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17 is still a little  WIP perhaps but good enough to show! Happy Saturday everyone! I'm going to take all the fantastic suggestions and put the new poll out tomorrow!





Are you going to put this series on your website?


Ohhh Libby <3


Yes! I was planning to update it when I'm closer to releasing chapter two, I tend to do website updates in batches


The cover of that book on page 18 looks familiar, but I can't identify it 🧐


Ahahaha, Libby's so desperate, I love it! 😆💕


It’s coming out absolutely amazing! (No pun intended 😅) I love Libby’s expression because I can really feel her panic and desperation. Even in the first box where she can’t stop herself from coming, you can see the mix of pleasure and panic. You’re doing fantastic!

John Storm

Hi, simply cute ☺


Hehe it's The Memory of Memories, the film art book from Katsuhiro Otomo. I've been talking about it with a friend a bunch recently


Aha! I’ve never heard of that book before, but the cover you drew made me think it was a manga. Maybe there’s a common thread there somewhere.


I can imagine! Sometimes I picture you snickering while drawing her like this 😂 Also to be honest I can't blame Libby - I wasn't aware how *tall* Holly is, goodness~ 😳🫠


Hehehe, it's true I relish it. I have a really doofy habit of making the faces I'm trying to draw, so I'm kinda suffering with Libby half the time lol I think Libby might also just be pretty short and it just becomes clear when a tall person stands next to her. I am also fairly bad at drawing characters consistently on model too whoopsie 🙃


Ehehe, I've seen that on friends as well, it's endearing actually. And super funny to watch *hrm* lol I'm totally a fan of height differences like that one 👀 That makes Libby even cuter in my opinion. Eh, that's fine as long as you get across what you want to bring across, no? 🤔


Oh, Libby. You disaster