hope that our conversation today can smother things.”

“I can only hope so as well.” Rias commented between Shirou, sitting closest to Vali, and Issei, closest to Azazel. The redheads looked unconcerned while the Pawn kept looking between his Rival and his former client. “What was your intention by having Ise doing jobs for you?”

“‘Ise’? That is his nickname, then. Hmm.” He finished his noodles and wine before refilling the cup. “Well I didn’t know anyone around Fuyuki and I kinda wanted to meet Vali’s ‘Destined Rival’.” It sounded like a joke from his lips. “But after the first day he was just in good company. Ah, he also opened my eyes to the world of gaming. Should have picked that around the crazy of the 1980s but I was too busy with my research to think about it.”

“Your research on sacred gears?” Rias asked carefully, trying to not sound either too curious or offensive.

Not that Azazel cared. “The very same. I was striving for progress like mad that decade and after that I had to raise Vali here.” He lifted his cup to the silver haired man who gave him a glare before opening another bowl of noodles. “I think I did an excellent job.”

‘Take out instead of cooked food, the place looked neat even if nobody else seemed to get here. His eyes also look sharp despite the drink but that could be because he is a fallen angel of 12 wings.’ Days where his father was left to take care of the house flashed through Shirou’s mind. ‘He reminds me a lot of the old man.’ It wasn’t just in appearance either, the fallen angel had a demeanor that made the redhead think of his father when he was relaxed. ‘Which can be really dangerous.’

He really didn’t want to deal with a ‘Magus Killer’ persona from a being who had existed since the beginning of the universe.

Amused as he was, Azazel could see his guests were not and so he let out a sigh. “You really want to get this going, huh?”

“No offense, Lord Azazel-”

“No ‘lord’, no ‘sir’ or anything like that. For fuck’s sake I hate these titles.” The fallen angel pushed his bow to the side with an easy going smile. “Just Azazel is fine, please.”

 Azazel.” Rias took the permission for it was; a blank check to speak her piece. “To be perfectly honest with you I don’t feel comfortable talking with the man who is the Governor General from the Faction that has been a headache twice now.”

“Feh, I would be grumpy too if I was you.” Then his smile vanished as Azazel stood up. He moved to the side of the table and lowered his head to his waist. “I sincerely apology for the actions of my subordinates and my stupid brother. Know that Grigori, that I, wasn’t trying to start anything.” He raised his head and smiled cheekly. “I just made the mistake of giving important jobs to dumbasses and didn’t pay enough attention to my family.”

Such an earnest excuse had the trio from Fuyuki looking at each other before Shirou shrugged and Rias let out a sigh. “Apologies accepted, I suppose.” She could hardly fault the man when his subordinates kept going around his back.

“Uff, that is a relief. For a second there I thought you would do what Sirzechs suggested and try to blow me up.” Rias felt her eyebrow twitch. “From what he told me of how you dealt with the Phenex, I believed that.”

‘Brother, we will have words.’ “It is fine for me but your subordinates caused a great deal of distress to members of my peerage. Including Ise.” Her hand landed on his shoulder and the Pawn stiffened.

“I see
 Then I can only apologize again and promise to do my best to compensate.” The words were sincere but the man didn’t look surprised in the slightest. “Despite that I hope we all can work together in the future.”

A loaded sentence in the redheads’ opinion. They traded glances before Rias spoke again. “What exactly do you mean by that?”

“Talk to your brother. For now I will just say that I want peace and that, for his crimes, my brother is being severely punished.”

“How so?”

Azazel's smile vanished again and Vali decided to speak. “We personally escorted him to the ends of Hades where he is frozen in Cocytus.”

“That-” Rias managed to hold back her voice even as Shirou and Issei looked at her in confusion. “That may be a little too cruel for a man like Kokabiel.”

“It is only what he deserves.” Azazel folded his hands, interlacing his finger. “For those that don’t know, Cocytus is a river, or was a river at some point, in Hades from the Greek Pantheon. Treaties over the years made Cocytus the prison to some of the worst criminals from all Factions.” He made sure his eyes were fixed on Issei’s. “It is one of the last prisons from that realm with just two after followed by Hades’ Castle and Tartarus as the last one. There a person is frozen completely from the neck down with only their head free. Chilling winds cut their faces and eyes while the river heals them so the torment can be eternal.”

“Unable to move, to escape, one is left there with only their own thoughts.” Vali finished his last bowl of noodles and folded his arms. “Beneath the ice their hands and legs are free just enough to try and escape only to never succeed.” The silver haired man gave out a mean grin. “Not that escaping the ice means escaping Hades and the wardens are some of the most powerful beings on the planet.”

Rias nodded every now and then at Vali’s speech. “Including Cerberus for those that come close to escaping by some miracle.” She looked at Azazel. “For what is worth it, I am sorry for your brother.”

“Appreciated but unnecessary, Kokabiel had it coming.” Azazel admitted with a frown. “It is my fault, really. I knew he was getting more ansty over the years and did nothing to solve the problem.” Not that he knew any solution. Still the man shrugged. “What is done is done. Unless a commission that includes myself, your brother and his coworkers, says otherwise Hades won’t let him go.”

“Still, my condolences.” Because Rias couldn’t imagine doing the same thing to any sibling of hers.

“Taken, appreciated, unnecessary. Let's talk about something more fun.” His gaze shifted to Shirou. “My, my, my, how long has it been since I met someone with a Reality Marble? I kinda lost count.” Azazel looked more relaxed while Rias shifted in her seat closer to Shirou. He was calm but a little sweat fell from his forehead. “And the restorer of Caliburn as well. Have to say that once Father died I was sure that sword could never come back. And with a missing piece to boot.”

There was something in Azazel’s look that made him feel like a rat in the corner with a cat ready to pounce. “Kinda didn’t have much of a choice.”

“Yeah, I heard; ‘either fix the weapon or the city blows up’. Pft, talk about drama but that was Kokabiel’s speciality. Always has been. ‘We should make a charge, Azazel’, ‘Humans go to war all the time, why aren’t we fighting, Azazel’, or my favorite ‘you spend too much time in your lab instead of helping our people’. Drama queen.” Azazel rolled his eyes in frustration. “He thought that to run a government you had to fight, fight, fight, not getting that I didn’t do paperwork for fun. Seriously, if anyone else was competent enough I would have already quitted.”

That information actually scared Rias. “Are you for real?”

“You can bet your ass. Unfortunately that is the peril of being the only one willing to do the job; you are the only one willing to do the job.” He let out a sigh before smiling again. “But I digress, we were talking about some fun stuff, like how you restored Caliburn.” Azazel placed his elbow on the table and pointed at Shirou. “Now tell, was that something to do with your Reality Marble or did you manage to reach Caliburn’s Core bypassing its defenses on a hunch?”

Not having time to think, Shirou just replied. “I used the history of the blade to actualize its existence as close to the original as possible.”

“But the matrix of the Core is something far beyond human comprehension. How did you manage to restore it?”

“I didn’t really understand what it was and used almost all the ley line’s mana to fix it successfully.”

” Rias calling his name with a hiss was enough to tell him that he screwed something up.

“And you managed to survive that how?” Azazel chuckled at Rias’ glare. “Vali already told me a lot and he is a good observer.” The devil’s glare didn’t relent but the fallen angel only found it cute. ”Hey, no need to be upset. He didn’t tell me anything I already didn’t know or suspect. Confirming all that is irrelevant since I have no intention of harming him anyway, despite a Reality Marble. If anything his survival is far more interesting than the Reality Marble itself.”

“Really?” Shirou couldn’t hide his surprise.

“Really. Despite what most gods believe, which is pretty much all of them, the reason why my Father warned against Reality Marbles isn’t their potential itself but because of Marble Phantasms.”

“‘Marble Phantasms’?” Only Azazel had ever heard the expression as even Vali looked at him with clear curiosity.

“Yes, Marble Phantasms. Note how none of you knew what it is, that is because unlike Reality Marbles which people are
 somewhat aware, Marble Phantasms are the real taboo, a power that belongs to Nature Spirits.” Azazel chuckled. “Sure there is the potential for a Reality Marble to become something similar but those are limited to a single aspect.” He pointed at Shirou again. “In your case ‘sword’. In the case of Marble Phantasm the power would be to change the very fabric of the world to a great deal of different things.”

“Depending on the spirit.” Rias concluded and Azazel nodded.

But Shirou realized something else. “That is why the gods search for someone with a compatible Reality Marble.”

“The kid got it on the first try! Congrats!” Azazel clapped eagerly.

“What? I don’t get it.” Issei managed to say, a little overwhelmed by everything.

Vali rolled his eyes and placed his feet on an empty chair but decided to indulge him. “It means that with the proper combination of god and man can create an advanced being compared with a Nature Spirit. That being would have a god’s natural connection to the world as their beginning stems from it and a human capability to evolve combined with a Reality Marble which would also gain that connection.” If anything his eyes were even more interested in Shirou. “It would be someone capable of changing the very fabric of the world by being a part of it while keeping their flesh and bone even as they went beyond everything already known. A True God.”

“And now you know why gods want Reality Marbles so badly. Or destroy them the moment they find one and see it isn’t compatible.” Azazel sounded both bitter and amused. “Not only would it give them a great deal of power but it would allow them to transmigrate parts of Reality beyond their own realms with their ascension. Fortunately it is extremely hard for a human to be similar to a god, even with a Reality Marble.” He folded his arms smugly. “And you can thank God for that.”

“What did He do?” Rias asked immediately with no warning.

Azazel was happy to answer. "Let's just say that a Nature Spirit showing up is extremely unlikely since the World is half asleep.” But the reply was unsatisfactory and seemed to be a riddle that none could crack. “Hey, don’t glare at me. This is an ultra mega secret. Even my Father’s death is way more known than this. Just a god or another knows the truth.” He took another sip of his wine. “Yours truly knows because he was there when that stuff went down, of course.”

“But why tell us?” Rias couldn't hold back her disbelief. “This is a huge secret, something that could put Shiro in even more danger-”

“And that is why you aren’t going to tell that to anyone, because you love him.” Rias facepalmed as Shirou scratched his cheek.

There was no point in denying. “When and how?” Rias demanded.

“Issei told me.” The look of rage the King send to her Pawn could only compare with the aura of murder around her that left even Vali impressed. ‘Hehe, sorry buddy but I will try to save your skin.’ Never let it be said that Azazel can’t think fast. “Rias, you can’t complain. I asked for a devil for company and Issei did his best. We chatted about a lot of stuff and his school friends were one of them. The fact that you were trying to keep that a secret was just coincidence.”

“Don’t act like you can’t use it for your advantage, Governor General.” Because now Rias was much more worried about Shirou and what else her Pawn may have talked about. “It still doesn’t explain why you revealed it to us.”

At that the man rolled his eyes and pointed to Shirou first. “He has the right to know since his life will be in peril regardless of Marble Phantasms or not, if your relationship is as good as it looks then he will tell you anyway, Issei is your Piece so you can keep his mouth shut and I trust Vali.” He smiled innocently. “As you can see, nobody here has a reason to spread all that information.”

With the nature of their relationship revealed Shirou didn’t hesitate to place his hand on Rias’ to help calm her down. It was clear she wanted to kill Azazel in that instant but her lover managed to calm her just a smidge. However her intent was still clear for any to see as her power flooded the place.

Yet Azazel remained calm, even when the aura of murder was directed to him. “Relax, Rias. Relax~ The offer for wine is still up if you want.” Until he noticed the last drop fall on his recent filled cup. “Oops. Wait, I have some more wine there and beers if you prefer. Either way, calm down. I won’t abuse the information, I swear on my honor. If anything I am happy that you two found love.”

Good but not good enough. “Did Issei tell you anything else that I should know?” The answer didn’t matter, she would be interrogating the Pawn at a later date anyway.

“Well~” Azazel saw the look of panic in Issei’s face. ‘Oh yeah, worth every penny.’ He chuckled. “Nothing much or personal about you or your friends besides himself. Mostly we talked about harems and how I am willing to teach him the proper ways of having one.”

Slowly but visibly, Rias began to calm down. “Very well.” She would still nail Issei to a wall later and make him talk.

But later on the week when she was calmer and Akeno could help, now her concern was the fallen angel titan before her. “Rias Gremory. No, Rias, listen to me; I don’t want to start any wars. If anyone in this universe has the right to say this, it is me.” She nodded but still not calmed down which made the Cadre sigh. “Look, if everything goes as planned then you will never have any reasons to suspect me again. We will be at peace.” He drank all the rest of his wine in a single gulp and stood up with a spring on his step. “Now let's go, I have some things to show you all.”

Rias glanced at her Pawn as everyone else followed the fallen angel. “What is he talking about?”

“He asked me to move a lot of stuff, treasures.” Like the payments for his services. ‘He did say they were gifts but most of them actually went to me.’ Even Vali was following out of curiosity.

Soon Azazel opened another door to reveal a room full of weapons. "Tah dah!” There were swords, spears, lances, axes, maces and dozens of other weapons of all kinds. It reminded them of Shirou’s workshop but the weapons there looked more pristine and valuable. “So, what do you guys think of my collection?”

“Impressive.” Rias replied honestly as Vali laid his back at the door. Shirou took a step forward and began to study one of the swords. “Nobody ever told me you were a fanatic for treasures.”

“I am not.” The room seemed to contradict him. “But when I find something that catches my interest I tend to
 go far and beyond to explore it. Ask Issei, or better yet, notice my newly acquired game station.” He turned around with a wave, his eyes focused on Shirou. “So, tell me, Emiya Shirou; What do you think of my collection of weapons?”

“They are
 decently made.” Was a polite response and it was clear the redhead was avoiding saying something.

It only made the Cadre more giddy. “Really? Do tell. I spent a considerable amount of money to acquire some of those.” His hand went for a random two edged sword. “This one, for instance, was said to be a weapon from King Arthur’s time.” The statement made Vali raise an eyebrow as Azazel approached the redhead. “Come on, tell me about it.”

Shirou took the offered sword carefully even if he didn’t need it. “You traded it for some fruits, special fruits that don’t grow anywhere on the planet.” Azazel nodded, confirming the words. The redhead didn’t want to deliver bad news. “Unfortunately this sword isn't really from Camelot or even King Arthur’s time, it is too new in comparacion being forged a few centuries after Caliburn.”

“Hmm.” Azazel grabbed the sword and threw it to the side, stabbing the wall, much to the students’ surprise. “And this one? It belonged to a warrior from the Sassanid Empire.”

This time Shirou didn’t bother to pick the sword. “That one is the real deal, the man died with it in his hands and it has been restored a total of 18 times throughout History.”

"Hmmmmm." This time Azazel placed it back where it was carefully. Then he moved to another weapon, a spear. “And this?”

“Wait a minute, what is this about?” Rias took a step in front of Shirou and glared at the Cadre.

The man chuckled with a shrug. “Testing the capabilities of your boyfriend’s Reality Marble.” He loved to see how shocked Rias looked. “What? This is a rare opportunity to see which parts of my collection are real or not as well. Which one of them may one day become Noble Phantasms, if any.”

“Is that how it works?” Suddenly Issei was looking at all the weapons with more interest.

“Don’t be naive. If it was that easy, Azazel wouldn’t have to check them in the first place.” Vali commented with a scowl, glaring at the weapon his guardian had thrown aside. “There are many spells and scientific techniques that allow someone to pass the fake ones for genuine articles and hide their history. Even the most skilled magicians may fall for the pitfalls of a fake and think it is the genuine article.”

“However Shirou’s Reality Marble not only allowed him to see the complete history of a sword but also let him pretty much ignore whatever tricks used to disguise it.” Azazel sounded giddy by the fact which bothered the redheads. “With that we can separate the weapons from potential Noble Phantasms.”

It was possible and Shirou knew that much, most Noble Phantasms didn’t start as such but grew when their legend and history reached a point the World itself recognized them. With that effect it was possible that an old weapon one day evolves to a Noble Phantasm if they survive long enough like a Muramasa or Blackbeard’s gun.

Still Rias knew there had to be something else. ‘Azazel is known for his experiments even if most of his focus is on sacred gears.’ She carefully stepped in front of the Cadre’s field of vision, making him frown. “I don’t know what your game is but I won’t allow you to use Shiro like that.”

“Hey, I am willing to pay. With his Reality Marble he will even gain a copy of any Noble Phantasm we find, win win.” The look of suspicion Rias had told Azazel wasn't enough. “I get you suspect me and that we don’t really know each other but come on. I don’t have an evil plan or want anything other than the confirmation that my investments were good ones
 Except to the guys who sold me fakes, those are going to either give my money back or else. If they are still alive, that is, some of this stuff is waaaaay too old for that.”

“Sounds fair?” Shirou offered to Rias who looked back at him with a frown. “It isn’t like we are doing too much and odds are that there aren’t any Noble Phantasm here.”

“Unfortunately your boyfriend is right.” Azazel admitted with a grunt. “Thanks to Gilgamesh’s family line it is practically impossible to find Noble Phantasms these days.” At the mention of Gilgamesh’s name both Shirou and Rias reacted. It was barely a flinch or a twist of an eyebrow but Azazel caught on. “Hoh, does the name Gilgamesh mean anything to you? Besides the obvious.”

“His descendent. He was
 a schoolmate
 And is a member of an organization called Hero Faction.” Shirou spoke clearly but Azazel didn’t react. His poker face was better than theirs. “He is trouble.”

Azazel scoffed. “His family  has been the definition of trouble for over a millennia and a half. At least.” Shaking his head the Cadre deposited the weapon back in its place. “You wanna know something? I met the original Gilgamesh; an arrogant guy but wise too and had the power to back it all up.” His tone carried genuine respect. “When Father did what he had to do and started this Order of Wonders, as I like to call, Gilgamesh could have oposited it. Instead he accepted it since at the time there was an enemy that all the gods needed to band together to face.”

Such a concept sounded frightening to many. Not to Vali, he looked excited. “What enemy? And are they still around?”

“No, we annihilated it completely.” Azazel found Vali’s annoyed face endearing. “Completely destroyed, no chance of coming back. At all. Of course there were consequences and the World was put to half sleep but hey, we are here now and the universe moves on.” Then his tone grew heavy. “Gilgamesh, the original one, approved of the plan. ‘Humanity will thrive one way or another by their own strength. My Garden will still show its esplendor even in a world of gods’ he had said with all the pride of a King.” Then he shook his head. “However, a few years ago, few for me and anyone as old at least, his descendants began to show discontent. They started picking fights and mostly losing because they weren't as great as their predecessor.” He turned to Shirou especifically. “What do you think they did?”

With all the information he had, Shirou already knew the answer. “‘The Epic of Gilgamesh’ is the original legend from which many Noble Phantasms began their journey.” He remembered the Gate of Babylon and Angelo’s power. “They went on a hunt for the Noble Phantasms Gilgamesh spread around the globe.”

“And then some.” Azazel nodded in agreement, shocking Rias and Issei. Vali just chuckled. “Old Noble Phantasms, new Noble Phantasms, they made no distinction. If it was a Noble Phantasm, they wanted it.” With a wave of a hand a light began to glow from his hand before splitting into more than a few dozen. “Year after year they passed on the Key to each other, always to the strongest living descendent of Gilgamesh. That warrior would have the duty to collect as many Noble Phantasms as they could before they perished or until the time to ‘take the World back’ came.” The lights began to fade one after another. “With the precautions the Key had, it couldn't be stolen so they were reckless. There was still much of the original’s arrogance even if they lacked his power and wisdom. Time passed and they succeeded in taking many Noble Phantasms.”

Rias saw the lights disappear and connected the dots. “But many of them died. Enough so that the line of Gilgamesh is all but instinct.”

Azazel nodded again. “From my sources there was only a family left one hundred years ago, two men and a woman of direct descent. One of them was confirmed dead but the other two never showed up.” All lights disappeared but one. “But while one descendent of Gilgamesh lives then the Gate of Babylon will open to no one else. All its Noble Phantasms, many of which Gilgamesh once had himself, others which he judged belonged only to him and those that family managed to grasp, shall remain far from anyone else’s hands.”

“Anyone but the King’s hands.” Shirou concluded with a frown. “And for those the King is willing to lend to.”

The Cadre nodded at the redhead’s words. “Since you met him, you would know better than I do. As far as we know he is the last descendent of Gilgamesh, the last of the line. If he joined an organization then he may be preparing to make a move
 Or not. Hundreds of years and so far all they did was collect Noble Phantasms. Tch, made it harder for the rest of us to get even one.” He muttered something about losing a sale sometime over the last few months of a real Noble Phantasm.

“That is why you have to gamble like this? Buying weapons before they even became Noble Phantasm?” Shirou could see the logic even if he didn’t find it worth it. “Wouldn't it be better to try and make something yourself?”

“Of course, that is what my research on sacred gears is about. To make my own.” Azazel sounded happier than before. “However there is nothing wrong in making some attempts. The illegal market of Noble Phantasms is as old as History itself and now,” he approached Shirou and placed a hand on his shoulder, “I have someone here who can separate the legitimate articles from fakes. So, want to help a fallen angel?”

Trading a look with Rias, Shirou made his decision. “Sure, why not?”

“That is the spirit.” Azazel quickly grabbed another weapon. This time a broken knife. “Here. This one is supposed to be used for rituals and stuff. Not as good as the one I failed to buy.” The last part he muttered bitterly.

On and on they went as the weapons that were deemed fakes were pulled to the side to be sorted out later while the ones sold honestly were returned from where they were collected.

After a few minutes everyone began to participate and pick weapons they thought looked powerful but while some were legitimate articles none was close to becoming a Noble Phantasm.

In fact very few of them even had names to themselves and the people who used them didn’t live long enough to earn a Legend of their own, however small.

Yet Azazel was still happy as he studied Shirou work and got rid of another piece he would be demanding refunds. ‘Not that I will get it. Most of them I bought over the ages and the merchants are already dead.’ It was a risk he already knew his method of sorting Noble Phantasms was unreliable. ‘At least I can get rid of some of them now, Tamiel will be happy.’

“Finally found one!” Rias shouted in joy as she returned with a broken sword in her hands. It was the leftovers of a nodachi covered in rust with barely a few fingers worth of blade and the handle practically falling apart. “How come you came to Japan and barely had a decent Japanese sword?”

Azazel laughed again. “Because the Pantheon in this place always jumps to collect any dangerous ones they can find. What can you do, right?”

Rias shook her head and approached Shirou with a smile. “Here. I am sure this will be a Noble Phantasm one day.”

While the magus smiled at his lover, he already knew she was wrong. While the blade had a name it wasn’t one that he recognized and it had no presence which indicated it was close to its ascension. Because of his nature both as a person and a smith, Shirou liked to think he knew many swords but that one eluded him.

Yet it was his lover who was presenting it so instead of a single glance like he did many others, or else they wouldn’t finish with this today, Shirou extended a hand and opened his mind to dive in the sword history.

A man in a mountain takes a swing of his blade again and again from dawn till dusk.

A man in a mountain takes a swing of his blade again and again from dawn till dusk.

A man in a mountain takes a swing of his blade again and again from dawn till dusk.

He was growing older by the day but was still reaching his peak. His muscles were developing in a grand samurai.

A man in a mountain takes a swing of his blade again and again from dawn till dusk.

Nobody went to see him, nobody to judge, nobody to tell how good he was or how bad he was doing. All he did was swing his sword again.

A man in a mountain takes a swing of his blade again and again from dawn till dusk.

His sword was too long to be called useful even if it was still ideally light. For the man that was unimportant as he still managed to use it with great care and skill.

A man in a mountain takes a swing of his blade again and again from dawn till dusk.

Many days had passed, many weeks, many months, many years and the daily ritual still went on and on. His skill was perfected to a point the man’s progress was slow but he still kept practicing.

Why? The day finally came that the man didn’t practice but instead collected his sword, tied it to his back with a sheath too large for it and departed from his mountain.

Finally the sword would fulfill its goal and taste flesh for the first time, finally a fight would happen and its master would use all his training to take down their enemy. They arrived first and waited for his opponent on a beach, the man taking care of his sword to meditate until he saw a boat approaching from a distance.

Greetings were exchanged as both knew they were there to die. Only one would be allowed to leave with the memory and the story of what was about to take place.

The fight began and immediately they put each other through the paces, the samurai who trained day after day never had won a fight in his life and yet his skill was on par with his opponent who was known for being the greatest in his day.

Clash after clash their swords sang, both could step back at any time, admit defeat, sheath their swords and beg for their lives. How the fight was going it was possible the other person would accept such conditions, they learned to respect each other more than anyone else in just a few minutes.

The samurai threw his sheath away, wishing that the fight didn’t have an end and his opponent showed respect by doing the same.

Now it was truly to death and it was personal.

But not ‘personal’ in the sense of rage or disrespect, it was ‘personal’ in the sense both masters of their craft were having too much fun competing. Both samurais recognized each other not as enemies but as friends who didn’t want the fun to end.

An end came regardless and the sword fell as its owner was defeated, a precise hit on the ribs that took the man’s life. Even after all that training and reaching a level few could even contest, the match had an unfortunate end for the man who trained everyday without fail.

For his opponent also was someone of renow and who trained everyday even if their paths diverged; one was emptiness and other sought infinity. Such a clash was legendary and the winner collected the loser’s sword.

Not to take it, no, such a thing would be a dishonor in his eyes as he dug a grave for the defeated and laid him to rest. Only a stone and the sword would be the mark of his grave together with the memories of the winner.

He departed leaving Monohoshi Zao to guard its owner for as long as it could.

Shirou held the blade with both hands and began to apply a basic swing that was more precise than anything he had ever done in his life. “That sword is supposed to be from Miyamoto Musashi and was found in the place of his last duel.” Azazel clarified

“No, it is wrong. This one isn’t Miyamoto’s but his opponent, Koujiro’s sword.” Shirou took another swing that carried years of constant training of a single action. “But it was an honest mistake. The kid who found it thought it was Miyamoto’s since it was already broken so it made sense. Time took its toll and the blade that was guarding its master’s final resting place fell and ended up in this
 lamentable state.” He held the remains closer to his eyes, apprazing both it and the copy on his Reality Marble. “It was once Sasaki Kojiro's sword, a man who apparently disliked swallows.”

“That was an odd thing to dislike.” Vali laid down the weapon he was holding to come closer and study the remains as well. “Why? Did one of those steal his rice?”

“No, he just saw the speed of swallows and decided he wanted to cut them.” Shirou took a step back and assumed a posture before taking another swing. It was much faster than previously but all saw how it was unbalanced which made the redhead frown. “It is hard to replicate without a blade, the sword is too light now.” He held it close to his eye once again.

Azazel took the opportunity to study him. “So it was an honest mistake? Then they can keep the money.” He paid attention to Shirou’s reaction, almost chuckling as he recognized the eyes of a fellow scientist; full of curiosity and interest. “Pity it is falling apart.”

“Monohoshi Zao stood over its owner's grave for years before it fell because of rain and rust.” Shirou commented as he used Reinforcement to stop the decay. “Unfortunately it was bound to happen since nobody was taking care of it.”

“‘Laundry-Drying Pole’? That doesn’t seem to be the name of a sword.” The fallen angel was ignoring it, his eyes only on Shirou’s.

“It is supposed to be an insult. Compared to most swords from its time it was too big.” He nodded once he was sure time wouldn’t damage it anymore for a while. “But it was perfect for its owner's fighting style, the kind of ‘if I am going down then you are going down with me’ kind of thing.”

Rias snapped her fingers in realization. “I remember the story of the last duel. It is said that Musashi used psychological warfare and tricks to destabilize Sasaki before the match began.”

Shaking his head, Shirou chuckled. “He did arrive a bit later but both treated each other with respect. Yes, there were plenty of tricks but that was normal in a fight to the death.” He smiled at Rias. “And he used two swords, one a bokken and another his real one.”

“As expected of a master of the Two Sword Style.” Rias folded her arms in satisfaction.

“Fascinating. But it really can’t become a Noble Phantasm?” That was what Azazel wanted to know.

Instead of immediately replying, Shirou stopped to think before shaking his head. “The materials are common, the smith was a normal man without ambitions and its legend is not really known for the most part.” He frowned. “There are many versions of it too and Monohoshi Zao never stood out much in them besides for its size. Sasaki was the one people feared, his skills, not his weapon.”

“Still Musashi approached him with care because of its length.” Rias pointed out and Shirou nodded to concede that. “This sword is a piece of history! A survivor of the Greatest Duel between samurais. A pity it is falling apart.”

Rubbing his chin to pretend he was thinking, Azazel then asked “Can you restore it? I will pay.”

“Huh?” Shirou looked at the fallen angel and nodded. “Sure, the metal isn’t anything special or anything. It will take a couple days. Perhaps a week at most.”

“Great. Let's talk about payment.” Noble Phantasm or not Azazel wasn’t willing to allow a piece of history to fall apart. He was still a collector at heart.

However Shirou surprised both him and Rias. “There is no need. I will restore it for free.”

“Shiro.” The pureblood devil approached him and grabbed his shoulder before whispering in his ear. “That is bad for business. Did you see some of the treasure he paid Ise with?”

“We don’t need that much. Besides I thought you would be stoked about me restoring a sword like this.”

“I am but that doesn’t mean we should do this stuff for free.”

Azazel watched the byplay for a few seconds as things went mostly as he hopped. “Bah, I agree with Rias. I need to pay you with something.” He made a show of snapping his finger. “Oh, I know. What about a Noble Phantasm?”

To his credit Issei looked rightfully skeptical. “Do you really have one?” He already knew the feeling of Noble Phantasms and he was sure there was none on the stuff he carried for Azazel.

However the Cadre brushed him off. “Of course I do. The only Noble Phantasm the Grigori managed to get couldn’t be left unguarded and on sight so obviously you never saw it.” He chuckled before looking back at the redhead pair. “What do you say, Rias? Sounds like a fair payment?”

Another Noble Phantasm for Shirou’s Reality Marble was more than a fair payment and it was exactly that which made Rias hesitate. “Isn't that a little too convenient that you have one of those?”

“Hey, who better to watch over a Noble Phantasm than the Governor General and the White Dragon Emperor?” He pointed at Vali who nodded in agreement even as he looked really interested in the talk. “Such things you don’t just leave lying around, they need to either be hidden or guarded 24/7. I am sure you know that.”

The logic was sound and Rias nodded before turning to Shirou. “Sounds fair, right?”


They all began to walk deeper in the room of weapons until they arrived at the door of a vault of the same kind as those in banks. It had a keyboard for password input and a hand scanner.

After Azazel used both of those he also injected some mana at the door which made some chains of light to appear before breaking apart and the thing wheel handle to move on its own.

Finally after a few seconds the vault opened. “Do you want to come in?” Azazel offered but Rias folded her arms to show she wasn’t going to let Shirou do it. He just laughed. “Hold on a sec.” He went inside the vault and then left with a box in his hands. “And here we have it.”

A small jewelry box that seemed to be made of oak and held nothing special was all the vault held in its huge space. When Azazel opened it they all saw a small fragment of bronze, barely bigger than a shell one could find on a beach.

There was enough power there to tell it was a Noble Phantasm. “This is smaller than my hand.” Issei commented, taking a hold of it despite Rias’ panicked face. She didn’t have to worry as the Pawn suffered no side effects. “What is this? The world's most powerful paper weight?”

“Well, Kokabiel told you guys how Father died, right? The big boom?” The trio from Kuoh nodded. “That was the shield that saved my life, or what is left of it.”

Shirou couldn’t help but smile. “Looks like I am fixing Monohoshi Zao for free since shields aren’t really my thing.”

“It will still make a fine addition for your Reality Marble that you can study.” Rias pointed out and her lover couldn’t disagree. “Still, to survive a blast that took down God and sunk part of the continent, talk about a good shield.”

“Perhaps not the best but I am here so I can’t complain.” Said Azazel, forever thankful to it.

Vali shook his head and approached from the side, taking the fragment from Issei’s hands. “Jokes aside, Gremory is right. Even if you can’t use it, you can study it and so grow stronger.”

“You really have a one track mind, don’t you?” Rias watched as Shirou looked at the remains of the shield with a pensive look. “Anything on your mind?”

He looked at her before shaking his head. “A new thing to note; swords and bladed weapons I can garps everything with a look, not as much with shields.” Shirou took hold of the fragment and learned its history. “‘Rho Aias. Pft, Xenovia is going to have a field day with this. The shield that stopped Durandina, Hector’s spear.” He shook his head before placing the fragment back into the box. “Still can’t use it.”

“Are you sure?” Azazel immediately asked before closing the box. Shirou frowned, not understanding the question “Are you definitely sure? Think about it, pay attention to its history. This is not a normal shield in the slightest, or better yet, its body wasn’t the only part of the shield.” His violet eyes grew hard, startling Issei who never saw him so serious. “Aias the Great managed to use it to stop Hector’s spear, a spear that took down Achilles' armor even if not worn by the man himself.” It wasn’t just a shield for the Cadre, it was more. “It was empowered by the technology the Greek Pantheon alone is privy to and took a god killing blast while keeping me alive.” Slowly his hand landed on Shirou’s shoulder. “Search throughout its history and learn.”

So Shirou did as instructed as his mind landed on his Reality Marble. Bellerophon was there watching the newly arrived shield and greeted Shirou with his usual warmth. The redhead patted his nose and brushed his hair before separating from the pegasus and finding the shield in his Reality.

A fragment it was no longer as the bronze shield stood in its true glory with its seven layers of oxhide intact despite the legend which told it was pieced to the last by Durandine which still failed to reach Aias.

Round and the kind of shield used by a hoplite with no paint or marks other than the layers which took the shape of a flower. Yet there was more to that flower as the Greeks of those times held techniques and prayers from the gods when creating the weapons. Even if the creator of Rho Aias was a normal man he was a true follower of Hephaestus and his skill was truly blessed.

Returning to Reality, Shirou raised an arm and with Azazel prompt everyone else stepped back. “Rho Aias.” His circuits flared as the image of the shield was changed to of a flower with seven petals.

An iridescent flower began to take shape with a light shade of pink. It was entirely made of mana and was rotating in Shirou’s palm while trying to reach an actual form.

Yet the redhead struggled to complete what the weapon wanted to be as the flower failed to bloom. He could feel his mana reserves dipping too fast even if not as fast if he had tried to form the basic shield first. But his inexperience with shields was showing again as he was wasting too much and accomplishing too little.

Soon he couldn’t take it anymore and let the power go. “What was that?” Vali asked first.

Only Azazel held the answer. “A Conceptual Weapon. Some Noble Phantasms’ legends can go beyond their physical shapes and give life to the Concept from its Origin.” He placed a hand on Shirou’s shoulder again as the redhead took deep breaths. “That can happen when the power of the Noble Phantasm is something beyond what it resides. In this case the real shield is more than a piece of bronze.” The eyes the redhead gave him had the fallen angel realize more. “And you already saw something like that.”

“A gun that could summon a whole ship; Queen Anne’s Revenge.” He could never forget the first Noble Phantasm he faced, the thing that almost killed him.

Folding his arms and stepping away, Azazel rubbed his chin with a grin. "Blackbeard’s ship summoned by his gun. The connection is evident, right students?” Everyone else looked pensive while the Governor General was cheerful. “Right. Anyway, do you guys want to play some games?”

“After all this? You’re getting too addicted.” Issei pointed out but the adult just laughed again.

Instead of repeating her Pawn or even stressing about the situation, Rias approached Shirou to check on him. “How do you feel?”

“Tired.” He gave his hand a pensive look. “I had no idea I could do that.” The message was clear, the night was over for Shirou and Rias wanted to take him home as soon as possible.

With that in mind she turned to Azazel. “We appreciate your hospitality but we should go since we have classes tomorrow.”

“Right, right. Don’t you want some water or anything before the trip.” His eyes were still on Shirou. “Or maybe take a break?”

At that the magus stood straight and shook his head. “No, I am fine. Just wasn’t expecting how fast Rho Aias was going to eat my mana. It caught me completely flat footed.”

“Meh, practice makes perfect.” Azazel brushed Shirou’s exhaustion off which irritated Rias. “Especially since you aren’t making the shield but the concept. There are plenty of opportunities for you to improve.” The aura of murder was coming back. "Buuuuut you can focus on that later. Now you need your rest and I can see your girlfriend doesn’t want refreshments. Shall we escort you out?”

“That would be preferable, yes.” Rias made sure she was always between Shirou and Azazel until they reached the door.

“Well then, see you tomorrow.” The Cadre offered with a grin.

Much to Issei’s bewilderment. “I think we need more than a day to process everything.”

“But tomorrow is a special day.” Azazel’s smile worried the devils while it confused Shirou who had the distinct impression they were being pranked. “Now if you need me, Issei has my number. Byeeeee~"

A few more moments later Azazel was opening another bottle of wine while Vali was watching the trio march away from the window. “Today was an interesting day.” The White Dragon Emperor commented before turning to his guardian. “Did you get everything you wanted?”

“That and a bit more, Vali. That and a bit more.” Azazel took a long sip before letting out a satisfied sigh. “Looks like Emiya Shirou’s Reality Marble is more powerful than I thought. Not only can it reproduce any weapon but their Concepts as well.” He chuckled a bit while examining his wine. “So far the only weakness on it is the mana needed for his creations and that he can’t understand the Divine.”

“If you can call that a weakness.” Vali sounded excited as his smile turned feral.

Seeing his ward’s expression earned a shake of Azazel’s head. “Don’t you already have a Rival?”

That made Vali scoff. “You saw him, a weakling. Fighting the Red Dragon Emperor now would be pointless.” His savage smile returned. “No. My sight is actually in someone worth my time.”

“Get a girl already, kid. You are really pent up.” The glare just made Azazel amused.

“Hypocritical for you to say since you manipulated everyone there to get everything you wanted. Or should I ask you why bring all that junk to Fuyuki? Usually most of those weapons stay in your labs.”

“Hey, I haven't told a single lie since I came to Fuyuki. You just never paid attention to my stuff because you don’t care.” Vali wasn’t going to bother to disagree with the last part.

He, however, wasn’t buying the first one. “You lied about Rho Aias saving your life. As if a Noble Phantasm could survive a blast like you described.” Only the look Azazel gave him made Vali doubt. “Really?”

“It wasn’t a direct blast neither I was that close but the explosion was that strong and I was close enough.” Azazel commented with a sigh, no longer in the mood to drink. “But among the original leaders of the Three Factions I was the first one to rope humans in our fight so I never underestimated their creations. Of course I had some Artifacts to help me survive, Rho Aias was just the only Noble Phantasm that I managed to get my hands on.”

"Unbelievable. And you just used it to get to know more about Shirou’s Reality Marble.” Vali sometimes forgot how smart his caretaker was. “If anything he will grow even stronger now. I can’t wait for our fight.”

Azazel shook his head in depression. “Why can’t you be a normal kid like Issei who likes normal stuff like porn? Then we would have things to talk about.”

“Comments like that are why we don’t hang out.”


Making their way back to their home, Shirou already felt much better and played with some mana on his hand. “Are you sure it is safe?” Rias asked as she studied his attempts of making the shield.

They were already in their neighborhood and there was no one in the area as it was dark and this was a known Yakuza territory. Did wonders for their privacy but didn’t help her blood pressure when her lover kept playing with something neither knew much about.

“I am not really bringing the shield to bear. Just trying to make it familiar so the mana consumption doesn’t catch me by surprise again.” The ‘flower’ that Shirou was making was smaller than a pebble and Rias watched it with morbid fascination.

“Conceptual Weapons remind me of sacred gears.” Rias observed after a second as they walked. “And that energy
 it reminds me of something else but I can’t put my finger on it.”

“It is a boundary field in a portable scale.” Shirou already had enough comprehension of Rho Aias to know what the goal was.

“A boundary field? Not a barrier?” Harder to sustain which made her worried but in general stronger which was always a positive. “And its function is purely defense?” Shirou nodded and Rias let out a sigh. “Why did Azazel just give this to you?” She knew he wanted something, just not what.

Her lover shrugged and let his hand fall as his circuits began to hurt again. "Let's not assume the worst. Maybe he wants something but it isn’t anything bad.”

“He is a known schemer, Shiro.”

“Better a schemer in our corner than against us.” He shrugged again. “While we are on the same page that means his schemes benefit us as well and you can’t deny he wants peace.”

Rias pouted but admitted he was right with a nod. “It still bothers me. We have to be careful.” He nodded his own agreement. As they got close to home, she smiled. “Do you think they also got take out for dinner?”

“I have no idea. Maybe they are waiting for us to cook something or perhaps we will find most of the food already eaten.” Both redheads let out a laugh before Shirou controlled himself. “Should we go to the marker to preemptively restock?” She slapped his shoulder at the joke.

“Have a little more faith.” Then Rias gave him a mischievous grin. “Or is that too much faith in the Shirou Standard?”

“Please stop.”

“Why? It was ‘goddess approved’.”

“Are you admitting I am the better cook?” Sihrou tried to play in her pride.

It didn’t work as Rias just shrugged. “Everybody knows you are the better cook. There is no shame in admitting that.” Shirou pouted and she let out a melodious laugh. “Okay, okay, I will stop.” They arrived by the door and embraced as she pecked his lips. “Don’t need to pout, Merlin.”

A deadpan look was her response. “Now you just want to see me squirm.” She kissed his lips passionately and when they separated he was smiling.


“I don’t know. Maybe I need another one.”

“You are going to get much more after dinner.” They kissed again and if they were alone at home they knew there would be no dinner. “We should go in.”

“Just a little more.” They indulged each other until the door suddenly opened.


“MOM!!!!” Shirou jumped back from fright with Rias almost falling down when she failed to keep up with him.  They looked at the white haired woman at the door with a huge grin and her arms folded below her breasts. “What are you doing here? When did you arrive?” Then he remembered what just happened as his mother’s grin grew larger. “No!”


“No! We aren’t ready for that!”

“Yes you are! Go for it! Wait, get inside first!!” Irisviel grabbed both redheads' arms and dragged them into the house. “Or is she already-”

“Mom! We are in highschool!!”

“Since when is that a problem?” A woman with short black hair dressed in all black exited from the living room with a small grin. At the sight of her Shirou’s mouth fell open as Rias studied the stranger. “If your mother’s attitude is any indication I am sure your father will approve as well.”

Iri’s smile grew larger and Shirou knew he wasn’t going to get away with this. “Please don’t egg her on aunt Maya.”

“Oh please, like I need Maya to ‘egg’ me on this.” Iri turned to Rias and held both her hands and began to shake, almost pulling the devil’s arms off in happiness. “I never thought your relationship would progress so far in such a short amount of time. So glad I approved your Pact. So glad!”

After some shock Rias recovered enough to process sentences. “Irisviel-”

“None of that ‘Irisviel’ business, you are dating my son. Call me Iri or mother.” The white haired woman was practically jumping in place. “We have so much to talk about! Oh if I just knew you two would get together-”

“Irisviel, perhaps you should give them some space.” Maya commented as the rest of the inhabitants of the house showed up from a corner, Xenovia looked scared, Liz looked nervous, Koneko had a dress she definitely never owned while Medusa had a new braid of hair. “Besides, Shirou needs to cook and it has been a while since I had his food.”

“Fineeeeeee. But first a super important question.” Iri turned her attention back to Rias. “Are you pregnant yet?”

For all her teasing of Shirou just before, Rias’ face soon was in a deeper shade of red than her hair like she never had before in her life. The magus in question just let out a sigh, acknowledging that there was nothing he could have done to prepare his lover for his mother.

” Was all Rias had before Irisviel’s happy smile.




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