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I didn’t say anything as I let myself enjoy the beauty of the Queen under me. 

“I … I didn’t expect you to be a wild young man, sating your lust on a poor maid,” she whispered throatily as I touched her chin gently. “But … if that’s what I needed to do protect my Queen.” 

“Well, I’m sure she would have appreciated it if she heard it,” I said with a playful smirk. I couldn’t help it, the fact that she was so committed to acting like she was her own maid was too funny … but in a way that didn’t detract even a bit from her beauty. 

And, since she wanted to play the reluctant maid, I decided to oblige. I grabbed her large, conservative robe, and ripped it off aggressively. Yet, the moment I did so, my eyes widened. 

I didn’t expect her to be completely naked underneath. “Naughty maid,” I whispered, enjoying the smug expression on Queen’s face. “Now, let’s start. You have to work hard to keep your precious Queen safe from my naughty hands,” I said. 

“Like you dare to touch her exalted self,” she whispered back. I could see her barely holding back a chuckle. I had to admit, her disguise made the situation rather amusing. But, as much as the discussion was entertaining, it wasn’t as alluring as her beautiful body. Another shuffle, and her body had been freed from the presence of her robe, giving me a better alternative than her amusing anecdotes. 

I leaned forward slowly, still grabbing both hands with one of mine, still maintaining the illusion that I was the one who made the decision and not her. 

It was a soft, gentle kiss, at least at first, giving her a chance to adapt. She was hesitant at first, but I maintained contact as my lips slowly moved, trying to coax her to move. 

I expected a gentle, awkward response, so I was surprised when her aura suddenly changed, and her tongue darted out to invade my mouth. More importantly, her legs wrapped around my waist tightly. Nothing I couldn’t push out, but enough to destroy the game of reluctant maid. 

I used my free hand to push my pants down, and she shuffled a bit … and took me in. Her reaction as she did so led me to believe that it had been very long since she had someone to share her bed … well, dining table. 

With that, I let her hands go, and instead focused on moving steadily, my lips still on hers. I could feel her heartbeat going crazy with excitement as I moved at a steady pace, each push pushing her for a quick climax. 

Too quick, making me suspect that she not only went through a long dry spell, but also didn’t believe in masturbation. Entertaining. 

It was time to push the envelope a bit, I decided as I gently grabbed her face but pulled back from the kiss. “You’re beautiful,” I whispered as I started kissing her neck gently, but with each kiss, my hips quickened. 

She didn’t answer, just moaned as the pleasure overwhelmed her mind, each second pushing her closer to a climax. Until, at one point, she started trembling helplessly, arriving at a quick climax. 

Being deprived of the pleasures of the flesh for such a long time was not a simple issue. 

“W-what’s this,” she whispered, clearly shocked. 

“That, madam, is an orgasm,” I said, though I couldn’t help but look surprised. She was not a young girl, and she was not a virgin either. The fact that a beautiful and fascinating woman like her didn’t even know what an orgasm was was truly a shame. 

The King certainly deserved his horns. 

“That’s —” she started, but I silenced her for a kiss. I could explain what an orgasm was, or I could show her again. 

I didn’t stop even for a moment, for multiple reasons. With her cultivation, she could handle a little climax easily enough. Even as I continued to impale her, I let my lips move lower, capturing her nipples. Her breasts were not particularly huge, but that took nothing from their perfection. 

Especially with her perfect nipples hardening even further between my lips. I couldn’t help but moan as she recovered slightly, only for her legs to tighten around my body and pull me deeper inside. 

She was already beautiful, but she looked spectacular after her climax. I moved back and forth while she moaned in pure ecstasy, putting our isolation to best use. 

I climbed to the table with her, pinning her under me. One advantage of the opulence of the palace, the table was large enough to give us plenty of playing field … for the future. For the moment, I kept her pinned under me, enjoying her submissiveness. 

I had a feeling that, it was a once-in-a-lifetime deal. 

When she received another climax, I pulled back. “Show me your beautiful body,” I ordered, enjoying the benefits. She followed it, and shifted to sitting position, her arms keeping her trembling body in place. I gaped as I enjoyed her beauty, her skin covered with a beautiful sheen of sweat. 

Even with the veil, I had known that she was a beautiful woman, but it was nothing compared to the current sight, with her hair spilling down to her shoulders the only thing blocking her naked skin — and not doing a good job of it. Her chest heaved, pushing her chest up to a more alluring position, her legs trembled as they gathered, hiding her entrance from my view. 

“Open your legs,” I ordered. She followed, but I caught her hesitancy … signaling that, even under these beautiful circumstances, her submissiveness had limits. 

I aborted the other teasing I had been planning as I put my head between her legs, and started licking her beautiful folds. “What are you —” she started, once again surprised, which didn’t surprise me the slightest. After her lack of knowledge about what an orgasm was, it hadn’t been particularly shocking. 

It wasn’t the culture, as Elsana had been very enthusiastic about that. 

I grabbed her ass tighter as I licked her wetness quickly, though I didn’t miss the irony of eating her out on top of a dining table. 

She gasped at the intensity of my naughty kisses and at the abrupt manner in which they started. She tensed for a bit, but then she slackened, letting me do what I wanted while her moans rose higher. I knew exactly what I was doing, and it showed. Her moans filled the room … and she climaxed again. 

“You look tired, madam. Let’s bring you to a bed,” I said. She looked like she was about to argue, but before she could catch her breath enough to say anything, I pushed inside her while I grabbed her waist, carrying her to the bed in a very unusual manner. 

Our tongues battled once more as I carried her to my room. Whenever I pulled back from the kiss, her moans rose higher. And, with every step, her weight pushed down, allowing me to reach even deeper into her. Before we reached the bed, she experienced another orgasm. 

She was gushing with pleasure intense enough to send a lesser woman into comatose, yet she hung on as I buried her in my bed while drilling. 

I had a feeling that she would be even more demanding after she had received a taste …

But I was ready for the challenge. 


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