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I woke up abruptly, with a blaring phone ringing. Yet, despite that, I was happy waking up. It took more than that to ruin the impact of waking up in the arms of a sexy blonde that was still filled with my seed.

Emily answered the call. “Where are you? You’re late,” a sharp voice shouted from the other side.

“I’m sorry, supervisor,” Emily gasped as she shuffled, her eyes widening as she checked the phone. “I had a little accident. I’m on my way.”

“Why didn’t you call and inform me,” she asked. Emily tried to stand up, but she failed to do so, mostly because I chose to hug her. She was wearing the ruined remains of her yoga pants, which made her extremely sexy.

She sent a warning glare, which I ignored. “I’m sorry, supervisor. I had a little accident, and I was a little … unsettled,” Emily answered, her voice turning suddenly shrill as my fingers started exploring her body.

“What’s wrong?” she asked, her concern obvious. “You don’t sound normal.”

“Just the — p-pain,” Emily gasped as I slipped my rapidly growing cock in, and pushed her down on her bed, making her lay prone.

“Pain? Why? Are you injured?” she asked.

“Liar,” I whispered, earning another warning glare.

She muted her phone for a second as she looked back. “You - you want me to continue working there. I can’t do that if I’m fired,” she admonished me.

I slapped her ass before she could unmute the call, forcing her to moan as she sent another scathing glare at me. “Go on,” I said mockingly.

“Nothing serious, just a sprain, but it delayed me a bit,” Emily answered, her strained voice very convincing as I continued to invade her tight core. “I promise that I’ll be there in an hour.”

The voice sighed. “No, stay at home. I’ll send you an email. Just make sure to finish working on them before the end of the day, and we’re golden. Just don’t tell anyone.”

“R-really. Thank you, supervisor,” Emily replied. “I’ll make it up to you.”

They chatted for another minute, mostly her supervisor giving her some basic tasks, though Emily’s voice started to get more and more strained with each second as I continued to invade her core.

Still, my growing smile wasn’t about her incredible tightness … well, not fully. No, that was about the task Emily was assigned. It was some basic procurement jobs, something that shouldn’t be important in any shape or form.

Yet, it was interesting for two reasons. First, technically, it wasn’t a part of Emily’s job description, a fact that was confirmed a moment later when the documents arrived at Emily’s personal email account.

Second, it was an area I was interested in. Procurement, the department responsible for the purchases. Critical since I was hoping to use the Guild to purchase some critical equipment to boost my security.

“You’re evil —” Emily gasped, which was all she was able to say as I picked up speed, now that I wasn’t afraid of alerting her supervisor.

“Old news,” I teased her even as I spanked her, and pulled her phone from her fingers. “Let me check those,” I said as I opened the mail she had just received. It was a huge spreadsheet, filled with lines and lines of purchases. Unfortunately, those lists were not really useful, mostly limited to pens, printer cartridges, and other mundane office equipment.

No wonder the supervisor took the risk of

“That’s a lot of work. What’s this about?” I asked.

Emily shrugged. “It just needs to be double-checked and formatted before being put into a presentation. With my power, it was merely taking half an hour, so I help her when she asks.”

“How rude, abusing my dear secretary like that,” I said with a chuckle even as I spanked her again. She moaned, enjoying my possessive words as much as more direct aspects of her treatment. Still, even as I fucked her, I went over the huge spreadsheet, which included all the office supplies the guild needed for the month. “Do you have any other emails like this she had sent?” I asked.

“Yes, I didn’t delete them,” she moaned.

“Good girl,” I said without stopping. She moaned again, her body trembling. As much as teasing her more actively was tempting, I started going through her emails, checking every additional work she had received, my smirk growing bigger and bigger.

I had been wondering how to infiltrate the guild, when an opportunity had just come to my feet. The procurement lists Emily had received weren’t limited to office supplies. There was catering, computers, repairs … even entertainment for company events.

A full list that included the names of the suppliers, delivery dates, and many other items.

I should have been surprised. Ordinary purchases as they might be, a guild was too sensitive of a location to give such a vulnerability. But then, unlike its predecessor guild, the New Giant Force wasn’t the most professional outfit when it came to such detail.

I was glad of it. After all, if they had been, they would have discovered the true nature of Emily’s power sooner.

Of course under normal circumstances, such a vulnerability wouldn’t matter much. For a hostile attacker, there were easier ways to attack the guild building. However, it was a godsend for someone aiming to infiltrate the place.

It didn’t suddenly turn trivial, but it was not a level of progress I was expecting to make … particularly since I could turn it into a red herring. I went over the procurement lists, marking a few companies.

“Find me everything about the companies I marked, immediately,” I said as I passed her phone back.

She let out a disappointed sigh, clearly expecting me to stop. I spanked her ass again. “Immediately,” I added, my hips not slowing down even the slightest. She looked back, her eyes wide in excitement as she realized I expected her to work while ‘working’.

I said nothing, just smirked as her gaze shared her emotions. She didn’t stop looking at me even as she put her hand on her phone, which was more than enough to handle the task I had assigned to her. She finished the report without breaking eye contact as I fucked her, and passed the phone back to me.

“Let’s see,” I said as I started to go through the report. But, just as I finished the report on the first company, my eyes widened. Halfway in, she had put a picture of hers, wearing one of the sexy lingerie that I purchased for her, posing. “Naughty,” I said as I chuckled.

It wasn’t the only picture she put. Some were almost demure, while the others showed off her body completely, once again showing her naughty nature.

Just as important as the pictures she put, the reports she had put together in seconds were equally impressive. Not only did it include every public detail for the companies I had picked, but also it included detailed dossiers on every employee from the lowest part-time employee to the upper management.

Going through some of their select social media pictures, I could see at least two owners with spending problems. Checking further, I found some debt collection orders and multiple bankruptcy suits. Already, a plan was taking shape.

I thought about using our newly acquired funds to purchase one of them and use them to infiltrate, but I decided against it. Such a big move would surely be noticed. Instead, I decided to lean on my more ordinary abilities. “I need you to set a fake profile for me as a young chef, and send a job application for the catering company. At the same time, forward the location of the current chef to the police, and make some complaints about selling drugs.”

He already had a warrant, so the police would arrest him, leaving the company to find a last-minute replacement for the chef for the upcoming event — some kind of an office party for the ordinary employees.

A perfect excuse for me to be inside the perimeter.

“As you wish, sir?” she moaned as I tightened my grip on her hips, and started drilling her with an absolute lack of mercy, her moans spectacular.

The feeling of a plan getting together was too spectacular to ignore.


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