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Thanks a lot for helping test this beta! For more info on this release please check out the announcement post, which also contains some general updates on other upcoming projects.

Installation Instructions

Simply download the attached .ankiaddon file and double-click it to install the add-on. Alternatively, if that doesn't work for you, you can also drag and drop the file onto the add-on window, as showcased here:

As always if you run into any issues or have any other feedback please do let me know! Also please don't hesitate to comment below if the add-on is working well for you. It's always great to get that confirmation with larger releases like this!

Thanks again for you amazing support, guys.

Take care

– Aristotelis



please fix the Cloze Overlapper, everyone's having a hard time with it, including myself :/

Joson Thomas

Love this add on! Is there any way you can add an option to auto-select "hard" and "easy" too?