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WOOF. The past two weeks have been brutal, friends. I'm sorry to say that I'm almost certainly going to be missing my end of the month deadlines.

My freelance schedule got all bungled up and condensed into the last two weeks of the month and it's thrown everything out the window. 😔

I'll talk more about it in my monthly report, but I'll be making a plan for making good on June goals in the first two weeks or so of July. I'm going to be cancelling at least one freelance job so I can have a better work schedule this next month and make the progress I want to on our projects here.

I'm sure many of you already suspected this month wasn't going to plan with my update schedule. I thought I'd be able to save it at the last minute but it seems not. In situations like this the only solution I have is to focus on one thing at a time, and reduce my future obligations/stress so I can have the breathing room I need.

Thank you for your patience and I'm looking forward to having a lot more to show you all in July.




Krys Ren

I feel so silly that I did not see it coming that the the book would be hers LMAO


Love the chapter! But also take care of yourself! Totally understand.


I'm a new patron but I want to say I've enjoyed your work for years! Timing conflicts happen, life happens. Hope you're going easy on yourself. We'll be here when you're ready 😊


Take care of yourself first and foremost, Wint! We're here no matter what ;3 And I love that page. The way you set the situation up, and the speech bubbles especially in the last panel are top notch yet again.


You’re all good, babe! Just take it one day at a time. It’s better stuff comes a bit later than stuff comes on time but you’re stressed and unhappy

Bowie Twombly

I don’t know how much Patreon goes towards actually supporting you financially, but if you are taking a cut to your financial well-being by losing the freelancing gig, I would rather wait longer and have you be better off. The last thing I think any of us want is for you to push yourself to the point where this becomes an obligation without passion, or even worse, something that is actively worsening your life. I’d rather you produce less work on a healthier schedule than to stick to some arbitrary quota decided before you know what the future actually held. That is going to be better for all of us who love your work in the long run. You already charge such an unbelievably low price for the quality and quantity of art we get in return, it’s alright to be flexible and accept that neither we nor the world we are in is consistent.


Just to echo the other comments, do what works for you, and don't stress it! The candor is appreciated, but trying to squeeze deadlines in can cause more stress than it's worth, and we're here to support you getting to do this, not making you do it. Take your time :)


Seconding everyone else here, take your time, you are worth it!


Ahaha oh Libby


Take as much time as you need, freelancing is brutal (I deal with it on the photography/cinematography side of things) so I echo what others are saying that you can push patreon stuff back if it means being able to get through your gigs. Also does this mean chapter 3 will be Greek themed 😯 if so I am so here for it 🏺

Aristotle Fellatrix

A: your obligations to yourself are always going to be more important than your obligations to us as patrons. I don't pay you money for your work; I give money to help you create when you can. That may seem like splitting hairs but I view payment and patronage as two very different things. B: That's a VERY spicy cover to that book. C: Libby is just all the drama and I love her.


Thank you for being a patron Kurbee!❤️ I'm glad you enjoy my work and I'm looking forward to getting back to it once I'm over this work hump!


Thank you Fuya!!❤️❤️❤️ That means a lot because I've been working on improving my speech bubble game this chapter! 😤


Waaaah ❤️ Bowie you're the sweetest. Normally I'm able to take pretty good care of myself in terms of my schedule but every once in a while some part of the work goes slowly, gets backed up, needs revisions, etc and then my schedule gets congested like this. Thank you for being patient! ❤️❤️


Thanks for understanding, Max❤️❤️ I try to be as forthcoming as possible about when I know my work is getting out of hand or going slowly. Mostly I am just looking forward to being a little bit more freed up so that I can get back to doing this work because it's really gratifying and fun to make❤️


Ahh yes, you definitely understand, C.C. ❤️ everything can go real smoothly for months and then one problem client just drags everything out of balance 😩


❤️❤️❤️ I appreciate that distinction a lot actually, Aristotle, I'm glad you see it that way too. For the artists I'm patrons of, I want them to feel free to take their work wherever they want it to go, instead of feeling particularly quota-driven. I tend to approach my work with more rigid output expectations just because I feel like that funnelling of creative energy helps me, but everyone's different. ❤️ I'm glad you enjoyed this page too 😁 I was looking for references and found that sculpture of hermaphroditus and I was like--perfect, done.


Dread it, run from it, clientzilla arrives all the same 🏙🦖


Take it easy man ,we know how it is!! It's better to have nothing but to know you're not overworking yourself to death!!