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Lily was still frozen as she watched her friend walk away, unable to believe what was going on. A part of it was accidentally touching his half-naked body, even though it wasn’t somewhere dangerous. 

Another part was his muscles, which looked much more … captivating from up close. It was easy to mock Jenny’s whorish ways until she got a glimpse of them up close. 

“How dare you,” she gasped, speaking loud enough to suppress the sudden shame she was feeling. 

“I’m doing what?” Darion answered, his tone cold. Too cold. 

“Removing your shirt without permission!” Lily gasped, doubling down on anger. 

“Permission, really?” he said, chuckling. 

“Of course, you do what I want, or you get fired—“ Lily started, only to realize he was walking away. “Where are you going!” she gasped as she chased him. 

“Well, since you’ll get me fired, I don’t need to stay here, right?” Darion said. 

Lily froze for a moment before she chased him. “You’re bluffing,” she declared, even though it didn’t feel like he was doing so. At all. He didn’t respond, so she picked up speed, and blocked his path. “You can’t leave,” she gasped. 

“Of course I can, unless you’re planning to wrestle me down,” he said with a mocking tone, but his face was hard. “I don’t need to explain to you how bad it’d end, right?” 

“But, your job…” Lily found herself muttering, feeling like a rug pulled under her feet. She was so confident in her control, and suddenly losing that made her feel … dazed.

“You think that’s a job that I would care to lose,” Darion said as he walked, and Lily rubbed her head, trying to calm down. Maybe it wasn’t too bad. As long as she didn’t actually reveal those pictures to her sister, she might try to negotiate something else. “Too bad your friend will mock you for your failure,” he said. 

“Oh, no,” Lily gasped as she reached to grab his arm, imagining just how badly Mary would gossip all around the school. She was Lily’s friend, but also she was the biggest gossip the school had ever seen. 

However, just as she touched him, he grabbed her and pulled her in front of him, and she froze. “Did I tell you how much I don’t like people touching me without permission,” he growled, and suddenly, Lily felt her legs lose strength. 

It was good that his grip was strong. 

“Y-you can’t leave,” she stammered. “I’ll be humiliated.” 

“You should have thought that before blackmailing me,” he answered. “So, unless you want to entice me to stay…” he dragged. 

“How?” she asked, even though she had a very good idea what he was driving at. 

“You’re a smart girl, guess,” he said. 

“I…” Lily murmured, realizing maybe she shouldn’t blame Jenny too much. After all, she was realizing that, once she found herself in a compromising position, it was very hard to reject the offer. Even if that was implicit. 

She nodded.

A gasp followed immediately as he grabbed her ass, his fingers digging into her flesh, unlike anything she had ever felt before. He lifted her easily … which was good because her legs were trembling badly. 

“W-we need to be quick, she won’t take long,” she barely managed to gasp. 

“Okay, why don’t you show me how are you going to convince me to stay, then,” he answered, his smirk taking her breath and her legs trembling… 

Which was good, as she didn’t need her legs to do what she had in mind to convince her to stay. She just hoped that Mary stayed away long enough. 

She reached for his belt, quickly getting rid of his pants. She needed to work hard if she wanted to convince her before her friend —

“Are you alright, sweetie, you are not moving,” he said, his voice enough to restart her mind. Barely, she realized as her gasp hit her ears while she processed his size. She knew he was big, from the time she watched him work on Jenny, but close, it was different. 

So very different… 

“Come on, sweetie, it’s not going to suck itself. Either start, or I’m going to—“ he started, but Lily pushed forward, proud that she was able to silence him as she took most of it, even if it required her to take some of his assistance. “Not bad for a little naughty bitch,” he whispered. 

Lily found herself blushing, though she felt lucky that her mouth was too full to answer — as she was coming blank. As he pulled her back and forth, she lost the sense of time … but it couldn’t be long, because Mary was yet to return. 

Her lack of breath hit her hard, as when he pulled back, she found herself collapsing, the only reason her moans not filling the house was his hands, keeping a firm hold over her mouth. “That was good, for a start…” he said. 

“S-start,” she stammered, her eyes wide. 

“Of course a start,” he answered with a merciless chuckle, even as he got rid of her outfit, leaving her naked … and very vulnerable, with him positioned right at the position.

“But…” she whispered. 

“But, what, little whore princess. Don’t tell me you’re inferior to the other redhead in the office?” 

Lily knew he was teasing her, but she had no intention of being inferior to that whore… “Of course not,” she declared. 

“Then, what’s the problem,” he asked. 

“I’m not … wet enough,” she said. She certainly was, but it was better than admitting she was afraid of his girth. 

“That’s easily fixable, sweetie,” he said, and Lily found herself leaning against the wall, his fingers skillfully dancing at her entrance, with a mixture of elegance and merciless domination that she didn’t even think to be possible. 

As his fingers danced in her core, she slowly lost her connection with reality, along with the reasons for rejecting him, including one that was urgent … for some reason. “Are you ready, now?” he asked. 

“N-no, not yet,” she managed to gasp. 

“Let’s bring the big guns, then,” he said, once again displaying his strength as he easily changed her position, her weight nothing against his muscles. His fingers were replaced with his tongue, working even harder at her entrance, each brush of his thick tongue stealing more and more of her concerns.

Leaving only pleasure behind…



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