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Projects update: I'm trying to make sure that I deliver on my goals for the month, although I know I'm coming down to the wire on the CYOA and Libby CH2.
We'll see where I land in the end but I think I'll have more updates toward the end of the week than the beginning, just a heads up! 🖤 It might turn out that those goals don't get conveniently wrapped up by July 1st. :(

Art talk:

I don't think I did a very good job with Holly's staying on model (but I think I got her mischievous eyes right. It's the nature of traditional media to be unforgiving tho, so I accept it as a tradeoff for not having to stare at a screen. :)

Drawing traditionally is kinda jarring sometimes. I usually do my thumbnails for comics in this little sketchbook (it's one of those leuchtturm1917 A5 medium sketchbooks- the 120 gsm version, which is why the marker doesn't bleed through egregiously).




Aristotle Fellatrix

I adore that Holly is a member of the IBTC. Too many huge tiddies (sort of... can't have TOO many) in erotic art lately, so it's great to see different bodies!


Totally agree with this, the titty variety is why WK is one of my favorite artists lol


I agree with you, too much of a good thing is still a good thing, but variety is the spice of life 🤌


Oh wow!! To have a Libby sketch, the dream haha!!