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It took an hour for Carrie to reveal what she had in mind, but she did it cryptically once again, inviting me to a nearby mall. I had tried to ask what she had in mind, but she had just sent mysterious smile emojis in return. 

Considering the benefits of my trust the night before — and in the morning — I was more than happy to extend it once again. 

It was a weekend, and I had no reason to hide from the braying chaos of high school, so rather than bothering with the bus, I drove my bike. 

‘I’m at the mall,’ I wrote to Carrie, after I called her, only for her not to answer. 

‘Excellent, we’re at the store, come,’ she said. 

‘Which one?’  asked. This time, she shared the picture of a store, one of those new fashion brands trying to sell the idea that they sold sports equipment, but selling useless stuff instead. Well, at least for the purposes of exercising. 

Thin stretchy shorts and tiny sports bras worked wonders to provide a show. ‘Excellent, I’ll be there in five,’ I wrote even as I parked my bike and made sure the helmet was properly attached before climbing up the stairs rapidly. 

I was tired after a day of exercise, but the idea of a beautiful girl waiting for me at the end of my journey was tempting. However, the moment I arrived at the shop, I realized that I had made a big mistake. There wasn’t a beautiful girl that was waiting for me. 

There were two. 

They were dressed much more understated, of course, sweatpants and loose t-shirts instead of the sexy stuff they wore when they visited me, not that it was a big issue. 

“Hey, Naomi, Carrie,” I said as I waved, letting my smirk widen as I walked forward. Naomi gave me a shy smile and a wave, while Carrie’s smile was much more suggestive. Interestingly, Naomi looked surprised but not shocked by my presence, which implied that Carrie had already warned her, not giving her enough time to get used to the idea. 

“Hi, Chad,” Carrie said before Naomi could speak. “Thanks for dropping by to help us. It’s lucky that you were at that mall as well. I hope we’re not keeping you from anything important.” 

“Nope, I was just running a few errands,” I answered, amused by her words. She was turning out to be a true minx. “So, what exactly do you need my help for?”  I said. 

“I’m thinking of starting to exercise, but I can’t trust the crazy girl here for correct suggestions. She always pushes too far.” 

“Oh, believe me, I learned that today,” I said, chuckling in amusement even as Naomi blushed, which added a nice hue to her milky-chocolate skin. “She’s relentless.” 

“Really,” Carrie said with enthusiasm, even as she poked her ribs suggestively. Clearly, unlike Sarah, she was approaching Naomi much more directly. 

Admittedly, if Naomi’s expression was any indicator, it was working excellently. 

“So, what exactly do you girls need my help?” I said. 

“I need you to pick me a couple of weights and other basic exercise equipment,” Carrie murmured, before raising her hand as she had just remembered something. “And since you’re here, you can help Naomi pick up a few exercise clothing as well. She was talking about needing more.” 

“Was I—“ Naomi started, only to fall silent under Carrie’s gaze. “I was,” she corrected herself. 

“Excellent, maybe a couple of swimsuits even. Chad has an amazing pool, and I’m sure he wouldn’t mind us using it for occasional parties.” 

“Oh, no, a few very sexy ladies, frolicking in my garden. What did I do to deserve such a terrible fate?” I said even as I raised my hand to my temple dramatically. Carrie chuckled while Naomi blushed even more. 

Carrie proved she was prepared by pushing a bundle in Naomi’s hands, before whispering something in her ear, too soft for me to hear. “Why don’t you go and change, so we can get Chad’s opinion on them?” Carrie said. 

Naomi seemed unsure, but she obeyed as Carrie pushed her. While not exercising, she was much more hesitant. 

Before I could say anything, however, Carrie grabbed my hand and dragged me toward the corner, where the dressing rooms didn’t have visible entrances from outside. On the way, however, I grabbed an interesting-looking item. 

Then, Carrie pulled me into a kiss, almost at the same moment she managed to close the dressing door, surprising me greatly with her passion. She was getting more and more daring as time progressed. 

“So, what’s the idea,” I murmured as I pulled from the kiss, enjoying the way she pressed against my body. 

“Well, Naomi was always looking for someone to accompany while she exercises, and I thought you might help her in that.” 

“And she knows that it’s not some kind of the start of an exclusive dating scenario as well,” I asked, making sure. Sarah didn’t earn the same courtesy, but only because she had been willing to push forward even after she watched as I took Carrie on the couch, in all her naked glory. 

“Of course she does, she’s my friend. I wouldn’t want to make her sad,” she said, looking offended, but her anger was easy to quench. Another raging kiss, and my hand dancing over her shirt was enough to turn her fury into flaming desire. 

Extending the kiss was tempting, but we didn’t have a lot of time, not if we didn’t want Naomi wandering around trying to find us, ruining the whole point of the outing. 

I walked to the changing room Naomi was using, waiting for her to leave, but Carrie arrived only after a slight delay, some new stuff in her hands. 

Seeing the size and the thinness of the clothing she had picked, I couldn’t help but salivate at the prospect of seeing them on Naomi. Some of the pieces looked like they had less material than my shoelaces.

When the door finally swung open, revealing a blushing beauty, I couldn’t help but lose my words for a moment. She was wearing a sleek, forest green set that was, even more, tighter than the earlier clothing she had worn to my house. The tights she wore were long enough to cover her legs, but with their tightness, it hardly mattered. 

Her top was even better. It ended half an inch below her tits, revealing most of her delicious chocolate-milk skin naked for my gaze — well, our gaze, I corrected as I felt Carrie shuffle in anticipation as well. Even better, it had just enough cleavage to make things fun without being too revealing. 

“So, what do you think,” Naomi asked as she did a little twirl, trying to look confident, but her trembling voice was enough to convey her real feelings. 

“You look good,” I said.

Before she could answer, Carrie interjected. “Nope, it lacks the wow factor,” she said as she took a step forward, dragging Naomi back to the dressing room despite her attempts to complain. I didn’t intervene. After her actions in the morning, she earned quite a bit of trust. 

“I don’t-“ Naomi whispered, no doubt thinking I can’t hear them, only for Carrie to interrupt her. 

“You need to be more forward if you want to impress him,” Carrie said to her. “Remove everything and change into the clothes I picked,” she ordered. 

“Surely not-“ Naomi tried to counter, only to be interrupted again. 

“Everything,” Carrie said. 

Silence ruled the next minute, except the shuffling of the fabric. “I don’t know,” Naomi whispered. “Maybe it’s too much, isn’t it?”

“Don’t be silly, he will be really impressed.” 

“That’s what I’m afraid of. Maybe we should-“ she whispered, only to be interrupted again. This time, however, rather than speaking over her, Carrie chose to push open the door, revealing the even more marvelous sight. 

“So, what’s the wow factor on this one,” Carrie asked even as she pushed Naomi forward, who seemed a tad self-conscious. Understandable, as the set she was wearing was more or less covered the same area as a bikini. 

A revealing one at that. 

“Wow, just wow,” I said, which put a hesitant smile on Naomi’s face, though it couldn’t match Carrie’s, who was clearly getting a kick out of the little exhibitionist display she was forcing one of her best friends. 

And what a display it was. The top she was wearing was likely designed as a sports bra, but not to actually be used while exercising, but just to look good in photos. There was no other explanation to the spectacular cleavage it revealed otherwise. Her stomach was once again naked, revealing her athletic belly. The bottom was even better, barely more than sexy panties, revealing her long, toned legs perfectly. “Why don’t you turn and give a full view, so he can comment more accurately,” Carrie said. 

Naomi turned, showing off her delicious derrière, which did a very nice job filling out already-limited coverage of her bottoms, stretching it to the limit. I couldn't help but admire the sculpt of her athletic ass, large yet shapely at the same time. 

“Delicious,” I said, which made Naomi blush even more. 

“But she has a concern. She’s not sure whether they are stretchy enough to allow her exercise, why don’t you help her find out,” Carrie said even as she pushed me into the changing room before slamming the door behind us. 

Leaving me alone with a barely dressed fit beauty, breathing hard in anticipation… 


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