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I left the text in these roughs because I'm starting to feel a little bit more confident about it as I keep going. 

Dialog is always a struggle since drawing is my first language, not writing, but I am trying to work differently this go round by making sure the dialog is in before I start the fun part (final lines and color). It helps me stick with it  and insure I solve the dialog as I'm working, rather than procrastinating on it and leaving it for last.

It's probably pretty likely for the eagle-eyed among you that you'll see  a lot of dialog changes. Even with the last set of roughs, compared with the finished inks I made some last minute changes to panels.

I think everyone's a little fickle with their work but I think for me it's a little bit thinking of this all as cinema where you edit in and out what you show based on what you want the viewer's eyes to be focused on.

I took out a portrait of Holly in the second panel because I thought it's much more potent for Holly to express her forcefulness with a physical gesture than just with pointing and talking at Libby's girldick 😂

That's all I have for art talk today. :) Happy Friday everyone!
