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Kim was in a hurry as she dashed through the corridors of the school. She had just left the English classroom, where she had received a dressing down from Mrs. Robertson, her English teacher, about her late term paper. It hadn’t been a simple argument, her teacher had dressed her down for ten solid minutes. Insulting, she was eighteen years old, and she still had to listen to the nonsense her teachers spewed. 

Kim hadn’t been able to convince her teacher for what she wanted, but still, it wasn’t a complete waste of time. She had managed to convince Mrs. Robertson to not to fail her, and gave her an extension of 24 hours. A long way from her preferred solution, namely an automatic pass because she was doing her best to represent her school as a part of school’s cheerleader team, which was more important than a measly term paper, but her teacher hadn’t been moved by that argument. Her order was clear, skipping the training in favor of homework. 

Thankfully, Kim had an alternate solution. 

The name of her alternative solution was Mike, one of the few rare scholarship students in the prestigious Vanguard High School, which mostly accepted the children from rich and prestigious families, which were incidentally all-white. The few scholarship students were there to make a weak claim of social diversity. 

And Mike fit the bill perfectly. Not only he was a minority student with excellent grades, but also he was a silent nerd with that talent to blend into the background unless there was an exam or an academic competition, or teachers wanted to make a point about hard work and intelligence. Though the last part had managed to destroy his already slim chances of having a social life. However, it was the same ostracization that made him perfect for her aims. 

She was walking towards the library to meet with him when she saw the worried face of her best friend, Olivia. “Hey, Olivia,” she called as she walked closer to her red-haired friend. 

“Don’t hey me. What did Mrs. Robertson say,” Olivia answered, her voice harsh. If any classmate of hers other than Olivia had dared to use that tone against her, she would have done her best to destroy them socially, something she was more than capable as a few stuck up bitches, led by that pathetic bitch Hannah, had learned the last year. But coming from Olivia, it was easy to ignore, especially when the fate of the cheerleader team was on the line. 

“No worries, I managed to get an extension for it,” Kim explained. “I won’t be flunking the class.” 

“Good,” Olivia said, her tension draining. “Losing you this close to the competition would have killed us. The substitutes are total garbage. It’s a miracle that they can walk straight, let alone dance. How much extra time did you get?” 

“Just twenty-four hours,” answered Kim, smiling widely. 

Olivia, however, lost a bit of her smile. “Bummer. I would have preferred if you were in this training, but it’s better than losing you completely.” 

Kim couldn’t help but smile even more brightly. “It won’t be a problem,” she answered. 

“I don’t understand…” she murmured, then her expression tightened. “You’re going to use that nerd again!” she said, her harshness clear even through her whisper. 

“Yeap,” Kim answered. “It’s a perfect solution, isn’t it? I get a B from my paper, and still join the training.” 

“You’re right, but still…” murmured Olivia. “Are you sure it’s for the best. Can you imagine what would happen if Hannah catches the sight of what’s happening. She could use that to turn the tables.” 

“Come on, Ollie, of course I’m smart enough to factor that. I have told Mike about the importance of keeping it discrete. He thinks that it’s about my father, that if learns about it, he would make sure to kick him out.” 

“Cruel,” said Olivia with a slight giggle. “Though not as cruel as convincing that nerd that you two are secretly dating.” 

“Hey,” Kim said in fake outrage. “I’ll let you know that there is nothing cruel in our arrangement. I get my homework done by my loving ‘boyfriend’, and he gets his dreams visited by my excellence. I even kiss him on the cheek several times. And that wouldn’t have been necessary if he did the smart thing and accepted money in exchange for doing people’s homework. His loss.” 

“Amazing reward,” Olivia said with a laugh. “Still, I don’t know… I never feel comfortable around him. He is always too silent, and there is a something off in his eyes. It makes me feel like he is laughing at us.” 

“Come on, bestie, he is just silent because he is out of his comfort zone. He just transferred here a month ago, and it would be hard even if he wasn’t just a lame nerd. He’s just trying to put a strong front. Otherwise, he would have tried to do push me for more than an occasional kiss on the cheek.” 

Olivia laughed. “Of course,” she said. “You know your ‘boyfriend’ the best. Anyway, I need to go change for the training. And you need to hurry up as well. I don’t want you to be late.” 

“Sure thing,” Kim said before they separated, and Kim continued her way towards the library, where she asked Mike to visit. When she entered, the place was almost completely empty. Her fellow students were not the biggest fan of studying or reading. The exception for that was sitting on the corner of the room, a book -heavier than Kim could lift- open in front of him. 

She couldn’t help but examine him once more as she walked towards him. He was tall enough to dwarf her even when she was wearing heels, and combined with his dusky complexion, it gave him a dangerous air. Well, to be more accurate, it would have given him a dangerous hair if it wasn’t for his dorky glasses and slouched shoulders. His clothes were even dorkier, and they were really loose on his body. A pity, because the few times she had brushed against his arm as they flirted, and it was packing a surprising amount of muscle. 

Pity, she thought. If it wasn’t for his horrible clothes and his passive demeanor, he could be almost handsome. Still not dating material, of course, Kim would never go out anyone less than an heir to a nine-figure fortune. She had standards! But she had to act like it, to make sure she graduated. Her parents would kill her if she managed to fail one or two classes. 

“Hey, honey,” whispered Kim as she leaned towards him, and after a few looks to make sure no one was around, she landed a small peck on his cheek. He raised his head, but looked otherwise unaffected. Still, Kim knew it was false. He had a huge crush on her. After all, why would he agree to spend all that time with her in her house, tutoring her on all of her subjects. He was even willing to stay in her room and finish her homework while Kim went shopping with the girls. 

“Hey, Kim,” he answered. “Are you ready to leave?” 

“Unfortunately, no,” said Kim in an exaggerated display of sadness. “I forgot that there is a training session today, and I need to attend to it.” She looked at the ground, fluttering her eyelashes in a way that faked an innocent look. “I’m sorry.” 

“No worries, I know how important cheerleading is for you,” he answered. His tone was unaffected, but they didn’t eclipse the sentiment. Kim felt a bit of guilt. Here she was, leading him on, and he was playing the part of the respectful boyfriend perfectly. “We can always hang out later.” 

The way he said his last statement bothered Kim for some reason, but it was gone before Kim could identify. She shrugged, preferring to focus on more important matters instead. “Actually…” she murmured, trying to sound cute. “I also need to finish my English paper…” 

“And you need my help, I’m guessing,” Mike said. If anyone else used that tone, she would have blamed them for sarcasm, but not Mike. He didn’t have the confidence to snap back at her. 

“Yes,” Kim said. “It would be amazing,” said Kim. “Amazing enough to earn a real kiss, maybe,” she added, with no actual intention of kissing him. She had standards. 

 “It sounds amazing,” he said excitedly. It sounded fake, but any emotion coming from him sounded fake, it was basically a personality trait of him, so she ignored it. “What’s the topic.” 

“I don’t remember exactly,” she said. “But I have a printout of the assignment.” He raised his hand. “It’s at home,” she added, slightly blushing. “Can you go right now and start on the paper. I’ll come as soon as the practice is over and help you with.” Of course, what she meant was she was going to go, but only after getting some coffee with the girls. With that, she only had to play the role of shy girlfriend for half an hour before Mike had to leave to catch the last bus. 

“Sure,” he said. 

“Here are the keys,” Kim said as she put them in front of him, and after another peck on his cheek, she was gone for the training.

       *****      *****      *****      *****      *****  

“Damn, damn, damn,” Kim murmured every time her left foot pressed the ground as she walked on the driveway of her house. She was trying not to put too much weight on her leg, but even then, her attempts to ignore the pain was failing miserably. The substitute cheerleaders turned out to be even more useless than Olivia had claimed. Two of them mistimed their move in a critical time, and collided with her rather hard, and she ended up with a sprained ankle. Thankfully, according to the coach, it was nothing serious. She just needed to rest it for a couple of days, and she could return to training. 

Although, there was a small benefit to her sprained ankle, she realized as she stopped looking for her keys, remembering that she had given them to her fake-boyfriend earlier. With her ankle wrapped, she had the perfect excuse to play the petulant girlfriend, asking him to prepare snacks and such, and he would be too guilty to reject. 

But all those thoughts flew away from her mind when she opened the room, only for a cry to fill her ears. There were a few reasons for her sudden freeze. First, she recognized the source of her voice, it was her older sister, who apparently decided to arrive earlier than usual. Second, and more importantly, it wasn’t a cry of pain, or even shock. No, it was a cry of sexual pleasure, likes of which she only heard in porn movies. And the third reason, Mike’s shoes were still at the entrance, meaning her fake-boyfriend was still at home, listening to her sister having sex. 

“First things first,” Kim murmured as she slowly walked through the large entrance hall, trying to reach the stairs. As she walked, she came across a pale blue blouse, and she recognized it as one of her sister’s favorites, one she wore only the most important events because she believed it to be lucky. She probably had a fundraising event today, and met someone there, Kim decided. 

She continued walking, for once in her life, cursing the size of her house. It was too big to walk with a sprained ankle, especially with her sister’s heated moans echoing in her ears. Kim couldn’t believe her sister brought someone in their house despite her engagement. It wasn’t her betrayal that annoyed Kim, however. Rather, it was her sister’s poor decision making. If she wanted to get some loving, she should be smart enough to go to a hotel discreetly rather than risking discovery like that. All it would take was a jealous neighbor to ruin her engagement. 

She started climbing the stairs, which was rather difficult with the moans of her sister echoing, broken by an occasional slapping sound. Apparently, her sister’s taste was a bit harsher than Kim would’ve thought. And her mood wasn’t improved when she saw a dark green skirt on the bottom of the stairs, and the lacy bra that was hanging from the stairwell didn’t help either. For a moment, her heart was frozen in fear, afraid that her sister and her mystery companion came across Mike on the corridor. That would have been a total disaster.

A relaxed sigh escaped her mouth as she climbed the upstairs corridor, only to see it empty. She was afraid to find Mike in front of her sister’s room, trying to get a peek for his virgin eyes, tempted by the voices. To be fair, he didn’t have the slimy personality that made her think like that, but in the end, he was still a nerd. With that in mind, she walked to her room, as quick as she could manage with her limp. 

But another unwelcome surprise was waiting for her in her room. It was empty! A glance was enough to show there was a half-written essay on her desk, meaning Mike had been there earlier. But now, he wasn’t. “Maybe he’s in the bathroom,” she murmured to herself. “Or maybe he’s in downstairs, trying to stay away from her sister.” Probably the second one, she decided. As a socially-inept nerd, she could easily imagine Mike huddled in the corner with headphones on, trying to ignore what’s going on. Especially now, with her sister shouting loudly, clearly orgasming. She started to plan how to tease Mike… 

But her plans came to a sudden stop when he heard a male voice. “What I told you about cumming without asking my permission,” asked the voice in a calm but sharp manner. It was an effortless command, like he was supremely confident of the obedience of his subject. But that wasn’t what surprised Kim. No, it was the fact that she recognized the voice that surprised her. 

“It can’t be,” she murmured, trying to reject the conclusion her ears reached. “It can’t be him inside, with my sister…” Maybe she thought it was his voice just because she was thinking about how to tease him. “I must have misheard,” she added, trying to convince herself, but that didn’t prevent her legs from dragging her towards Audrey’s door. 

Another little surprise was waiting for Kim in front of her sister’s door. A pair of panties, matching to the bra that she found on the way, though the surprise was not limited to that. There was a dark patch on the front, revealing the level of arousal her sister was feeling at the moment of separation. And to top all off, her panties were in pieces like they were forcibly ripped off, which almost convinced Kim that she was being paranoid about the identity of the man inside. There was no way Mike, the silent nerd that never once acted against anyone despite all the reasons for it, could have acted determined enough to rip a woman’s underwear off like that…

She repeated those excuses again and again in her mind, trying to convince herself to turn back, but the pleasure-filled cries of her sister prevented her from doing so. Such a familiar voice, creating such an unfamiliar tone. No, she had to look, and make sure it wasn’t Mike. There was no way that spineless, weak nerd to be someone as amazing as her incredible and confident older sister.

There was just no way… 

The statement was echoing in her mind again and again as she leaned towards the keyhole, for once happy with the classical internal architecture of their house, giving her a chance to peek inside. She could feel her heartbeat quickening as the distance between the keyhole and her eye dwindled, a small, cold voice in her head begging for her to pull back, trying to convince her that there wasn’t a welcome treasure at the end of the rainbow… 

Then, she looked through the keyhole, seeing the most shocking view of her life. It wasn’t just the identities of the people in the room, which was shocking enough. Her sister, and the dorky nerd she had tricked just to get her homework. But it was just a beginning. They weren’t even on the bed. No, her sister was on the floor, on her hands and knees, taken like a common whore, her strength and confidence nowhere to be seen as she got slammed from behind again and again. The angle didn’t allow her to see her face, but her enthusiastic moans were clue enough about her actual feelings. 

Of course, regardless of all, her sister wasn’t the biggest surprise for Kim. No, that reward went to the pathetic nerd that she tricked as her boyfriend. Or at least, to the man that Kim previously thought as a pathetic nerd. But, seeing him behind her sister, impaling her again and again. His back was turned to her, but like her sister, Kim hadn’t needed to see his face to understand his feeling. This time, it was the stance that clued her rather than voice, but it was equally accurate. 

Seeing him naked was a revelation, and not a welcome one. He stood straight, strong, the small, characteristic hunch on his back nowhere to be seen. In school, despite his tall stature, his presence was faint, like he was a drab gray drawing in a sea of color. But not now, not when he stood behind her sister, driving into her in a speed that made Kim wish that he had a small penis. Otherwise, she didn’t think her sister would be able to walk tomorrow… 

With her suspicion confirmed in the worst possible way, Kim had no reason to wait. She needed to either just walk away, or come up with a way to stop the absurdity that was going on. But she did neither, failing to take any action. She stayed with her eye pressing against the keyhole, hypnotized by the rippling of the muscles on Mike’s back, his milky caramel skin reflecting the light in an enchanting manner. 

His muscles were yet another surprise for her. In school, he was always dressed in loose shirts, and equally ill-fitting jeans. He never wore t-shirts, even in the gym class. She had just assumed that he was one of those weaklings that would struggle to lift anything heavier than a thick book, and he had given her no reason to think otherwise. Seeing him naked showed her just how off-base she had been, and left one very important question. Why? Why exactly he was hiding himself 

But she didn’t have too much time thinking about it, his hand, landing on her sister’s bottom with a loud crack pulling Kim out of her mulling. “I’m thirsty,” he said simply, and Kim pulled back in panic. She could feel her heart thumping on her ears, almost making it impossible for her to hear her sister’s response. 

Almost, but not quite. Kim still heard her sister’s response, though she would have preferred not to hear it. “I’ll bring some to you immediately, sir,” her sister said. Her sister, one of the proudest woman Kim had ever known just called the pathetic nerd that was only there to do her homework as sir, like he was her superior. It was even more shocking than seeing them together, naked. 

She started walking towards the stairs, not wanting to come across her sister at that particular moment, not knowing what to say. Though she was slowed down by her ankle, hurting with each step. Then, she heard Mike speaking once more, changing his mind once more. “Who told you to wear anything,” he said, his voice sharp in its commanding presence. But Kim didn’t waste time comparing his new tone with his usual passive one, far too busy with trying to reach downstairs before her sister could see her. She sped up, ignoring the sharp flare of pain with each hurried step. 

She was on the lowest step of the stairs when she heard the door opening. Her sister was on the corridor, Kim realized, and there was no way she could reach the door before her sister reached the downstairs. So, she did the only reasonable thing, and slipped in the first room that was available, hiding in the shadows. 

She was in the room just for a second when she heard the footsteps at the end of the stairs, closing in a hurry. Before Kim could take a breath, her sister passed in front of her, clad in her birthday suit. Her mouth fell open in shock, trying to process the glimpse she caught about the state her sister was in. Her hair, usually shaped carefully by a hairdresser, had turned into a mussed mess, sticking to her shoulder, signaling the rough treatment she had been subjected to. But even more surprising was her skin. The pale expanse of her pristine skin was broken by red patches, looking suspiciously like fingers. 

It was risky, but Kim couldn’t help but peek from the corner of the door, watching the naked and bruised body of her sister as she rushed towards the kitchen, her shapely bottom dancing freely with each step despite her easily noticeable limp. But the most important detail for Kim was the small droplets traveling down her sister’s thighs; just another immutable clue that her sister was enjoying the treatment, defying all the reason. 

Kim skunked back to shadows as her sister was leaving the kitchen. She had no intention of getting caught. The night was weird enough without a confrontation with her sister. She stayed in the room until she heard the door closed once more, then stumbled towards the entrance. But, in a feeling of sudden vindictiveness, she took her sister’s bra and stuffed it under one of the couch cushions, small revenge compared to her own shock. 

Audrey’s cries were rising once again as she left the house, jumbling her thoughts even further…


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