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Hey everyone,

My apologies for somewhat flooding your inbox recently!

Earlier today I released an Anki 2.1 port of Visual Feedback which uncovered a bug in a component shared both by this new release and BetterTags v1.0.0. The error would only occur when both add-ons would be installed at the same time and was restricted to Anki versions 2.1.15 and lower, which unfortunately made it difficult to uncover ahead of time.

In any case, I just wanted to let you guys know that I've updated both the BetterTags and Visual Feedback download posts with new releases (v1.0.3 and v1.0.0-beta.2 respectively) that should fix this incompatibility. Please note that you will have to install both updates in order for the add-ons to work together. Even if you don't plan on using both add-ons, it's important that you upgrade whatever add-on you have installed in order to avoid conflicts with upcoming add-on releases.

Because Anki's in-app update check has not been up-to-date in a while now, my general advice would be to perform these updates even if you think you're on the latest Anki release  – just to be sure.

I'm sorry about any inconveniences all of this might have caused. With Anki's development evolving at a faster pace now, it has unfortunately become more and more difficult for add-on authors to test for all possible incompatibilities across all Anki releases (which you might have noticed by some of the recent troubles popular add-ons like Night Mode & Enhance Main Window also faced).

The overhauls to Anki's internals and add-on system in the upcoming 2.1.20 release should hopefully ameliorate the situation a bit. However, until then I will also work on upgrading my test array to catch rarer more obscure add-on conflicts like this one in the future.

Thanks again for your guys' diligent feedback on this – and a special shout-out to Joseph, Geraldo, Fernando, and Jeremy for taking the time to run through troubleshooting with me!

– Aristotelis (Glutanimate)


Bruce Zhang

Just an observation, the visual feedback add-on works great on Mac, however on my PC, the background of the image is black (although the PNG doesn't have a background, it appears black). Here's a screenshot: https://imgur.com/a/j26ZX2K


Thanks for the report, Bruce. Yeah, that's one of the known issues. Not sure why Windows isn't playing nicely on this, but I'm looking into it.

Kyle Bass

I'm on Anki 2.1.20 final release for Mac and BetterTags (1.0.3) is behaving fine in the browser but in the Add window, autocompletion for tags does not work in the Tags field. I tried disabling a bunch of other add-ons and it still doesn't work. When I disable BetterTags, the default autocompletion works fine, though I have to type tags from the beginning instead of with a keyword. Any idea what the problem might be?