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Update: The first pre-release of Cloze Overlapper v0.4.0 is available now!


Heya fellow Anki-istas!

It took me a bit longer than anticipated (and I am truly sorry about that), but I'm happy to announce that the 2.1 release of Cloze Overlapper is finally at the doorstep!

I am still running through a few tests as we speak, but starting this Friday, Cloze Overlapper v0.4.0 will be available as a limited time Patreon-exclusive release to all of you Add-on Aficionados out there!

To give you a small taste of what it holds in store, I've compiled a small sneak peek:

Outside of 2.1 support, one of the primary focuses for this release has been to modernize and streamline the card template. As part of that, Cloze Overlapper now sports a sleek hint reveal button that uncovers hidden clozes in place:

The template has also been updated to autoscroll your cards to the pertinent clozes, which should make learning long lists a breeze:

Last, we have a series of fancy new buttons that should add a bit more flair to your card editor:

Apart of these visual updates, v0.4.0 of Cloze Overlapper sports extensive under-the-hood changes, which make the add-on more stable, maintainable, and extensible than ever before.

With a solid new base set, more additions to Cloze Overlapper are soon to come. So stay tuned!

In closing, let me just once again stress that all of this would not have been possible without your support. Thank you so much for giving back to the Anki community, and for supporting my work! You guys truly are the best!

– Glutanimate



Hi there! What are the shortcuts for this add-on? For example, on Mac, to create a new cloze, I press Command + E. Is there another shortcut to create a new cloze, but with the same number as the last one?


Hey Iuri! The shortcut to create a cloze with the same index number should be Command + Option + Shift + C (same as the one Anki uses for its regular clozes). Though from the sounds of it you might have customized your keyboard assignments? Command + E sounds like a custom assignment (Anki's default for creating clozes is Command + Shift + C, Cloze Overlapper uses that also).

Andy Grey

Hi Glutanimate! Sorry to revive an old thread. I just noticed that there is an 'Override sibling spacing' option. Does this mean that I can leave the cards in my main deck, have 'Bury related' activated and the cloze cards will not get buried?