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As she stepped out of the shower, the strongest emotion Tara was feeling was confusion. At least, she hoped that it was confusion, and decisively ignored the chance to ponder on it further. It didn’t like she had the proper experience to assess things. 

Not when she had lived most of her life in a boring routine. Growing up on a ranch only with her mother was simple. She just needed to follow her orders, and everything would be alright. And, once she awakened, things got even better … though she never let her mother learn that. 

Her only rebellion, keeping her awakening secret. But she had long learned that finishing her work early would have only gotten more work from her mother, who believed that idleness was the root of all evil. 

So, keeping her strength hidden allowed her to use her strength to finish her work in minutes and sneak into the barn to read. Pity she couldn’t have done that at the bar, which stretched the work that could be finished in minutes into hours. 

Though, thinking that, a blush covered her face. She couldn’t help but feel self-conscious about the way she looked after her prospective boss arrived, feeling self-conscious about the way she looked. 

Of course, he was right, a bra was nothing. It covered just as much as a conservative bikini that everyone seemed to wear at the beach — at least that’s what the movies showed, she was yet to visit the ocean in person — and many female heroes had even smaller costumes. 

Yet, she couldn’t help but feel shy as she put on her towel, glad that the mirror was still steamy. She wasn’t particularly tall, but the towel was barely able to keep everything in order. “It’s just normal, Tara. Don’t be a hick,” she murmured, trying to convince herself as she reached and opened the door. 

She didn’t want to act out against the first person who seemed to be willing to give her a chance. 

It didn’t long for her to lose the farm after her mother’s demise — days, as it seemed her mother had accumulated quite a bit of debt — and the little money she had was barely enough for her to afford a room at a terrible motel. Worse, her cash reserve was dwindling even further. 

She needed this job … at least until he decided to actually require a power test. 

“Don’t be shy,” she murmured as she grabbed the handle, doing her best to put on a calm demeanor. Unfortunately, that determination only lasted until she stepped out, accompanied by a wave of steam, and saw her new boss. 

And she froze. Luckily, he was looking the other way, giving her a chance to recover her demeanor. 

She could do it. 

She took a deep breath for courage … and then stopped to fix her towel to prevent an accident. “I … sir,” she whispered. 

He turned toward her, and for a moment, she expected him to make some vulgar comment like the men on the street, but he did not. He just looked at her face, like there was nothing out of the ordinary. 

There wasn’t. She just needed to act like a city girl. 

“So, your clothes need another hour at least to dry,” he said, and she nodded, unable to meet his gaze. “Let’s use that time to test you about being a waitress.” 

“D-downstairs?” she found herself asking. 

“No need. Here’s fine,” he said, and she relaxed. “Now, grab this tray and walk back and forth. I want to see if you can walk without dropping anything.” She looked at him in surprise, but saw nothing but casual professionalism, silently telling her to act professional. “Now,” he added, his voice stiff. 

And just like that, she reached for the tray. 

“Now, I want you to start walking back and forth,” he said. She did so, but before she could even cover half of the distance, he called her again. “Stop, you’re doing it wrong,” he called. 

She found herself blushing, suddenly self-aware. How could she screw up walking? He walked next to her, and made a gesture. “Imagine that there’s a line here, and make sure you’re stepping on that line with each step, and make sure your steps are slow and measured…” 

She followed that, still feeling confused. Luckily, he must have felt her problem, because he followed it with another order about swaying her hips. Then, another one about her stride length, her pacing, the way she held up her head. 

Each other put her in a more comfortable space. It was much easier to just follow them without thinking. For the first time since her mother’s loss, she felt like the world wasn’t overwhelming chaos. She just needed to follow the directions… 

“Stop,” he called once more, and she followed it immediately, still holding the tray up, but this time, she wasn’t panicking. After all, she managed to follow every single order he delivered perfectly, with no need to repeat. 

She trusted him to have a reason. 

“Now, let’s fix the smaller details,” he said as he put his hand on the small of her back. His touch was electric, and she felt her back arching reflexively. And, just like that, confusion was back, even though it was for a different reason. 

It was bad. 

She surrendered to her daze as he pushed her around in the room, though this time, her attention was on his fingers, climbing along her spine. “You need to be better,” he whispered. 

“You’re right. I need to be better, sir,” she whispered. “Please show me how I can be better.” 

“Close your eyes, and don’t move,” he ordered. She shivered as his order hit her ears, realizing that there was something different in his order. Something dangerous. 

Nothing physical. It was not something she feared since she had awakened — except the fear of finding herself in the middle of a battle of supers — but something different. Something personal. She was supposed to stop and leave. 

Yet, she still followed his order. It was easy. 


“Don’t drop your tray, and don’t open your eyes, no matter what,” he ordered.  

She felt apprehensive, but she ignored it when she felt his fingers touching her empty arm. Her right hand, which she held the tray, trembled, but nothing happened. 

“Good girl,” he whispered, and she trembled even worse, but he ignored it as he caressed her arm, climbing up to her elbow first, then her shoulder. 

His touch made her feel things, things that she wanted more of. His other hand landed on her thigh, climbing up, caressing the outer side of her legs, fueling those confusing feelings further. 

And further, when he arrived at the line that was created by her tiny towel … and stopped. She suddenly felt bad, like she missed something great, but it turned out to be a prelude to something even more confusing. She took a panicked breath… 

And her towel started to loosen once more. However, this time, before she could even reach to fix it, he spoke once more. “Don’t move.” 

So, she did not, even when she could feel her towel slowly unraveling, slipping down. Just a fraction of an inch at first … then an inch … then, just like a dam being breached, slipping free and hitting the floor. 

Just like that, she was naked. For the first time in front of a man. Her insecurities flared, waiting for him to ask her to cover herself, that she was too ugly to be looked at. He did not. Maybe she was ugly enough that he didn’t even need to say. 

She bit her lips, trying to ignore the confusing flood by focusing on his fingertips, once again climbing across her back, dancing over her spine, leaving tracks of fire. The sensation helped her to ignore the self-consciousness of her blatant exposure. 

Ridiculous as the feeling was, she did not want to let it go, even when it climbed back to her neck, then to her collarbone.  

When his fingers started dropping down once more, she realized that it reached a point where she should ask him to stop … but he asked her to stay silent, and it was easier to follow that order than to take a decision. 

His fingertips reached the edge of her breasts, dancing gently, slowly creating a spiral, driving closer and closer to the center … until his fingers pulled back, and landed on her nipple with a flick. 

And, just like that, the tray slipped out of her hand. “I’m sorry I failed, sir,” she gasped, expecting an expression of anger. 

Yet, she found an expression she couldn’t read. “Are you really?” he said. 

“Yes, sir,” she said, nodding enthusiastically. 

“Good,” he said as he walked to the mattress and sat down, then patted his lap. “Come here, and lay down.” 

So, she did.


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