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“Come on, my flower, don’t be like this,” Charlie called from the other side. “You’re talking too long inside. Clearly, you’re angry. Let me help.” 

“Nonsense, I’m just trying my shirt with different bras, to see which one looks best,” Umi said as she stood up. 

“No bra is the best,” I whispered, interrupting her tirade as I hugged her. 

“S-sir, j-just a minute, I have to send him away,” she whispered, but she wasn’t able to keep her voice low enough to completely avoid her fiancee’s attention. 

“What did you say, flower,” he called, even trying to open the door. It was locked, yet, the Umi was too panicked to notice that detail. Instead, she rushed forward to lean against the door, ready to keep it closed physically. 

I followed her, and whispered another warning. “You have one minute,” I said, raising my arm. “Sixty seconds and counting.” 

Umi’s gaze widened as she realized exactly what I was implying. My hands landing on her hips was enough of a clue. The panic that bloomed on her face as she looked at me, silently begging, was even more beautiful. 

“Fifty-seven,” I whispered. 

She whimpered desperately while Charlie asked her to open the door so they could talk, trying to come up with an excuse to send him away. Amusingly, she didn’t even attempt to bargain with me. 

She was learning. 

“Just go away, Charlie,” Umi gasped, saying the worst possible thing to send him away quickly in her panic, especially when combined with her exasperated tone. Charlie was simple enough to read her tone as suppressed anger. 

Making sure he stuck around to make it up to her. 

Umi was really a poor decision-maker under stress. 

“Oh, come on, flower. You know I didn’t mean it like that. You don’t have to buy anything if you don’t want. I’m sure you’ll pass the interview in flying colors either way. I trust you,” he said, doing his best to earn quick forgiveness. 

However, I couldn’t help but wonder if they were his opinions, or if it was once again Tiffany, whispering just the correct suggestion to make Umi angrier. 

Either way, Charlie should have realized that trying to use his fiancee as an eye candy was causing problems — even if he completely missed the full extent — yet he just doubled down. 

He was really lucky he was working for me, so I could teach him an important lesson about decision-making. 

He continued to apologize, ignoring Umi’s attempts to intervene — not that they were particularly strong, as her state of dress didn’t solve her issues with speaking over others. “… I promise I’ll bring you to that holiday you always wanted to Paris once I receive my promotion,” he continued. 

However, that seemed to have an effect on Umi. She must have really wanted that holiday. 

Luckily, I had an easy way to reverse it. “So, Paris,” I whispered, and she nodded hesitantly. I leaned forward to press my hips against hers. “Good, it looks like our first destination for a business trip is set, we’ll fly the first weekend after your interview,” I whispered. 

Her beautiful eyes widened in shock, the easy offer about what was no doubt her dream holiday easily destroying any possible weight of her fiancee’s future promise. 

That was the risk of using promises of gifts further than gifts themselves. I couldn’t have competed with the memories of a beautiful holiday … but the promise of a distant one was easy to destroy. 

“By the way, twenty-two seconds,” I warned her, making her focus on the present. 

“Charlie, just go away,” Umi whispered desperately, but he ignored, continuing to talk about the amazing Paris holiday. 

“Two, one … and failure,” I whispered, enjoying her begging gaze. Silently, she was asking for another minute. Unfortunately for her, I had no intention of giving that to her. “I’ll start slow, just try to send him away,” I said, knowing that she would not even be able to speak as I started playing with her naked body. 

I started with soft touches, almost random as my fingers danced over her body. A caress here, a lingering touch there… It worked even better than I would have thought, her focus on keeping her mouth shut while her fiancee continued to ramble. 

“It’ll be amazing to visit the Eiffel Tower, right, flower?” he asked. 

“Yes, it will,” she said desperately. 

“It looks like you’re not that angry anymore,” Charlie said, unaware that his fiancee’s holiday plans didn’t include him. 

“Poor man,” I whispered to Umi’s ear even as I started to push her toward the door, slowly moving from casual touches into a more fun treatment. 

“He should have thought that before trying to seduce that blonde … trollop,” Umi whispered back. She wasn’t particularly silent either, but Charlie missed in the fervor of his imaginary holiday plans. 

I couldn’t help but chuckle at her attitude … and the fact that she couldn’t properly curse even at such a moment. “What’s so funny,” Charlie asked, hearing my voice but assuming it was Umi. 

“N-nothing, just the fabric of this shirt. It tickles,” Umi said, her voice convincingly strained as I pressed my hand on her back, forcing her tighter against the door. 

“Maybe I should pick you a better shirt,” Charlie said. 

“N-no need,” Umi answered automatically. 

“Oh, you skipped such a good opportunity to send him away,” I whispered even as I slipped a hand through the slit of her skirt, caressing her inner thigh. “Naughty.” 

Only then, did it click Umi that she had just skipped an excellent opportunity to send Charlie away. She opened her mouth, no doubt to reverse that decision, but I sealed her lips with a kiss, enjoying the panicked dance of her tongue. 

With my lips helping her to stay silent, my fingers climbed up, raising her skirt alongside, and soon, her ass was naked, with my shaft conveniently buried between her cheeks. 

“Try not to make too much sound,” I whispered as I let my hands wander over her body. Her hips rebelled, pushing harder against my crotch, swaying needily. 

However, even as she did so, her lips danced with a sense of confusion. Revenge was an interesting motivator, and the mixture of greed and desire didn’t make things any easier. 

So, as I grabbed her breasts in preparation to fuck her against the door while her fiancee was on the other side, she just angled her hips for a better entrance. I continued to maul her breasts, which still carried the marks of my aggressive mauling from earlier. 

I pulled my hips back, angled, and pushed forward slowly, dipping into her wetness. 

She froze for a moment, her eyes wide in shock. It seemed that, even with all the setup, she didn’t think that I would dare to go all the way under the circumstances. 

Well, she would soon learn better. 

Her shock was replaced with alarm as I pushed forward slowly, not wanting to risk the sound of colliding flesh, which would have been hard to explain. Even to a gullible man like Charlie. 

However, that didn’t mean it wasn’t a challenge for her to stay silent. Every push of mine was slow and deep, stretching her to the limits. It was hard for her to handle, especially since she was still a virgin until recently.

Very recently. 

After a particularly hard push, her face contorted even more, alarmed.  A moan escaped despite my lips on hers. 

“Are you alright, flower?” Charlie asked, though his tone wasn’t particularly concerned. 

“I — I just stubbed my toe,” she answered, looking at me angrily as she said that. Not undeserved, as I continued to push inside her even as she struggled to speak. 

“Be careful,” Charlie said, while Tiffany laughed in the background. 

“Yes, be careful. I’m sure your new boss is not the kind that appreciates clumsiness. What if you spill his coffee. He might bend you over his leg and spank you.” 

Charlie snorted at that. “That old man. In his dreams,” he said. 

Umi’s eyes widened at the insult as she looked at me. I didn’t get angry … it was hard to feel that while I was fucking his fiancee just a couple feet away from him. 

Still, sometimes, it was about making a point. “Your fiancee just earned you a creampie, sweetie,” I whispered as I started invading her core faster and faster. She struggled to contain her moans … but with the convenient excuse of stubbing her toe, silence was not a must. 

Then, before we could finish our fun, his phone rang. “Damn it,” he said. “I need to go to an urgent meeting. I’ll see you at dinner, flower,” he said. 

“Sure, go,” Umi said, almost a shout. 

“Don’t worry, I’m here to take care of her,” Tiffany said, like a wolf trying to convince a farmer that she would make a good shepherd. 

But, the farmer in question was gullible enough to believe the wolf in question. “You’re the best, Tiffany,” he said. “I’m sorry I’m working hard, but it’s not for nothing. Imagine how beautiful it’ll be when we visit Paris in Autumn,” he said. Then, he walked away. 

His beautiful fiancee didn’t answer, too busy being filled with my cum…  



Is there a gallery for the characters in the story? I wonder what Tiff and Umi would look like