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Here it is, gang! Thank you for the suggestions, I did my best to select the ones I thought would make for the best variety and fit my strengths :)

The TOTK and Street Fighter categories are broad, but I'll probably start with the character pictured!

Same as last time, multiple votes are allowed! Enjoy! 

🖤 Winton 


Rex Stultorum

I beg you please dont do TOTK its getting over used now :(

Baronesa Gansita

It's only letting me make one vote :/


May I humbly suggest Violynne, the violinist of the Stable Trotters in ToTK


I really want striga please make her trans too thatd be so dudhsbcba


I think Street Fighter would be fun, Castlevania would be fun to revisit; Always enjoy your takes on Zelda IP as well.


Begging you to do 18th century fashion pls pls I know you'd make it amazing


Striga and Morana! I so wanna see you do some angular butches.


I didn't even know there was a Castlevania series on Netflix before today, but now I'm a big simp for Striga 😍


Pleeeease give me more queen Sonia. There’s not nearly enough art of her


The thousands in attendance and the millions at home chanting MED-USA! MED-USA!


I had a feeling you were going to do queen Sonia since I first saw her, she’s VERY you 😄 I’ve been working on my own rendition of her for about a week now, though I’m sure you’ll do a better (and quicker) job than I did 😩


The horny theatre nerds would love for you to do a commedia piece, even though we know we stand no chance in a popular vote. Think of the arts!


I know I can only vote once but can I parley for striga and morana content?