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Important Update (2020-02-17): Due to a bug in their widget toolkit, Anki versions 2.1.17-2.1.19 do not properly work with AnJoy. If you are experiencing issues getting AnJoy to work, please upgrade to Anki 2.1.20 or later (not the alternate versions!) and try again.

The original post follows below.


Hi there, fellow Anki add-on aficionados!

Get your gamepads ready, as AnJoy for Anki is finally here!

Attached below you will find the first beta release of AnJoy. I've been using it for over a month, so it should be fairly stable.


Please note that AnJoy only works on standard builds of Anki 2.1.10 - 2.1.16, and 2.1.20 and up. Other versions and alternate builds are not supported due to the fact that they don't pack the required under-the-hood changes for the gamepad connection to work.

Installation, Use, and Configuration

Please see my earlier AnJoy intro post for a quick video tutorial on the add-on's installation, use, and configuration.

One point I forgot to mention is: If you used any existing controller remapping apps like Enjoyable / JoyToKey / AntiMicro in the past, my recommendation would be to uninstall or disable them. Otherwise you might end up with Anki performing actions twice.

Gamepad Compatibility

As mentioned in the intro post, most first-party controllers should be supported. However, as I only have an Xbox One controller at home, I would very much appreciate your help with testing various other peripherals. Any feedback on your experiences with the add-on across different gamepads, controllers, and operating systems would be greatly appreciated!

To submit your feedback, please either send me an email at ankiglutanimate@gmail.com or (ideally) file a bug report over at the GitHub repo I set up for bug tracking. You can also just comment below or send me message on Patreon, but as the formatting is a bit weird here, I would prefer one of the first two options if they work for you.

When submitting your report, please make sure to include the debug info provided by the "Copy debug info" button under Tools → AnJoy Options → Controller Layout. That will help me understand the layout of your controller and make it easier for me to investigate adding support for it.

Additional Version-Specific Notes

There are some limitations / known bugs you need to be aware of in this release. None of these are major, but in order for you not to be surprised I thought it would only make sense to mention them here:

  • This is more of an issue with gamepads in general, but some less common controllers will have weird layouts and button/stick assignments that might result in unexpected behavior. For instance, some USB SNES controllers will have the DPAD mapped to many different axes, and as a result the DPAD will not work with AnJoy. 
  • Similarly, some gamepad drivers will recognize the axis deviation incorrectly, leading to the analog controls (i.e. scrolling) constantly moving in one direction. Some of these issues can be worked around with by tweaking AnJoy's settings, especially in the controller layout tab, but I am working on addressing as many of these remaining unsupported corner cases I can.
  • AnJoy will currently not send a "keep awake" signal to your machine. I.e.: If you use the gamepad for longer periods of time without moving your mouse or typing on your keyboard, the screensaver (if configured) might kick in. This might depend on the operating system you're using. I am looking into ways to prevent that from happening.

Also, I wanted to mention some upcoming features that are not yet implemented in this release, that you might want to be aware of:

  • Support for sending custom key combinations to Anki using the gamepad (important for third-party add-on support). Already made a lot of progress on this, so this should be up next.
  • Working vibration and axis sensitivity sliders
  • Support for custom vibration patterns
  • The ability to use the analog sticks as a mouse replacement

Alright, I think that wraps it up for now. Hope you guys will find using your gamepad with Anki just as enjoyable as I did! Thanks again for all of your guys' support in making this add-on a reality!

Very much looking forward to your feedback!

Thanks again

– Glutanimate


Andranik Vasilyan

how can we map "pause" on this add-on, is it possible?

Fynn Treiber

Is it possible to map the "H" button to the controller button? To reveal images and additional infos? Thanks for your work!