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“ … Incredible training session, madam,” I said as we collapsed as a sweaty mess once again. 

It had truly been an incredible session, as attested by my System, as a flood of familiar writing appeared in my view. 

[Cultivation Difference Bonus - 50; Pampering Bonus - 75 (Capped)]

[125x Return - 2 Qi Strands]

It had been a month since that fateful day when she had decided to escalate things to a stage that was wholly inappropriate for a Queen, particularly considering the King was still alive, but once she learned about just how fun … physical exercising … could be, she initiated one whenever she had the chance. 

 I wasn’t complaining, as even without the details that made the situation spicy, she was a beautiful woman, and sharing her bed — and many other rooms of the Spring Palace — was not exactly a great hardship. 

Unfortunately, the same couldn’t be said about the other benefits. It didn’t take long for me to realize that, her cultivation knowledge had been very limited. It seemed that her cultivation knowledge was limited to the things I had already learned from her. 

The meditation technique, gate-building technique, the palm attack, the talisman drawing technique, and the three talisman designs that I couldn’t draw because I didn’t have the materials. 

She didn’t have a lot of cultivation techniques. 

Still, that didn’t mean the System turned useless. First, every single skill had reached Minor Immersion, which enhanced their impact and effectiveness significantly. Also, whenever she had an orgasm, she lost control of her Qi for a moment, which allowed a tiny amount to be absorbed by me. 

It turned into a great benefit when the System multiplied it. My Inventory was currently holding over a hundred strands, and that was after I had used several to reinforce my cultivation.

It meant that, finally, I had insurance if I faced a dangerous situation. With the gate construction technique at Minor Immersion, and with a lot of ready Qi, I could force a breakthrough in seconds if I needed to. 

Of course, while I wasn’t complaining about my extended stay, that didn’t mean I made a deliberate choice for it. The army was still outside, determined to follow the wishes of the strange cultivator and keep the Queen safe for three months. 

I was certainly hoisted by my own petard there. 

It wasn’t even I wanted to leave her alone to face her distress. As long as she was willing to leave with me, I had no problem helping her. But, lacking the ability to go back and forth was creating some serious problems. 

I could probably escape from them, but getting away without being noticed was a different challenge. 

While I was thinking that, I noticed that she had already dressed, and her expression turned serious, as if she had just come to a decision. “What’s wrong?” I asked. 

“My Queen has a deal for you,” she said as she passed me a token and a letter. “She needs a trusted agent to go to a healer to pick a very important medicine for her,” she explained. “And, if you give them the token, they will also heal your martial arts. They will know what to do when they read the letter.” 

“As long as you want me, I’ll do it,” I said, happy with the opportunity. I had been already thinking about my ‘incurable’ problem. It was helpful back when I was trying to disguise myself as a servant, but at this point, it was more of a hindrance. 

But, my good mood changed when she pulled a map and explained how I could visit that healer. It was in another kingdom, with a great stretch of wilderness in between, making solo travel practically impossible for anyone who was as strong as she believed me to be. 

And, a round trip took almost six months with a caravan. 

She didn’t want my help. She was trying to make sure I didn’t get caught in the crossfire. 

Still, I played along. Ultimately, at this point, I could help her more from the outside. “But, how am I going to leave?” I asked, acting like I didn’t understand what she meant, since I wasn’t supposed to know about the deadline. 

“There’s a tunnel,” she said. “The cursed Qi is dense there, but she prepared another talisman for you. I’m going to activate it, and as long as you run fast, you can avoid the danger before its duration ends.” 

“As you wish,” I said as I stood up, but rather than walking away, I leaned to kiss her. 


That kiss triggered several other activities, delaying my departure for another day, but ultimately, I found myself walking through a dark tunnel, ignoring the presence of a stone wall an ancient feeling. 

The cursed Qi was much thicker on those walls, showing that it had other purposes than just punishment, but I decided to follow her suggestion and avoid the gates. Instead, I followed a relatively new tunnel that led outside the city, opening to a cave. 

It also made me feel safer about her security. She already had an emergency escape … which, as an added benefit, gave me a way to infiltrate the palace once the intense security measures around the Spring Palace had been lifted. 

I opened the sealed letter she had given to me, reading the contents. It was a lengthy, very formal letter, but it basically asked that, for the favor she had been owed, she asked them to heal the bearer of the letter of his afflictions. There was no mention of any medicine for her, which wasn’t a surprise. 

The biggest benefit, she had signed it with her name. 


I chuckled, amused by the irony that, after spending all that time together, I had to open a letter of hers to learn her name. 

As I went back to the capital, I found Pearyin preparing herself dinner. “Is there enough for me as well, I’m famished,” I said, once again scaring her with my entrance. 

This time, rather than jumping in fear, she turned toward me, ready to defend herself rather than flinching in fear. 

She was getting better. 

Yet, the moment she saw me, her expression turned into glee. A little too intense, if I had to admit. If I was still on Earth, I would have done my best to get away, muttering about crazy clingy chicks … but this new world was crazy enough that her craziness didn’t even register. 

Instead, I gestured for her to walk closer, and she dashed, kissing me passionately. “Did you miss me?” I said once she pulled back. 

“Yes, sir,” she said, blushing thickly. I grabbed her waist … and took a break with her. Then, after a long bath, we were eating. At the same time, she gave me a detailed breakdown of the world outside. 

She started with the troubles in Markas. Apparently, their savage beast problem reached a point where they were practically separated from the rest of the kingdom. Even with the higher profit potential, not many caravans dared to travel there, isolating them. 

But, there was no military response to fix it, making it an interesting situation. 

“The apothecary business is going well. I only sold a limited number of pills as you requested, but still, we’re selling them quickly at that price.” 

“How about purchasing the herbs and other materials?” I asked. 

She blushed. “On that, I failed, master,” she said, her face filled with shame. “Even when I offered more, they weren’t willing to sell anything but the most common ones,” she said. 

“Don’t worry about it,” I said. Ultimately, I wasn’t too surprised. Higher-grade pills for martial artists were a huge business, the kind that people would kill for. “Tell me, has anyone dared to attack the place?” 

“Just a few thieves, but they were weaklings. I just killed them,” she said proudly, which made me freeze for a moment. I was still not used to a casual attitude toward killing. 

I wasn’t sure I wanted to. 

“They were probably not just thieves, but also sent to probe you,” I explained. 

“Really?” she asked, surprised. 

“Of course, do you really think that they will allow anyone to do business,” I said. “It’s only your cultivation, combined with the fact that the pills we sell are not above Muscle Reinforcement Realm, that kept you safe,” I explained. She blushed, realizing that she might have made a mistake. “Don’t worry about it, everyone makes mistakes. Just learn from them. You’re going to be very busy once we start selling real pills,” I said. 

I wanted to expand the operation for two reasons. A skilled apothecary had the right to be properly invited to the palace, which would help me to understand the truth behind Aisnam’s plight. Also, I wouldn’t mind the excuse to hire a few potentially loyal martial artists and send them across the cities.

I couldn’t skulk around gambling dens hoping to come across something useful. That way, sooner or later, I would end up on the wrong side of a cultivator’s blade. 

“But, we don’t have the necessary herbs,” she said. 

“Don’t worry about that. I have a plan for that,” I answered. 

After all, I still had a softhearted Connate realm martial artist who owed me. 

It was time to collect it. 


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