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Juana said nothing as I stood behind her, but she checked me through a mirror to see if I was using my vantage point to get a better view of her cleavage. I didn’t … at least not until she finally got convinced of my ‘good intentions’ and turned her attention away.

“You can go through the tactics while I solve your back problems,” I said as I leaned forward and pulled the papers in front of her, which gave me an excellent view of her cleavage from my superior vantage point. 

“A good idea —“ she started before she swallowed her words. The reason, my fingers, dancing on her shoulders to attack the first knot I had found, which melted under a soft flood of Recovery-Intent. Just a minuscule amount, but excellent as a massage aid. 

She cut her words, because her option was between that, and letting out a moan, and she was prideful enough to avoid the second option. 

I said nothing as I worked on her back, the show enough to turn a boring bureaucratic meeting into something spectacularly entertaining. It was fun, but it was also something that was necessary. Juana was tense. Her point about the challenge her impressive bosom was generating was not wrong — despite the fun way she chose to display that — and the rest of the week, with all its ups and down, was stressful enough to leave its mark as well. 

She was strong enough to handle the stress that would have cracked a weaker person, but that didn’t mean it didn’t impact her. She was truly tense, and her back was knotted badly… 

Only to unravel under my touch, the dexterity of my fingers and the magical healing abilities, when combined, impacted her incredibly. 

She continued reading the papers as I worked on her back, but it didn’t take long for her attention to start wavering. The time she spent on each paper lengthened, and she started asking some questions with apparent answers. 

Soon, her face darkened further as the blush invaded her face. She bit her lips to prevent such a notification. 

Time to enhance the fun a bit more, I decided as I dragged my finger along her spine. Her eyes widened as a shiver hit her, and hit her hard, forcing a gasp. “Ah, you’re not bad at massaging,” she commented, using that to conceal her moan. 

It wasn’t successful, but I let her think so. “It’s a useful skill to have to make sure I can recover after long training, especially the leg muscles. That’s why I have such good stamina,” I said. It was mostly wrong, but she didn’t say anything. 

Though, even if the explanation was wrong, it was hard to argue against the results. 

The moment fell to a lull as I let my fingers down, bypassing her bra to reach her lower back. “Lean forward a bit,” I told her even as I started working on her lower back, but my fingers didn’t dip to anywhere that could be termed too dangerous. 

Too bad for her that, even without dipping down to the small of her back, I had the ability to enflame her arousal further. Her back might as well be an open map for me to find her sensitive spots, each unraveled knot leaving its place to a point of pleasure. 

I forced down the temptation to tease her, knowing that it would break the illusion I had carefully constructed over the last hour. Instead, I returned to her shoulders, the healing energy penetrating through her skin deeper and deeper to relax her. 

“Is this enough, or should I continue?” I asked, but timing it perfectly, just as the pleasure started to rise. High enough that continuing was tempting, low enough that she wasn’t alarmed at the prospect. 

“Sure,” she answered quickly — far too quickly, even, but she was distracted enough to miss that fact. 

“Raise your left arm,” I asked even as I started moving down her shoulder, and she followed. I moved down, focusing on her forearm first, before I reached and raised her arm, putting her palm over her chest to keep it upright. 

It was certainly not about allowing her to feel my perfect muscles — supernatural, even, and it was certainly not hyperbole. 

The combination worked spectacularly. With only a t-shirt on the way, she started caressing my chest. Mindlessly at first while I worked on her arm, but then, suddenly, a blush hit her as she realized what her fingers were doing. 

That stopped, but she didn’t pull her hands away. I enjoyed her shocked gaze even as I focused on her arm, delivering a five-minute-long massage that took a lot from her to ignore. 

A magical massage was certainly cheating, but that didn’t reduce the impact of watching the unflappable Coach Juana slowly melt under my attention. A true miracle, worthy of the wielder of the Divine System. 

“Any plans for celebration after we win on Sunday,” I commented as she started to relax. 

“Probably more work to celebrate,” she answered, not mentioning the high likelihood of losing. I wished that goading her to make a bet on the result was something I could do, but under the circumstances, that was definitely out. 

It would ruin the whole act like I hadn’t noticed her attractiveness. 

“Too much work?” I asked. 

“Definitely, with both the dean and the director gone, there’s a lot of things to be organized, especially with the mess their departures had created.” 

“Not to mention the departure of Coach Bill,” I said, not mentioning Spencer, though the way she chuckled showed that she noticed it as well. 

“Yes, his presence could have been helpful, but I’m sure you can do — even more,” she said, another moan escaping as I manipulated her palm, the pleasure enough to interrupt her words. 

I imagined her laying on a bed, covered in oil and nothing else as she moaned under my fingers … but it was not something that could happen tonight. She was still guarded, not seduced — which was an impressive achievement considering my amazing game. 

Or maybe not, I realized ten minutes later, when I was just finishing her other hand. Her left hand hooked around the front of her bra and pulled it softly. If she was wearing something more substantial, it would have been an innocent gesture, a little move to deal with the feeling of warmth. 

Yet, she was wearing a sports bra and nothing else, turning it into an amazing show. She was pushing herself to the limit. 

“Pity we don’t have a horizontal surface here,” I commented even as I moved in front of her, still acting like I hadn’t been affected by it. Yet, when she decided to test my determination by pulling the front of her bra forward once more, I reached for my Intent. 

And used it to replicate the earlier telekinetic push once more, right at the hook of the bra. I was trying to unhook it, but measuring the pressure was challenging, and it went a bit more than I had been planning. Which meant, combined with her pressure, her bra snapped off, and suddenly, she found herself holding it in her hand. 

Which left her spectacular breasts, delicious in their caramel glory, fully naked. 

She froze, and so did I — though mine was more of a theatric than honest reaction. I looked at them, my mouth open, enjoying their perfection. I had to admit, the gravity-defying nature of her breasts, especially with their size, was enough for me to suspect that there were some supernatural shenanigans going on. 

I was acting up the effect of her — admittedly amazing — breasts because of the way her lips curled. My earlier combination of Taunt and Seduction must have worked even better than I had expected, especially combined with the pleasure of the massage, as she was very slow as she raised her arms. 

Enjoying the power of her breasts over me, quite a bit more than it was healthy.

Something that I could push even more. “I-I … I’m guessing that you’ll stop the massage,” I stammered, even more horribly shy than a boy seeing breasts for the first time, avoiding her gaze. Yet, even as I did that, she felt more and more vindicated, finally attaining victory after all my ‘silly’ lack of realization. 

After all, in her mind, she deserved the victory. Who was I to ignore her beauty! 

“Well, if you can’t handle it,” she admitted as her arms stopped, and instead parted open, like she was trying to hug. “But my shoulders still require some massage. Why don’t you finish it first…” 

“A-as you wish, Coach,” I stammered, like she was talking about the most unimaginable torture, avoiding looking at her as I stood behind her once more. 

Curious just how much it would take her to realize the absurdity of her suggestion. 



Well played, I do enjoy subtle uses of power