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Daria said nothing even as Tara removed her leather jacket and patted it before discarding it, just trembling with excitement, letting herself swept into the fantasy, showing enthusiasm for Tara’s involvement.

It was good. With Tara to potentially distract her, I could check her phone without alerting her. Not to mention, joining was a reward for Tara as well. I could see that she was excited even as she followed my commands perfectly.

Tara managed to hide her excitement somewhat. Daria wasn’t as successful as she was left wearing only her sexy boots, panties, and a misaligned tube top. Then, Tara grabbed her top and ripped it off with incredible ease. Daria moaned, going even deeper into the land of pleasure, even as her panties remained the only piece of clothing that protected her chastity.

Deficient protection. Luckily, she didn’t have much chastity to protect.

“Pat her down. We don’t want any skin-colored hidden patches transmitting information,” I said.

“Of course, I don’t …” Daria started, only for her argument to die as Tara followed my silent order, and put her hands on her stomach, caressing erotically. Daria’s gaze shifted, checking Tara from the mirror, who was still in her full biker gear. “I see. One can’t be too careful,” she complied.

As she said that, she put her elbows on the counter and propped her chin in her hand, studying me through her cloudy eyes and thick, long lashes, lost in pleasure yet utterly secure as her red hair sprawled. One of the things that appealed to me about her was that even though she used her charm and femininity relentlessly to look vulnerable, she had no concept of true vulnerability. Even as she leaned against the bar of a seedy establishment, being patted by a super, she was utterly confident.

Not that I could blame her after seeing her in action. Even with her waning powers, she was a true powerhouse.

Tempted to play with her further, I gestured for Tara to take her search slowly. She complied instantly, as her fingers danced on Daria’s stomach with a tender crawl. Daria was excited at first, but soon her eyes narrowed, realizing how slowly things were going.

I smirked, showing her that it was intentional. She stared at me in frustration for a moment. Then she tilted back her head, as if to accept the challenge. “Maybe I should make sure your bouncer doesn’t have a hidden camera as well. After all, my reputation is on the line,” she said.

Suddenly, I was very glad about our previous encounter. Before it, I could have never accepted such a suggestion without tipping her that I caught onto her identity. Luckily, after our adventure in the bike shop, it fitted our little dance perfectly.

“Well, as long as you can convince her,” I said. “After all, I can’t order my employee to get naked. It would be harassment.”

“And, that’s a crime.”

“Exactly, I would never dare to commit a crime,” I responded mockingly. Daria laughed, which was a beautiful sound, throaty and rich. The fact that it made her beautiful — and mostly naked — body tremble made her joy even more spectacular.

“If you say so,” she said even as I gestured to Tara again, and she walked toward one of the empty seats. Daria watched her saunter with great interest — as Tara might not be too experienced, but her abilities allowed her to learn how to walk sexy — before she sat down. Another hidden gesture from me, and she removed her helmet, revealing her face.

I expected her to be blushing and excited, yet she wore a stony expression. I was impressed. If it wasn’t for my power, I would have actually believed in her expression. However, under the surface, thanks to her micro-expressions, I could see her excitement battling with her shyness. Yet, to her credit, she managed to keep both bottled in.

Just because I ordered, showing me that, even after everything, I was underestimating the depths of her submissiveness.

Daria, on the other hand, just looked more excited. Since she lacked my ability to read people, she assumed that Tara was another dangerous criminal with great experience, which worked to feed her fantasy. Yet, even as she slowly closed in the distance, the way she shook her hips was aimed at me.

It continued even when she plopped herself on Tara’s lap, and started rubbing herself. It was a good lap dance, but I had to admit. I particularly enjoyed the fact that, even as she rubbed her body coyly against Tara, I enjoyed the fact that I was still the focus of her attention. And, the same was true for Tara. It was still a show for me.

The fact that two incredibly beautiful and powerful woman were doing their best to entertain me did good things for my ego. However, as much as I wanted to go and join them, I stayed in place. Instead, I smirked even as I poured myself a glass of my best bourbon, and watched them.

I had two reasons for it. First, I didn’t want to interrupt Tara’s reward. More importantly, Daria was clearly angling to seduce me, and while I planned to ultimately join that, it wasn’t something I wanted to do immediately. After all, unlike Tara, Daria was not a natural submissive. Her current vulnerable state was an excellent chance to graft some of those habits onto her.

But, before that, I needed to put her into a more receptive state. Time was on my side.

I watched as Daria rocked repeatedly on Tara’s lap, catching my gaze invitingly. I just took a sip from my drink, acting like I was watching a TV show, one that was entertaining enough to kill time, but not truly captivating.

The expression of frustration on her face was as beautiful as her naked body,. That soon turned into ambition as she stood up, only to sit back facing Tara. She pressed her face to Tara’s neck, slowly kissing while she grabbed her jacket and removed it, revealing the simple t-shirt underneath, one that still looked sexy as Tara’s nipples pressed against the white fabric to show her lack of a bra.

Her breasts were more honest than her face.

I couldn’t see Daria’s expression, but from her body language, I could guess that she was smirking. Without stopping to kiss her neck, she brought her hands lower and started playing with Tara’s nipples, twisting to earn a moan.

I barely held back a chuckle when I noticed Tara’s lack of chuckle. Tara was very vulnerable to some rough teasing, but there was a reason for it. The invulnerability aspect of her power didn’t work on a percentage. Instead, it activated for any pain above a certain threshold. With my power, I could easily stay below that, but Daria didn’t have the same experience.

Worse, when she noticed her lack of a reaction, she decided to squeeze even harder. It didn’t work either. I chuckled, while Daria wrote off the rougher side of the spectrum completely.

Instead, she grabbed Tara’s shirt, and pulled it up. Tara raised her arms, revealing her upper body. Daria froze as she pulled it up, looking at Tara’s tits in shock, not expecting them to be that big. Her reaction was understandable, as Tara had been wearing some deceptive clothing to hide her curves, which apparently succeeded even with their closeness.

Or maybe, she was just captured by their supernatural perkiness.

Either way, for the first time since she arrived, her attention was not on me. “Well, we have to make sure that nothing is hidden around them,” she growled, almost like their mere perfection was an insult to her. It was misguided at best, as while Tara’s tits were perfect, Daria had nothing to be ashamed of either.

However, I wasn’t bothered by that misunderstanding when Daria decided to get even by pressing her lips against Tara’s great expanse. Her lips danced on her tits, creating a beautiful spiral until she reached her target and captured Tara’s nipple, playing with it.

Then, a playful bite that stayed under her power threshold triggered a moan from Tara, finally giving Daria what she had been looking for. Her first explicit success was in her self-appointed seduction challenge.

 I chuckled even as I finished my drink and started walking toward them. I had let her play enough.

Now, it was time to join the fun.


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