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Hey folks,

Hope you've all been doing well, especially those of you going back to school or starting your studies in these still not completely normal times.

Development Update

As I'm sure you've noticed, I've veered a bit off my original release plans for September, and I wanted to start by apologizing for that. It turns out that I was a bit too optimistic on how much time it would require to get Progress Bar and Advanced Previewer over the finish line. Both projects are moving along well, but I clearly underestimated the scope of some of the tasks left to tackle – especially on Progress Bar's side where I've been dealing with a number of tricky issues with progress calculation in different learning step scenarios.

So I wanted to give you guys a quick update on the timeline. As of writing this, I expect:

  • Progress Bar to be ready to release on Patreon next week
  • Advanced Previewer to follow 1-2 weeks after that
  • Cloze Overlapper to be ready by the end of October / beginning of November

As far as the updates on development tools are concerned (this is more for the add-on developers among you):

I'm glad to say that the first stable release of pytest-anki, my testing tool for Anki add-ons, is almost done. I'm planning on introducing it to the community later next month which should hopefully benefit add-on development across the board. anki-addon-builder should follow soon after that. However, add-ons will have to take precedence as getting all of these releases into the hands of users is my first priority.

Again, my sincere apologies for the delays!

Speed Focus Mode v1.0.0-beta.1 Release

Alright, with that out of the way, let's get to the actual (and more fun) topic at hand: A new major version of Speed Focus Mode is here!

As with some of the previous add-ons in this years add-on extravaganza, v1.0.0-beta.1 marks a milestone release for the add-on, including a plethora of new features and fixes, alongside adjustments to make the add-on more robust against future Anki updates.

The full changelog follows below:


  • Added a button that stops automated events from firing ("More Time!"). Can be disabled in the new config file.
  • Added a hotkey that that does the same (configurable, set to p by default, thanks to AnKing for the inspiration)
  • Added a simple countdown, indicating the time until the next automated card action
  • You can now bury cards (thanks to NicolasCuri for the inspiration)
  • You can now mark cards as "good" in addition to "again" (thanks to JulyMorning for the feature request)
  • Added ability to launch card actions from the question side, skipping the answer reveal (e.g. to bury cards immediately, thanks to Ba for the suggestion)
  • Timers are now suspended automatically when opening dialogs
  • Timers are now suspended automatically when typing answer


  • Please note that Anki versions 2.1.45 and above ship with a new deck options menu that is not ready to be used by add-ons just yet. To access the old deck options and thus Speed Focus Mode's settings, please shift click on the "Options" entry after clicking on the gear icon next to a deck. Future versions of the add-on will add support for thew new deck options screen (as soon as the add-on API becomes stable)
  • sound.mp3 files should now be placed in the user_files directory to preserve them across add-on updates.
  • Some further code refactoring and reorganization to improve maintainability and support with upcoming Anki updates


  • Fixed an issue that would cause the add-on to produce an error message when opening the card browser in some scenarios (#38)
  • Fixed a compatibility issue with Clickable Tags, AnkiConnect, Review Heatmap, and other add-ons wrapping the dialog manager (#34, #28, #27, #23)
  • Dropped support for very old Anki versions. The minimum supported version is now 2.1.22.
  • Addressed an issue that would cause the alert not to play in some scenarios
  • Added a workaround to make Speed Focus Mode compatible with Advanced Review Bottom Bar


Unfamiliar with Speed Focus Mode? Then make sure to check out AnKing's tutorial (it's a bit older and refers to an earlier alternate version, but covers the basics well).

Ready to give the new release a try? Then make sure to look-out for the download post that will be coming up in a second for everyone at the Add-on Aficionado Support Tier and up!


– Glutanimate



Sven Müller

Hey, when will the Update for the progress bar be released :)?

Jacob Root

Hi, any updates for cloze overlapper?