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Hey guys, thanks again for the support and here is the next chapter of our journey. In here there may be one of the last fights for at least two or so chapters as we move to the next arc. Thanks again for all the support, wouldn't be here without you all.

Going to try and deliver chapter with any necessary corrections somewhere in the middle of the week. If not then it will only be posted next weekend.

Fate/Bonds Beyond Humanity


46- Back To The Beginning


Come Sunday Setsuna knew her preparations were complete with little time to spare. The next day will be the day she marked for the duel and while she knew that Shirou would indulge her and change it if she asked, she didn’t want to.

In her room there was a huge bed just for her with teal covers, a table to the side close to the door had some pictures of her family and friends while the window at her back was bigger than a car.

Besides her bed there was a small shelf with more pictures and some music sheets. It also had some CDs and besides it lay her violin on a personalized support with its carrier to the side. None of that mattered as she focused on the big bag on her bed as she folded the clothes she was going to use on the fight.

Just as she was finishing, she looked at the most familiar piece of equipment she had. ‘I couldn’t get everything that I needed.’ Setsuna admitted to herself as she studied the naginata in her hands. ‘These are not the best tools but they are my tools.’ She separated it in parts, placing the blade on a sheath before putting everything in a huge duffle bag.

The bag in front of her not only had her main weapon but also a sword and the uniform she was going to use for the fight, everything tailor made for her in the beginning of the year as ordered by her father. Most was the work of the best yokai smith, a man who had worked for her family for centuries.

Who between him or Shirou was the best smith, Setsuna didn’t know but she knew his weapons were the best chance to face her friend.

Thinking about it while preparing the duffle bag, Setsuna began to wonder about their relationship. ‘Are we even still friends?’ A part of her said ‘no’, claiming she wanted more. Another reminded her of something else; ‘He doesn’t trust me.’ Which was the reason why she asked for a duel in the first place. “If he doesn’t see, I will make him see.”

“Setsuna-sama.” Her caretaker, Jaken, knocked on the door before entering. “I see you are almost done.” She stopped working to look at him and nod. Jaken approached her and looked at the bag before looking at her. “Are you sure you want to do this? Duel with your friend?”

“I don’t even know if we are still friends.” Setsuna voiced her previous thoughts, folding her clothes and armor for tomorrow. “But this is something I must do. It was how our friendship started and it will help me define it.”

Jaken studied the girl for a moment before sighing. “You may look like your mother but that is clearly Sesshomaru-sama’s personality. Always focused on acting one way or another.” Obviously it wasn’t spoken as an insult since the kappa would cut his own belly open before insulting his master. “Especially when someone insults your power. Have you talked with Towa-sama? What does she think?”

Setsuna frowned. “An unhelpful advice; that I should do what I think is best.” She shook her head. “First she threatened to come here and fight Shirou herself until I explained it
 My sister is odd.”

“She was always too much like Rin-sama.” The kappa commented with respect before sitting down in the bed. “And never cared much about things like this. Probably even less if you commented that Emiya Shirou still brings you lunch.”

“I haven’t eaten it even once since I challenged him.” Despite Shirou dropping her lunch every day just before she arrived, Setsuna would just place the bento beneath her desk until lunch time when she would take it off for him to retrieve it. “Not even once we have spoken neither he approached, respecting my challenge.” Her eyes grew firmer. “He understands me enough to know this is important, even if he doesn’t understand why.”

Jaken nodded at her every word, still studying her face. “He disrespected your power and you feel the need to remedy that.” Setsuna neither confirmed nor denied it, just finished fixing her bag. The kappa stood up once again and bowed to his waist. “If that is your desire then this Jaken shall do his part.”

Setsuna stopped to reflect, closing her eyes to think as her father’s retainer waited to be dismissed. “Yes
 This is what I want.” She closed her fist before her eyes, turning to her caretaker. “Jaken, no one shall intervene in the duel until it is finished. Make sure of that.”

“Yes!” The kappa nodded firmly. Plans already crossed his mind in case any devil tried to intervene in the fight tomorrow. “Is there anything else, Setsuna-sama?”

The girl thought for a few seconds before shaking her head slowly. “No, that is all. Have a good night.”

“You as well, Setsuna-sama.” Jaken retreated and only turned around when he was at the door, closing it silently.

Studying her bag once again, Setsuna moved to collect the final piece of her battle attire, a long fur scarf that was taller than her. It was made from her father’s own fur and it was more powerful than people imagined as part of a yokai so powerful as Sesshomaru. If she was honest with herself the rest of the armor was unnecessary if she had that scarf.

However she wanted to show Shirou she was fighting with everything she had and the armor would be proof of her resolve. “This isn’t going to be a spar.” Setsuna was sure her equipment would make that clear. “I am going to show you, Shirou, that I am stronger than you think.”


They saw that the sun was rising and that they needed to get up but neither wanted to because the day was going to be hard for both of them. “How are you feeling?” Rias asked Shirou, both still laying down.

“Awake.” Shirou chuckled but saw that Rias didn’t find his comment funny. “And you?”

“Awake.” She said back and he let out a small laugh even if she barely reacted. “Today is the day.”

” Shirou replied simply, accepting the fact. “Is everything already-”

“He recovered enough and will see Kiba today.” Rias anticipated the question easily as that was what worried her over the last few days. She sighed at the thought of what was going to happen. “He was honest and sounded like the type of person you would hang out with. I was surprised you broke all the bones of his body.”

Shirou blushed. “I was in a bad mood.” Was the best justification he could give.

Not that Rias had any ground to stand on, she would have done worse. “Anyway, Asia healed him and he was eager to talk with Kiba but

“But what if it doesn’t work?” Shirou didn’t need to look, he knew Rias nodded. “Rias, we tried everything else; we tried to talk to him, give him space, we even left the guy for Kiba to kill.”

Another sigh escaped the young woman’s lips. “Yes, I know
 But will it work?” Shirou had no real reply. “Today is your duel as well.”

“I almost forgot about that.” Shirou commented sarcastically and Rias laughed a little. “I can only hope that everything will be settled after today.”

Rias nodded again. “It is what Setsuna wanted.” She looked at his pensive face before looking to the ceiling again. “Sorry.”

“For what?”

 You know
” He didn’t and Rias blushed. “For stealing you from her.”

“Steal- Rias, are you kidding me? We went on one date and it was a disaster. It also had nothing to do with you.”

“The assassins were literally sent by the family of my ex-fiance.”

“Okay, it had something to do with you but also my father and that is a whole other history. Don’t apologize that we got together.”

Rias frowned. “That is not what I am apologizing for.” Her hand found him above the covers. “Just that maybe I should be the one confronting Setsuna. I kinda
 took her turn.”

“Is this a girl thing?” Because Shirou had no idea.

“Isn’t that also a guy thing
” Both looked at each other before laughing. “Hahaha, fufufu. I think we aren’t the best to know this kind of stuff.”

“Hahaha, tell me about it.” They sighed together again. “For what is worth it, Setsuna and I probably would never become a thing with how we were going. None of us was really the type to push forward with our feelings.” He held her hand firmly. “You were different, when you realized what you wanted you chased it with all your strength.”

“Because you made me realize what I wanted.” She replied with a blush, her finger drawing on the back of his hand. “You pushed me to be better, to look out for what makes me really happy.”

Her smile was one of the most precious things Shirou had in his life. “You were brave and that is why I fell in love with you.”

“I would say you were the bravest of us both, fighting an angry devil having a fit because of a marriage.” Rias laughed again at her small joke. “But I get why she is like this
 I think.” She glanced at him from the side. “Maybe I would be more certain
 if you told me about your talk.”

Thinking about it for a moment, Shirou smiled. “This is just something we need to do
 For the sake of our friendship.”

“I could offer to share.” Suggestively moving her eyebrows.

Blushing at the idea, Shirou looked to the side in embarrassment. “You can’t solve all the problems of the world by ‘pimping’ me out.”

“I don’t know~ Your food kinda makes it a valid idea.” Rias commented cheekly.

“Just the food?” He had a cheeky smile of his own.

It grew bigger when her other hand landed on his chest. “Of course there are other benefits.” They kissed for a few seconds before separating. “But I don’t think she would want that
 Not like this.”

“And that is why we will fight. To show her that I wasn’t underestimating her
 That I wasn’t disrespecting her
” And that was all Shirou was willing to give away. “At least one week was enough to prepare something.”

Noticing that even if it was necessary Shirou didn’t want to fight Setsuna, Rias began to get up. “We can’t lay around all day. Time to face the music.” She looked at him with a smile. “Can you imagine how this house is going to be if we don’t cook?”

“Chaos. Absolute chaos.” He started to get up as well, both smiling at the thought. “Who do you think would barge in here first? My bet is on Medusa.” They walked to the bathroom calmly.

“Medusa? Really? I was expecting you to say Liz.” Rias admitted as they got their toothbrushes. “My money would be in Koneko.”

“Fair enough.”

The rest of the morning was normal or at least their version of normal with devils, a goddess and warriors capable of inhuman feats living in the same house. Breakfast was filling and soon they all would go to Kuoh and Shirou knew that he had some things to finish preparing.

He dropped by his workshop and studied his armor, Medusa’s Gift resting in his hand on its chain as Shirou placed a hand on the chest piece. “Are you going to take it?” Xenovia was already dressed for school and keeping a respectful distance. “If you are going to fight with everything you got, then I think you should.”

“That is the thing
 I won’t.” Shirou confessed with a frown. “I haven’t mastered what this can really do.” He placed the red gem closer to the armor but didn’t place it back on its center. “If I make a mistake with it, then I can really kill her.”

While one week was enough for him to make some preparations, Medusa’s Gift power was far more than he would play with in a friendly duel.

Xenovia easily understood what the problem was. “And you think she won’t take you seriously if you don’t take it.”

“On the contrary; I think she will think I am not taking her seriously.” Shirou picked his red shroud and frowned. “She knew how strong my armor is. If I don’t take it then she will complain.”

“Sir, it isn’t like you don’t have another solution.” Xenovia reminded him and Shirou chuckled.

‘At least is better than Master.’ A small reprieve from his concerns didn’t banish them. “You are right but I don’t know if she will see it that way.”

After nodding again even if Shirou wasn’t looking at her, Xenovia moved to the side of his workshop to collect a blade inside a golden sheath. It was a sword the size of her arm and the weapon that they began to work on after the duel was scheduled.

With practiced motion Xenovia drew the sword cleanily, admiring her work when she was able to see her reflex on the blade. The edges were sharp and the weapon wasn’t that heavy, it also wasn’t the best sword she had ever seen but everyone knew that it would take more than one week for a true masterpiece to be made.

Yet, thanks to his friends’ help, Shirou came as close as humanly possible to his goal and that sword was born. “This will be all the proof she needs.” Xenovia sheathed it. “You made this for her, to face her. Despite its shortcomings I think this is what she needs.”

Looking at his follower and at the weapon they worked together to make, Shirou smiled. “Thanks for agreeing
 and for helping.”

“It’s my duty as your sword, Master.” Shirou rolled his eyes at Xenovia’s words. Despite that she smiled and turned around. “Now we better get moving. We don’t wanna be late for your duel.”

“You do remember we have classes first, right?” His words stopped Xenovia who flinched. “Still having problems getting around?”

“Japanese is
 a hard tongue to comprehend.” Xenovia commented with a shy smile. “Sakura has been helping me and Rias has been kind enough to even give me some of her time but
 There are just so many rules!”

Deciding to have some fun, Shirou began to pat Xenovia’s head and mess with her hair. “You get used to it.“ Was the only thing he needed to say and she nodded, certain that he was right.

“I know, Master, it’s just taking too long.”

“As long as it is taking for you to stop calling me ‘Master’.” That part, he knew, she was going to ignore.

And Xenovia did with a smile and a spring in her step. “Come on! We don’t want to leave the others waiting, Master!” She rushed to the garage, leaving the redhead alone in his workshop with the sword.

Once again Shirou looked to the rest of his equipment, the pegasus making his presence known in the corner of his mind. “Not today, boy. We need to practice more.” He exited the building, closing it with magic and a key. “I still need to learn how to fly.” He heard the happy sound the pegasus made, even in his Reality Marble, and chuckled. “I know. It is fun.”

Soon Shirou followed Xenovia’s steps and made his way to the garage where everyone else was getting ready to go inside their new van.

After the night of the Fragments Incident the car they had was considerably damaged, Liz needing to push it the last few meters close to their house because it had broken down and they needed a new vehicle.

While Luvia suggested a limousine to take them around that was neither to Shirou or Rias’ tastes as they prefered to move around discreetly. They could get another car but with the number of people now living in their house that wasn’t a viable option as Yoruichi was the only one who could transform into a smaller form and she wasn’t around.

Back and forth debate between Luvia and Shirou ensued with the blonde still insisting that a limousine was a viable option with the redhead fighting tooth and nail for anything but that. Medusa was the one who reminded them that they may need more space for things and that the humvee was something they could use only for Rias to tell her that was a vehicle too big for the city. That was when they settled out with a van.

It wasn’t a minivan but a huge van with a minifridge, seats for everyone plus, space for the legs, books and a TV. Rias also wanted to expand it with magic but they failed to find a combination of boundary fields that could affect a vehicle while keeping it mobile.

Regardless, the van was bought and improved for maximum comfort to the point that even Luvia praised it, claiming it was even better than a limo. Then Shirou, Liz, Koneko and Xenovia worked on improving the van in their free time.

It wasn’t just a matter of safety as Shirou found the size of the van an opportunity to test how to use more of his metal and it was good exercise for Xenovia who was getting used to her new routine.

Magic played little part other than helping the group move certain pieces as most of the improvements just needed manual labor, guided by Shirou’s years with his father and his skill with metal.

In the end the van was strong enough that when a blast of uncontrolled magic escaped Luvia’s hands one day all it did was scratch the paint a little.

So the new ride of their household was a huge van reinforced with special metal and all the comfort they could get. It was red like Rias’ hair, painted with a special paint from the Underworld, registered under Liz’s name, had a total of twelve seats including the driver and could probably survive a tank missile. ‘Probably’ because they weren’t going to risk their new van to test that.

Either way Shirou wished he had more time to work on it but that could change in the future. Between helping Xenovia settle down, dealing with Setsuna, training and his other obligations, an external protection was the best they could do.

As he approached the magus noticed that Rias was staring at a letter in her hand before shoving it in a magic circle. He placed a hand on her shoulder. “It will work.”

“I sure hope so.” Rias then smiled. “Xenovia was happy that you let her be the carrier of your sword. ‘Like a squire for her lord’, she said.”

Instead of saying anything, Shirou chuckled. “Is the food already inside?”

“Just placed the last one.” Medusa commented from the window in the middle of the van. “We better leave quickly, Koneko is eyeing the bentos and looks ready to pounce.”

“I’m not.” Came from inside the van.

“Yes, you are.” Luvia said back a second later. “You already ate plenty for now and need to save it for lunch. Our King’s orders.”

Mumbling escaped Koneko’s mouth as she sat down opposite to Luvia who guarded the mini fridge proudly. “You know I'm gonna get it.”

“Yes, when our King says you can.”

Medusa chuckled as she looked back at the redheads. “If anything I have to admit she is eager.”

“And dedicated.” Rias added before looking around. “Where is Liz?”

“Here.” The maid turned teacher called as she entered the garage with a pretzel in her hands. “Time to go?”

Rias looked at the maid with a small smile. “Liz, you are not being a good example for Koneko right now.”

The small devil popped her head out of the window and looked at her King. “Can I-”

“No, you can get your uniform dirty.” Rias saw how her Rook pouted and resisted the urge to give in.

However Shirou could see she was close and clapped his hands. “Let's get going, alright? Today is going to be a long day.”

Xenovia then showed up in another window. “Master, if you wish I can face Setsuna on your behalf.”

“That wouldn’t help and you know it.” The magus replied as Liz finished her pretzel. “But thanks for the offer.”

The bluehead nodded before speaking again. “But can I fight with her after? I heard that her father has the strongest youki in all of Japan.”

Shirou and Rias traded looks before the devil shrugged and the magus rolled his eyes. “Only if she accepts.”

“Thank you, Master.” Xenovia sat down again, his sword resting in her lap.

Cleaning her hands, Liz went for the driver seat with Shirou sitting beside her and Rias joined everyone else in the back. “Ready to go?” The driver asked after finishing placing her seat belt. Shirou gave her a thumbs up while everyone in the back confirmed they were also ready. "Movin out.”

A button press had the garage open and soon the van was out, the heat of the sun forgotten as the comfortable transport and in a pleasant temperature.

Had most of them not knowing what was coming later in the day then this would be a comfortable ride to school. As things were, neither Shirou or Rias could really relax.


Setsuna found herself anxious the whole day, from waking up, to breakfast, to every class once she arrived at school she felt like she had a strong urge to scream. Sure she didn’t, the hanyou just wasn’t one to lose control of her emotions, but the urge was still there.

Letting her emotions take control was always a bad thing her whole life and Setsuna was used to hold them back and internalize them. That helped her maintain a composure many boys and girls of Kuoh admired her for. Indeed, thanks to the fact that Rin and Luvia were at each other's throats most of the time, Setsuna was the most popular girl of the second year.

Not that she cared about popularity or the opinions of her peers that aren’t part of the moonlit world, her focus was always on those whose lives were on the same level as her. The same world she was born in.

A world full of danger such as the moonlit world had no space for those who were not part of it and Setsuna believed on that whole heartedly. That was why all in her circle of friends were part of that world. They knew of each other’s struggles, challenges and conflicts so there was nothing to hide or lie about.

Unfortunately she had to isolate herself from her circle of friends because of her challenge. It was her choice since her best friends were integral for that circle in a way or another while she wasn’t.

Of course she noticed that Kiba was dealing with his own troubles but when Setsuna approached to talk with him all he said was that he was fine. She wasn’t foolish enough to believe him and after asking Asia, who tried to invite her for lunch again, she grew worried for her friends.

However Setsuna still kept her distance, she was confident Rias was working on something and that she had to focus on her duel against Shirou. Even now in the classroom her feet kept tapping the floor impatiently as the last class of the day seemed to not have an end.

Today she didn’t bother to take notes and barely paid attention. From the corner of her eye Setsuna could see that Shirou was similarly impatient as his eyes rested on her.

‘Are you excited about our duel? Worried? Did you not want it to happen?’ Setsuna wondered before closing her eyes and focusing her senses on Shirou. His usual smell of fire and metal was ever present but she noticed something missing and turned to look at him. ‘You didn't come with your armor or do you plan to put it on later?’ Quickly she looked back to the teacher and waited for the time to pass.

A few minutes felt like an eternity but when the final bell finally rang Setsuna got up and moved in Shirou’s direction. He also was standing with Xenovia already at his side while Rin and Luvia kept their distance.

“Are you ready?” Setsuna asked immediately, giving no time for greetings.

Shirou studied her for a moment. “First words to me in a week? Really?” Her face was like stone and he chuckled. “I have everything that I need. You?"

“Just need to change clothes.” And collect her bag with Jaken but the kappa would show up.

Taking a deep breath, Shirou got closer to Setsuna. “Do we really need to do this?”

She frowned. “Are you saying I am not justified?”

“You believe you are but I stand for what I said. You joining on that hunt was too dangerous.” It was the first time they talked in a week and it was practically an echo of their last conversation. “I didn’t even risk Yoruichi on it until the last moment when I knew the threat to her life was at a minimum.”

“I am a hanyou. Our situation is different.” Setsuna turned to Luvia who stared back at her. “Had I been there then maybe Luvia wouldn’t have become
 something else.” To the blonde’s credit she didn’t react.

Shirou let out a sigh and scratched his head. “I see I can’t convince you.” He didn’t sound really surprised, more disappointed and she knew it was with himself. “I guess you are right, the only way to make you see is through combat.”

Setsuna nodded, glad to see that Shirou saw her point of view. “In my opinion you are underestimating me.” She reminded him with a fierce look. “I will teach you to not underestimate the Daughter of Sesshomaru.”

Chuckling a little at Setsuna’s words, Shirou shook his head before looking around. “Then I will show you to not underestimate the analyses of the Magus Killer’s Son.” Rarely he spoke those words with pride. Almost never. “I didn’t mean to offend you.”

At his more subdued tone, Setsuna turned around. “Then you should have called me.” She began to walk away.

“Still friends after this?” Sihrou’s words stopped the hanyou in her tracks. “Still friends after this?”

Setsuna seemed to ignore him as she kept walking until reaching the door. “Our friendship started with a fight. Perhaps it shall end with one.” She was making clear that this duel would decide it. “You better come at me with all you got.”

“I can't.” Shirou admitted with steel in his tone. “I don’t want to kill you.” That comment made Setsuna close her fist in fury and she turned to give the redhead a glare.

His eyes told her everything, he wasn’t taking back his words. “Then you will lose.” ‘And our friendship will end.’ Because Setsuna refused to stay close to someone she felt didn’t respect her. ‘Pity
 I wanted us to be something more.’

Yet honor demanded she gave Shirou a chance to prove his argument, that was why she challenged him to a duel.

In her mind it was simple; if Shirou was correct and she wasn’t needed in that situation then she couldn’t beat him. However if she was going to make a difference then she could have been there and done something.

‘They should have called me.’ Setsuna told herself as she made her way to the teacher’s lodge. They already knew where the duel was going to be and so she just needed to get her equipment. ‘Luvia became a devil and there is a Holy Sword on the grounds. I don’t care if it is Caliburn and none can pull it out, it shouldn't be here.’

Of that she was certain and while Setsuna wouldn’t say she could face someone of Kokabiel’s level she was sure that her skills and power would have been useful in the hunt.

On the other hand that wasn't the only reason why she called for the duel as she saw Rias going down the stairs with Akeno. ‘Why her, not me?’ Setsuna shook her head to focus again. ‘I will show you that I am strong. You will accept that fact.’ She would make sure to write on Shirou’s flesh if needed.

Those thoughts only hardened her resolve as she approached her goal only to see Jaken already waiting. “Setsuna-sama.” He spoke, barely a whisper. On his hand Jaken had her bag. “I have kept my eye on it diligently. Everything is as you prepared.”

Catching the bag, Setsuna found the weight relieving as it reminded her what she set out to do. “Thanks Jaken. You can go home if you want.” She found it silly she thought someone would intervene before.

Somewhere on the way she found herself not thinking straight but her will kept her steady.

"Nonsense.” The disguised yokai looked offended by the idea. Tapping his disguised staff on the ground, an invisible barrier hid their conversation. “If you are going to a duel, Setsuna-sama, then it is my duty both as your caretaker and Sesshomaru-sama’s retainer to be there so there is no foul play and assure your safety.”

Immediately Setsuna shook her head in fierce denial. “Shirou wouldn't cheat, neither would Rias or the others.” Funny she was only thinking that now but she blamed it on nerves.

“Despite that I still shall be there as a witness. I refuse to leave you alone.” The kappa held firm and the girl saw he wasn’t going to budge.

“Very well.” Setsuna turned and began her march towards the ORC, Jaken following right behind.

However the kappa looked at his charge conflicted by her attitude. ‘Never before I thought the cold Setsuna-sama would act like this
 So impulsively. This duel alone can be a disaster.’ His calm mask showed nothing as he dealt with his own thoughts.  'Rin wanted to hear more about Emiya and her daughter’s actions and Towa-sama wanted to know everything but it was too much to tell. And the duel hasn’t even happened yet!’

Despite his options Jaken was going to follow his Lord’s family lead and observe the fight to the best of his abilities. His main focus was really in protecting Setsuna from Shirou and in more than one way. He could see how the girl was smitten before she learned of his envelopment with Rias and he didn’t like it at all.

‘They also ordered me to not tell Sesshomaru-sama about that
’ Jaken shivered as that small betrayal but Rin was Sesshomaru’s wife and technically his Lady even if he didn’t really treat her as such. And unlike the Tohsaka who lived in Fuyuki, his Rin was so kind that the kappa accepted to omit some things. ‘I must be there so nothing inappropriate happens! I must!’

Not that he believed it would, for the kappa knew Setsuna had every intention of having a real duel. The ball was on Shirou’s court and while Jaken considered Emiya unpredictable he was sure of his charge’s thoughts.

If there was one thing that the hanyou wanted was that duel and now she had her equipment the only reason she wasn’t running towards the ORC club was because she was trying to control her emotions.

They left the school in a hurry as Setsuna didn’t stop or slowed down until they were outside and only to make sure the small yokai was keeping up. Jaken was and so her march continued until they reached the forest and saw Kiba running in their direction.

“Kiba.” Setsuna greeted him almost automatically and the Knight looked surprised before stopping. Now that her friend was in front of her the black haired girl didn’t know what to say.

But Kiba did. “It is today!” He exclaimed with some loathing as he noticed Jaken and Setsuna’s bag. “Your duel with Shirou is today.”

” Her face gave nothing away when she replied.

Kiba, on the other hand, looked like he had swallowed a sour lemon. “Why they didn’t–” He shook his head in frustration. “I should have remembered. Sorry, Setsuna.” He bowed until his waist.

“It is fine. Are you going somewhere?” He looked to be in a hurry.and Setsuna saw the expression of regret in Kiba’s face. He hesitated to answer and she shook her head. “If you already made plans, you can go. We will still be friends either way.”

She knew that the Knight had his own issues with Holy Swords and was still under some sort of trance born out of trauma. Besides, he also wasn’t the one she blamed for not calling her.

Unsurprisingly to Setsuna, Kiba looked even more guilty. “I suppose I don’t need to go but
” He picked something from his school bag. “Buchou asked me to deliver a letter there today so it isn’t just because I want to go. My King gave me a mission and I have neglected her enough to refuse.”

“I see.” Setsuna understood that her friend was still struggling with something. She just didn’t know what. “If you want someone to talk-”

"Pf hahaha." Kiba let out a small laughter which infuriated Jaken.

“Are you spurning Setsuna-sama’s good intentions?” The cane he had turned into his staff but his charge’s hand stopped him.

“Jaken, enough.”

“But Setsuna-sama, he is insulting you.”

“Sorry, I wasn’t laughing at her. It is just that pretty much everyone keeps asking me that.” Kiba chuckled sadly. “Thinking about it for a moment, she probably would have asked earlier if we had been around a little more.”

“Hmph. Setsuna-sama had a duel to prepare for.” It was an excuse and she knew it, the same way she knew that Jaken was still upset about the ‘insult’.

Considering technically she was going to a duel because of another insult, the kappa felt his anger was justifiable. Her father would have not tolerated such disregard of his words from anyone.

However Setsuna was not her father and while she was out of the loop, she still remembered how fragile Kiba was before a Holy Sword even showed up in the city. “I already said it is fine. He is as much Shirou’s friend as mine anyway.”

“Do you
 want me to stay?” The Knight asked shyly, surprising the other two. “I can go later if I want. Buchou didn’t tell me to change directions or anything from where I was already going.” He placed the letter back. “And I can get there whenever I want.”

Setsuna looked at Kiba in the eyes before shaking her head. “Your heart wouldn’t be here.” He winced. “But I thank you for the offer.”

Instead of fighting or resisting the urge to leave, Kiba just let his shoulders drop as he knew it was an useless fight. The same sense of obligation he had felt ever since Valper’s capture cropped up again. The same thing that stopped him from working, studying, helping his friends or being anything more than a mask in school.

He had to see that old man suffer at any cost, to make sure he was suffering. That was the only thing that occupied Kiba’s thoughts. “Good luck.”

“Thank you.” Setsuna kept advancing towards the ORC building while Kiba rushed back to town.

“Hmph, it seems he is in a prison of his own making.” Jaken commented with a frown.

Setsuna didn’t like what she heard. “What do you mean?” Despite her conflicts with Shirou, Kiba was still a true friend in her opinion and he was in distress.

Jaken’s frown got more pronounced. “Going around like that, chasing for something that isn’t there.” He shook his head. “Some people need to reach the bottom of the pit before they can climb back up. It isn’t something we can help him with if he won’t listen. Instead you should focus on your duel.”

Knowing Jaken her whole life because of his relationship with her father had Setsuna trusting his advice in such matters. The kappa may be small and even weak when compared to her but his skill and windom were the real deal. At least enough so that Sesshomaru considered him his right hand and trusted his daughter to him.

And if Jaken told her that there was nothing they could do in that moment, Setsuna believed him, both because she knew their other friends would have already tried and because of Shirou and their duel.

Finally they arrived at the building where most of the ORC was waiting outside, Rias looking concerned with Akeno besides her. It was clear they weren’t worried about the fight as they were whispering to each other and barely paid heed to Setsuna’s arrival.

But standing in front of everyone with his arms crossed and Xenovia by his side was Shirou. His eyes were closed but opened when she arrived. “Welcome back.” His words snapped everyone’s attention towards Setsuna and Jaken. “Has been a long time since you passed by the club. Came to turn over your resignation? I sure hope not.” His tone was playful but subdued.

Setsuna paid close attention to Shirou. “Where is your armor?” All she saw was the sword on Xenovia’s hands and no other piece of equipment.

Banter didn’t work and that had Shirou worried. “I thought that we could talk before starting anything.”

“Did you change your mind?” Setsuna asked directly and that made Shirou frown. “If you didn’t then we have nothing else to talk about. Words are useless in this situation.”

“I stand by what I said. Risking your life without need was something I would never do.” Shirou’s reply sounded reasonable in everyone’s opinion.

Except for Setsuna's who started to feel frustrated. “That wasn’t your call to make.” She began to walk towards the club and Shirou stepped aside.

“Setsuna-san.” Asia got her attention. “Do you really need to fight?”

“The Fragments were far more dangerous than you think.” Tohsaka spoke quickly to not give Setsuna a chance to reply. To give her a way out. “The kind of damage they could do
” Rin hesitated, a subtle glance towards Luvia who remained silent.

“I am a hanyou and most of the weaknesses of yokais don’t apply to me.” Setsuna replied confidently, turning to Luvia especifically. “Had I known what was happening, I could have helped.” It was obvious she felt pity for Luvia.

Asia was about to speak again but Issei stopped her, a hand on her shoulder and a shake of his head. “It’s what she wants.” The former nun turned between Setsuna and Issei a few times, clearly still wanting to say something.

“Sometimes the only way to settle differences is with competition.” Medusa commented, her eyes glued in a book at the club’s door with Gasper hiding behind her. “Be it a race or combat, it doesn’t matter. When words fail, that is the only way the two sides can live with each other.”

Setsuna pondered Medusa’s words and found herself only half agreeing with them. “The result is still important.”

“Doesn’t change the fact you are trying to resolve things instead of ignoring each other.” The goddess turned a page loudly as her eyes turned to Jaken. For a moment Medusa studied the yokai and the kappa found himself fidgeting before taking a step back. “Fufufufu. At least this is going to be interesting.”

Both representatives from Kyoto could feel a heavy presence from Medusa. ‘She is stronger.’ Setsuna couldn’t say what changed in the goddess but her instincts were sounding alarms.

The dog yokai in her was warning that the goddess was more dangerous than before, enough to be weary. It had just been one week since Setsuna last saw Medusa and yet that was the first sign of such a shift.

Clearly the event responsable was the same one which gave her reason for a duel. “Did anything happen during the Fragments Incident?”

“Fufufu. You would know if you spend more time with your friends and not worry about something, silly hanyou.” Her tone was cute but mocking.

“Medusa.” Shirou called her name and the goddess' attention was completely on him.

The message was clear. “Just making an observation, my protector.” Her smile was innocent but Setsuna felt that Medusa was hiding something. “If she spent more time around us then things would already be solved.”

Clapping stopped Shirou from rebuking. “My, my. I can see our resident goddess’ fangs are sharp today.” Akeno approached with a gentle smile as Rias stood back with a pensive expression. “Regardless we have a duel to get on and most of us have work tonight so if we could get going

“Of course.” Setsuna entered the building and Medusa opened the way with complaints and a cute smile. Didn’t help with the ominous sensation the goddess seemed to give her. ‘I feel like a giant snake is waiting to devour me
 Fitting.’ Jaken made sure to not react anymore but she knew he was concerned.

Both noticed Gasper rushing to hide behind a couch, the small devil still unable to leave the building by himself and afraid of people. Setsuna knew he was eyeing Jaken, not her because he already knew her. However the kappa was a stranger and that set the former dhampir of.

“Calm down, Gasper.” Medusa was already by the small boy’s side, a hand patting his head. “The midget is not going to hurt you. Don’t worry.”

“Who are you calling a midget?!” Jaken shouted with indignity. “You two are barely taller than me.”

Medusa smiled warmly but everyone watching knew that smile had a hidden edge. “On us, our size is cute.”

Behind the goddess, the small devil nodded with conviction. “Cute.”

Koneko showed up beside them in an instant. “Cute.”

With a combined attack of three, Jaken saw himself defeated and fell to his knees. “I am not small
 I am tall for a kappa.” It was a lie.

Setsuna watched the event with amusement, realizing how she missed some of the ORC’s shenanigans. When she realized she was smiling, the hanyou immediately retreated. “I will change my clothes.” She gave Shirou a hard look which contrasted with his calm smile. “You better be ready.”

“I will be ready when we begin.” Never a liar, Shirou still spoke in a way that had Setsuna glaring at him some more. “Hey, I promised we would duel and we will duel, go get ready.”

Xenovia, who had moved to headlock Gasper and chastise him for being a coward, quickly moved back. “Maybe we should have brought the armor. She will be upset.”

The bluehead was right and when Setsuna’s sharp ears heard that she turned to find a room to get ready. “You shouldn’t have said that.” Liz commented but the hanyou heard nothing else.

She was driven to prove Shirou wrong more than ever. “Not bringing your armor, are you?” Her youki began to escape to the point when she opened the door of one of the rooms her hand had melted the handle. “I will show him what happens when you underestimate me.”

Quickly she untied her hair, took Kuoh’s school uniform and stayed almost naked with the exception of a couple of tapes which held back her breasts and blue underwear. Then she began to retrieve her combat uniform from the bag, all mixture of lilac and blue of a darker shade.

First it was an undershirt for extra protection. The material from it was of a lilac color and it would be good enough to stop most swords. Not that it would be needed since Shirou would have to pass for the rest of her armor first but her father, Sesshomaru, only bought the best for his daughter.

Then came a navy kimono-like skin tight jumpsuit that covered her whole body with the exception of her hands and feet. For her feet she got a pair of violet boots with lavender trimming and more of his father’s fur as cuffs. Hitting the tips of her feet a few times she nodded as the boots fitted perfectly.

Next came the armor, made from carapaces and bones from strong yokais that were either killed or donated for a reward. It was all used to form a plating that Setsuna knew was at least as strong as Shirou’s armor in her opinion. It was divided in parts, for her chest, shoulders, elbows, knees, waist and her left shoulder, all violet with lilac accents.

Placing it all on by herself took only a few minutes even if she didn’t use the armor much, the motions were practiced. Setsuna’s father wouldn’t allow his children to not know how to use their equipment. Like she expected all fit, not perfectly but still comfortable as she could move easily.

Tying up her hair again, Setsuna picked a lavender sash which she tied up in her waist to deposit the sword right behind it. With a swift motion she drew the new blade to test its position and grip.

Completing her armor was her father’s fur as a huge cape or scarf. It was the reason why she had no protection to her right shoulder as she tied it up. The white fur felt warm and extended until close to touching the floor, parting itself up to give the appearance of two tails.

Finally came the last thing on the bag; her naginata. Its body matched her color scheme and was easily assembled with a golden hand-guard close to the head and the back. To make sure the weapon wouldn’t easily break, Setsuna also tied a small turfle of her father’s fur to protect the hand-guard.

Spinning it around once the hanyou found that her weapon was ready before hitting the back on the floor. It was still taller than her as it was designed to be even if she had the weapon for years.

‘There is a risk using this. Shirou will be able to learn my moves once he touches it.’ She frowned as her attempt to acquire a similar weapon was in vain. ‘Totosai told me he needed more time to make another with the same power.’ Setsuna took a swing and saw it damage the door even if her weapon had not touched it for a couple of centimeters. “But even if he knows my moves, I can still beat him.”

The slash that damaged the door made a mark bigger than her hand but Setsuna wasn’t trying to destroy it, just testing the swing. If she was to face Shirou then she would use her best weapons and tricks.

Closing her free hand, she rested the naginata on her shoulder and began to leave. “Going to have to apologize to Rias later.” Her eyes grew an edge. “Once I win.”

Descending the stairs there was only Gasper inside the room looking at the window with Medusa and Liz keeping him company outside, close to the wall. Everyone else had barely moved and even Shirou remained in the same place he was before.

“So that is your combat uniform.” As she expected the redhead magus was the first to notice her. He studied her clothes for just a second before his eyes landed on her weapon. “Totosai’s creation, Yukari no Tachikiri.” Her eyes grew wide as Shirou chuckled. “‘Cut the Connection’, talk about a coincidence. Or maybe that is why you are using it. Could this be Fate?”

“How did you do it?” Setsuna asked curiously as Jaken quickly moved to stand beside her with eyes equally wide. “How did you discover its name? You never had the chance to touch it.”

“Let's just say I improved.” Shirou commented calmly and immediately Setsuna understood that any advantage she would have of him not knowing her skills was zero.

However that didn’t detain her and if anything made Setsuna more determined. She slammed her weapon on the ground, startling some of the present. “Then use your Structure Analysis and learn its history. It won’t help stop me from defeating you.”

“She is really confident.” Luvia commented out loud.

“She always was.” Shirou said with a chuckle. “You guys just didn’t see it because most of the time she was always quiet.”

Jaken saw Setsuna blush a little and stepped forward. “Compliments won’t help you, human. Now are you ready for the duel?”

“Where is your armor?” Setsuna asked next and Shirou let out a sigh.

“We are really doing this then, huh?” He saw that there was no stopping it and took off the top of his uniform, staying only on a black undershirt. “My armor is at home because I don’t need to walk around with it.” Shirou revealed Medusa’s Gift for all to see. “Not anymore. Trace on!”

Mana circulated as his circuits activated and lines in the shape of his armor were drawn over his torso. In a second the mana gave it form and Traced on Shirou’s body was his armor with Medusa’s Gift on its center.

Nobody but Jaken and Setsuna reacted, his eyes almost jumping off his head and her with a raised eyebrow. “Sacred gear? He never had one!” The kappa commented.

“No, it is the same thing he always used.” Setsuna stepped forward. “Tracing or advanced Gradation Air. I thought you had problems with creating armors.” She then hit her weapon on the ground hard, youki circulating around her as her glare never left Shirou. “Or that you respected me enough to not fight with a handicap.”

“There is no handicap and I still do have problems with armors.” He pointed to the ruby in the center of his chest. “But not this one and while I have this you can say that this makes this almost as good as the original one. I don’t need to use any more mana on it either.”

“She would know that if she stayed around.” Medusa commented from the side as Rias chuckled at her words.

"'Almost’?” But Setsuna was not paying attention to the spectators, she only saw her opponent.

Shirou rolled his eyes. “Nothing important for this duel.”

“Let's make the rules clear before we begin, shall we?” Rias took over before Setsuna could ask more questions. “Since most of us are
 biased on our opinions, there won’t be any judges but Akeno will make sure that whatever you have decided will be applied. I give my word as Heiress of Gremory.” She gave a moment to see if Jaken would challenge her but the kappa stayed silent. “Akeno.”

The Queen stepped forward with her usual charming smile. “Please fighters, announce the rules.”

“The fight will go on until one is defeated beyond any shadow of doubt, either by being unconscious or by surrendering.” Setsuna threw the first rule. “We can use any weapon or magic, any means to defeat our opponent.” She waved her weapon around the area. “All the forest around the ORC is our battleground and we can’t leave the boundary field around it.”

“Neither get into the building.” Not that Shirou believed Setsuna would try to hide but he added the rule regardless. “Also I hope you don’t add the ‘no death’ rule to it.” Setsuna glared again but he raised his hands in a show of surrender. “With a look like that, I think I need it.”

“I would never kill you over a duel.” However she already knew something was wrong. “What is your game, Emiya?”

“Ooooh~ She pulled his last name.” Issei couldn’t help but say only for Rias to elbow his side. “Buchou, I’m just having some fun.”

Not batting an eye or trying to deflect, Shirou did exactly what she wanted; answered honestly. “Just trying to make this a safe duel. That's all.” She nodded then, accepting the rule. “Is there anything else you want to add?”

For some reason Setsuna knew that Shirou was trying something but for the life of her she didn’t know what. “No time limit. We fight until the end with no interruptions.” She glared at Rias to whom the rule was for.

The Heiress of Gremory let out a sigh but nodded. “We may not be able to watch the whole thing but if Akeno needs to leave then Medusa will stop things from going too far.”

“That won’t be necessary.” Shirou spoke with certainty and Setsuna nodded as a follow up.

A duel this may be but none of the sides had any interest in killing or even maiming each other. “We start at Akeno’s signal?” Setsuna asked with a small glare at Shirou’s direction, still bothered by his armor.

He nodded. “Xenovia.”

“Sir!” The blue haired maiden held the sword for him to draw which Shirou did carefully.

Setsuna didn’t recognize the two handed weapon and smiled. ‘If he made this weapon to face me then he is taking this seriously.’ Excitement replaced all the frustration as she studied the sword.

It was a simple two handed weapon with two edges colored like if it was made out of pure steel. Even the handle gave off a strong impression and the guard was the precise right size one would need to protect their hands. The metal was polished to perfection and looked sharp enough to cut a rock with ease.

Shirou held his weapon with one hand and began to swing it around to warm up while Xenovia moved to stand close to the devil. Jaken took that as his cue and did the same as Setsuna moved in the opposite direction from Shirou.

Akeno remained standing between them, watching closely as the fighters made sure nobody would be hit as they all moved farther from the ORC building. Besides the old school everyone else watching them slowly move into position, some swallowing nervously as the tension in the area began to grow thicker.

The Queen waited patiently until the two of them were in position before raising her arm. “Then let's begin the duel between Emiya Shirou, the Mage of Swords!” The huge smile she had was contrasted by Shirou almost falling on the ground in a panic. Jaken would make sure to spread that. “And Inutai Setsuna, Yashahime of Kyoto!” She looked at the two to make sure they were ready. “Begin!!”

Wings spread from Akeno’s back as she flew away, dodging a charge from Setsuna practically flying in Shirou's direction. Her plan was simple; attack fast, finish fast.

Considering that they held back much of her strength when sparring, Setsuna was confident that she could at least hit Shirou in the first attack. From there she planned to keep the pressure up until the magus ran out of steam or surrendered. One way or another the hanyou was confident that if she pressures him enough then he won’t have a chance to use his swords.

She wasn’t surprised that Shirou managed to deflect her weapon down, she expected that much for him. That was why her other hand was already holding the center of the weapon with the intention of pushing the naginata’s body against his face.

Only to be really surprised when the redhead evaded that attack and her nose failed to detect any use of mana. ‘Something is wrong.’ Instantly Setsuna changed her grip and changed her attack into an upward slash.

Once again Shirou deflected but she got in position for a thrust, aiming for the gem on the center. She was about to make contact when the sword showed up again, much earlier than expected. Setsuna was sure there was no way for him to block it unless he used magecraft.

However she smelled no mana and saw no traces of his circuit being used, only Shirou moving way faster than she expected. His sword pushed Yukari no Tachikiri down and he slid his weapon on hers aiming for her face.

Quickly she dodged the attack, throwing a kick for good measure to force the magus back. ‘This is nothing like our spars.’ Setsuna knew he had to hold back too but didn’t expect it was that much. ‘I need to push now.’ Green energy surrounded her and with a leap she was above his head, Shirou forced to roll to the side. ‘Now!’

Yukari no Tachikiri finally connected with Shirou’s sword cleanly from a vertical slash and the strike was so strong that his feet left the ground.

Stretching his legs helped Shirou to not go far but Setsuna was already on his again, ten fast thrusts flew in his direction and he fought to keep his breathing steady as his sword blocked three as the rest connected.

The Yashahime was confused because she was sure one of his arms had been hit but saw no cut. ‘Still no Reinforcement.’ Setsuna shifted her footing to get closer. It was her turn to push his weapon to the side and use Yukari no Tachikiri’s body to hit his legs.

Shirou jumped away in time but Setsuna remembered such a maneuver from many hours of sparring between them. She knew what would come next. “Trace on!” The short aria announced the rain of swords but the hanyou hands moved faster.

Her naginata spun at high speed and quickly dealt with the weapons, not a single one of them even touched the ground. But she hadn’t noticed his approach as the distance between them was shortened in instants. He had leaped back in her direction the moment that Setsuna raised her weapon in a hasty defense.

Between the two of them Setsuna was sure she was the faster one so she didn’t understand how he caught her off guard like that. His sword came to her side and she turned her body to make sure her armor would take the hit.

She succeeded and unlike her opponent Setsuna managed to hold her ground and bring her weapon down. He was too close to hit him with her blade but a blow to the head would be detrimental anyway.

Shirou blocked her attack and didn’t bulk under the weight of her strength, something that shocked Setsuna a little since even if the angle was bad she still made sure to hit as hard as she could.

He still had to hold it all back but had enough space to throw a kick to her side which forced her to step back a little. ‘Something is definitely wrong.’ She had taken plenty of Shirou’s kicks and punches during training and knew that this was too strong. ‘Still no mana!’

Growing frustrated at whatever Shirou was doing, Setsuna decided to get more distance by using Yukari no Tachikiri to hit his chest. The sword was there, stopping the naginata once again but she managed to lock them and use that position to push, forcing the magus back.

Trying to resist was useless as Setsuna had all the leverage on that struggle and the redhead's feet pushed the ground as he tried to stop himself. Shirou saw no choice but to give the terrain as his shoes were not made for fighting and he was avoiding using mana. He ended up doing exactly what Setsuna wanted and jumped to the side, his sword ready to defend.

Only that Setsuna wasn’t going to pursue him this time and instead upped the ante. “Cyclone Burst!!” The cyclone charged in Shirou's direction. Even as her eyes couldn’t see him, her nose twitched. “Finally.” Mana poured on Shirou’s sword as he took a strong swing and cut the cyclone in half. “A wind sword?” She wondered out loud.

“Maybe.” Was all Shirou said before charging for another attack, mana still on his sword.

While the distance between them was considerable, Setsuna had no time to blink as he sped up considerably. Before, without mana, he was as fast as she expected but now Shirou was on a completely different level.

However the Yashahime was still able to keep up, she was still faster than him and managed to stop his stabs with Yukari no Tachikiri. It still wasn’t enough and Shirou moved for another strike on her side and managed to once again connect with her armor.

Before Setsuna took no damage but this time she felt the hit beneath the armor and when she looked down there was a huge gash on her stomach. “Shirou!” She quickly counter attacked but the redhead ducked and aimed a slash for the same target.

With Asia around there was no need to worry about such wounds and Setsuna was strong enough to survive them anyway. However she would be unable to fight with a weapon in her gut so she unleashed as all her youki she could in the short term to force him back.

Green aura poured from her but none of it touched Shirou as the aura of his sword pushed it off. He still needed to jump back because Setsuna was faster and Yukari no Tachikiri still hit his shoulder. His armor was undamaged but he still retreated a few more steps when she came aiming for his arm.

Reattaching a limb wouldn’t be that hard in her opinion and she was ready to take his sword hand if possible.

Sparks flew as the sword and naginata clashed again, another familiar position for the two. Setsuna pushed but this time Shirou resisted for a few seconds before jumping to the side and going for a slash on her. More sparks flew as her naginata stopped his advance but his feet were still off the ground and he got more distance.

However Setsuna wasn’t going to give him the chance to use it for whatever he had planned. “Scourge of Swallows!!” Her slash unleashed the familiar beams of youki towards Shirou, bigger than any other time they fought before.

“This is bad.” He mumbled before dodging the first beam.

Only to be hit by other two as they exploded when they got into contact with him. Seven more hit his position and all the audience could see was the explosions before the last two finished the attack with a huge blast.

Trees fell as smoke and dust covered the area, Setsuna relaxing the grip in her weapon. “It is over.” She announced confidently. Only the smell of mana in the air warned her that she was wrong. “What?!”

Luckily for her she managed to block the first shot in time but the pressure of the arrow banished the smoke to reveal Shirou who was bleeding a little from his forehead and had some burns on his arm together with minor wounds.

However, that was much less than ten of her attacks should have done. “How?!” Setsuna asked in disbelief as Shirou pulled another arrow on a giant bow. “Did you dodge them?”

“No, blocked some.” Shirou admitted with a chuckle. He aimed the bow and she noticed it was different from his usual one, not black but the color of steel like the sword. “Only four hit me.”

“Four?!!” Setsuna couldn’t believe it and even if there were only just four then he should be more wounded. ‘But Shirou can’t lie.’ Was all she had time to think before another arrow flew in her direction.

Easily blocking the shot, Setsuna got ready to counter attack only for another to already be close to her. Yukari no Tachikiri destroyed the second arrow, the third and the fourth before she was forced to use it to only block the fifth and deflect the sixth. Shirou was shooting too fast for her to even move as more and more arrows kept flying.

Setsuna took a step back and began a fast retreat as her youki was gathered on Yukari no Tachikiri’s blade. “Sco-” Only to have to focus on defending herself as an arrow came closer to hit her head.

In total Setsuna needed exactly 2 seconds to gather the mana and unleash her attack while Shirou’s arrows left his bow at a speed similar to a modern gun. There was barely a second of intervals between one arrow and the next. Add to that the fact that Shirou wasn’t sitting still and approaching her at the same measure the Yashahime retreated.

‘He has to run out sooner or later.’ That would never come to pass when Setsuna felt her back come in contact with a tree. 'Damn it.’

All her attention was directed on blocking the arrows but even her reaction time was too slow once Shirou was close enough. The first hit connected with her arm and even if her armor protected her the domino effect came in full force.

With her arm out of position there was no way to position the naginata properly and the next hits came just as fast as the previous one. Shirou was making weak arrows to conserve mana but each of them was still an altered sword and every single one of them was enough to kill an adult.

An adult that wasn’t part of the moonlit world however, as he obviously planned since he didn’t want his shots in the head to kill Setsuna. Didn’t change the fact that each of them hurt more than they should.

If she was honest with herself then the Yashahime would say her armor was useless despite her confidence from earlier.

Mostly because her right shoulder didn’t feel a single shot so she let go of her naginata with her right hand and seized the fur to hold it in front of her. Her face and chest were safe but Shirou quickly began to aim for her legs and she had to start running before he managed a crippling wound.

With her speed, Shirou’s shots grew imprecise as her coat could block any going for her upper body. She made sure to keep her left side hidden from his sight as the redhead’s shots began to slow down.

She was about to turn and counter attack when Shirou shouted. "Hrunting!!” Despite her dire situation, Setsuna smiled at how serious the magus was taking their duel.

Because it was useless to try and escape, she braced herself as best as she could but it was still for naught as the red streak collided with all its power. She ended up flying away being carried by Hrunting’s strength and the explosion that followed.

Never before she was more thankful for her heritage than when her back collided with at least five trees and she was still conscious. Setsuna ended up landing on her back but flipped to her feet quickly, youki already gathered on Yukari no Tachikiri.

Now Shirou couldn't attack as fast, now it was her turn to attack. “Scourge of Swallows!!!” Her swallows were now the size of basketballs as they flew in her opponent's direction but there were only 6 of them. ‘Move, move, move, move!’

As Setsuna planned the redhead saw no choice but dodge them to the side, helping convince her that she defended from her previous attack with some trick. It was enough to make sure the next one would work as more youki was gathered in Yukari no Tachikiri.

The blade began to glow emerald green as Shirou’s arrows flew in her direction. Since they weren’t Noble Phantasms, Setsuna took the shots to keep her focus steady. Shifting her feet there was a moment longer for preparation, a full extra second that in a fight like this seemed to extend for eternity.

Enough time for Shirou to prepare another arrow. “Hrunting!!” The red blade flew but it was too late.

“Scourge of Swallows!!” Her attack escaped the blade the instant the Noble Phantasm was called. 20 streaks of green youki split apart and flew in Shirou’s direction. This time she wasn’t taking any chances and unleashed much more power for this assault.

Yet that wasn’t the end of Setsuna’s plan as she began to charge as well with Yukari no Tachikiri in her left hand and her father’s fur on her right. If the magus was stronger than her at a distance then she was going to cut it short.

One of her swallows connected with Hrunting and the explosion was deafening, kicking even more dust while creating a cloud of smoke. Enough to blind Shirou, not enough to bother Setsuna who could still smell his position.

She heard more explosions around the area and was sure this time he had to take some serious damage. Setsuna’s sense of smell kept her path clear as both Shirou’s smell and his mana remained in the area. He had failed to escape and her energy chased him without much prompt.

She could tell he was trying to get away, trying to escape and recover the distance she just took back but it was slow compared to her advance covered by the Scourge of Swallows. She jumped out of the cloud and he spinned back in a single foot in time to raise his sword and block her attack. Yukari no Tachikiri met its opponent again when Setsuna kicked the ground and pushed him back.

Shirou parried her blows with precision, his sword always on the way from every definitive attack. She tried to stab his leg with just her left hand but it made things easier for him to deflect and dodge her claws as her right failed to grab him. Instead he took advantage of her overextension to grab her arm and stab an opening in her armor.

Setsuna felt the stab of the weapon but smiled as Shirou snarled in irritation. He expected her to retreat but she didn’t. “Bet you are regretting the rules right now.” The blade barely entered her body, just the tip, not enough to cripple her. “Maybe you should have gone for the kill.”

“Never.” Shirou could do nothing when Setsuna grabbed his armor and shoved him away towards a tree. He let himself fall to the ground before speaking again. “Except that if this was a real fight I would have won.”

“This is a real fight and I could have killed you earlier.”

“Yeah? When?” She didn’t reply. “You lost, Setsuna.”

“I haven't surrendered yet.” He gritted his teeth as she prepared again. “If you aren’t ready to go all out then Asia’s presence means nothing and you should quit.” She charged again only to be stopped by his sword, his back against the tree. “If you still consider me weak-”

“I never called you that!”

She ignored his protest. “-then victory will prove who is right,” her left hand kept him locked as the naginata threatened to cut his neck, “and who is wrong.” A perfect position for her to grab her sword and move to cut his face.

Setsuna saw victory and seized it, she made sure the hit wasn’t going to be fatal but still severe as she aimed just above his cheek and close to his eye. That would blind Shirou and distract him enough for her to secure a definitive win. That was considering that he did what she expected and moved to save his face.

He didn’t and by that point she noticed that it was too late as the sword was going to cut part of his head off. The milliseconds of that interaction weren’t enough for her to change course or save him from her blow. She never expected him to stand still and take a telegraphed attack like that.

Yet he did it with a smile on his face that had her almost as shocked as when her sword bounced from his cheek. It got stabbed into the tree while his skin remained unharmed much to Setsuna’s relief and disbelief.

It lasted just long enough for Shirou to connect his knee to her stomach, her damaged armor failing to protect her from that blow. She couldn’t hold back the air that escaped or stop him from using his sword to stab her back. Setsuna felt the tip of the blade get close to her lungs in an impossible angle for a sword.

Her sword batted his sword arm away as she kicked him and then tried to cut his head with Yukari no Tachikiri. The magus ducked and delivered a kick of his own that Setsuna used to throw herself back, noticing the steel dagger in his hand with her blood before it began to glow and transform into the same sword from before.

She needed a moment to process. “A shapeshifting weapon?” Setsuna couldn’t even complain as it was working against her. “Cyclone Burst!”

However that meant it wasn’t a wind weapon so she unleashed another cyclone at the first opportunity. With the smaller distance she was sure this time it would connect.

Shirou just smiled and batted the cyclone away, shocking Setsuna to her core as the winds were undone. “Sorry but it won’t be that easy.” He saw how tighter her guard got before holding his sword up. “You wanted to face this sword. Don’t be surprised if it is actually this strong.”

“I wanted to? What is that sword?” Setsuna prepared more youki but she could feel her yokai instincts getting stronger and fought to suppress them. ‘Not now.’

“Of course you wouldn’t recognize it.” His other hand touched the sword and it began to transform again almost as if he was washing away its form.

The guard became more majestic, the blade a little more bright and grew slightly taller, all while keeping into its steel color. However the sword was familiar, Setsuna mouth hanging open as she realized that it was the same weapon she had seen on the school grounds for over a week even with a different color scheme.

Jaken was the one who voiced her thoughts. “Cali-Cali Cali-Cali- CALIBUR!!!!!!!” The kappa yokai screamed in panic before pointing at Shirou with rage and fear. “Are you- Didn’t you say you wouldn’t pull the SWORD!!!! THIS IS A CRISIS!!! AN EMERGENCY!!!!! I NEED TO- UMHUMHU!!!!!”

“You are too loud.” Commented Liz who was holding the kappa by his disguised beak.

“Master would never do that! He never goes back on his word!!” Xenovia sounded insulted and the glare that she sent was clear that she was offended. Setsuna looked at Shirou with a raised eyebrow at her declaration but the redhead just dropped his shoulders. “Not when he took hours every day during the week to make a weapon Inutai could face to settle her doubts.”

At that Jaken calmed down but Liz still gave him a warning stare before letting him go. “So that isn’t-”

“No, it isn’t the original Calibur. Actually it doesn’t even come close.” Rias’ comment had Setsuna turning to her. Nobody believed the redhead magus would attack if she was talking with someone. “Since Shiro was the one who restored Caliburn, creating another version of it wasn’t actually that difficult. We always had plenty of materials around in the Gremory Territory thanks to his research with EM.”

“But it is still far from a perfect copy
 No, it is nothing more than a fake.” Shirou admitted with a chuckle. “Since you asked this duel because you believed I made a mistake by not calling you because to not deal with Caliburn, then facing another version of it seemed like a fair solution.”

Setsuna nodded both in understanding and appreciation. “I see. That is indeed a proper solution.” She studied the weapon with more care and frowned. “How much weaker it is compared with the original?”

Scratching the back of his head, Shirou knew she wouldn’t like the answer. “More or less 20 or so percent of the power of the combined Fragments. It is also severely reduced like Mimic’s transformation being extremely limited
 Or lacking in the case of Nightmare
” Her eyes were filled with fury and he raised his arms to try and calm her down. “It was the best I could do, okay? Only a week of work,” just a few hours because he had other obligations even if he suspended EM production during it, “the materials not being as good as the original,” meaning his replacements were subpar at best, “and not even going to go on a rant about whatever God used to empower Caliburn in the first place.”

“He cheated in some way, I know it.” Medusa pouted as she tried to help Shirou to make sure his sword was as close to the real deal as possible.

Unfortunately her, Liz, Xenovia and even Asia couldn’t help but pout at the failure.

The Yashahime saw it all. “They all helped you?”

Shirou nodded again, waving to his friends. “As you know Liz’s strength is excellent to hold swords while I work with them.” The maid nodded stoically. “Medusa is kinda obvious; if God-”


“-used some of his Divinity to power Caliburn then perhaps she could help.” He chuckled in embarrassment. “Funny thing about Caliburn is that even if I have all its history on my mind and even touched its Core
 I have no idea what God did.”

“He cheated in some way, I am telling you.” It was obvious that Medusa had an ax to grind about that. “There is something in the swords, something concrete that makes its Core. That shouldn’t be possible or sustainable.”

“Perhaps because He is God.” Asia offered gently but Medusa’s pout made her almost retract her statement. Almost. “He is the Creator. Making things is what He always did best.”

“Indeed, Asia.” Rias agreed easily as that was the main reason He was feared.

Upset by the rambling and with his charge facing a version of Caliburn, Jaken brought back the subject he cared about. “Even then making a sword like that takes more than just materials. And if it is missing its Core then it shouldn’t work.”

Xenovia smiled with a mixture of pride and aggressivity. “Except that the Fragments' abilities were never Caliburn’s but additions made by the Church.” Her smug tone had Jaken glaring at her. “I studied Holy Swords my whole life. If there was any detail that my Master didn’t know then I could fill him in.” She liked how Jaken looked at her with anger, like she was guilty of Setsuna’s difficulties. “I’m also used to sharpening dangerous weapons and can take care of polishing all my Master’s equipment.

“Oh my~”

” While she had a smile, Rias would prefer to hold the teasing back a little.

Letting out a sigh, Shirou took over again. “Sure without the Core it was impossible to even come close to making a sword
 close to as valuable because it would still be a great weapon.” And something Setsuna could fight against.

She understood everything. “I still have some questions. For example, what exactly did Asia do?” Setsuna would have suspected blessings of some kind if the former nun wasn’t a devil.

However the real answer surprised her when the Bishop summoned her dragon familiar who let out a yawn before looking around and relaxing on her arms. “Rassei helped a lot.”

“To be more precise, his Lightning did.” Shirou nodded at remembered the little dragon’s determination to help him just because Asia asked. “Issei isn’t capable of using Ddraig’s fire-”

[Yet! My partner can’t use my fire yet!]

“-but the element of a dragon is powerful, even a small one like Rassei. Sure his breath wouldn’t make it the strongest thing,” Shirou pointed the sword at Setsuna and she prepared to resume combat, “but it did enough.”

“To the point that the sword can harden your skin.” Setsuna’s deduction made Shirou smile in a smug way. It was her clue that she was wrong. “No, it is something else.”

“I would be a poor magician if I revealed all my secrets.” The cheeky way Shirou spoke confirmed it was something else but she didn’t know what. Something he was sure was obvious. “So here we are; you want a chance against Caliburn, you got it! Even if it is just a Replica.”

At least Setsuna now was sure that Shirou wasn’t underestimating her. “A ‘Replica’, huh? Caliburn Replica?”

After thinking for a second Shirou shrugged “I was thinking more of Replica Caliburn but your name sounds better.”

“I am pretty sure he also made that Replica just to prove he could do a better job than Valper with less.” Rias pretended to whisper conspiratorially.

“I heard that, Rias.”

“Doesn’t mean I am wrong~”

Issei looked at the interaction with jealousy before realizing something. “Wait, so he is just flexing?” Shirou gave nobody time to reply as he charged at Setsuna with Replica raising his speed.


Routine was something Kiba always had; growing in a secret organization bent to recreate the most powerful Holy Sword meant he had specific times to train, play, eat and sleep.

Even after the slaughter and the loss of his family Kiba still stuck to most of their routine even years after with a glaring difference; the time he used to allocate for his friends was now used to visit his tormentor.

However today there was a change as he pulled the letter of his bag during the elevator ride. He examined the red envelope and couldn’t deny he was curious as there was no magic sealing it and the paper looked normal. Yet Rias wanted it delivered to a prisoner in the hotel, a new one since Kiba visited everyday and it was the first time he was hearing about it.

Still he stuck to his routine out of a necessity he couldn’t explain even if he tried as the elevator reached his floor. There was the ‘King of Monday’ as Rias jokingly called the woman with short brown hair. A pureblood devil but not part of the Pillars, she was loyal to the Gremory but wasn’t really a great combatant.

Instead she was a great manager and another person Kiba barely bothered to remember the name of. “Mister Yuuto.” The King of Monday greeted him with respect before waving him to the right direction, not bothering with protocol or inspecting him. She began to walk by his side after he nodded to her. “I received word from lady Rias that you will be talking with our new
 guest before your usual appointment.”

Kiba found the word strange. “‘Guest’? I thought he was a prisoner as well.”

The woman nodded. “He is but unlike your prisoner, this one surrendered out of his own volition and is only here because lady Rias made a deal with him whose contents I am not purview of.”

” Looking at the letter again, that made even less sense to Kiba. He was tempted to take a look but refrained.

Orders were orders and Kiba already was avoiding working too much. It wasn’t like Rias was asking for anything unreasonable either, even if it was confusing to him.

Soon they arrived in another room far away from Valper’s cell and the King of Gremory took out a key from her bosom. A wave of her hand undid the magic circle before she inserted the key and unlocked the door.

“Please remember that this man has cooperated with us. He must not be harmed.” Kiba frowned and looked at the woman with confusion. Her face was impassive as she opened the door. “Just recently he has recovered from his wounds thanks to EM from lord Emiya but the time it took for him to be healed caused some damage to his legs.”

“So he needs more time before he finishes healing? That is the first time I heard about this. Was it a curse?” The Knight was admitally curious.

“A combination of a Noble Phantasm that stopped pain and having all the bones of his body broken.” The room was a luxurious one, worthy of the hotel it was in.

Unlike Valper who had the bare minimum, the other prisoner on this one not only had a huge bed, TV and mini fridge but also a game system with two consoles, temperature control, some gym equipment and a window with an excellent view of Fuyuki.

On that window was the prisoner sitting on a wheelchair and looking at the city in silence. “There he is.” The woman whispered to Kiba. “He can leave the wheelchair but it isn’t recommended in his condition, please make sure he remains in it.”

“I won’t stay for long.” At Kiba’s words the woman smiled.

“Just following orders.” She waved Kiba in and after he took a few steps forward the door closed behind him.

There was no sign of mana and he heard no key but found it odd the door was closed so quickly when he was just there to deliver a letter. Shaking his head, Kiba walked through the spacious room to reach the person who seemed to not realize he was there.

“Kiba Yuuto.” However the man did realize he was there and turned to look at the devil with a smile. “Sorry, Yuuto Kiba. I sometimes forget the Japanese tradition with names.” He made to get up but stopped himself with a sigh before starting moving the wheelchair.

Kiba quickly noticed it was harder than it looked. “You don’t need to turn, sir-”

“No, no. I need to see you. I owe you that much.” The man was still struggling a little and Kiba frowned.

Instead of continuing the conversation and because he felt the need to watch Valper, Kiba raised the letter. “I came here to deliver this letter from my King.”

“Ah, that is how she sent you here instead of a direct order. Funny.” Finally the blond man in the wheelchair managed to turn it. He was dressed in pajamas with sandals and didn’t look wounded besides the bandages he could see on his hands, neck and feet. “But that is not why you are here, Kiba. Or better yet, Isaiah.”

A glare came and only the fact they were in Gremory territory stopped Kiba from calling his swords. “How do you know that name?”

The man raised a hand to calm the devil down. “Peace, Kiba, peace. I don’t mean to do any harm but
 I think your tale and mine are too similar. Only my loyalty to my King stopped me from killing Valper Galilei on the spot when I met him.”

“You are a member of the Order of Pendragon.”

“Yes, I was.” There was some shame in his tone but also conviction. “Once I was Sir Gawain, Commander of the Order of Pendragon. I was the one who led the operation in Fuyuki.” Kiba paused, his temper flaring. “Well, that was my name but I am ‘Gawain’ no longer.”

That didn’t matter to Kiba as he advanced and grabbed the arms of the chair. “I don’t care! Do you realize what you almost did?! You brought Valper here!! You almost gave him Caliburn!! How many would have died if he succeeded?!!”

Taking a deep breath, the wheelchair bound blond allowed Kiba to vent for a few minutes as he listed every single mistake the Order made under his command. Only when the devil ran out of breath was that he nodded. “Quite a list of failures, I am very aware of all my sins.”

“Being aware isn’t enough!” His fist came close to connect to the wounded man’s jaw but Kiba held it back at a hair’s breadth of distance. “Buchou have you here
 I don’t know why but you are her guest.” He stepped back and raised the letter before dropping it on a table to the side.

“Good thing your loyalty remains intact. You need something to keep you grounded.” He ignored the letter and pointed to a chair. “Please, sit. We have much to discuss.”

“I have nothing to say to you.” Kiba turned to leave.

“But I have a lot to say to you.” The devil ignored the former Commander who frowned. “Please, Kiba, listen to me. Our stories are more alike than you think.” He was arriving at the door and the former Gawain panicked. “We started in the same place, Isaiah!!”

Kiba stopped with wide eyes, slowly turning to the former knight. He studied his face for a full minute before saying “You are too old to have been part of the Holy Sword Project.”

“I wasn’t. However there was once a magician who had me and my friends in the orphanage where I grew up as sacrifices to reach the Root.”

Kiba actually laughed at that. “So what? That isn’t an uncommon story. Criminals, maniacs, insane men and women after power.” He turned back to the other blond, a sad and angry smile on his face. “There are plenty of us around to fill a library of books.”

“And much like you I was also saved by someone, much like you, I hated my tormentor for years. Much like you I rejected the person I was and had my anger burn and almost consume me. Unlike you, it reached the point where my savior, the previous Sir Gawain, died because of my foolishness.” He relaxed as Kiba took a deep breath, suddenly his words were hitting much closer to home. “I know how it is, Isaiah, to hate someone as much as you hate Valper, to hate them enough to not hesitate to push the friends you made aside for vengeance. To hate yourself because you lived and the rest of your family did not.” He slowly shook his head and pointed to the chair again. “Please, sit. I begged lady Gremory to speak to you. If you don’t want to listen that is your choice but please, please, give me a chance to help you find what you are looking for.”

“And what
” Kiba licked his lips cautiously. He found he was extremely thirsty. “And what am I looking for?”

"Something vengeance can never give you; forgiveness. Much like I was, much like I needed. You need to forgive him, Kiba.”

Hatred came back full force. “I can never forgive Valper!”

“Not Valper! You!!” His words shook the core of Kiba’s soul. “You need to forgive him, Kiba. You need to forgive Isaiah.” He calmed down and relaxed before moving closer to the chair. “Please, sit.” He pointed to a table with some fruit. “Help yourself if you need. I can get some drinks too
 At least for today.”

“Today?” Kiba began to move slowly but still uncertain.

Happy that Kiba was approaching, the former commander folded his hands, using the arms of his chair as support. “Many of my men died because of my actions, my foolishness. I am going to be transferred to a proper prison in the Underworld. Still better than most fools like myself.” He joked a little before his face turned somber. “But nothing less than I deserve. I will help the devils with any information to pay back for bothering them in return to be sent to prison with a fair sentence.”

“And what did you consider a fair sentence?” Kiba sat down, still watching the man.

“The rest of my days or until my King returns to judge me.” The Knight’s eyes grew wide as the former knight didn’t look afraid. “Many died because of my decisions, many lives were risked. Even if I work for eternity I never can atone for any of it.”

“I disagree. If you tried and offered your services
 maybe after a couple of years

“Sure many would give me the chance. My sacred gear is powerful and even lady Gremory spoke of how many devils would offer me a place in their household.” The former knight sounded amused by the concept. “However I refuse to fight any more unless it is for the defense of innocents. That is why I am being taken to the Underworld and being offered good accommodations. Once I am recovered and until my death I shall work to atone for my mistakes.”

” Was more than Kiba expected anyone to do. It was clear the former knight was sorry for his actions.

Still the man looked content for working the rest of his life to atone his sins. He gently placed a hand on Kiba’s shoulder. “Only we can forgive ourselves, Kiba. That is why awful people can torment us and pretend to be strong, because they can’t see themselves in the wrong. I can and I accept this punishment.” He relaxed back on his wheelchair. “I shall protect the innocent, as my King would have wanted, even if I am a knight no longer.” He smiled. “Time to forgive yourself too, Kiba. Much like I did years ago, much like I am ready to work towards from now on.”

Hesitation filled Kiba’s being as he looked at the former Commander of the Order with a pensive look. Rias was right that many devils would want him to work for them but the man was giving up any fame or glory for the sake of just protecting the innocents and then disappear.

“Do you really call this forgiveness?”

Chuckling was the first response. “Forgiving myself for something I had no fault on is different from forgiving myself for my own deeds.” He could see the disbelief in Kiba’s face. “You need to forgive Isaiah, the same way I forgave Bernard.”

“Bernard?” An extended hand came, an offer of a hand shake.

“Since I am not with the Order of Pendragon any more I suppose I should introduce myself. Hello, my name is Bernard. I was born in a small country in Europe where a magician unfortunately opened an orphanage and used the children as sacrifices.” Sadness but a levity that Kiba lacked filled Bernard’s tone. “Nice to meet you, Kiba. I hope to meet Isaiah too.”


Now that the identity of his sword was revealed, Shirou had many more options for attacks. Before he was trying to hide his weapon capabilities and so he used them sparingly but that concern was gone and when Setsuna blocked his charge he wasn’t worried.

Instead of a contest of strengths, the redhead magus transformed his sword into an ax and used it to pull the naginata down, opening the Yashahime’s guard when the top of the weapon hit her chin.

Setsuna took a few steps back before recovering, her main weapon was useless as Shirou used his foot to keep it down while his weapon transformed into a rapier for another blow. This time the black haired girl managed to turn her neck and dodge the possible stab but that was already in his expectations as the turned into a steel colored rope and wrapped it around her neck.

Panicking a little but nonetheless remaining aware of her situation, Setsuna’s Yukari no Tachikiri was still out so she used the sword in her other hand to try and cut the rope. It was worthless as the clang of metal clashing with metal ran throughout the forest. Caliburn Replica may look like a rope but a rope it was not and Shirou still used it to keep her still while he punched her in the face with his free hand.

Despite feeling mana only from his sword Shirou’s fist still hurt Setsuna everytime it connected with her face. She knew he was using some sort of trick but couldn't tell what it was.

Her sword came back to try and cut him again but much like his face his arm suffered no damage as the sword bounced back, his fist coming back again for another hit. As a hanyou Setsuna was capable of taking a lot of punishment but she was starting to find ridiculous how the fight was turning completely against her.

With Shirou’s foot still locking Yukari no Tachikiri on the ground she saw no choice but to let go of her weapon and grab his fist. He smiled before using Replica to pull her neck and try to make her lose her balance but Setsuna was ready for such a trick and didn’t fight it as she came closer and used her claws, aiming for his eyes.

That was a part of his body that Shirou didn’t know if Asia could heal so he retreated, Replica using Mimic’s power to turn into a sword once again and blocking Setsuna’s claws. Her hand bled but she kept pushing as her sword came in her other hand, aiming for his leg. Unlike his armor his pants were part of his school uniform but she did no damage to his flesh again which infuriated her as she spun quickly and kicked Shirou’s abdomen.

Her  kick was enough to launch him away but Shirou easily recovered his balance with a flip. Setsuna, already having retrieved her main weapon, began to spin it with one hand. “Cyclone Burst!”

Barely having time to think Shirou prepared his sword to bat the cyclone away only that the attack didn’t come. ‘A feint.’ His eyes landed on Setsuna only to run her away from his sight. “She is gone.” He had no intention of chasing.

“The duel continues when the opponent runs?” Xenovia asked with irritation.

“Of course it does. Or did you forget they both agreed on the whole forest as their battlefield? Stupid woman.” Jaken came to his charge’s defense but how he called Xenovia made her irritated only for Liz to stop her from punching the kappa.

“You’re representing Master.” Was all the maid needed to say to Xenovia and she relented with a firm nod.

Rias watched the spat between the former Exorcist and yokai with amusement before turning to Akeno. “Jaken is right.”

The Queen nodded in agreement as she watched Shirou raise his sword defensivally. “She is still in the area but her youki is all around us. I don’t think Shirou-kun can find her that easily.”

And unlike him, she didn’t need her eyes to know his position. The best place for Shirou was on the open grounds where their duel began and walked slowly to the center of it. His eyes were paying attention to every move from the trees or the wind, knowing that an attack could come from anywhere.

“Buchou, what do we do if it is time to go to work? Can we skip it?” Luvia wanted to watch the fight, a sentiment Koneko mirrored as she nodded beside the newly reincarnated devil.

“Then we go to work. We can’t skip it, our clients are counting on us.” If Rias didn’t place that rule then she would skip it herself but she knew they all couldn’t. “Akeno is the only one with permission to stay.” Her best friend smiled at Luvia who pouted but accepted her King’s verdict.

Back on the battlefield Shirou began to look around more frenetically. ‘It is coming.’ He fought enough against Setsuna to know the girl didn’t like to wait. ‘When she comes, she will be more prepared. Now that she knows Replica has Mimic’s powers the rope trick won’t work again.’

That was fine with him since he knew from the beginning there was no way that catching her would finish the fight, at least not in a satisfactory way. Shirou knew he needed to defeat his opponent with something decisive as it was the only end that would satisfy her.

He was still fighting to try and preserve their friendship.

Unfortunately for him Setsuna was now completely focused on winning as green smoke began to spread around the area. The youki began to kill the leaves of the closest trees while at the same time giving away her position.

‘There.’ Replica transformed into a steel version of his bow and he prepared a shot but stopped and turned to the side. ‘Found you!’ The sword flew and destroyed a tree to reveal Setsuna who rolled around. She looked surprised but he had analyzed her weapon and knew her enough to know the smog of youki was a bait. ‘Fighting indirectly was never your style, that is why you only left enough to kill some trees.’ He just aimed for the tree closest to him.

More arrows flew in her direction and Setsuna deflected them all before rolling to the right. This time Shirou gave pursuit as he shot more arrows in her direction with the intention of pinning her down. Youki flowed around her body as she used her right side to protect herself while preparing Yukari no Tachikiri for an attack.

“Scourge of Swallows!!” It was faster than she wanted and she took some damage but Setsuna still managed to get enough for twelve swallows worth of mana.

Shirou held back his surprise enough to quickly shoot some of the beams of mana down but eight still got too close and he could only defend. Once again not having to hide his sword’s abilities any more gave him more options as Replica turned into a huge shield that took every single beam by itself.

‘That is how he did before.’ Setsuna was already preparing more youki. “Then I will break it! Scourge of Swallows!!!” Another round of green lights left Yukari no Tachikiri, this time the full twenty of them moved towards the shield.

The Faker felt every explosion against the shield and even had to use Reinforcement otherwise Replica would have broken. His arms still shook and he was thrown to the ground and around as twenty blasts of mana kept exploding around him. Even without a direct impact it was still like being inside a hurricane.

Or a cyclone. “Cyclone Burst!!” It came too fast for Shirou to change Replica back into a sword. Setsuna had no intention of giving him time to recover or give up initiative as the cyclone hit him hard. Once again the shield had to be Reinforced so it didn’t break but the redhead was still dragged through the ground until his back hit a tree.

With the cyclone pushing him against the tree, Shirou was unable to do anything other than to keep the shield in front of him. ‘Damn it! I will have to hold on until she grows tired.’

Fortunately for him it wouldn’t come to that as Setsuna charged from the dust in his direction. With Shirou down on the ground she saw a chance. ‘I win.’ She came at him with her full speed and bashed the shield to the side, Yukari no Tachikiri going for his neck.

Blood was spilled as Shirou managed to evade the position Setsuna was trying to put him in as he raced towards his shield. “Trying to make me give up? So soon?” He slid while Tracing a sword.

It clashed against Yukari no Tachikiri and broke. “This fight already lasted long enough.” Setsuna jumped to get Shirou’s leg but Traced another sword and deflected the naginata just enough to roll away. “Tch.’

She went to hit his back but Shirou reached Caliburn Replica and suddenly his speed grew, helping him to avoid the attack. He still jumped back as Setsuna followed it up with a stab then a swipe to his legs before he blocked the blade of the naginata with his own.

It was then that Setsuna pulled her sword again and moved to slash his hand, counting on the fact that even if it couldn't cut Shirou it could send his sword away. Too late as the redhead was already moving and his sword had changed into a staff.

He grabbed it with both hands and moved to attack at the same time that Setsuna reacted to the change. However the hanyou only had one of her hands in her main weapon which gave Shirou the advantage as his hit connected with her forehead, making her lose her focus and balance.

While Setsuna fell on her back Shirou moved to follow up with another hit on her head to knock her out. This time there the Yashahime countered by throwing her sword against him with a little desperation. The Faker didn’t even bother to defend and instead completed his attack by hitting her head with his staff like a hammer.

Her back broke the ground and Setsuna felt dizzy. All her instincts told her to move, to run as fast as she could before it was over. She rolled on her back when Shirou tried to use his sword to pin her down, escaping his trap. The magus quickly transformed it back into a staff and tried to hit her midriff only for her to get up on a knee and hand on the ground.

She was seeing triple when Shirou attacked but her vision wasn’t her main focus as since little her father taught his children to trust their noses more than their eyes. His smell was so familiar to her that she had a clear notion of which Shirou was real.

Managing to block the attack, Setsuna moved to her feet as Shirou followed up with a direct slam on her stomach with his staff. She deflected his weapon to the side and tried to counter with her naginata only for the smell of mana to grow stronger as it collided with his armor.

Finally Shirou began to use Reinforcement on everything as the fight grew in intensity but Setsuna wasn’t far behind. If anything his actions only made sure she knew he was also using something besides magecraft and the possibilities were not many.

Once she managed to force their weapons in a lock between them, Setsuna pushed more youki in her blade. “You are using something else, something I can’t perceive. Something different from magecraft.” She pushed but he held his ground. “What is it?”

Her words didn’t distract him as she wanted as when retreated with her weapon to try and break his, Shirou was cautious and allowed hers to hit the ground. She wanted the banter but a cloud of dust helped as she had the advantage there and pushed the naginata to stab him.

However, even without seeing her, Shirou blocked the attack as the staff moved to redirect the naginata. “Is something from Caliburn again?” Setsuna asked and Shirou just grunted as he focused on the fight. “Tell me, Shirou. The suspense is starting to bother me.”

“You are also a bad liar.” He replied with a smirk that had her grinning. “But I will tell you, if you quit.”

“Heh, you are going to have to earn that.” Setsuna's smile vanished as he pushed the blade to the side and his staff fought against her naginata’s body. She repositioned and pushed it down before taking the hit.

It seemed that Shirou was open. “That is the idea.” Only for his staff to break apart with a chain connecting and bending to guarantee a hit right on her mouth.

‘It wasn’t a bo staff
’ She realized far too late as her legs grew weak. ‘But a three section staff
’ Her mind managed to process as she hit the ground again.

Still feeling dizzy and unable to react, Setsuna knew she was defenseless as Shirou divided the staff further to hit her arm and force her to let go of Yukari no Tachikiri. She didn’t do it, still holding on as her youki began to grow agitated. The Yashahime tried to get up only for the tip of the staff to connect to her forehead and the magus advanced, his weapon changing back to a sword.

At that point both knew he was in position to win the fight, to place his blade on her neck to prove his victory was definitive. Setsuna’s youki grew more unstable at the thought. Fear began to take hold, a fear of abandonment born of doubt. Those emotions were mixed with anxiety, anger but also with resolve, determination and a staunch refusal to give up.

All that began to bubble inside her, making a stew of positive and negative emotions where the most negative ones took over. All grew more and more uncontrollable inside Setsuna until her calm demeanor cracked.

Her youki acted with her feelings as it shook more and more, seconds had it growing like a storm.

Until it exploded. “AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!” Green energy surrounded the area as the grass began to die and her eyes turned feral.

“This is bad this is bad this is bad!!” Jaken began to panic. “We must stop the duel.”

“Why?” Issei asked as this wasn’t the first time he saw Setsuna transforming.

The kappa couldn’t believe the Pawn was asking that. “Because she can’t control that much power!”

“She controlled it well enough during our training.” Issei still remembered Kiba dragging himself back day in and day out after one of her beatings.

Rias also had the same memories and nodded in agreement with her Piece. “She always managed to keep a cool head in these situations. Look, she already is even getting up.”

A terrible feeling began to set in his spine as Jaken advanced to stop the duel himself only for Akeno to hold him back. “You know she won’t like it if you do that.”

“You all don’t understand! We yokais started as emotions and as a hanyou her emotions can make things much worse!!” A pillar of green energy covered the clearing and Jaken felt fear. “Oh no.”

“Relax. Master can take care of it.” Xenovia’s callousness didn’t surprise Jaken as he identified her as a retainer as well.

No, what surprised him was how calm everyone else was. “Are you all insane?!”

“Shirou got this.” Koneko spoke with certainty, Liz nodding besides. Both had popsicles.

Because of the explosion of power coming from Setsuna, Shirou was forced to retreat as the pillar of mana subsided. There were still remains however as the youki seemed to float around the area while involving Setsuna. Many of the trees around lost their leaves while Akeno raised a barrier to keep the green youki away.

Shirou’s nose began to twitch uncomfortably as he poured more mana on Replica before swinging it to the side. ‘Maybe toning down the Blessing aspect wasn’t a good idea.’ That was too dangerous with the company he kept. So, to protect himself from his friend, the Faker resorted to using the Destruction part of Caliburn.

Which didn’t help much to clean the air of the area but minimize the risks as he studied Setsuna’s transformation. It was familiar to him as he saw her after training with Kiba but this time it looked even more feral; her hair looked ready to lose its ponytail as her claws involved the naginata.

But It was Setsuna’s face that caught everyone’s attention as her sclera were crimson red and her cheeks had magenta claws-like marks, two on each side. On her forehead the red of her wounds disappeared as a violet crescent moon took its place as her eyes carried a look of anger.

“WAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!” She shouted to the skies and the forest trembled as more youki escaped her form and her hair released itself from her ponytail due to her power’s intensity.

“THIS IS TERRIBLE!!!!! SETSUNA-SAMA WENT BERSERK!!!!!!” Jaken announced in fear as her power kept rising.

Soon the earth beneath her feet broke apart as Yukari no Tachikiri shook in her grip. The blade of the naginata became emerald once again but not to launch Scourge of Swallows but because of the concentration of her power. It was an even deeper shade that also had green smoke escaping from it.

“Well, that looks poisoned alright.” Shirou joked as he prepared the Caliburn Replica. When the berserker hanyou looked at him, he knew things were going out of control. “Setsuna, calm down. This is a friendly duel, remember?” Her feet showed she was poised to strike. “I can tell how my skin got tougher if you calm down, right now.”

It was in vain as the girl charged at her full speed, only Yoruichi was faster by Shirou’s standards. He threw himself to the side with Replica close to him defensively, feeling the impact of Setsuna’s claws hitting it. The naginata which passed uncontested hit a tree and destroyed it as the Yashahime stopped and turned to attack him again.

Shirou heard the pegasus on the back of his mind. ‘Don’t worry-’ He blocked another hit. ‘Everything is under control.’ Setsuna roared and Yukari no Tachikiri clashed against Caliburn Replica, dragging his feet though the ground as she kept pushing him.

“Shiro!!!” Rias and others called for him when his back hit a tree and they kept going.

“See!! Before when you saw her like this she was in control but it was just barely!!” Jaken kept shouting and everyone was growing concerned. “We must stop this before something irreversible happens!!” He knew Setsuna wouldn’t forgive herself if the worst came to pass.

“What do we do?” Xenovia looked ready to jump in, Akeno already creating a whip of lightning.

“I got this!!!” He said as loud as he could while concentrating on Replica. His words were heard but he knew there was little time. ‘Need to get her back to normal.’ Shirou was grateful for his ability to strengthen his skin or else he would already be dead. Disengaging from the fight with a roll, he knew he only had a few instants before Setsuna was on him again. “Sorry about this.”

Mana and Ki were channeled onto Caliburn Replica as Shirou prepared for the next clash. Setsuna came exactly as he predicted, Yukari no Tachikiri ahead and a claw ready to grab him if he got too close.

There was only one way of snapping her out in Shirou’s opinion; a hit strong enough that even her power couldn’t push it back. Fortunately there was a lot of mana on her weapon so he didn’t need to aim for her to cause a big explosion.

When she was close enough, Caliburn Replica moved first. Its target was not the opponent of its creator but the weapon opposite to it.

Sword and naginata collided and as Shirou expected the volatile mana combined with Destruction generated a huge blast that threw everyone, even Gasper inside the ORC, off their feet.

The cloud that emerged from it only couldn’t be seen by the rest of the town thanks to the boundary field.

“My protector, I fear you forgot your actual job!” Medusa complained as she slowly got up from beneath Liz who jumped to cover her. Others were still recovering but all were still stunned from the blast.

Rias placed a hand on the earth before using her Stand to help her to her feet, Akeno slowly got up while placing a hand close to a falling tree, Issei looking dizzy as Asia, who he jumped in front to protect, helped him.

Both Rin and Luvia glared at each other before beginning to compete to see who would get up first while Koneko shook her head to get rid of the bright lights she was seeing. Xenovia was already standing before turning to look back to the fight.

Only there was no fight as Shirou was still trying to get to his feet around the huge hole the blast made. “At least the youki is gone.” The blue haired woman commented.

“Together with part of the forest.” Rias commented with a sigh as she looked around with her mouth open. She couldn't help but facepalm. "Goddamned Shiro, Kuoh doesn’t have the budget to fix this. It will have to be from our own pocket.”

“Sorry.” His apology was sincere as he managed to get to his feet. “At least things calmed down a little.”

“Bah!!” Jaken dug himself out of the earth, looked around, then jumped to his feet. “What happened- WAAH!!” He saw in the center of the hole some of the remains of Yukari no Tachikiri. “That was- That was one of Totosai’s weapons! Made at the behest of Sesshomaru-sama himself!! And you destroyed it!!!”

“Sorry again.” Shirou fixed his back as he looked around before looking at Caliburn Replica. Or what was left of it as he only had its handle in his hand, there was only a little stub of the blade and that was it, the rest became dust. Scratching his head, he shrugged. “It happens.”

On the other side of the hole Setsuna was still recovering, shaking her head in confusion before trying to use her naginata to stand only to fail and upon noticing that failure she looked to her hand and saw that she was only holding a small piece of wood that was left of it.

Shaking her head again, Setsuna noticed her transformed state, feeling her power run rampant before starting to control it. The moon in her forehead disappeared and the marks on her cheeks became less pronounced as she stood up. All her body was in pain and by looking at the area and Yukari no Tachikiri’s blade in the hole she guessed what happened.

“Are you better now?” Shirou asked while still keeping his distance. He saw the white of her sclera but was still ready just in case.

“Yes, I am.” The youki surrounding her body was calm but in that form she was still much stronger. “And ready to continue.”

“I think we should stop.” Akeno, as the judge, suggested. “This battle has already gone out of control once. Look around and you can see the marks.” Jaken nodded repeatedly in agreement.

Once again looking around with a frown, Setsuna shook her head. “We don’t have a winner yet.”

Xenovia looked baffled and in disbelief. “Don’t you remember that Master destroyed both your weapon and his? He was obviously winning and you were stronger than you are now.”

“Setsuna-sama, I must agree with this obnoxious woman!” Jaken tried to approach and would have fallen down on the hole had Koneko not held him. “Thank you.” The little devil nodded back and he turned to his charge. “At this point the duel is ruined and your weapons lay broken. We should at least call it a draw.”

“I was out of control. It won’t happen again.” She made sure to focus her youki in her hands, a lime colored light oozing with power. “Poison Claws.” Setsuna moved her hands around in a set of katas before stopping and letting the power go. “See.”

Her eyes were on Shirou but he didn’t move just yet, studying his friends with a concerned frown. “What is the point anyway?” Xenovia asked out loud. “You wanted to face Caliburn? Well, the original and even Valper’s stupid sword wouldn’t have broken there. I am pretty sure Freed would even have killed you.”

Setsuna gave Xenovia a clear look of annoyance. “That wouldn’t get that far if I was there to help.” Her eyes turned back to Shirou. “Another one. Trace another one.” The demand was met with incredulity by anyone else and even Shirou was surprised. “What are you waiting for? The duel isn’t over.”

When all eyes turned to Shirou they could see how frustrated the magus was as his fist closed with irritation. “It would be pointless.” The redhead said after a sigh but when he saw Setsuna’s look of frustration he quickly shook his head. “It would cost too much mana for almost nothing. Compared to Muramasa the cost isn’t worth it. All the Noble Phantasms that I have are more versatile than that.”

“Then Trace the original one. That one is bound to be strong enough!” Setsuna also sounded frustrated.

And Shirou shaking his head wouldn't help matters. “It just isn’t viable, literally costing more than I have on my body. Even Valper’s abomination used the Core of the original and would cost too much.”

Incomplete as it was, God’s creation was still powerful in any shape it was designed to be. That was why his Replica couldn’t fully transform in everything for example and he had to settle into only weapons. For him that wasn't a problem but without the proper Core that sword failed to fully break the laws of the World.

Still Shirou saw the confusion in his opponent’s eyes even as she still looked ready to fight. “Setsuna, that sword only had half of the Fragments' powers; Destruction, Mimic and Rapid. That was it.” He shrugged again. “I couldn't really complete it without the proper materials, it was just to show you how powerful Valper’s Mistake was.”

“Doesn’t matter.” Shirou began to shake his head in frustration but Setsuna was resolute. “Trace another one then. I will break as many Muramasas as I need to take the win.”

“Are you-” He held back just before saying anything he knew would make things worse. “You apparently forgot who I am.” Mana began to cover his body as an aura of the color of metal seemed to escape his body.

Visible as it was, Setsuna managed to identify it, even if the color was odd for her. “Ki? Touki?”

Shirou chuckled with some smugness. “That is right, Touki.” He raised a hand and closed his fist as his Ki returned to inside his body. “Makes sense that I got the hang of it fast once I understood myself a little more. After all; Steel is my body and fire is my blood.” He brushed some blood from his forehead before chuckling. “At least one of those is metaphorical, I suppose.”

It clicked on Setsuna’s mind in an instant. “Sword. Even as Ki, your element is still sword.” She shook her head in disbelief. “A defensive style of Touki
 I didn’t expect that from you but with your personality it makes sense.”

“Isn’t that great?” Shirou was happy with that fact. “First time I used it was in a spar, I took one of Koneko’s punches in the chin and barely flinched. A defensive style suits me well since my swords can attack and I, as a sword, can protect.” He couldn't hide how pleased he sounded.

“So you already mastered Touki.” That made Shirou actually laugh a little with Koneko having a small smile.

“Mastered it? Koneko is way better than me at it, she is a genius.” The little devil blushed as Rias touched her shoulder with a smile. “No, I am not even close to perfection but I took my real first step when I understood more of myself.” Then he sobered up. He wanted to tell Setsuna about his Reality Marble but didn’t trust Jaken with the knowledge. “When I looked upon myself, when I saw who I really was, that was when I first understood my power.” His mana retreated as he raised his right hand. “Do you still want to continue this duel?”

“Yes, I do.” Setsuna knew he was preparing but didn’t know what.

However there was a feeling on the back of her neck when she saw Shirou’s eyes and how he looked ready for the fight. It was far from different than before where there was resolve but his focus wasn’t on the combat but on her.

Now his focus was on something else and Setsuna doubted that Shirou was even looking at her. “Then breaking your weapon may have been the least bad thing I will do to you today.” Mana came to his hand as the projection of a familiar sword began to form. “I am the bone of my sword.”

Bakuya came with all the power of the Noble Phantasm that Setsuna learned to expect. Because of circumstances that included her own hesitation and Kiba’s mental state she never faced that blade but knew much about it. The back of her neck warned her of the danger that it presented.

Clearly it was a stronger sword than Replica but costing less and Setsuna took it as a sign Shirou would go all in.

Not realizing he was beyond that point until more power began to escape his blade. “I haven’t introduced you to him yet, my partner.” A white aura took shape around him as a figure surged on his back. Quickly she recognized the shape as a pegasus. “Setsuna, meet the inhabitant of my soul; Bellerophon!!” The pegasus let out a cry of victory and triumph as the aura grew more intense.

It returned to Shirou but the power kept surrounding him in a quality hard to describe to any but made some in the clearing feel heavy and reverent. Jaken couldn't stop shaking and Medusa was beaming with pride.

When the aura disappeared none doubted that it was still there, inside Shirou, unseen but ever present as its power kept filling the place, the gem in the center of his armor glowing. “Get ready. The real fight begins now.”

Shirou’s power grew more intense in a way that had the Yashahime taking an involuntary step back which made her blink. ‘I am
 afraid?’ Despite all the activities from before Setsuna knew she was sweating cold.

"Div-divine- DIVINITY?!!!” Jaken called for what it was as Setsuna realized who his aura reminded her of.

It reminded her of the goddess standing besides the devils, a goddess who was smiling happily while basking on the power of her protector. The power didn’t feel really oppressive to anyone but they all knew how dense it was with a grandiosity that could be terrifying. Yet Medusa would never fear it for it was proof Shirou was her protector.

A mana greater than a human’s was capable of, a power that boggles the mind of any who didn’t have it for even if they intellectually knew what it was, comprehension could easily escape those who lowered their guard.

“Is he a demigod?” Jaken demanded to know but Rias just laughed. “Answer woman?”

“He isn’t.” Medusa replied as Rias controlled herself. “He is my guardian.”

“That doesn’t explain where that Divinity came from!!” Jaken hit his staff twice on the ground but knew he could do nothing. Even if he intervened in the duel he knew it wouldn’t be enough. “What is he?”

Rias chuckled a little. “A stubborn man.”

Akeno followed suit. “A great chef.”

Xenovia spoke next. “A Mage of Swords.”

Rin smiled a little. “A Faker.”

Luvia refused to be left behind. “A Shero.”

“A Master.” Liz added with a smile.

“A protector, someone that can see monsters and understand they aren’t evil.” Medusa’s smile was soft and gentle.

Despite the intensity of the situation and the power circulating inside his body, Shirou was blushing. “Girls, I kinda need to concentrate on the fight.”

Funnily enough that was the last thing Setsuna wanted as she felt the massive presence Shirou was exuding. Her nose was going haywire ever since Bellerophon showed himself. The Yashahime knew that her opponent was different from before, the power that lied below his skin was now something that made her shake in place.

Yet she refused to surrender or retreat as she took a step forward, Poison Claws ready. ‘I need to win! One blow! If I can connect a single blow, victory is mine!’ Gritting her fangs, Setsuna charged with a leap, covering the distance of the hole in an instant.

Knowing that Shirou’s Ki was protecting him and that Divinity had a way to strengthen those who used it, Setsuna wouldn't pull any punches. If anything those factors just meant that the hanyou had to attack before he could react since she lacked any information of what he was capable of with that power.

However her first goal was to get rid of Bakuya or at least to force Shirou to let it go and for that she aimed for his arm first.

Despite her incredible speed that almost anyone present couldn't keep up with, Shirou could and his blade intercepted her claws, pushing her hand to the side. Not that it bothered Setsuna since there was an advantage of her fighting barehanded; she had another hand and that one hit Shirou’s forearm at the same time that Shirou threw a kick that hit Setsuna in her midriff.

Both sides separated but Setsuna had no intention of allowing that to happen for long. She just threw herself at him again at full throttle. “Someone is in a rush.” Shirou commented as Bakuya stopped her claw again only for the other to move to cut his hand off. “Not fast enough!”

Shirou threw himself back and fully avoided the hit, his feet connecting to her chest and pushing her away. ‘How did he move so fast?’ She formulated the thought before hitting a fallen tree. ‘Is this the power of his Divinity? Speed?’ The image of the pegasus came to her mind. “It is possible.”

She looked at him again to see that Shirou was going for the offensive this time and was moments away from getting to her. He was faster than her, at least ten times faster than before, of that Setsuna was sure. Her mind tried to come up with all the information she had on Divine powers as fast as possible.

Not that she would have to stay still during it as she kicked the ground and launched herself back, using her hands to flip above the tree and push it Shirou’s direction. He didn’t hesitate to cut it in half and cover the rest of the distance easily, Bakuya hitting Setsuna’s midriff with its side.

‘He didn’t use the blade?’ Setsuna grabbed his arm with her claws while going for a slash to his face. She reached him and the four marks she left behind were emitting smoke because of her corrosive poison.

There were burns from and from previous experience the pain should be excruciating for a human but Shirou just advanced and hit her face with his forehead. He wasn’t done either as he seized her arm with his free hand and did a judo throw to get her back on the ground.

Bakuya moved carefully but quickly in the direction of Setsuna’s neck so Shirou could declare victory but she wasn’t ready to quit just yet. Instead threw her Poison Claw in his calves to force the Faker to move or lose a foot. Another corrosive slash got him but he saved himself by retreating a couple of steps.

It was enough space for Setsuna to get up again and study the situation carefully. ‘His Divinity is not Medusa’s but the pegasus’, Bellerophon.’ She prepared herself again as Shirou rushed at her in a zigzag pattern. ‘Speed and flight should be everything but he has no wings.’

Once more she blocked his sword with her claws but this time Shirou also came with a punch that unbalanced her. Setsuna was still recovering when she felt him kick her feet to bring her down.

‘I need to finish this before there is an accident.’ Shirou separated Bakuya from Setsuna’s hands carefully to not mess with her fingers. Yes, he knew she could be healed but from the beginning he was still holding back.

And finally Setsuna noticed it. “Don’t underestimate me!!” She used her fall to kick his feet while using her free hand as support.

Shirou couldn’t stop the next kick in the middle of his chest and flew back a couple of steps as Bellerophon complained on his head. ‘Can you stop backseat driving and let me do this?’ He recovered his footing and stopped to study his wounds. “She is my friend alright? I would like her to not hate me after this.”

“Who are you talking to?” Setsuna demanded to know as she also recovered and got ready for another charge.

Letting out a sigh, Shirou raised Bakuya. “Bellerophon has some opinions of how I am fighting.”

The magus could swear he heard Setsuna gritting her fangs in rage. “Then I agree with him! You are still holding back!”

True that he was but Shirou knew the risks of going all out in this case. “Setsuna, I know you believe that as a hanyou-”

“That is right, I am a hanyou! A hybrid of a yokai and a human!” Setsuna shouted proudly. “So stop treating me like a normal yokai or even a devil. My resistances and power are very different from them.”

Shirou let the biggest sigh of frustration he had during the whole day escape. “That is the thing; you may be a hanyou but you aren’t a perfect hybrid. You are more vulnerable than you think.” The redhead saw her getting madder but refused to back down any longer. “You really don’t understand how dangerous the situation was! Or Bakuya, Bellerophon, is!”

“You who don’t understand that things would be more safe if I was there!” Before they hadn't shouted, they practically didn’t fight when Shirou explained his role in the Fragments’ incident and why he didn’t call her. This time both, especially Setsuna, were ready to let it all out. “If you just had trusted me-”

“This isn’t about trust!”

“Should we be here for this?” Issei asked cautiously as the two sides kept screaming at each other.

“Honestly I wouldn't leave even if you told me to.” Akeno admitted shamelessly. “Now if we had some popcorn

The back and forth went for a few minutes before Shirou took a deep breath and shouted. “Fine!! Fine!! This is why we are having this duel in the first place!!!” Bakuya spun a few turns in his hand before he assumed a new stance with his arm sword behind his body. She didn’t make the mistake of believing he was open. “You better get ready, Setsuna. This time, Bakuya will have your blood.” While he said that Bellerophon’s aura covered him again and the burns started to disappear.

Just by the feeling of her youki disappearing from the air Setsuna knew the pegasus was purifying it from his body and even healing the burns she inflicted on him. Soon the Faker had no more burns and fewer wounds as the power of the Divine steed restored him almost completely.

Feeling the severity of the situation just had Setsuna glaring at Shirou. Her nerves and the presence of Divinity didn’t matter to her anymore as her power threatened to explode from her skin. “It is about time.”

She prepared to leap but Shirou moved first, almost escaping her sight. Setsuna managed to keep up but barely and at least managed to figure out the direction he was coming from. Her claws were already prepared to clash with Bakuya again as she surrounded her body with youki. She moved to grab him while dodging the sword, planning to follow up with her claws to his neck.

When Shirou attacked, Setsuna couldn't stop him as she felt the metal bite her shoulder as her eyes grew wide. His swing had come from below in an upward trajectory and Bakuya cut her before she could even react. She was still in shock when Shirou took advantage of the situation and kicked her away.

Once she managed to stop herself Setsuna took a look at her right shoulder where her father’s fur was protecting her. Or was supposed to be protecting her as there was now a huge gash where her blood was seeping into the coat. Even moving her arm was a challenge as not only she felt weaker for some reason but her right side was practically numb even if the cut seemed superficial.

Getting up as quickly as she could, Setsuna prepared for a follow up only to then notice that Shirou was standing there with a handkerchief, cleaning the blood from his sword. His eyes weren’t on her as he took care of Bakuya in a few seconds before making the handkerchief disappear.

Only then did he turn back to her, his usual warm eyes were cold like the metal that almost took her arm off. No, they were even colder, cold enough that Setsuna barely could recognize who was the person in front of her.

All she saw was a man with a sword and a look that could kill as he took another step in her direction. Her legs began to tremble as the fear that was subtle before was now out in full force.

But Setsuna’s spirit refused to accept defeat as her eyes grew firm and she tried to take a step forward. Tried because she failed the moment the redhead before her advanced she found herself retreating further. There was no winning this fight and every cell on her body knew it.

But to not accept defeat she turned around and ran while the Magus Killer’s son gave chase.


Kiba was right when he said that their stories weren’t special but trading tales still helped as the devil started to understand the former knight before him.

Truly Bernard’s story was uncomfortably similar to his own; a fake benevolent figure who pretended to care, other orphans that were like family, a tragedy that killed everyone but those present in the room, the survival born from luck and the dedication they offered to their savior.

The same way Kiba dedicated himself to Rias, Bernard had dedicated his life to the previous Sir Gawain, a man who believed in King Arthur’s return and would have done anything to see it happen.

Trading stories with the older blond helped Kiba see how in a different life he may have walked a similar path and even made similar mistakes. Indeed the impression the devil was getting from Bernard’s mannerisms was that the older man thought he was already making the same decisions which landed him in a wheelchair and prison.

And the real prison wasn’t going to be a hotel room, both understood the current accommodations were Rias’ way of saying ‘thank you’ and nothing else.

Yet the former Commander of the Order of Pendragon was still jovial as he spoke of his family. Of finding his path following King Arthur’s teaching and of his desire to still meet Artoria.

However, before all else, Bernard told Kiba how he managed to live with himself as a survivor of what he liked to call ‘Orphanage from the Abyss’.

Both chuckled as they appreciated the similarities. “We got lucky.” Kiba didn’t realize when he began to smile.

“You more than I. My mentor was actually hunting for who was taking the children around the area both out of duty and the reward while lady Gremory was just on the right place because of a vacation.” Bernard laughed at that. “That, my friend, is what I can call lucky.”

 It was
” Kiba just wished that luck had extended to more than himself.

And Bernard caught on that. “She was young too, Isaiah,” Kiba didn’t react to the name, the only name Bernard wanted to use, “there was no way for her to know your family was in danger. You also were young and almost dead. Stop blaming yourself.”

Kiba’s hands grew tighter around each other as he held himself back. “You aren’t the first one to tell me that.”

“Good. That means a lot of people care about you.”

A self depreciating chuckle was Kiba’s initial response. “Again, you aren’t the first one to tell me that.” Pausing to gather his thoughts, the Knight of Gremory hardened his resolve to ask something he knew would be uncomfortable for both. “Did you get your revenge?” Bernard didn’t look surprised at the question and Kiba feared he wasn’t heard. “That magician
 did you-”

“I didn’t kill him if you are asking about that.” Bernard revealed with a sad smile. “My mentor didn’t either, the bastard escaped and for years I jumped at every mission I heard a whisper about him. Every job, no matter how small, no matter the contract, if there was a chance he was there then I would go.” He shrugged.

“And you never found him? You just
 gave up?”

“When my mentor died, I had to. Especially since that was actually my fault.” Bernard now looked really depressed as he looked up to the ceiling. “He was a good man. If the magician was a monster then he was a saint
 After his death I worked hard to make myself worthy of his name.” In a way, he knew, his loyalty wasn’t to King Arthur at all.

It was a different kind of guilt and Kiba found himself looking down remembering every time his obsession almost cost him someone. While no one he cared about died, people still suffered. There were close calls, so many close calls that the blond could only call himself ‘lucky’ again.

If things were different and the Order of Pendragon was any other more ruthless organization then the bloodbath that would have covered Fuyuki would be enough to flood the streets.

And Asia would have been the first victim of his group, killed due to his recklessness and obsession.

His thoughts were showing because he could see the wheelchair blond man wince a little before nod solemily. Even if they couldn’t see what it was and his men still fought honorably, Bernard could tell what Kiba was thinking and it hurt his soul.

“We are still different. I have the person I hate right there.” Kiba brought his emotions out in the open and even if he didn’t want to offend the man, it still sounded harsh.

Yet Bernard showed no signs of succumbing to anger for he had already made peace himself. “I learned from my mistakes, Isaiah. It is time for you to do the same.”

“But what if you had that magician in your hands right now? The monster that killed your family?” Kiba asked in desperation. “What if he was here and you had a sword capable of killing him.”

Bernard took a deep and slow breath, almost like he didn’t want to reply. “If I had that monster here, with a sword at his neck, I would kill him. But not for revenge.” He stopped just before Kiba could speak again. “You have to understand, Isaiah, that while a part of me will forever hate my monster, nothing will make me lose control because of him.” He leaned forward to make sure their eyes were at the same level. “So that bastard can’t have any control over me.”

‘Control?’ Kiba felt his hand shaking before holding them back again. “You think that Valper
 is controlling me?”

“Not directly. From what I saw he is incapable of that now.” Bernard relaxed again but his gaze was firm. “However you are giving him control over you in the sense that your actions and life still belong to him. I think I don’t need to explain how that can be bad, do I?”

” All that just made Kiba depressed again. “I just don’t want him to stop paying for what he did.”

“That doesn’t mean you have to pay for it yourself. If I had Zolgen Makiri in my hands I would cut him down not for what he did to me but what he did to many besides me, including my siblings.” Bernard fist closed but he placed it in his chin with his other hand over it. “Funnily enough I once discovered that he didn’t start as a monster but as a man like you and I who wanted to create an Utopia of some kind. Eventually he turned to sacrifice innocent children, perhaps for the same goal or perhaps because he lost sight of it.”

None of that helped Kiba even if the name of the ancient magus was familiar for some reason he couldn't recall. At the moment Zolgen was just someone that made Bernard suffer but the older blond moved past his hatred for the sake of those he lost and the ones he still had.

Something that Kiba didn’t see himself as capable of. “Sorry but I am not like you.”

Bernard smiled a little. “You don’t need to be like me since you have far more people who care about you and want you to get better. To return to them.” He chuckled kindly. “I have to say that the threats from lady Gremory showed how much she cared. Even more than what she prepared so I would be comfortable to have this conversation.” He waved around. “Same for everything in this room. Apparently everybody pitched one thing or another so my recovery would be smooth and even Emiya Shirou came for one last talk.” He laughed at that memory. “The man breaks every bone of my body and when he shows up all serious to apologize it was not for his actions but for my suffering and that we had to be enemies. I was happy he just understood my reasons and forgave the others, that was good enough for me.”

“That sounds like Shirou alright.” Considering what happened to Luvia, the redhead magus’ forgiveness would never be freely given.

Seeing Kiba smile helped Bernard to know he was on the right track. He stretched his hand to the table and pushed the message Rias had ordered Kiba to bring back to the Knight of Gremory.

Seeing the younger man’s confusion, the older blond laughed again. “Come now, why don’t we read your King’s message to cheer up a little?”

“I don’t think I should. The message is for you.” He refused to touch the letter once it was set on the table. “Besides, as a Knight I don’t think I should read my King’s messages.”

“Not even a peek?” Bernard wiggled his eyebrows and Kiba barely held back his disbelief.

Until he couldn’t hold it back anymore. “Wasn’t there a rule about not looking at the King’s correspondence? Especially for Knights?”

“Former knight.” Bernard reminded him with a cheeky smile before sliding the letter closer to Kiba. “And you should read this one.”

Kiba looked at the letter and pushed it back. “Buchou’s message is for you.”

“Hahahahaha, believe me when I say that girl already gave me a piece of her mind.” Bernard pushed the letter again and settled down. “Trust me.”

With a look of confusion Kiba retrieved the letter and slowly opened the envelope. It was just a folded piece of red paper like a normal letter and when he looked back at Bernard he saw the former knight nodding.

Realizing he was hesitating, Kiba gathered his courage and sent a silent apology to Rias before opening the letter. “This is

“A letter for you.” Bernard leaned back to give Kiba some time.

‘Kiba, before you continue this letter I need you to listen to what Bernard has to say. I wouldn't be trusting a stranger to help you but I have found myself with no other choice and I hate to see you as lost as you are. So I made sure to know this man and know his reasons. After a long talk I trust that he has your well being in mind. As your King I am giving you this order: listen to him and after you talk you can leave, stay or do whatever you want.’

Kiba raised his head to look at Bernard in shock. “Keep going.” He did so.

‘I hope you forgive the trickery but I just wanted to help you. We wanted to help you heal and found a wall around your heart that didn’t allow any of us to make any progress. That is why I entrusted Bernard with the task so you could see that we are here. That we want you to get better and we are ready to do whatever is necessary to see you safe. We all understand that you are struggling with Valper but we don’t care about him, only you. We only want to see you happy, signed Rias Gremory.’

It wasn’t just Rias’ neat handwriting that was in the letter as below her signature every single member of the ORC, Liz and Medusa had signed as well. Most of them also left small messages like ‘get well soon’, ‘let’s go to the arcade sometime’, ‘talk with me if you need’ and many others.

“Do they
 do they think this is a ‘get well’ card or something?” Kiba couldn’t stop the tears when he started crying. Quickly he moved the letter out of the way as a hand covered his eyes.

Bernard just remained silent and allowed Kiba to process everything as the devil let out tears of sadness and happiness at the same time. ‘After all this time he can finally see that even if he lost a family but found another one.’

The tears didn’t stop for a few minutes as Kiba’s shoulders shook and he held the letter like a lifeline. When he noticed the paper crumpling in his hands the Knight quickly moved to dry his tears and fix it to the best of his ability.

After a few more moments Kiba finally calmed down enough that Bernard felt it was safe to talk again. “How are you feeling, Isaiah?”

“Better.” Kiba offered the man a sincere smile before taking a deep breath and letting out a sigh of relief. “Much better actually. Better than I have been
 in weeks.” He saw himself in a mirror and almost laughed despite his sad state.  â€˜Maybe years.’

Even with a red face and red eyes, Kiba still looked happy despite all the tears that were shed. He was smiling still, an honest smile born from his real heart that carried all the relief he felt together with all the joy he found.

Previously he felt as if the ghosts of the family he lost, the many children of the Holy Sword Project were pulling him towards Valper demanding some sort of retribution for all the man’s sins. But now he saw no ghosts, only the hands of the friends he made after the tragedy and finally grasped them.

“I would offer for you to come back to talk more but something tells me you don’t need it.” Bernard chuckled and Kiba did the same, both blondes happy as the tension’s weight left the room. “Unless you want to.”

 There are some things I still want to talk about.” Yet his eyes were fixed on his letter. “But I think before that
 I should go back. I left them waiting long enough.”

“Heh. If you say so.” Bernard was happy for his new friend. “Then you should go, don’t let me keep you. I will still be here for a few days at least.”

Remembering his new friend’s fate had Kiba thinking. “I could talk to Buchou. Ask her to-”

Bernard almost jumped from his chair but the pain stopped him. Yet he spoke, his tone firm but low. “Don’t you dare, Isaiah.” He placed a hand on the young man’s shoulder. “This is my burden, my mistakes. I must make amends in any way Justice seems fit. I will only accept forgiveness from my king for it was in her name that I committed so many sins.”

“She may never return.” It gave Kiba no pleasure in reminding Bernard of that.

Yet the former knight smiled. “That is the thing about faith, we need not to see to believe.” He relaxed again. “The same way many who aren’t part of our world believe in their gods, I still believe in my king for to me King Arthur is greater than any of them.” After that he pointed to the door. “Now you better go. Time only makes excuses more bitter.”

“Thank you.” Kiba slowly stood up to then move closer to Bernard and shake the man’s hand.

The older blond laughed and dragged the Knight for a hug instead. “We may have different parents and started in different places but we can still be brothers.” Kiba reciprocated the hug for he understood that Bernard also needed it. “Good luck.”

“You as well.” They separated. “I will visit you in the Underworld when I can.”

“Bring some plums.” They laughed at the joke as Kiba was leaving. Once Bernard was alone he looked up. “Huff, that was better than I thought.” And saw the small bat-like creature watching things. “Are you going to tell her everything?”

“Boss said to only tell her if you did something wrong.” Bat-chan dropped on the table with a smile. “But you didn't, so I will just tell her you had a talk as ordered.”

“It was my pleasure. And thank her for the chance.”

On the other side of the door Kiba walked out of the area in a rush as he was eager to go back to his friends. ‘Most of them will be on jobs by now but I can-’

“Yuuto Kiba.” Called the King of Gremory upon noticing the Knight departing. She quickly apologized to her Sitri counterpart who nodded and turned to leave as she ran to him. “Are you done with your visits?”


The woman nodded before realizing what was wrong. “Hadn’t you gone to see the prisoner as well?”

Only then Kiba remembered Valper but the usual desire to watch the man wasn’t there any more. When he glanced to the side and saw a window there was his reflection. Kiba turned once he noticed something odd; he wasn’t seeing himself as he was but the child he had been.

Isaiah was looking back with a happy go lucky smile that held a childish innocence Kiba was sure he had lost. Behind him the older version of the boy saw the ghosts which seemed to pull him towards Valper but only then he noticed that they weren’t holding his younger version.

It was the opposite, as the ghosts took shape in his reflection Kiba noticed that all the children of the Holy Sword Project didn’t carry looks of desperation or anger. Instead they smiled happily as their hands seemed to push Isaiah forward and send him on his way.

‘We don’t resent you.’ Was what Kiba seemed to understand as he remembered that every single child in the image had sacrificed themselves so he could survive. ‘Live.’ There was almost a voice reaching his ears.

“Yuuto?” He snapped out of his trance as the King of Gremory placed a hand on his shoulder with a look of concern. “Are you alright?”

Kiba looked back at the window and only saw himself and the older woman, the images of his friends gone.

He didn’t even know if that was real. “I am sorry but what were you asking again?”

“What do you want to do with Valper Galilei?” The woman waited a minute, thinking that Kiba didn’t understand the question. “The interrogators are already done with him and we are free to do whatever you desire with him. He is still your prisoner.”

” Kiba found himself smiling. “I don’t care anymore.”

“You don’t care?” Reports from her compatriots over the week told her otherwise.

“Nope.” Isaiah turned around and began to march to the elevator.

“Then what should we do with him?” She asked aloud and many devils noticed the interaction.

Kiba just pressed the button and waited for the elevator practically jumping into place. “I don’t care. You can do whatever you want.” He waved her off and got inside when his ride arrived. “Throw him out of a bridge or something.” He waved. “Bye, have a good night.”

When the doors closed the doors remained mute as even the members of the Sitri looked at the Gremory King for guidance as technically Kiba had given her the authority to do whatever she pleased with the prisoner.

The woman cleaned her throat but everyone kept looking at her. “We will
 throw him from a bridge then.” Technically it was Kiba’s last instruction. It would also spare her from any extra paperwork.

“Can one be in the middle of the desert in the Underworld?” A man asked after raising his hand. “You know, one of those above lava?”



Setsuna can’t remember the last time in her life she ran away from something. As a noble from Kyoto she always had people to protect her or her father watching over her family so no dangers could even get close. As she grew older and developed her power there was no need for extra protection since it was deemed that she could take care of herself.

She was one of the Daughters of Sesshomaru, a hanyou with power greater than most yokais, a natural born warrior and a talented individual, running away should be the last thing in her mind and she knew it.

Setsuna could almost hear her father’s voice telling her that ‘You are the predator, not the prey,’ with all of his nobility and disappointment. ‘Never show fear, fear is for the weak.’ Sesshomaru would hate seeing his daughter running away from any enemy around her age.

But that was all Setsuna could think about doing, running and hiding from her opponent both out of fear and a desire to still seize victory despite her instincts screaming to her it was impossible. Never before had Shirou scared her, not even when he demonstrated Caladbolg’s power to help make a new pool for Kuoh. It wasn’t a perfect hole but it was a perfect start that left no room for complaints and she was mildly impressed at best.

Yet she couldn’t help but run with the image of a radiant pegasus around him stuck in her mind as Setsuna jumped behind a tree to catch her breath. ‘Did I miss him?’ She was sure he was chasing. ‘I need to calm down
’ Controlling her breathing was harder than it should. The smell of her own blood and the forest left her blind in her most important sense. ‘Shit.’ That was nothing compared to the sting of pain in her shoulder.

She never expected Shirou to make a sword capable of damaging her father’s fur even if it was weaker once it was removed but Setsuna could only look as her blood was still flowing from the wound made by Bakuya.

Feeling herself shaking, Setsuna grabbed her hand and fought to control her nerves. ‘Calm down. Calm down. Calm down. Calm down, please calm down.’ She couldn’t believe Shirou managed to put her in this situation but despite how she felt she knew her priority was to control herself first. ‘I need to keep calm or else he will find me. I need more time,. time to think. There must be a way to defeat Bakuya with that pegasus. Some sort of weakness.’

Already she could feel her youki growing uncontrollable because of her fear and Setsuna knew the redhead was a good enough detector to find her unless she managed to tame her power again.

Panicking wasn’t helping because the more she panicked the more power escaped which made her panic more resulting in more power leaking. The cyclical nature of the phenomena made her even more terrified as Setsuna bit her lip to try and control herself which only made her bleed more.

“That is a nasty wound.” Shirou’s voice snapped her out of the cycle as she jumped to her feet and prepared to defend herself. “Hey, it is alright. It is over.” The redhead was unarmed and even his armor was missing. He also looked exhausted. “See? Nothing in my hands.”

“The duel isn’t over! I haven’t lost yet!” She prepared to jump at him again but Shirou just sighed. Already ready to attack, she raised her only functional hand from a strike.

But Shirou’s voice stopped her. “Then it is my loss. Congratulations. Now let me check the wound.” He tried to approach but Setsuna threw a look of fury and almost hit him with her Poison Claw. “Woah! Careful now, I can't take one of those anymore.”

“I won’t accept this kind of win.” Her youki began to leak again as fury colored her face. “Trace your armor again! Get Bakuya! We are finishing this!”

Shaking his head but making a point to show his exhausted face, Shirou took a step back. “Setsuna, the fight is over.”

“It isn’t! Get that pegasus out again! I will defeat it with my own strength!”

“Him. And his name is Bellerophon.”

“Doesn’t matter! Call him again!” She could feel herself losing control but held her power back with just her will.

“I can’t. The moment I let Bakuya go completely, Bellerophon also was hit by the exhaustion of keeping our connection going.” Words left Shirou but Setsuna couldn’t comprehend them even if she understood. “He needs to rest and so do you. Even if I can keep fighting I don’t want anymore either.”

“Then that is it? Was our duel for nothing?” Frustration, all her voice had was frustration. “Did you even care?”

Now Shioru looked angry but it was just for a moment. “Do you think I would have accepted a duel if I didn’t care?” His point took away her rage but he wasn’t done. “Setsuna, if you are refusing to accept my surrender after all this, then you are the one taking away the point in this duel and me winning was always impossible.” Realization was dawning on her. He was right. “Now let me take a look at that wound. Looks like Bakuya did more damage than I expected.”

Without strength or emotion to keep her standing, Setsuna let her back hit a tree as she slid down until she was sitting. Shirou took the opportunity to approach. “It is my loss.”

“No, I surrendered first.” EM was Traced and he took a step towards her.

“Only because you knew you already won.” She took off her father’s fur and Shirou’s face showed horror. “Worse than you thought?”

“Much worse. Your shoulder is barely connected to your body. I almost ripped off your arm.” He held the appendage in place and Setsuna flinched. “Sorry. I will make this quick.”

Calmer than before, concern was the emotion that came next. “Do you have enough mana? We can go to the others.”

He shook his head gently as EM began to work. Setsuna flinched again as her flesh began to regenerate. “Don’t know if it is safe in your condition. Maybe once we get the wound a little patch up we can but

“That ugly huh?” She let escape a mirthless chuckle. A sad one. “You really grew strong. A year ago we were almost equals.”

“Only because you don't fight like this most of the time. Had our first spar been like this I think you would have washed the floor with me.” He chuckled but Setsuna didn’t look amused. “I am serious.”

“I know. I had thought
 I was still faster and stronger than you. I didn’t expect you to already have figured out Touki or the pegasus- Bellerophon’s existence.” Combine that with all his previous skills and she had to admit that Shirou had her beat. “Sorry I underestimated you.”

Focusing on her wound didn’t stop him from laughing. “Setsuna, that wasn’t the problem here. You can’t prepare for anything if you don’t want to be prepared in the first place.” She looked offended but Shirou just chuckled. “Look, I understand you were upset that we didn’t call you
 That I didn’t call you about Caliburn’s situation. But I won’t apologize for that. Even if you won-”

“I didn’t.”

“-I still think I made the right call.” Shirou waved to her still regenerating shoulder. “And unfortunately this is proof of that, a far too good of a proof in my opinion.” Clearly he didn’t want things to escalate as they did. Setsuna remembered how hesitant he was in using Bakuya. “It just showed that I was right.”

That Setsuna didn’t take well. “The Fragments can’t be compared to a Divinely empowered Bakuya.” Shirou just gave her another deadpan stare and Setsuna blushed. “They are still weaker.”

“Okay, fair point. Except that Blessing still was capable of ruining Luvia’s circuits to the point she had to be Reincarnated.” He gave her a sad look. “Or do you think I would risk your life against something I knew you were weak against.”

“I am a hanyou-”

“But you aren’t a true hybrid.” Shirou’s tone was harsh and left no tone for discussion. “I know you may think you are a perfect balance between human and yokai thanks to your parentage but
 you aren’t. It is unfortunate but, Setsuna, you barely fit the bill. There is far more yokai blood in you than human blood when you are angry.” She looked to the side in shame. He touched her face delicately to pull her back. “Too much human blood than yokai’s most of the time. You barely show any signs that you are a hanyou except when you are losing control and when you do

The way Shirou was speaking had Setsuna concluding one thing, “You met a true hybrid.”

While he didn’t avoid her gaze Shirou was trying to think on how to speak without saying too much. “She is someone that hates her power, her blood and yet she has perfect control over it.”

Back with the rest of the ORC, Akeno was happily chatting with Rias as they waited for one or the two combatants to return.

“I have felt her power once when I used Structural Analysis on her and even if I didn’t know what was there at the time I knew she had it completely under her control and that she loathed it for what it was. Do you understand? Unlike you who is divided between two worlds, she is perfectly in the middle of them and she loathes it.”

If Akeno hadn’t been Reincarnated into a devil, Shirou was sure that she would be a being with all the benefits of a fallen angel and none of the down sides. No weaknesses, perfect control, all the power of her lineage and her innate potential with magic would make her a formidable force capable of fighting against even the gods given time. If anything she was living proof that they were right into trying to have demigods in their ranks.

Not that there weren’t plenty throughout history with the likes of Heracles or Arjuna just to name a few.

However Akeno was now a devil, not the hybrid she was born as and while Shirou wouldn't reveal hers secret that Setsuna had no right to know he still accounted for that when thinking about their duel.

Knowing both of them as well as he did helped Shirou to make comparisons between their powers even if he just touched Akeno’s once. If anything that just argued his case as he stated before Akeno never lost control of her power even in fury or desperation.

Perhaps that was also because of the kind of hybrids they were but the fact remained that Akeno still held some of her balance while Setsuna had almost none of it.

Such thoughts ran on both their minds and made the hanyou pause for a moment but she still didn’t want to concede defeat. “I could still have helped. Even if the Fragments were dangerous-”

“I didn’t let Yoruichi, someone hundreds of times stronger than you, fight until I was sure that the Fragments weren’t a factor.” That did it as Setsuna looked to the ground in resignation. “I get that you don't like being out of the loop, I get that you are frustrated that I didn’t call you, I get it. But I will never, ever, risk the life of someone I care about if I can help it.”

Her fury returned even if diminished. “And there is no problem risking your own safety? Your own life?" Setsuna grabbed the hand that was healing her to stop him from running. Shirou didn’t mind, he didn’t plan to. “This power, all your training. You are getting ready for a fight anyway, aren’t you?” Her nails were still claws but he didn’t flinch even as she made him bleed. “Why? Why aren’t you trusting me to help you?”

Silence took over the clearing as Shirou looked Setsuna in the eyes. “My sister is a genius.” He said bluntly. “Because of her nature she always would have to learn Magecraft and she took it, mostly Alchemy, like a fish takes to water. Add to that her mana pool and some of the ideas that she has and I have no doubt that one day she can change the world.” Despite praising his sibling his face was somber. “Still she went up and joined an organization whose methods I cannot and will not approve of. That wish to raise Humanity by destroying everything around it.”

Setsuna scoffed while letting go of his hand. “They aren’t the first of their kind and won’t be the last.”

Shirou smiled sadly. “But they have my sister's support and I trust Illya to do great things.” He shook his head, the smile still sad and in his face. “But with them those great things can bring about disaster. That is why I can’t remain weak. In this world we live in, Power is the only thing that can let me protect those I care about.” His eyes grew firmer and his smile more confident. “That is why if they step out of line and Illya decides to do something that would be unforgivable, I will be there as her brother and stop her before she gets that far.”

For in his Core Shirou was always someone who protected his loved ones, be their ideals or their lives. Illya wasn’t in peril, at least for the moment, but there may come a day she will be because of her own actions. With that in mind Shirou’s course was set; he would save her, even from herself.

Setsuna felt ashamed as she could understand his feelings. “Why didn’t you ask me to help then?” She shook her head and her shoulder burned. His hand came to stop her but she batted it away. “Why didn’t you trust me to help in your task? Why are you placing all the responsibility on your shoulders?”

“But I am not-”

“Rias already knows, doesn’t she?”

Almost stopping focusing on EM, Shirou still managed to hold back his shock and kept treating Setsuna’s shoulder. “She confronted me on why I train so much. Everybody knows I am not like the typical magician, focusing on my research or power; I don’t care that much unless it can help someone down the line or as a hobby
 or for work I suppose.” Despite more than a year working with Rias he still found the notion odd. “Thing is that, in life, we should focus on doing what makes us happy, either being noble or practicing the violin.” His pointed look didn’t dissuade her. “Regardless of everything Rias agrees with me that in this world, to get what we want, Power is necessary. What she wants more is Freedom but also the safety of her loved ones and as a devil she knows her life will be full of conflicts. Another reason for me to train too, I suppose, even if I should slow down in her opinion.”

“But you talked with her.” Setsuna insided and Shirou sighed.

“She confronted me, asking why I was always running hagged trying to master dozens of things instead of focusing on one. Trying to see why, from the moment I wake up to the moment I go to bed, training is still on my mind.” Shirou chuckled at her surprised look. “Don’t look at me like that, it isn’t all the time. When you guys want to spend time with me I give you all my attention. School, on the other hand

“That is why you grew stronger so fast? Because I didn’t train enough?” It was a hard notion for the hanyou to swallow.

But it was believable and Shirou saw it. “More like you didn’t train more than you needed. You don’t try to push yourself, to seize a goal or get ready for something.” He studied her arm, noticing how the bones and muscles were still damaged but it was much better. Unfortunately he was out of mana. “It is hard to do something when you don’t have interests or dreams. Even a wish can make someone grow by leaps and bounds. Much like Rias, you also wanted some freedom from your responsibilities. But unlike her who knew she would need more Power to keep her freedom, you didn’t see it like that.”

The magus began to get up but before he could say something the hanyou spoke again. “Is that why you chose her?” Finally Setsuna asked what she really wanted to ask. “Because much like you she also believes in the nature of the World and Power?”

“No, no.” Shirou kneeled before her. “That isn’t
 Look, it is complicated, alright. Stuff of the heart
 I am not good with this. It wasn’t a matter of me choosing her.” He messed up his hair as he himself didn’t know how to explain. After some thought he found the words. “We choose each other would be the better term. She completes me in a way hard to explain and I complete her.” A sigh escaped as he scratched his head. “Perhaps if things had been different and we had been more proactive
” He let out a groan while scratching his neck. “Look, life is only one and I can’t tell you how it would be with ‘what ifs’ but I can only tell you how it is now. I love Rias and the thought of living my life without her or Yoruichi hurts me more than you can imagine.”

At the end of the sentence Setsuna had to do a double take. "Yoruichi? What does she have-” She began to blush as Shirou looked to the side and scratched his cheek. “What?”

“I have no idea how to explain this to you. Actually, no, maybe this will help, I was intending to tell you anyway.” He took a deep breath. “Setsuna, I have a Reality Marble.” Her shock was visible but he was too deep to stop now. “I don’t know if that influences my emotions but my soul is literally so complicated that I have a pegasus living in an eternal field of swords. Because of that asking me to like just one person is hard? Honestly it wasn’t my idea.”

“And Rias is fine with this?” Because Setsuna was going to have questions for the Heiress one way or another.

Shirou chuckled a bit. “It was her idea. A way for everyone to be happy.” He placed a hand over his heart. “At least I can tell you that the idea of living without either of them would hurt too much. Even though Yoruichi has returned to Kyoto, Koneko and I still exchanged messages with her and talked over the phone just the other day.”

Teleportation with that many boundary fields was impossible and she was too busy but technology kept the nekomata close to those who care for her.

Quickly Shirou waved his hands. “This isn't an invitation of any kind or anything like that. I just want you to understand.” He smiled. “Even if things were different, things are how they are. I still care for you and I will always care for you and all our friends, that is why I accepted your challenge in the first place.”

“But you still care for her- them, more.” That was harder to accept than the Reality Marble bit of the conversation.

“Does that mean I don’t care about you? Or any of the others?” He tried to not sound offended but it was obvious. Too obvious as Setsuna retreated and Shirou relented. “Look, I don’t want to force you to do anything but I understand if you are upset with me.”

“More like I am upset with the situation.” Setsuna admitted. “Do you really have a Reality Marble?”

“I would have told you sooner but our last real conversation was

“Tempers flared even if we didn’t shout.” Both smiled a little. “Sorry.”

“Sorry too.” He got up and offered his hand. “Now, your shoulder needs someone to take a proper look. We can go to the others and ask Asia’s help or you can leave.” Seeing Setsuna’s hesitation, Shirou smiled kindly. “No matter what happens, I won’t force you to do anything but I would like to stay in your life.”

He was trying to avoid using the just ‘friends’ line, he really was. However Shirou was an honest person at heart who wanted the best for Setsuna and didn’t want to pressure her in one way or another.

Looking at his hand Setsuna realized that, despite the duel and the conversation they just had, if she walked away from Shirou now he would accept it. It was up to her to decide if their bond would remain or would be severed once for all.

In the end she decided to take his hand. “You are still my true companion.” Even if she wanted more.

“Nothing to do with the food, right?” He helped her up with a joke.

There was much Setsuna wanted to say but refrained as she knew emotionally she wasn’t ready for all this. “Yeah, I would miss that the most.” Small lie, one that she refused to elaborate before turning towards their club. “Also, you won this time, fair and square.”


“No ‘buts’. I won’t ask for a date or anything.” Setsuna made sure to give him a sincere smile. “Only that one day I will get that win back.” One million and more things she wanted to say but she settled with that.

She was smart enough to not push or force either him or herself. Sure Rias had got a relationship first and the past couldn’t be changed but whatever they made from then on was up to the both of them.

Once Setsuna realized she didn’t want to lose Shirou or anyone else from her life, her decision was made. ‘I need to get stronger.’ She decided with determination. ‘I will grow stronger.’


Running at a normal pace back to Kuoh was painful for Kiba both by how irritating it was for someone with his speed but also because he just wanted to get back. ‘I could have waited for the night to fly but nooooo. I just wanted to run.’

However his smile was visible to all who saw him, carrying around a joy that had been missing since he was a kid. It was the kind of smile which could spread happiness to everyone else and Kiba’s almost angelic face made it easier for many to share their own smiles even if they didn’t know why.

Not that Kiba noticed that much in the good mood he was in, he felt lighter than he had in a long time.

Despite his rush and because of his limitations it was already night when he returned to Kuoh. At least he knew nobody would see when he accelerated and jumped over the fence and opened his wings. There weren’t many students anymore so he felt it was a risk free action.

When his foot landed again he accelerated and paid no mind to anything other than the path to the ORC. He arrived in seconds, hoping to catch his friends before they left for their contracts and opening the door with his shoulder. “Guys!”

“Kiba?!” “Senpai?!”

Xenovia and Gasper spoke at the same time in the couch of the club, the Knight noticing a board game with getting set at the table Liz’s assistance. He also noticed Setsuna, back in her school uniform, and Jaken on another couch.

The hanyou looked tired but offered her friend a small smile. “You are late.”

Kiba smiled back at her. “And you are back.”

“Fah!” Jaken hit his staff on the ground. “That is no way to talk to-”

“Jaken, he is a friend.”

The kappa frowned but changed the subject. “We should get back, Setsuna-sama. Your wounds may be healed but time will help more.”

Setsuna offered her caretaker a small smile. “Later. I haven’t been here in a good while.”

On seeing Setsuna’s good humor, Kiba approached with a smile of his own and sat down. “How was the duel?”

“I lost.” Yet she still smiled despite it. Jaken stuttered but said nothing.

“That sucks.” Kiba commented as Gasper approached.

The former dhampir’s shyness was something that Kiba found himself missing. “Are you really back, senpai?” Since the Knight was avoiding staying at the club, Gasper was the person he saw less of.

“Sorry that I worried you, Gasper. You and everyone else.” Xenovia and Liz didn’t look that concerned but that was fine to Kiba. He knew he had a look of apologies to give. “But yes, I am back.”

“So is Valper dead?” Xenovia asked.

“Don’t know, don’t care.” The older blond commented before picking a piece on the board. “Can I play?”

“It is for four players or more so yeah.” Shirou commented as he returned from the kitchen with Medusa. Both carried trays, he had sodas and juice while the goddess had snacks of many kinds. “I just need to go get another cup.”

“No, I got it.” Kiba raised to his feet and stopped beside Shirou. “And I am sorry for all the troubles I caused over the last few weeks.”

“It is fine.”

“No, it isn’t fine.” While Shirou was happy to brush it off, Medusa didn’t allow it. “You better not have everyone struggle to help you again anytime soon or I will go for Xenovia’s method and drag you around.”

“Ehhh!” Gasper hid behind the couch as Xenovia laughed.

Kiba accepted the words with an honest smile. “I see I made you lose your patience.”

“Not you, them.” She only pointed at Shirou. “He, Rias, Akeno, Koneko, everybody!” Medusa glare was as cut as it was fierce. “If it was only once then fine but I hope we aren’t going to deal with this if another Holy Sword shows up. Are we?”

“No, I promise.” Much to the relief of many.

Medusa studied Kiba’s face for a moment before nodding. “Good.” She then looked at the board. “I am the snake piece.”

“There is no snake piece.” Setsuna pointed out and the purple haired goddess turned to Shirou.

The magus got the message and traced a small figure of a snake with wings in the appropriate size for the board game. “Will this do?”

“Yes. As expected of my protector once he remembered his position.” Her glare showed she was still a little annoyed with him.

When Kiba returned he found himself smiling again as he approached Setsuna. “Say, can you sign something for me?”


“Careful, Setsuna-sama. He is a devil. Make sure to read whatever you have to sign.”

“Oh let it go, midget.” Xenovia grabbed some dice and got ready to play. “Now come on! We have to decide the order.”

“Isn’t usually the youngest to the oldest?” Gasper asked and Xenovia laughed before ignoring him.

Meanwhile things were defined, Setsuna read the letter Rias had written for Kiba with everyone else’s signatures. “Only yours is missing.”

“I need a pen-”

“Here.” Shirou produced one from his bag.

She received it with a smile and returned the letter. “Thank you.” Then she smiled and got the dice before pointing at Shirou. “I may have lost the duel but I will win this.”

“Oh it is on!” He had the Emiya family reputation of game players to protect after all.

Kiba laughed a little more while looking at his letter. “No, thank you.” He placed it on a side table with the goal of emoldurating it later.

Besides Setsuna’s signature was the message; ‘To my good friend, call if you need, Setsuna.’


“Keep using a bike’, they say, ‘It won’t be the same without it’, they said.” Issei grumbled as he moved at a fast pace with his bike around Fuyuki. “It doesn’t matter that I can teleport now, the clients want me on a bike
 I don’t even know this new guy. He wouldn’t know about my bike but Buchou offered to add that option.” He almost cried a little. “I know it’s a little more money but I shouldn’t have taken it.”

He couldn’t even blame the fact he was a devil on his greed because he wanted to buy a game and it was either that or wait for another week. Issei chose to keep taking her offer, sure that only a few of his clients, enough to buy his game, would still want him on a bike. So confident he was on it that Issei was ready to retire his bike.

Turned out he was wrong.

Still racing the streets at night, Issei kept looking around for his newest client address. He never had been to that part of the town, a new one full of expensive apartments.

He stopped to pick up a paper from his pocket. “Really a strange place for a ‘bachelor new pad’.” Issei looked around, finding a sign. “Thank you night vision. Goddamned, I just hope he pays well to help him move. Who knows, maybe he’ll be a great client. Better than-” He shivered at the memory of a muscle bound man dressed as a magical girl. ‘Good luck, Luvia-san. Maybe you can help Mil-tan realize his dream.’ More pedaling later, the Pawn began to muse. ‘At least I wanted to take Asia-chan to her client but it would take too long with mine on the other side of the town
 Why did I agree with Buchou about the option of summoning me on a bike? Oh, right, Adventures of Likari-chan IV, The Forbidden Cave. Why are games so expensive?’

Still he couldn’t complain since he did agree with it, even without much thought. There were other arguments in favor of it too besides allowing him to charge more for the entertainment value, Issei also got extra training with his bike modified with heavier wheels.

Arguments aside, Rias was right that it was for his own good and the Pawn acknowledged that. Didn’t stop him from letting out a sigh at remembering that conversation. ‘I should have at least asked her to let me see her breasts-’ An image of Shirou with a sword covered with blood cut off that thought. ‘Maybe not. Akeno-san’s then. That would be fair, right?’

Just imagining the Queen taking off her uniform made Issei flush and he almost fell from the bike. He held on and pushed forward until he found the address.

Checking the paper twice, Issei nodded. “This is it.” He approached with his bike to show he used it and rang the bell. ‘I hope this guy isn’t-’

The door opened and a tall man looking to be in his twenties with an average build, black hair, golden bangs, a goatee, violet eyes and a smile of glee. “Well, I will be damned, you really came on a bike. Hahaha, that is rich!” He was dressed in a dark green yukata and held his head with a hand as he laughed. “A devil traveling on a bike, that is a first. Going to pay you triple just for the amusement alone.”

“Really?” Issei couldn’t believe his ears. ‘Lucky!’

“Sure, sure. I am a man of my word and that, heheheheh, that is an image I didn’t know I needed to see until I saw it. It is so funny! Hahahaha!”

Personally Issei didn’t see it as a big deal but he remembered the advice his fellow devils gave him. ‘The client is always right.’ He nodded and prepared to get back on business. “Sir, you called the House Gremory for a contract. I am your devil, Hyoudou Issei, nice to meet you.” Polite, professional and honest. ‘Buchou is going to be so proud.’

“No need for formalities my friend. We just met and you are going to give me a huge help.” He opened the door to reveal boxes, lots and lots of boxes. “As I said in the email; I just moved in and unfortunately I don’t know anybody in the area that can help. My brother was around the town buuuuuuut he had to leave.”

“Why? Something happened?” Issei tried to not be intimidated by the number of things he needed to unpack.

“Picked a fight with a girl and a friend had to bail him out. Though he still ended up in prison.”


His client waved it off. “Nah, he is kind of a dick. A few years of cooling down will do him good.” He stepped forward and opened a box. “Now come on. It is going to take days to fix this place. Good for you, Issei, you just got a steady job.” He offered the younger man a smile. “If you don’t mind, that is.”

“Of course not. If anything this is easier than my usual contracts.” Issei quickly opened a box and found a painting that he was sure cost more money he and his ancestors ever made in their lives which had his eyes jumping off his head. ‘Holy- ouch- I need to be careful. If I drop this box I will end up paying this for the rest of my life.’

His client chuckled. “Really? Do tell. Are all your clients difficult?”

“No, they just ask for things I can’t grant
 Or I get distracted.” Issei then found a super old vase that seemed to be from somewhere in the middle east. ‘Is he a collector or something? This stuff should be in a museum.’ Carefully he closed the box with the vase and moved to another one.

“It happens to the best of us.” The man chuckled. “Believe me, if it wasn’t for my job I probably would just live ‘distracted’ as my brothers call it.” He then pointed to another box. “If you don’t want to mess with the art,” Issei flinched as he retreated from a box with a small statue, “then you can help with those ones. Just a couple of books and stuff.”

“Yes sir.” Books were fine, Issei was sure he couldn’t ruin them. Then he remembered something extremely important for his job. “Sorry that it took me so long to ask but
 what is your name again?”

“You can call me ‘Ace’. Like Ace of Spades.”

“Sure thing, Ace-san.” Issei liked the man’s easy going attitude.

Liking even more with the answer he got. “No ‘san’ business here, no forms of ‘sir’ in any language, please. I came to this town to make friends and I got too much of ‘sir’ at work. Give me a break already.”

Issei chuckled as he recognized the stress he saw on his father and his King. “Then what about ‘ossan’?”

That got the man perked up. “‘Ossan’, hmm.” He gave the devil a thumbs up. “Approved. Now let's get working. There are some gifts around here somewhere for people I want to meet. Maybe I can give you one as payment.” His hidden smile was a mischievous one.

“You don’t need to do that!” This stuff was way too expensive for Issei to feel safe with, much less own one.

“No, no. I insist.” For some reason the devil felt he was being pranked but the tall man’s face looked serious. If anything he looked regal even, as a king bestowing his art to a man who did a good job. “But first things first; we have a lot of boxes to open.”

And looking around both of them knew there was a lot of work to do.



Pietro Deglie

When Shirou and Setsuna made peace, I was like "Good,now kiss" lol