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Silence stretched for a while as I looked at her beautiful green eyes while she considered what to do. At first, I wasn’t planning to pay much attention to her sudden silence, expecting her to work based on a script. 

She looked like she would follow that, especially once her phone buzzed and she received a message. I wasn’t able to read it, but her big smile suggested that it was either from a significant other, or a crush. It was hard to replicate that enjoyment. 

However, considering her excitement turned into anger the moment she read the message, it wasn’t hard to guess that whoever wrote the message chose to say the wrong thing. She growled before turning off her phone. 

It had all the telltale signs of a poorly designed bait, so I risked pain to overcharge my power … which confirmed that her reaction was genuine. Once she raised her gaze, I noticed a hint of hesitancy in her eyes, one that was mixed with desire, making me question whether she was planning to go rogue.

Anger was a beautiful motivator.  

A question left my mouth before I could even properly think about it. “So, what’s next. Another challenge, or are you … surrendering?” I asked, putting the slightest tone of dismissal to the last word. 

If I hadn’t realized that she was a super, with little experience in undercover work, her reaction would have surprised me. Instead, as I watched her pull down her skirt with one free move, a beautiful black g-string, completing the image of a trashy party girl. “I’m not a quitter,” she declared, but as she leaned against the counter, I could see her hesitancy. 

She wasn’t entirely sure of her move. So, I turned my back, and poured her another drink — this time a bitter whiskey cocktail that was much more to her taste — which had the added benefit of giving her a few seconds to recover. 

Well, I watched her from the bar mirror, but she was too distracted by her problems to remember that little detail. 

Her confidence was back when I next met her gaze. She took a sip. “Much better,” she said, likely forgetting the role she was supposed to be playing. 

“Good, are you ready for another question,” I asked. 

“No,” she said, surprising me as she climbed the bar. “Now, let’s play a new game. How long you will be able to keep from blowing?” 

I was tempted to tease her, but while her tone was confident and daring, I didn’t miss the manic quality there. Revenge might be a strong motivator, but it was also a fragile one. 

So, as she climbed on top of my bar, wearing only her heeled shoes and her underwear, I chose to watch silently. Even then, a hint of panic soon appeared in her gaze, showing that she realized she was pushing it too much, but her hips ignored that as they started swaying alluringly. 

Sexy. Combined with her true identity, even sexier. 

As she turned her back, giving me a view of her excellent ass, I was glad she was looking the other way, so smiling widely wouldn’t hurt me. Yet, even as I turned on a sexy yet upbeat song … which, thanks to my powers, was perfect to goad her further. 

She trembled as the familiar beat hit, confirming my guess about her preference. Her hips quickened, but I could see a blush spreading along her neck as well. 

I let my gaze dip down her body, making sure that, when she turned toward me, she found exactly what she had been hoping for. A man who was enthralled by her beauty. I even kept my mouth slightly parted to look even more addled. 

That put a smile on her face, making her feel like she was the one in control. Excellent progress.

She danced while letting out occasional gasps and moans to enhance her seductive appeal. Admittedly, she was exaggerating a bit, enough to ruin the effect if I was actually enchanted by her, but it was hardly a problem right now. 

I turned down the lights, making so that only the bar lights were shining on her, which enhanced her sexiness even more. The relative darkness emboldened her even more. 

Toward the end of the song, she fell on her knees, her back toward me, and I reached and flipped open her bra. That shocked her enough to make her freeze. “How about another dance?” I asked. “As long as you can handle it, of course.” 

She tensed, but her answer came instantly. “Of course I can handle it,” she declared proudly as she let the bra go, letting me enjoy her naked back. 

“Very good,” I said as I walked out of the bar area and went toward one of the open booths, which was farther away from the bar, meaning it was even darker. “Now, why don’t you come here and meet that challenge. You said that it would be impossible for me not to explode.” 

The low-light condition helped her to feel more confident, yet it didn’t impede my enjoyment any. She walked forward with beautiful confidence, her arms on her sides, each step making her breasts jump alluringly. 

She arrived in front of me, her hands touching my leg, making me shiver. She was tense, but it was not the tenseness of an undercover officer, ready to lash out at the slightest danger, but the tenseness of a jilted girlfriend, having trouble believing what she was about to commit. 

It only made things more interesting. 

She leaned forward, putting her weight on my leg. “So…” she murmured as she closed in the distance, her lips inches away from me. 

“The ball is in your court, baby,” I responded as I reached and caressed her cheek gently. As much as grabbing her naked breasts was tempting, I refrained, not wanting to push her too much. She needed to feel that she was in control, or the whole thing was ruined. 

She smiled, the intensity of her desire a nice surprise. I leaned back, giving her all the space she needed. 

She said nothing, but her jaw tightened as she struggled with the weight of the move she was about to commit. A half-naked lap dance was rather exaggerated as revenge, after all, and she was hesitating. 

“It’s fine if you can’t handle it,” I whispered softly, just the right amount of teasing and understanding, knowing exactly how it would affect her. 

She was rather easy to manipulate for a villainess, even an unknown one, but I would take what I could get. 

After a growl of anger, she spun, only to sit on my lap faster than necessary, and started rubbing. A little exaggerated, but still fun. I let out a growl of frustration, like I had been just defeated, which earned a giggle from her. “You were saying…” she whispered. 

“Don’t get cocky,” I warned her. 

“Oh,” she giggled. “What if I want to get … cocky.” 

It was a horrible pun, there was no doubt about it, but there were not a lot of things that wouldn’t have turned palatable thanks to the presence of a half-naked redhead giving me a lap dance … and a bad pun was not one of those. 

I stayed silent as she rocked back and forth a few times before she stood once more, raising one of her legs to put on my seat, giving me a glimpse of her wetness, justifying my mesmerized gaze. Then, she turned her back once more, then leaned forward, tensing both her toned legs and her tight ass, putting them in excellent view while her tits dangled.

It was an interesting move, not the kind a stripper would do. It felt more like a classical move, like a ballerina … suggesting that she had classical dance training, suggesting a rich upbringing. 

An interesting addition to the confusing picture she was creating. What an interesting villainess. 

 Her strikingly red hair lashed as she rose back, turning her naked back into a beautiful show. And, since she was wearing just a g-string, which was woefully inadequate to cover her ass, the view was incredible. 

If it wasn’t for her powers, I would have grabbed and pulled her down. Instead, I watched as her body continued to sway. 

“Amazing,” I whispered, unable to keep myself from cheering. 

She twisted her neck just enough to glance at me, her expression smug as she received many signs of her victory. She might not be familiar with the moves of strippers, but I had to admit, that was not a negative. She was very sexy as she moved … yet she didn’t know where to stop to keep things from escalating. 

And, certainly unequipped to handle her own arousal. Soon, she landed on my lap once more … and this time, she grabbed my hand to bring it against her stomach, giving me permission to touch her. 

A permission I wanted to leverage to the limit. 


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