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“Now, repeat the rules,” Lily said as they finally parked at their destination, breaking the silence.

She was clearly trying to be oppressive and domineering as they drove, letting him boil at the shock of getting caught, but he just enjoyed the silent drive while having a sexy and barely dressed woman in the passenger seat. 

Hardly the worst punishment he had ever experienced, which was why he decided to play along a bit more. “I’m going to stay in the car, and wait for you to return. I’ll keep my phone charged, and if you give me a call, I’ll respond immediately, playing along…” Darion repeated. 

A rather long list, lucky that Darion had no problems breaking his word if necessary. 

“Good, you’re sharp,” she said smugly and condescendingly as she put her hands on her waist. He might even felt like breaking his word, but he decided to cut her some slack — owing to her scandalous tank top, one that slipped high enough to reveal her areolas. 

That mistake was enough to earn a little more goodwill from him. 

“Now, wait here, away from the main gate, I don’t want her to see you,” she said before she turned and left. 

“Well, a promise is a promise,” Darion murmured and started waiting for a whole ten minutes, before he stepped out of the car. While he was away from the gate, the walls didn’t block the sound, laughter hitting his ears, both female. 

“Let’s see why she’s trying to keep me here,” Darion murmured as he looked at the wall. An imposing barrier, but nowhere as impenetrable as it actually looked, which was why, even in this age, burglary was a nice source of income. 

A jump and a strong grip were all he needed to take a good grip, and he pulled himself, curious about what he would find… 

And what he found was beautiful…


“I don’t believe you.”  

Lily looked at her friend in frustration, unable to believe that it was taking her that long to convince her friend about that. “I’m telling you, Mary, I already caught him having sex in the office. So, either he listens to me, or he’s fired. We can finally go to that concert out-of-state while using some excuse about a library or something.” 

“I don’t know,” she answered with a dubious frown. “It sounds unbelievable, and even if that’s true, I don’t want a random janitor hanging around us. It’ll totally cramp our style.” 

Lily let a smirk cover her face. “That’s the best part, he won’t. Not only he’s a total hottie, but he’s also truly buff, and he has this amazing chocolate skin that almost glows…” She paused a moment to imagine what kind of skin-care regiment he was using. She refused to believe that it was a natural thing. 

“Really?” Mary said, her tone unconvinced. “You think he’s hot. You, miss I don’t even look anything lower than nine.” 

“Oh, you have to see his muscles. They are simply amazing. To die for, even.” 

“Okay, pass that phone and show me then,” Mary answered.

She raised her phone, but ignored Mary’s raised hand, and instead pressed the call button. “How about if I do something better?” she smirked. 

“You’re calling him here,” Mary gasped. “Won’t he be annoyed to drive back?” 

“He won’t, because I ordered him to wait,” Lily answered, giggling at her friend’s fascination. It was good to order people around. She could now see why her sister liked it so much. 

“Hey, Darion…” she started. 


A frown was on Darion’s face as he turned off the phone after the long, annoying phone call. “Impressive,” he murmured. “I trusted her not to annoy me for at least another day. Maybe I overestimated her.” 

Darion thought about turning back and leaving, but after some consideration, he decided against it — and mostly due to her friend’s swimsuit preference. A nice topless show deserved its reward. 

With that, Darion walked toward the gate, which they buzzed him around the house, and saw the girls. “Is it too late to change my mind,” he murmured in frustration as he realized Lily’s friend had already put her top back on. 

Pity, he thought, but after a short consideration, he decided to continue walking. Maybe it wouldn’t be too difficult to convince her to get rid of those… 

“Oh, I can see why you were drooling when you talked about him. He’s simply divine,” her friend said as she looked at him like a particularly tasty piece of dish, a look Darion was familiar with — and, considering what he could see, had no problems either. 

Maybe he should stay a few minutes. 

“So, my dear bodyguard,” Lily started smugly. “I was just talking about the details of our deal with my best friend, and she mentioned that she would love to go to this concert…” 

“I’m guessing that’s not too close,” Darion said, the view enough to make him play along a bit more.

“Not too much, just a four-hour drive,” Mary said, her smirk widening. “Discounting the traffic, of course.”

“I don’t expect it to be too bad, after all, it’s just fifty thousand people in a stadium, how bad could it be,” Lily completed. “I believe that my dear friend Darion wouldn’t ruin that little plan.” 

“You seem sure,” Darion answered, barely holding back a chuckle as he tried to play along, which was harder than he expected. She was even worse than Jenny in terms of looking authoritative. 

“Of course,” Lily answered, with a little pause that was supposed to be menacing, but mostly worked to arouse him, especially combined with the way they dressed. “I know that you won’t go against my little request…” 

“Don’t be so rude, Lily, maybe he has something important. It’s late notice, after all.” 

“Oh, I’m sure he doesn’t have anything. He mentioned that while we were driving,” she said, then, much to Darion’s surprise, she walked closer. She was on the raised step, which allowed her to hover above him as she put her hand on his cheek, caressing. 

Darion had to admit. She had some nice nuggets about intimidation. Stepping into someone’s personal space without invitation, even going as far as to put a hand on the cheek was daring stuff. 

Too bad she had two problems. One, the way she dressed. The second, her target… 

Darion just smirked, staying silent for a moment. 

“Oh, this is getting heated,” her friend interjected. “Maybe I should go get us some fresh drinks, preferably something cold to help me handle this.” 

“Mary!” Lily gasped, ruining the little she was able to gather in terms of authority. “Don’t ruin my great pose.” 

“Actually, you’re right, it’s a bit hot,” Darion chuckled as he removed his shirt while Lily was looking at her friend. A fact that Lily somehow managed not to notice as she replaced her hand on her cheek. 

“Oh, you’re right, he’s a total beefcake,” Mary said in appreciation, who wasn’t distracted enough to miss that. 

“Hey, wait, where’s your shirt,” Lily gasped as she pulled back her hand like it was burned, while Darion just smirked. 

“Oh, now, I really need to go pick something cold to drink. This is impossible to handle,” Mary said as she walked away, leaving Darion alone with Lily in the courtyard. 

Good, he thought. He needed to have a talk with her about boundaries… 

“Don’t worry, 




Sorry for the late update, I had a horribly hectic week.