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Once I had left Natalie’s office, I called Mark and Charlie to my office. It wasn’t ideal, as I rather call Umi to deal with the problem of my erection, but I promised Natalie. To solve her problem, I needed to meet with Dorothy. 

To meet with Dorothy, I needed to have an excuse. While I could call her for dinner after her … aggressive approach during our last meeting, it wasn’t the best idea. After all, inviting her, only to ask for help for another woman was very risky. 

I needed to bait her, so that she was the one to invite me. Luckily, that wasn’t particularly difficult. I just needed to give her a business purpose. 

“Your invitees are here, sir,” Umi said as she knocked on the door. 

“Good,” I said as I waved Mark and Charlie in. “By the way, do you have enough outfits for a business trip?” I asked, right in front of her fiancee. He said nothing. 

Another bad move on his part.  

“No, sir,” she said. 

“Go for a shopping trip, and use the company card,” I said as I waved her away. Charlie said nothing again, but his expression was tense.  

“How can  we help you, sir?” Mark said. 

“We have an emergency project, a new business plan. It has a very high visibility, but it needs to be ready for tomorrow morning. Can you two handle it?” 

“Is the director going to participate?” Mark asked, trying to understand whether I was trying to deliver a coup. He probably heard about her problems. 

“No, she has bigger problems,” I said, implicitly agreeing with his statement. He smiled smugly, like he already got a promotion. “Now, about the business plan…” I said, then outlined the model I wanted, including the general outline and the results. 

“Sir, how do we get the results without running the model —” Charlie started, but Mark poked him. 

“I’ll handle it, don’t worry, sir,” Mark said, silencing Charlie. “When should we revise, sir?”

“Maybe around eleven,” I offered. “We can have a call?” 

“How about a late dinner, sir,” Mark said, never to miss such an opportunity. “You know the cooking of my wife.” 

“A good idea,” I said. “My last trip was indeed delicious.” 

I couldn’t help but chuckle as I sent them away. Mark was an annoying brown-nosed prick, but there was no reason to send him away. Not when he was willing to waste a lot of his time just to rise up. Classic middle-manager type, thinking that his childish strategies would bring him to the top, never realizing the game had different rules on different levels.  

As for Charlie, I pitied him. Unfortunately for him, his fiancee was more beautiful than he was pitiful, and I was not a nice man in the first place. 

For the rest of the day, I dealt with some miscellaneous stuff. A few quick internal calls, and a couple remote client meetings, all to seed the arrival of Natalie’s ‘genius’ plan. Then, just as I was preparing to leave, there was a knock on the door.  

“Come in,” I called. 

It was Charlie, with a stormy, almost rebellious expression on his face. At first, I thought it was about the presentation I asked for, but then I realized there was a certain vulnerability in his expression. “Sir, I must protest. It’s inappropriate,” he started.

“What’s inappropriate?” I asked. 

“Buying my fiancee lingerie from the company budget,” he answered. 

“I see,” I said, unable to believe that it was his complaint. Not that he was wrong, but choosing to confront me like that was absurd. He should have thought of that before he agreed to send his fiancee as a honeypot. 

Of course, at that time, he didn’t understand exactly how far I would go — nor he seemed to understand it even now — but that was not an excuse.  

I decided to teach him a lesson. 

I called Umi on my phone. “Come to my office in an instant,” I said. Then, I looked at Charlie, who seemed shocked at my anger. Of course, I also sent her a message, warning her about Charlie’s presence, and asking her to play along. 

“Should I leave?” he asked, hesitant. 

“No, you stay,” I said. We stayed silent until Umi arrived. 

It was very difficult to maintain my anger when she arrived. The reason was her new outfit. She had been wearing a shorter pencil skirt with new stockings, her heels were higher, which made her legs look far better, and her new jacket wrapped her body beautifully. Altogether, the perfect secretary. 

What surprised me was her cleavage. She had unbuttoned her blouse quite a bit deeper than I had expected, enough to show a glimpse of her lacy bra, which was too small to be work-appropriate. 

“Umi, Charlie here came to me with a very serious accusation. He claims that you have used the shopping budget for your personal expenses,” I said. 

“Oh, really,” she said as she looked at him with a stormy expression. “Did he?” 

Charlie’s expression twisted. “It wasn’t my point—” he started. 

“No, Charlie, don’t apologize. You’re right. Lingerie purchase is certainly outside the business purview, and needs to be punished. And, since you’re in probation period, maybe I should just let you go,” I said. 

Charlie looked excited at the idea, while Umi looked at him angrily. She knew I was playing a game, but it was clearly genuine. I could see that they had already talked about it, and from what I could garner, Umi refused. 

Charlie was a smart boy. Too bad it was already too late. 

“Of course…” I continued, acting like I didn’t understand their silent battle. “Since you can’t return those clothes, you have to pay back all the purchases. How much is it?”

“What?” Charlie said, surprised. 

“Of course, it needs to be paid back. Do you think it’s a problem?” I said. 

“No, sir,” Charlie said immediately. I could see Umi’s already depleted respect draining even further.  

“Fifteen thousand, sir,” Umi said. Once again, I barely held back my chuckle. I had already received the notifications, and her purchases barely cleared three thousand. She was deliberately exaggerating to attack Charlie. 

“What!” Charlie gasped as he looked at Umi, unable to believe what he had just heard. “How can you—” 

“Enough, no shouting in my office,” I said. “The punishment is clear,” I said, then, looked at Umi. “You can visit accounting and deal with it.” 

Umi looked at Charlie with disdain, but also with expectation. She was not aware of it, but her gaze told me that, if Charlie accepted the punishment, there was a chance to recover the situation. After all, that way, he would show her that he cared more about her than their financial situation. 

Too bad Charlie didn’t recognize the opportunity, too overwhelmed by the prospect of her fiancee’s debt. “Sir, maybe you could give her another chance,” Charlie offered, likely destroying his last hope of regaining his fiancee’s loyalty. 

Too bad.   

“Alright, but only if she removes the illegitimate purchases,” I said. Charlie seemed relaxed, while Umi looked confused. “Immediately, of course.” 

“Sure, she can just go to the bathroom and —” Charlie started, but I interrupted. 

“Here,” I interrupted.  

Charlie’s eyes widened. “I don’t believe that it’s appropriate,” Charlie started. 

“Well, either that, or she can go to the accounting and start her exit process,” I dictated. 

His face turned purple as he realized what I was asking, and he turned to Umi, only to see her with a mocking smile. “Well, Charlie, what would it be,” she challenged. 

He said nothing, but he walked toward the door. “No, stay,” I ordered, which surprised both. “After all, you need to stay here to make sure there’s nothing problematic going on.” 

“I …” he said but he still stopped, which ruined the last remains of his respect. Umi reached under her skirt and pushed her panties down, sliding off her legs. Then, she turned her back to Charlie, and faced me while she unbuttoned her blouse more before she pulled off her black bra, giving me a glimpse of her bra in the process. 

The silence was broken by her heel as she walked toward my desk, and put them on my desk. “Anything else, sir,” she whispered throatily.

Keeping her here was a fun idea, but I had a better plan.  

“No, you can leave,” I said with a smile. “But, make sure to come to join the meeting tonight. I need you to take meeting minutes.” 

“As you wish, sir,” she said, her hips dancing as she walked out. 

Charlie followed, his expression desolate. 


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