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“ … this is still too complicated, barely acceptable,” she muttered as I revealed another plan after discarding the first joke plan. “Do you really think they can run it?” 

“Possibly, if the defense lines up exactly as I want,” I answered. “That’s why it’s here in the first place. I’ll only use it if the defense lines up as I wish.” 

“Do you think they’ll run such a complicated blitz? They have to be panicking to pull such a dangerous play,” she commented. 

“Not necessarily,” I answered with a smirk — one that might have been a touch teasing as I tapped into Seduction subtly. “After the chess tournament, their football team is getting a lot of flack about using such a dirty trick, especially against a team that was already struggling.” 

“I can’t imagine why people had such an impression. It’s not like someone claimed that in the middle of a live feed,” she commented. 

I let my smirk widen for a moment. “I can’t think of a reason. But either way, they’ll be on the field, ready to prove that they are too good to pull such tricks against a depleted team, especially since that team didn’t have an amazing record in the first place.” 

“So, they’ll play aggressively,” she realized. 

“Exactly, I’m hoping for a lot of blitzes.” 

“Do you think your offensive line could block all of it?” she asked. 

“Certainly not,” I answered immediately, and her eyebrow rose. “Well, Arthur is going to be the starter. He’s willing to prove himself, and strong enough to handle a hit or two … Or ten,” I added. 

“Do you think that’s … advisable,” she muttered, hesitant after I had declared my intention. I didn’t hide that, as she would be in the game either way, and it was better to hash it out now rather than arguing about it on the side. 

“Maybe not, but that’s the only chance we have to keep a close game. But if you want †he first game where you’re the official head coach to be a spectacular failure,” I offered, and I watched her flounder, her selfish desires competing with her desire to protect her players. “How about a compromise,” I offered. 

“What kind of compromise?” she said, sounding suspicious. A smart attitude considering who she was speaking with. 

“Nothing nefarious,” I said. “I promise that I’ll pull Arthur out of the game, or adjust the play, if he can’t handle the pain of the repeated hits. How about that?” 

“That sounds … reasonable,” she admitted. 

It was reasonable … unless one factored in Arthur’s true identity as a spy. I knew very well he was doing his best to ingrain himself into the team to the point that he couldn’t be removed so that he could dig into my secrets, so the pain wouldn’t be enough to pull him out of the game. 

Especially since he had already seen my ‘ancient’ artifact that I was using to heal everyone, meaning he wouldn’t fear injuries as well. 

Being tackled for the whole game by a group of defensive players with an active grudge against our team would be excruciatingly painful for him, but I had no intention of trying to make the life of a spy any easier. 

I wouldn’t have used the same strategy for the other players. After all, they trusted me enough to work as hard as they could manage, and even if that was coming from a selfish direction, I appreciated it nonetheless. 

A spy was a different issue. 

“Now, since we’re in agreement about letting our brave Quarterback carry us to victory,” I said, happy with the result. The only thing that would have made me happier would have been to have Kevin in the position of quarterback, but life was not ideal. 

Coach Juana didn’t look happy at my comment, but she wasn’t idealistic enough to ruin her first big break to protect a player that she didn’t even meet. 

Life was rough. 

“Now, to the next play,” I said, smiling even as I used my traits to color that smile once more. “We have a lot of plays to go through…” 

We did, but the rest was a boring task. It wasn’t supposed to, as ordinary, the head coach would have many different feedbacks to the plan by integrating a wealth of experience. But she didn’t have that experience, and those plans were reflecting my supernaturally-enhanced capabilities. 

Combined, there wasn’t much to do by rubber-stamp them. 

Therefore, it wasn’t surprising that I started to feel … naughty. Who could blame me, for the view I was constantly being subjected to? However, I knew about Juana enough that she would never reach any outward teasing. 

So, I decided to use the opposite. I used Seduction repeatedly to push her mind toward a naughty direction, but I used the full extent of my abilities to make it look like every single one of those brushing fingers and teasing smirks completely accidental, while she didn’t catch me enjoying her cleavage — even when she used the mirror to keep observing me to make sure. 

Pride was an interesting emotion. Juana worked hard to avoid teasing, doing her best to be taken seriously, and the way she was dressed was certainly not her first preference. However, now that I wasn’t giving her even the slightest sign that I found her attractive, she was feeling slighted. 

And, her rapid promotion was another interesting aspect. A part of her problem had been her lowly position back when she was just a conditioning coach, easily kicked out. Now, she was both the head coach and the sports director, and even though both positions were temporary, she still had incredible authority, enough that she felt that she had the upper hand against anyone in the school.

Let alone a mere student that was helping her. I doubted she was aware of her own change, as most of it was slowly being unearthed by my endless teasing. 

All combined, she started to get slighted by my lack of attention greatly, and soon, it started having some interesting impacts. First, she grabbed a piece of paper and used that as a fan, acting like the room was getting hot, which was not the case. 

Heated, certainly, but not hot. 

Then, she removed her blazer, which left her wearing only her sports bra. Without the jacket to block the view, the sight of her cleavage looked even more amazing, tempting me to drag my tongue over her caramel peaks. 

Pity, it was too early for that. 

“I think we can strengthen the left side in this formation,” she commented as she touched the far side of one of the papers, and pulled her chair closer as an excuse. 

“A good idea, but I was thinking about baiting them with this,” I explained. “If they send two receivers, the safety will break toward there before the quarterback even passes. There’s no harm if he changes his play at the last second, we’ll give up about ten yards. But if he ignores that, we’ll have an easy Interception,” I explained. 

That explanation was useless, because the plot was clearly explained on the paper, and even without that, Juana was good enough to understand the intent behind it. Yet, she acted ignorant, just to pull her chair closer. 

Only a moron would think that the way she rubbed against my arm was accidental. Holding back a chuckle took a lot, and not dipping my head down to enjoy the amazing view took even more. Yet, the gold at the end of the rainbow was enough to keep me focused on my self-appointed mission to drive her mad through frustration. 

Especially since, she miscalculated. By pulling herself so close against me, she was able to touch me casually — as evidenced by her hand that was resting on my leg at the moment while she acted like she was completely focused on the play —  but that also meant I could counter. 

Not as openly, but there, all my supernatural advantages came to the surface. A rubbing of shoulders, right at a sensitive spot … An accidental finger touch just as she was breathing, timing my reach to the paper so she rubbed her chest against my side in a way she couldn’t blame me…

Soon, her frustration reached a beautiful point, enough that her nipples started to get visible despite the strong fabric of her sports bra. 

It was working, so I decided to finally attack directly when she stretched hard, one that made her display her cleavage spectacularly by stretching her bra to the limit. “Are you feeling alright, coach?” I asked. “We can always call it a night if you’re tired, and we can finish tomorrow,” I said, and this time, I didn’t just use Seduction, but also Taunt.  

“No need, just my back, nothing new,” she said, frustrated even if that didn’t work, but her next move surprised me. She grabbed her breasts and pushed them together. “It’s their fault, constantly carrying them is rather exhausting,” she said. Even as a casual point, that was an exaggerated move, and what she did was certainly not casual. 

She pushed her bra to the limit as she pushed, her breasts popping out enough to give me a glimpse of her areola. 

“Backache is a problem,” I said. “I can give you a backrub to help if you need,” I offered, but I stood even as I offered. 

She nodded first before she froze, realizing what she had just agreed. Teasing was one thing, but a massage was different. I could see rationalization in her beautiful eyes. 

But that didn’t last long, and soon, she nodded. 

After all, it was just a massage. An innocent massage... 


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