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I watched Camilla as she disappeared through the bathroom door, considering relative merits of joining her in the shower. But however tempting the idea of assisting the droplets of hot water as they caressed every inch of her body, I decided to stay back. For two reason. First, she needed a bit of space to gather herself before we launched into the other part of our deal. The second, I didn’t trust myself that I could prevent myself from sampling the full range her delicious body offered right after all that happened. So, I changed into shorts, which was much more comfortable than jeans, especially with my constant hardness. Then, I sat on my desk and busied myself with one of the least erotic tasks imaginable, scoring the test. 

It took almost half an hour for Camilla to step out of the bathroom, her cleavage shining with the water, a cleavage that started an inch above her nipples. Her discomfort with the amount of skin that was on display was obvious, but she didn’t have much choice if she still wanted for her bottom to stay covered. The towel was short enough to cover her most sensitive spot, but only barely, a careless step threatening to reveal all. And with her panties drenched during our earlier exercise, she had nothing to wear underneath. 

“Why don’t you come here and help me to grade these papers,” I said to her. 

It was clear that it wasn’t what she expected, but she nodded rapidly. “Where can I get a chair,” she murmured. 

“Just come here,” I said, once again using a harsher tone that I made her associate with orders, and if not followed, punishment. It was a beautiful sight to watch her walking towards me, faster than what would be advisable considering the reach of the towel she had as her only piece of clothing. As a result, she treated me the delicious view of her slit a couple of times. Then, she stood next to me, looking around to find a chair to sit on. 

I didn’t bother to explain to her about the best seat. Instead, I just wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her on my lap. “Professor,” she exclaimed in shock, which then I ignored in favor of pulling her on top of my shaft, which instantly returned to its erect state. Still, I was careful not to open her towel. I wanted to test her limits. 

Her struggles lasted less than I expected, leaving me free to pay attention to the papers open in front of me. It was only cursory attention, of course, making sure what student had written wasn’t complete nonsense. The majority of my attention was on the body that was pressing against mine, enjoying the delicious pressure, especially against my shaft. “What do you think about this part?” I asked, gesturing a poorly written section, filled with big words in a weak attempt to hide his lack of knowledge on the subject. 

She focused on the paragraph I was gesturing, her eyebrows crinkled in concentration as she tried to decipher the paragraph. “A complete nonsense,” she uttered, her sharp confidence contrasting with the situation she was in. It seemed that her academic pride was deeper than I first thought, which made the drop in her grades a bit mysterious. Maybe her relationship with Megan was more skewed than I first thought. 

But despite my curiosity, I avoided asking a question on that. I continued grading papers, with Camilla sitting on my lap, making occasional comments on the sections I gestured, even the relatively good ones. Her comments were usually negative. In any other student, I would blame jealousy, but she was able to substantiate her comments with strong reasoning. 

The little grading session I was holding, like everything else I had done tonight, had an interior motive. More time she spent on my lap, going over the papers, distracted over the mistakes of her classmates, more acquainted she became with my body. At first, she stopped squirming uncomfortably. Then, her flinches disappeared whenever my hand touched her towel, losing the concern that I was just going to pull it off from her body. Soon, her excessive reactions disappeared whenever I shifted my weight, which had the amusing side effect of rubbing my shaft against her slit, my short only thing that separated our skin. 

It was a good time to push her personal barriers. “From your comments, it’s clear that you know your material quite well,” I pointed. “So, why am I seeing a consistent drop of quality in your last few papers? You haven’t even submitted the latest one?” I didn’t need to look to her face to see her blushing at the sudden acquisition. The peculiar way her body stiffened was answer enough for me. Unsurprisingly, she stayed silent until my palm landed on her thigh, stiff enough to make a noise. “How many times I need to remind you, when I ask a question, I expect a prompt and clear answer?” 

“Sorry, professor,” she murmured, but still failed to answer until I squeezed her leg in another warning. “It’s about my private life,” she added reluctantly. 

“My dear,” I murmured gently, in great contrast with my grip, which hardened even further. “I’m your professor, and it’s not inappropriate to talk me about your private life when it’s affecting your work this badly.” I avoided any reference to our current state. It was more amusing this way. 

I turned a bit to watch her expression, cycling with indecision. “It’s because of a friend,” she murmured, coming to a decision quicker than I expected. Megan’s hold turned out to be weaker than I first assumed. Or my pressure was working better than I was assuming. 

“Her name is Megan, she is another student in your class,” she explained, forgetting for a moment that she had already told me about her earlier.  

“Yes, I’m quite familiar with that particular student,” I said, unable to prevent a mocking edge in my words. Luckily, Camilla was too distracted with the emotional weight of her confession to notice. “I also distinctly remember that, earlier tonight, you had admitted that she was the one that convinced you to take the path of blackmail. Quite a bad friend, I would say.” And not to mention, she wasn’t the best student academically. 

“We met during the registration. She was at her sorority’s desk during the registration, helping the process.” And scooting out the potential victims, no doubt. There were rich girls that joined the sorority as a family tradition, but they were not the best victims, with their experience, and the support network they could rely on. I could understand why Megan chose Camilla. Smart, beautiful, but also timid and inexperienced, she was the perfect candidate to groom into an obedient girlfriend. 

“Tell me more,” I asked, and she explained how Megan had helped her to navigate her way into the college, introducing her to her friends, inviting her to the parties, and during that journey, slowly cutting off her from anyone else she could rely on. Though if I was reading some of the details correctly, she didn’t have many people to rely on to begin with. Soon, Camilla found herself living an extreme life her meager allowance couldn’t support, relying on the handouts from Megan, an implicit threat hanging over her, ready to fall down if she ever dared to turn her back. 

All told, it was a good trap. Not exactly in mafia standards, of course, but considering Megan was just a rich girl with an overinflated sense of her own worth, much better than I would have expected. “Don’t worry,” I said, patting on her shoulder, while shifted carefully, forcing her to run along my length. “I can help you.” 

“How?” she said as she shuffled uncomfortably. She finally paid attention to what had been going on downstairs, but the other topic was too important for her to ignore. “It’s not like she did anything that was actually against the school regulations, and even if she did and I had evidence, her father would just make them disappear. He is one of the biggest donors of the school.” 

“Oh my poor grasshopper,” I said, unable to prevent a chuckle. “Who said anything about going to administration. This problem is too small to waste the precious time of our esteemed Dean. We’re going to handle it ourselves.” 

“How?” she murmured in disbelief. 

“Are you doubting my abilities, honey?” I asked, shifting to my authoritative tone, which caused her to stiffen once more. For good measure, I squeezed her leg, and she yelped cutely. Then, she shook her head desperately, which caused her towel to loosen, dipping enough to enhance her cleavage further, especially with the excellent angle I had. “Good,” I said as I patted her shoulder rewardingly, resulting slight tremors loosening her towel even further. “Because you have more important things to think about, like how you’re going to pay me back for the time I will spend, bringing Megan to heel.” 

“What can I do for you, professor?” she murmured, clever enough to guess the easiest things I could ask from her. 

“I need an assistant to help me grade the papers,” I answered. 

“What,” she gasped, surprised. 

“Why, Camilla,” I said, stretching her name, enjoying the feeling of it on my lips. “With that tone, one might think that you are unsatisfied with the task I had given you.” As I spoke, I let my hands-free on her body once more, exploring her body. 

“No, professor,” she stammered, her blush returned with intensity as she caught under the sudden shift of situation. “It’s just that-” she tried to explain, only to cut when I pulled her towel open, removing the last, feeble protection of her breasts against my fingers. 

“Yes, just that,” I said, indicating her to continue even as my fingers dived deep into her breasts. 

“I would have worked as your assistant even without that,” she continued with a strained voice, which was excusable as ten fingers were driven deep into her breasts, testing their softness. “It’s a great honor.” 

“Even better,” I said as I started rocking my hips. Surprisingly, she took the rhythm, and started rocking in the same motion, enhancing my pleasure even further. “Then you will be doing something you want, and get something you desperately need in return. It’s not common to find deals like that. You should enjoy it as much as you can.” 

“I understand, professor,” she murmured, her hips rocking even further. She tried to sound obedient, emotionless, but the excitement was not too far behind. I wondered what was responsible for her strong reaction. My position as her professor, my willingness to help her, or the twisted details of the situations. Maybe it was simpler, like my ability to treat her body like a toy without losing control for a moment. 

“Good. Then, let me give your first task. I have a particular problem I’m suffering, and you’re going to help me solve it the way I want you to.” As I said those words, I forced her to look into my eyes, waiting for her surrender to appear. 

It didn’t take long for the see the expression I was looking for. She was aware just how open-ended my request was, and a part of her was begging for her to reconsider. It must be strong resistance, considering she managed to stay virgin despite her impressive beauty, but it didn’t have a chance against the situation I had prepared. She nodded once, and when she raised her eyes, I could see the surrender in them. 

I was tempted to write Megan a note of thanks for the beautiful gift she had given me, but that would be disrespectful for the body that was waiting for me to teach her all about the pleasures of the flesh, the extent a rich girl with an overinflated sense of self could never envision. I wasn’t going to teach the full lesson today, of course. With all the emotional rollercoaster she had experienced, she wasn’t in a place to fully appreciate the depths of it. Still, there was a place for an appetizer. 

“Good,” I said, enjoying her surrender. “You need to grade those papers tonight,” I added, gesturing the still-formidable pile of papers open in front of her. 

“Yes, professor,” she murmured, but her voice carried a wisp of disappointment. It looked like my implied suggestion had been more appealing than she would have liked to display. Her disappointment only intensified when I pushed her off my lap, but I didn’t pay much attention to that. I had my important things to worry about, such as controlling myself against the sight of her nether lips, glistening in arousal. 

I didn’t waste any time to push my shorts and my underwear around my ankle, then my fingers found the edge of her hips and I pulled her on my lap, directly above my length. Unfortunately, instead of sitting on the tip, she was sitting on top of my length. Still pleasurable, with her wetness rubbing against my skin, but incomparable against the real thing. She gasped in panic and tried to stand up, but my arm was already around her, preventing her from standing up. “Calm down, Camilla,” I whispered. “It’s just to make it more comfortable for you. We don’t want the fabric chafing your sensitive skin, do we?” 

No answer came, not that I expected any. She was frozen with the sudden escalation, trying to process the sensation. I gave her a moment to realize her virginity was still safe, before pointing towards the paper. “Let’s start,” I ordered, like the situation was nothing out of ordinary. “Sooner you finish, sooner you can go.” 

“Um, professor, is this the best way…” she said, her voice trembling in indecision. 

“Definitely,” I answered. “For the first time, it’s better if I look over your shoulder, to make sure you can handle the task flawlessly.” We both knew that it was a ridiculous explanation, and if I looked over her shoulder, my attention would be on her spectacular breasts rather than the papers she was marking. But knowing and complaining was two different things, as Camilla proved with her silence.

She reached towards the red pen I used for marking, and pulled the first paper in front of her. When she started dragging the pen over the length of the paper, a cute gesture helping her to track her exact location, I copied that move with my finger, softly grazing her arm. The top of the pen trembled as she shivered, and I pulled my hand away. Just for a moment though, allowing her to contrast the sensation of pleasure and the absence of it. 

She whimpered. It was a cute, needy whimper I ignored in favor of continuing my soft caresses. It was hard, especially when her juices dripped on my shaft, making me imagine the exquisite warmth I would feel the moment I push myself into her virgin hole. Still, I preserved, limiting myself to feather-light touches as she graded the first few papers. 

Then, I decided to speed up. My hands drifted down to her buttocks, tracing over the thick towel that still wrapped her torso, and came to a stop where it ended, my little finger resting on her skin. I let my fingers sink into her flesh, a move which loosened her towel even further, but not enough to completely dislodge it. I gave a soft push, and she moved along the length. Her gasp was music to my ears. 

She turned enough to face me, a movement which ended up in a nice grinding sensation on my lap. I ignored her alarmed expression and continued pushing her until her entrance was dangerously close to the tip, but didn’t complete it. “Go back to your papers,” I ordered her, and she turned back, leaving me free to do whatever I wanted. 

I chose to reverse the earlier movement, pulling her back, making her traverse my whole length, even more pleasurable with her shivering. “Good girl,” I whispered into her ear before forcing her to repeat the whole thing. However, after the first few, I noticed a curious detail. With each repeat, it took less force to start her motion. Wanting to test, I stopped pushing, though I still kept my hands in place. But she continued grinding over my length, going back and forth. I checked to see whether she was continuing to mark the papers, only to see her pen unmoving, forgotten under the rush of pleasure. 

I let her keep the charade up for a couple of minutes more, keeping my hands on her hips as she massaged my lap in a very intimate way. Then, I pulled my hands away. She repeated a few more times until she came to a sudden realization and stopped. She turned towards me, sending me a panicked look, waiting for my reaction, but I let it slip unanswered other than a knowing smirk. She ducked her head and returned to the papers with a renewed hurry. 

Once again, I gave her a couple of minutes to gather herself before I moved to the next stage of my plan. My hands landed on her towel, this time slowly climbing upward, but with an irregular movement that loosened her towel even further. Her cleavage went from indecent to undressed, giving me an unrestricted view of her nipples, and an ever-increasing glimpse of her breasts. 

When she noticed the gradual degradation of her clothing, the weak knot that held her towel together was about to slip away completely. Her empty hand jumped up reflexively, clamping around the knot, also sinking deep into her breast. She fixed it to the best of her ability, but I didn’t let her succeed without a cost. Just as her fingers pulled away, I pulled her towel, loosening the recently fastened towel once more. Her fingers jumped back to the knot to keep it in place. I let her succeed, but continued tugging the towel in every few seconds, reminding her that she had to take care of her towel if she hadn’t wanted to be deprived of her cover, however insufficient it was already. 

During all, she managed to continue marking the papers. She even managed to mark them correctly, I saw after checking a couple of them while she was marking them. I wasn’t pushing her hard enough if she could still mark those papers, I decided. So, I leaned forward, and placed a soft, fleeting kiss on her neck. She froze, shocked by my move. I continued, not surprised by her rather extreme reaction. A kiss might be light compared to all other I had done during our encounter, but it suggested a certain intimacy that was lacking beforehand. 

Only after several kisses on her neck, she managed to start moving. Her pen danced on the papers once again, but her grading was without its previous accuracy. Even better, her hips started gyrating once again, this time without me initiating it. A rush of pleasure caught me in its throes, pushing me to act harder than I had been planning. I bit her neck, and she let out a loud moan in response. More interestingly, her fingers trembled, losing their strength for a moment. For her right hand, it wasn’t very important, just causing a misaligned red line on the paper she was trying to mark. For her left, which was responsible for holding her towel in place, the consequences were harder. Her towel, held only by her tenuous grip, slipped away, leaving her beauty without its barrier to hide on. 

She tried to reach her towel, but I was ready for it. My fingers wrapped around her wrist. I kept my grip intentionally soft, if she wanted, she could easily rip through it and reach to her destination. But she didn’t, instead shifted back to her earlier position, her pen in hand once more, marking the papers. Her left arm was around her chest in a last-ditch attempt to hide her breast, but it was a hopeless failure. Her thin, delicate forearm was barely able to cover her nipples and the small surrounding area, leaving the rest free for my perusal. 

I decided it was enough for tonight, because any more, and I wouldn’t be able to control myself from taking her fully. Even now, I was barely able to keep myself from pushing her on the table and taking her on the papers she was grading. I didn’t cut it off, rather, I let her continue marking the papers without an additional challenge. Minutes passed as her pen danced over the papers, and her bottom gyrating softly over my shaft, trying me to yield into temptation. 

Somehow, I managed to hold back until she finished the last of the papers. “Good work,” I said as I slapped her bottom. She jumped off my lap, treating me with the full view of her slit before her right hand, now empty of the pen, reached and covered it. I could have ordered her to drop it, but watching her struggle was more fun, so I let it slide. “You can go and change.” Just as she was about to disappear behind the bathroom door, I called her again. “By the way, keep your phone closed tonight, and don’t answer if Megan calls. Avoid her tomorrow until my lesson as well. I will handle her after the lesson.” 

She nodded, helpless and confused, her arms still in their ineffectual battle to hide her long-lost chastity. Then, she disappeared behind the door. A few minutes later, she stepped out, fully dressed, but I didn’t react other than gesturing the door, busy going through the last of the papers she graded, which, understandably, was full of grading errors. 

Tomorrow’s class was going to be fun. 
