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Lost in her success, Daria didn’t pay attention to my footsteps. I was tempted to sneak, but once again, her power dissuaded me. Instead, as I approached, I made sure to stomp a bit harder, so when I stood behind her, she was just acting like she didn’t notice my presence.

“I’m sure you finished searching that region,” I said. “Why don’t you continue.”

Daria pulled back, smirking. “Why? Are you afraid that I’ll steal her.”

“Maybe,” I said amusingly. “After all, you’re so good at seduction. I can never rival you,” I added, goading her.

“Of course—” she started, but I interrupted her.

“Too bad my little bouncer wouldn’t allow you,” I said with a sudden shift in tone, growling in faux-anger as I gestured, and Tara pushed her against the table, hard enough to make an explosive sound. Painful, but not enough to ruin her fun. “I think you are yet to finish searching her,” I said as I patted Tara’s naked shoulder, whose shivers of excitement were far stronger than the time Daria was licking her desperately.

It was good to see I still had a hold on her.

Tara started fingering Daria with one hand, the other on her back, keeping her pinned. Daria moaned.

“Keep it slow. We don’t want to miss anything,” I said to Tara even as I unbuttoned her pants and pushed them down along with her panties. Soon, my fingers were at her wet entrance, replicating the treatment she delivered to Daria.

“Try to hold back, my little informant,” I said to Daria with a chuckle. “The first one to cum would lose her reward.”

That made both beauties stiffen at once. Daria followed it with a moan, but that was more about Tara’s fingers, picking up speed. I immediately slapped her ass. “No cheating,” I warned even as I matched up her speed until she slowed down.

Meanwhile, Daria growled in satisfaction. She might be enjoying her position, but as a famous hero, she was too competitive to ignore my earlier challenge. Despite her pinned position, she glanced backward, no doubt hoping that Tara’s climax wasn’t too far away even without her contribution.

I could have certainly done so if I felt like it, as my Observation allowed me to play with Tara as I wished. I knew how to give her pleasure, and I knew how to break the pace of pleasure she was enjoying with a few innocent touches, breaking her composure.

Unfortunately, those skills applied reverse as well. I could easily keep Tara on the edge, both as a punishment, and as a challenge to Daria. And, when her gaze caught mine, I immediately confirmed my intention with a big smirk.

The growl of frustration she let out after realizing the competition wasn’t as easy as she had first thought was simply beautiful. And, as the pleasure built up, the competition started to lose its importance to her climax.

She moaned exaggeratedly as she shook her ass, trying to goad Tara to win. Unfortunately for her, after my warning, Tara stayed true to my order. “Please, faster,” Daria moaned, but Tara ignored her begging, maintaining her stoic silence.

“What’s the hurry, red,” I said teasingly.

“U-use my name,” she answered shyly.

“I don’t know,” I said, tempted to do something dangerous. “The name Amelia doesn’t fit you. It feels fake.” The way she froze was beautiful, but she assumed it to be just an offhand remark rather than a pointed statement.

I smirked, enjoying the stretch of silence.

“Still, don’t call me red!” she answered, more aggressively than the situation required to cover up her earlier reaction. “Amelia is the perfect name.”

I chuckled, as even as she argued her hips didn’t stop, trying to take Tara’s fingers deeper. Her panties, pushed to the side, had turned into a drenched mess, unable to contain her dripping arousal. “If you say so.”

“What does your loyal bodyguard think,” she asked. Tara didn’t respond without my permission. “Is she a mute?”

“She doesn’t like small talk,” I replied for her. As much as I wanted to let her play a bit more, I wasn’t confident that she could continue her role while speaking. Unlike body language, there were too many mistakes that could be made while speaking.

“B-boring —” she started, trying to goad Tara. It would have been a daring choice if Tara was a cutthroat criminal like she displayed, but it was only fun. Still, that didn’t mean I would let her continue to disrespect my beautiful and loyal employee.

“Make sure she doesn’t speak,” I told Tara, pointing to what I meant. Tara didn’t make a sound as she ripped them easily, and stuffed them to Daria’s mouth, silencing her. Meanwhile, her other hand continued to caress Daria’s wetness.

Playing her role, being silenced like that increased Daria’s pleasure even more. Her body tensed as she started to react to Tara’s fingers even more, the aggression paying incredible dividends. It was fun to see that, despite her heroic persona, which was belligerent and dominant, she was acting like a party girl.

Soon, she started shuddering. “You lost,” I said even as I stopped teasing Tara, and walked to the other end of the table. However, even as I pulled her panties down, I was pulling out my shaft. “Now, it’s time for your punishment.”

She opened her mouth, not to argue, but to get her so-called punishment. Not that she looked torn up about the situation, even as her mouth parted, devouring my length completely.

Her gasp echoed in the room for a moment before it was muffled by my invasion. I pushed in deep mercilessly, invading her throat. Tara’s fingers weren’t any slower as they invaded her core, throwing her earlier slow pace away under my command.

Even as I invaded Daria’s throat, forcing her to gag repeatedly, my gaze was on Tara, sharing an intimate look. In any other situation, the gaze would have been romantic, but having a sexy redhead between us, behind treated as a toy, calling it romantic was a big stretch.

Still, I could see just how much Tara was enjoying the moment, which was a win. Even as she fingered Daria, her half-naked body swayed, putting her beautiful tits to a perfect display.

Soon, her body swayed even more, forcing her to spread her legs apart to maintain her balance. Her body arched back until it turned into a beautiful bridge, chest thrust towards her while her hands were still busy with Daria.

She didn’t stay in that position for long. Soon, her pleasure started to get too intense, and she started shivering, climaxing. All without a touch.

Meanwhile, Daria was busy gagging and moaning deliriously, losing herself even more than in our previous adventure. I kept my shaft in her throat, pushing her closer and closer to the unconsciousness. Yet, even as the lack of oxygen started to get overwhelming, she climaxed rather than panicking, intense enough for her to lose any sense.

I couldn’t help but chuckle as I realized something. For all her confidence in her power, I could push her a bit more, and she would fall unconscious. The great and scary Blue Princess, taken down by sex.

Yet, I pulled just before she fell unconscious. She was lucky that I was merely acting as if I worked for the Syndicate rather than actually working for them, or she would have likely ended up

Well, theoretically. There was also the chance that her power would activate automatically if she fell unconscious, but it was not something I could guess even with my power, if I was working for the Syndicate, it would have been a risk worth taking.

Though, for a moment, I wondered if it would be alright to push her, and make her destroy the bar. That way, I could get away from the Syndicate with relatively little loss, and even disappear safely. Instead, I pulled back.

The reason for it was simple.


Maybe it was arrogant, but after everything I had accomplished during my accidental bid, I got a taste of power. Maybe I could retreat safely by making her destroy the bar, but it would also make sure that I could never appear in the world of supers again. The heroes would treat me as a villain, while villains would treat me as a dangerous source of instability.

No, I thought even as I helped Daria stand up, enjoying the way she needed against me. I wouldn’t stop now, not when everything was aligned for me to make a bid for power. I didn’t need much. Just establishing myself as a third-rate power was enough to secure my living forever.

“W-what,” Daria muttered.

“You wanted to see the security records,” I said as I dragged her to my office. “Let’s go see them.”

“Shouldn’t I dress first,” she muttered.

“Oh, you won’t need your clothes yet,” I replied.

Yes, I didn’t want to give up my meager power just yet…


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