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When I woke up, it was already near midday, yet I was still exhausted. Understandable, as I had worked incredibly hard for the last two days. Add in the long drive … and the nature of our fun times … no wonder I was barely feeling like I wanted to stand up. 

Pity I didn’t have the luxury of lazing around. 

The unexpected success of the convention was amazing. Receiving a mid-five figures income had been fascinating enough, but I wasn’t naive enough to think that it was enough. No, ultimately, in the business I was in, that was barely enough to set up a decent studio. 

I needed far more funds to return to the sector. At a minimum, a studio in Manhattan, a very expensive car,  and several high-profile jobs were needed to show everyone that, despite the embargo I had been operating under, I was able to not only survive but thrive. 

Was that unfair, certainly, but it was the minimum required to fight against the manager and the lead editor of one of the biggest fashion magazines. 

“Well, it could have been worse,” I said as I stumbled through the stairs after a quick shower, wearing just a towel. “I could have angered a movie director … or worse, a producer.” Yeah, that would have been truly horrible. At least, against a magazine director, I had a fighting chance. 

As I walked, I pulled my phone, and started browsing through the real estate, looking for an appropriate building. Not to live, but to use as a proper studio. 

Someone else might have tried to use the opportunity to prioritize the living conditions, but I wanted to sink everything back into my business, some to rent a studio, the others to equipment. A better camera, lights, screens … maybe even a nice corner for a tailor considering the intense need for costumes in my current work stream. 

Picking the location was an important decision that required my full attention on the screen as I struggled to pick the most appropriate locations, not paying much attention to my surroundings.  

"What's wrong?" a voice asked. Nicole, I recognized even before I raised my gaze, her concern making it known as much as her tone. Still, I looked up … and I am glad that I did enjoy the following blessing. 

She was wearing nothing but a morning robe. It was a conservative piece, long enough to be boring … but with the front of it appropriately loosened to give a concrete view of her cleavage, it was not a concern. 

A beautiful accidental reveal. 

I barely held back a chuckle as I recognized the exact nature of that accidental reveal. One side of the edge was folded perfectly while the other was bunched, giving a perfect asymmetry. It looked natural … the kind of natural that required five minutes of careful tinkering to achieve. And, she seemed to forget that I was the one that taught that particular trick during the photoshoots. 

I couldn’t blame her for forgetting, as I often ... distracted her after our photoshoots. Details such as those could slip easily… 

“Looking for a new place is stressful,” I said, and immediately, a flash of panic passed through her face. “I need a new studio. Unfortunately, you have to still suffer my presence for a while more,” I immediately added. I had considered teasing her, but the sheer panic on her face changed my mind. 

Messing with her would be mean. 

With that, her gloom disappeared, and her clenched jaw loosened. “Is it urgent,” she asked. 

“Very much so. I just received a new job that will make me a lot of money, and I need a better studio,” I said, then smirked. “Good news for you, for that job, you’ll make five times what I had been paying you earlier,” I added. 

“F-five times,” she gasped. “I-isn’t it too much?” 

I chuckled as I took a step forward. “Of course not. Though, I wouldn’t say no if it came with some extra benefits.” She blushed. “Like a nice neck rubbing while I look for a nice location.”  

She said nothing as she stepped behind me. She didn’t even ask to change the location, and started rubbing my neck. It was not something she would not have dared to do just a few days ago … but considering she had been caught doing far worse by Nancy — even if she was under a disguise that prevented Nancy from recognizing her — it was understandable that her morals had … loosened. 

"This stress is killing me," I complained as she rubbed the back of my neck while I stared at the screen, cycling through the available properties that could be useful.

Luckily, the back rub wasn’t the only way Nicole was battling with my stress. Occasionally, I checked her from a nearby mirror, enjoying the view. She was a true knockout even when dressed conservatively. Additionally, that was not the only benefit I had been enjoying. 

Focused on her task, she didn’t realize just how scandalous her cleavage was getting as it parted … particularly since neglected to put on a bra — not that she needed one.  

If I was dealing with a more experienced model, I would have assumed that it was something she was doing deliberately in an effort to seduce me. But Nicole was easy to read … and despite how it looked, the situation was clearly accidental. 

That didn’t mean she wasn’t getting worked up. As her hands slowly dipped down to my shoulders, caressing my muscles, she was getting aroused. She bit her lips, trying to contain her arousal, but failing. 

I enjoyed her natural beauty on the reflection between checking the photos of real estate listings. 

“Do you mind getting me something to drink?” I asked. 

“Beer or wine?” she asked. 

“Just water,” I said. “I’ll be driving a lot, and I prefer to check the buildings carefully. I need a place that I could move to my studio immediately.” 

“I see, you’re really in a hurry.” 

“Yes. I need to be shooting very aggressively the next week at worst, but I prefer to do it tomorrow if possible.” 

Nicole said nothing else as she turned and walked toward the fridge, but stopped after a step. She didn’t make a sound, but her posture of one of distress. Only then, did she realize just how much of a show she had been putting on. 

She looked at me panickedly — very unnecessary considering everything we had done together — relaxing only noticing I was still looking away … missing the fact that I was using the mirror to watch her all along. 

Her perception was not exactly sharp, but that didn’t matter when she had other amazing qualities like an amazing ass and even more amazing tits. And, after a long pause, she decided not to fix her robe and continue displaying the latter. 

Then, she bent over to the fridge, far more slowly than it was necessary, displaying the former to the best effect. “Maybe a glass of juice instead,” she offered, making sure my gaze turned toward her. 

I decided to humor her and turned toward them. “Just water is enough,” I said, but I kept watching her as she stood up. “Oops,” she gasped as she looked down, acting like she had just noticed the state of her robe. 

Unfortunately, while she was a natural model, the same certainly didn’t apply to her acting skills. I barely kept myself from laughing, knowing she would be sad at that. Instead, I made a show off looking at her assets on display while she made a show of fixing it. 

Hardly a chore. 

Her sweet little ass swayed as she walked toward me, and when she passed the water to me, I grabbed her by the waist and pulled her closer. “Thank you for the water,” I said as I kissed her on the cheek, deliberately soft and lingering … one that worked even better than a searing kiss to fluster her. 

“T-that’s nothing,” she stammered, but made no attempt to extract herself from my arms. 

“By the way. I managed to find a promising location, and I need to be there in half an hour to see the location.” 

“Oh,” Nicole gasped, her disappointment clear. 

“Do you want to come with me? It’ll be fun,” I said, then my smirk widened. “You can help me test the general outlook of the place with a test shoot. I need to make sure we can move immediately.”

“Sure,” she said. 

“And, as a benefit, you can help me test the acoustics of the place,” I added.  

She was confused at that. “I don’t think I can help with that. I’m hardly an expert…” she started before her words faded away, what I had been implying clicking perfectly. “Oh.” 

“Yes,” I said as I squeezed her ass, and she cried loudly. “Just like this,” I added while I enjoyed her blush. “Well, almost like this. I have some louder noises in mind. I’m sure I can help you with them,”  I explained, each word making her blush even more.  

Yet, she made no attempt to pull herself out of my arms. I was tempted to push her against the kitchen counter. Unfortunately, I actually needed to be at my destination in half an hour. “Go and put something interesting,” I said. 

“W-what should I wear?” she asked. 

“You’re a model now, surprise me,” I answered, slapping her ass as she walked away, her ass swaying despite her hurried dash. 

She was turning out to be a truly excellent model. 



A new arc of the Photographer! Thank you!!