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Hi everyone, 

As I mentioned before, I had started Divine Celebrity as a challenge, trying to expand my limits without getting too away from my core story structure. I wondered just how much you guys are enjoying it? 

I'm not promising to implement the results of the poll directly, but it'll still give me a direction about the limits and the possible applications. 


John Hall

Can't really comment on this as I haven't started reading it yet. I have a minimum chapter threshold before I start reading that I already broke once with Leveling through Lust.


Same here. I'm sure I'll enjoy it once I start, but it needs a bit more meat on its bones before I binge it then start reading it regularly.

The Tallest Tree

It's solid so far but it's a bit early to comment. The worldbuilding is shallow as of yet and the plot hasnt really developed in a particular direction. I enjoy it as it's got interesting interactions and character moments but I'm lost as to where it's heading or what it's actually about.


That's an intentional choice, as it's a combined challenge for me, slowly revealing an interesting mythology and more complicated character interaction map, not just a plot driven by Main character. not that there's a problem with the latter, of course, it's a very fun story to write and read, but I want to challenge myself as a writer. It's nice to see that it looks promising.


I'm just shocked that a Dirk Grey MC hasn't gotten laid by now. Even that's not really a complaint, just an amused observation. More is better. At this point I'd rather have more Divine Celebrity than whatever you're calling "leveling through lust" this week ;). Fun with nerdy girls ranks 3rd for me, and I haven't read enough of your other work to form opinions.