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“Fifteen hundred meter race in Kazakhstan. My contacts are saying that the favorite has some health issues he kept hidden, so we’re betting on the second biggest favorite.”

Bet on number 4 from accounts 35B, spread three thousand dollars; 29C, four thousand, and 228K, and 21D, ten thousand,” I said, making a bet below twenty thousand dollars, spread between more than a hundred accounts. “And, spent five thousand to bet on the favorite from the other accounts.”

An effort that was only worthwhile thanks to Emily’s power, for a potential payoff of a hundred thousand dollars. Of course, it wasn’t a message from an imaginary contact but another discovery with my power as I scoured the globe for random sporting events.

“Done,” she answered though I could feel the exhaustion in her tone. I could understand that well, as I felt the same. I was suffering a headache, and for once, it wasn’t about overdriving my power, but due to sheer overwork. Watching multiple screens while at the same time taking notes and making calculations about the spreads wasn’t easy. “What next?”

“Now, we watch the game and see whether we win the last game of the night or not,” I said as I moved to stand behind her, and started rubbing her shoulders. She was stiff, though it was more about stress than exhaustion. She was not an experienced gambler, and the constant rollercoaster of wins and losses took a toll on her.

Not that I blamed her. The body reacted explosively to the wins and losses. Otherwise, people wouldn’t have got addicted to gambling. I knew that feeling intimately … from my previous attempts to earn some cash before I got my power.

However, right now, I find it a strangely dull affair. A part of it was no doubt my power. The fun of the gambling came from the excitement of the unknown, and the ability to observe made things very predictable.

Not to mention, even if that hadn’t worked, the possibility of losing money didn’t make me afraid. Just like the prospect of winning some didn’t trigger one. Not when I had a game that I had been playing with much higher stakes. No amount of gambling could match the excitement of seducing one of the most dangerous heroes of the world while also manipulating her for my own aims…

Amusingly, so was seducing and teasing Emily, despite her lack of offensive capability. She might lack the ability to casually throw buildings, but her power was turning out to be even more important than I expected.

I was never more glad that the Guild missed her ability to use stronger computers for incredible multitasking efficiency, which turned her power into something incredible. Combined with mine, it was enough to turn it into something truly spectacular.

When compared to it, a sporting event that might bring a hundred thousand dollars didn’t mean anything … particularly after repeating that a hundred times tonight. Right now, I was ten million dollars richer, a number that was impossible to imagine.

Of course, spending that money wasn’t as straightforward, especially for anything related to combating supers, but it should be usable for some more ordinary things, like purchasing a few houses around the country and turning them into safe houses.

But, that was something that needed to be decided before. Instead, I turned my attention to my beautiful assistant, who was watching the four-hundred-meter race with excitement. I had to admit, she looked particularly alluring as she was illuminated by the glow of the screens, her exaggerated sexy hacker getup making her even more alluring.

It was the time to properly reward her. Even as she continued to watch the race, fascinated, my fingers started moving down her back, my observation proving its usefulness by allowing me to quickly unravel the stress knots.

I worked faster than I preferred, as the race was merely fifteen hundred meters one rather than a marathon, giving me a limited time before it ended. My fingers danced on her back just like her power did on any computer system, her neck covered by a blush — her hood long pulled back.

As the race reached its end, I let my fingers move forward and unzipped her hood, revealing her beautiful breasts. “No hanky-panky while working,” she said, which might have been more effective if she hadn’t pushed her arms back at the same time, allowing me to pull off her hood easily.

“It’s a good thing that we finished working, then,” I said. “That was the last race.”

She whimpered. “Already. Maybe we should play some more. It was … fun. Who knew that gambling was such fun.”

I chuckled even as I cupped the underside of her breasts, caressing her expanse playfully. She whimpered. “No. Without the advantage of those illegal tips about the matches, our job will be much harder,” I replied. “Still, it’s good to see that it worked even better than we expected. We have made a lot of money.”

“For your boss,” she gasped.

“Well, indirectly. Apparently, my mission parameters changed, and this, along with any other money I could collect, will be my resources. I can keep the rest.” Then, I smirked as I leaned, kissing her neck. “We can keep the rest.”

“R-really,” she whispered. “I can’t wait to quit my job.”

That was not allowed, but I needed to handle that delicately. “You can if you wish, but it’ll help very much if you can stay in for a few more days. You can help my mission directly.”

That made her hesitant despite the pleasure she was feeling. “I don’t know,” she whispered. “Helping you is one thing, but helping a villain during their mission…”

“Even if that mission is saving a hero from the hands of the villains?” I asked.

“Really,” she gasped in shock.

“Yes,” I answered even as I let my fingers move up, and capture her nipples, teasing them gently. “I promise.”

“Why would your boss want that? Don’t tell me that he’s secretly good?”

“God no,” I answered with a chuckle. I could have possibly convinced her about it if I worked enough, but there was no benefit. “It’s just that the Syndicate is forcing the hero to create a lot of weapons, flooding the black market. He just wants to keep the prices up.”

“That’s better,” she whispered.

“Yes, and the reward is even more incredible,” I said. “He promised that, if it’s allowed, I can actually get independent from him, and act as a mercenary. It would mean I can pick my own missions.”

“Would you be free?” she asked excitedly.

“Not fully. I’m sure there would be some missions I would have to accept, but he would be much more lenient,” I said, giving her a story that mostly aligned with what I had told to Daria. The closer the stories they had, the easier it would be to keep it together. “And, once I’m free, there’s nothing preventing me from giving my genius secretary a bonus based on how much value she generates.”

Then, I leaned forward, kissing her shoulder even as I let my finger trail down, and caressed her wetness over her yoga shorts, which might as well be nonexistent as far as my touch was concerned. “Not to mention, the side benefits —”

She silenced me with a sudden, heated kiss. I let her do so even as she pushed me to her bed, and sat on my lap, humping me desperately. “I accept,” she whispered, making her recruitment even more official. My hands shifted up and cupped her breasts while she returned to the kiss.

Her kiss was more aggressive than usual. Normally, I liked to take control, but even without my power, I could feel that she wanted to prove something. And, to celebrate her recruitment properly, I decided to let her.

So, I obediently kept my hands on her naked breasts, caressing and teasing her while letting her control the pace. She rocked on my lap as desperately as she kissed me, her moans spectacularly beautiful. “Worthy of a secretary of a shady mercenary,” I whispered.

She moaned even louder as her hips turned wild, pushing herself toward a climax aggressively. Even without my aggressive intervention, she soon climaxed, her wetness exploding to drench my pants. “It’s an excellent role, sir,” she whispered as she put her head to the nook of my head, nuzzling. “But, I remember you talking about the perks. It won’t be a proper orientation without giving you an orientation.”

That earned a chuckle as I flipped her to her own bed, and ripped her yoga pants. Her gasp of desire was beautiful. I quickly freed my shaft, and without wasting any more time, invaded her core. “This is one of the many perks you’ll have working for me…” I whispered as I drilled her hard and fast. I would have liked to tease her a bit more, but after working for hours, she was already exhausted.

So, after a quick explosion from both sides, I lay next to her, embracing the sleep.


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