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As I approached Tara, I was getting more and more confident that she didn’t have any kind of enhanced senses. If she had any, she would have reacted before I stood behind her, just outside her kicking range and behind a table — in case it was her shocked response — watching her as she aggressively scrubbed the fryer with a reinforced sponge. 

Watching her, I could see that she had super strength — as it would have been impossible to get rid of the age-old marks without it — but that was not it. Her control was also impressive, not damaging the device slightest. 

Of course, that clearly didn’t apply to some kind of supernatural grace, as I noticed the shirt she was wearing at the side, the front of it washed after some kind of cleaning accident. A happy one, giving me an amazing show to be entertained. 

Not a bad power set, I thought, but it was a momentary thought. The way her bosom swayed during her enthusiastic scrubbing was too fascinating not to pay attention. Her bra was large and plain, but with her surprisingly large breasts, it wasn’t enough to prevent the situation an incredible show. 

All she needed to do was to straighten her hair and get rid of her ugly glasses, and she would be the top attraction in an upscale strip club. 

I waited until she was holding the old bucket rather than the old — yet still too expensive to replace — fryer when I spoke. “I see that you’re working hard,” I said suddenly. 

She gasped in shock as she turned toward me, her breasts swaying. For a moment, I hoped that her bra would fail, but that didn’t happen. 


“S-sir,” she gasped as she raised her arms to cover her chest, doing her best to keep them covered … with moderate success. 


“Excellent work. I can see that you can work without supervision incredibly well. It’s certainly a big advantage in your favor,” I said, acting like I hadn’t noticed she had cleaned better than a professional team. She was clearly naive enough to miss the implications, and I preferred to act just unaware in order not to reveal I had caught her secret. 

However, as I talked, I met with another surprise. Rather than reaching for her shirt, she stayed frozen and hesitant. “T-thank you, sir,” she whispered. 

“Good, continue cleaning,” I said, curious whether that hesitancy would hold as I took a step to the side, blocking her path to her shirt accidentally. She bit her lips as she sent a fleeting glance, but no move to reach it over me. 

Or even ask it. 

Instead, she just picked up my clue about her state of dress being normal, and turned her attention back to the cleaning. 

Blushing furiously in the process. 

Fascinating, I thought, biting my lips to hold back laughter once she turned her back to avoid my gaze. She must have been even more sheltered than I had first assumed based on her looks and her attitude. 

A good reminder to me about my powers not being perfect, but I ignored that in favor of focusing on the way tits swayed. Their movement wasn’t as enthusiastic as before as she tried to control her movement, but the added color from her shy blush more than compensated for it. 

While she cleaned, I placed my purchases in the fridge, curious whether she would dare to reach her shirt. It took another minute for her to gather that courage … just enough for me to gather mine to push my powered temporary employee more. 

Before she could grab her shirt, I did. “Let me clean it properly. This is the least I could do,” I said as I took it away to the apartment upstairs — empty except for a solitary mattress, but with running water — and used the shower to drench it completely before leaving it to dry. 

Another test of her obedience, one that she functioned excellently. She was still cleaning the fryer, her blush getting thicker. 

It was already the limits of my courage if it wasn’t for my ability, but even as I pushed her, I could see that she had no intention of resisting. Together with the latent danger, it tempted me even more. 

“Let me help you with cleaning,” I said. 

“N-no need,” she whispered, but that was all she was able to say as I started helping her. From close quarters, it was easier for me to read her reactions, and I could see that she was shy … cripplingly so, which was dangerous alongside her naivety. 

More importantly, it was my apparent lack of attention to her half-naked state that made her stick around that. “No different than a swimsuit,” she whispered to herself as I walked the other side to pick up something, trying to encourage herself. 

I only heard it due to my enhanced observation, which apparently included hearing as well. I wasn’t exactly able to hear things I couldn’t hear before, but I could separate her voice from the background noise well. 

It was enough for me to listen to her.

“Careful about this part,” I said as I reached into one area, accidentally rubbing my finger against the back of her hand. Another subtle test, and she shivered even more, but otherwise didn’t comment. 

She just bit her lip, tempting me to touch her more. Of course, I limited my touches to her hands and arms, partially to see if she would have a sudden change of attitude, and partially to get her used to my touch. 

As we finished cleaning the fryer five minutes later, she showed great improvement. Saying that she got used to it was a stretch, as with every touch, her blush flared … but she stopped flinching, which was progress. 

“What should we do next, sir,” she said as she looked at the floor, but this time, she didn’t cover her chest with her arms despite the direct cleavage. 

“Start scrubbing the floor,” I said, doing my best to sound strict. She seemed to react well to that. “You start rubbing, and I’ll refill the bucket.” 

She just nodded and started kneeling, but as she did so, her cleavage looked even better, tempting me more. It got even better as she started working, the angle working even better combined with her obedience. It felt heavenly. 

I barely held back the temptation to push for more, and instead just refilled the bucket and passed it to her. I had pushed her enough. 

However, before I could put it down, she put her hand in the bucket. At the same time, she looked up, caught my gaze, and flinched … and with her hand already in the bucket, dunked all of the water on her.

“Careful, woman,” I growled even as she ended up being completely drenched, unable to hold back my response. 

Shockingly, she froze as I raised my voice. She just stayed on her knees even as her body was drenched with water, her bra losing its shape … even gaining a hint of transparency. Unfortunately, just a hint, as the bra was too thick to fade any further. “I’m sorry, sir. It won’t happen again. Please don’t fire me,” she gasped. 

God, just how long she had been trying to find work to react to her accident like this, even forgetting the way she was dressed. 

“Are you going to promise me that it won’t happen again,” I said. 

“I promise, sir,” she said, her obedience tempting. I couldn’t help to tease her more. I let out a sigh of exaggerated disappointment, a fake expression I could replicate easily after my own underwhelming life. 

“Good, then stand up and follow me,” I said, and without waiting for an answer, I started walking. 

She followed, not even skipping a step, her shoes sloshing with water. Yet, she didn’t ask any questions, not even when we climbed the stairs. 

She froze as she noticed the room, empty except for a naked mattress and one damaged suitcase. “S-sir,” she stammered, shocked. 

It took everything I had not to test her limits by asking her to lie down. “You can use the shower,” I said as I pointed at the door. “You can’t just wait in wet clothes.” 

She probably could considering her powers, but she didn’t volunteer that information. Instead, she just walked inside while I dug into my suitcase for a towel. 

“Thank you, sir,” she whispered as she looked down once more, her wet hair sticking against her equally wet cleavage, the drops begging to be licked away… 

I spoke again once she was at the doorway. “Give your clothes to me so I can dry them,” I suddenly ordered, unable to resist the temptation. However, this time, she just closed the door. 

A sigh escaped my mouth. Apparently, it was finally too much. I started walking away … until I heard the distinct click of a door. It parted open slightly, and a hand jerked out, holding several clothes. 

I changed direction, barely holding back a wolf call. She did her best to crack the door enough for her arm to slip out and hang her clothes on to door handle. It would have been smart … but my towel was tiny enough to barely wrap around her, showing even more of her cleavage and her surprisingly long and toned legs. 

She hung all of her clothes including her underwear before she closed it hurriedly, giving me one last tantalizing glimpse of her body. 

Just like that, I walked away … but to pick some props. She was just too marvelous, and I had to see just how far I could tease her despite the risk.  


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